Main Script Hacking, Part 2

15 years ago by Mato

Really pushing hard to get this main script hacking moving, but it’s going to be slow-going for a while I think, it’s that complicated and it’s very time-consuming.

Luckily though, I did manage to make some good progress. Remember the mystery of the missing letters from the earlier update? Well, I finally figured it out and fixed it. Spent maybe 8 hours total and the hack turned out to be a one byte change. Commence excessively violent watermelon-smashing… now.

  • Before

  • After

This might not seem like that big of a deal, but when I tried it out in various places real quick, the effect was amazing. It’s really starting to look like it’s coming together, and it’s looking more and more like an official release 😯 What’s more, remember how that sparrow used to cause this? Recent fixes eliminated that sort of memory corruption, but the other day I found that talking to the sparrow then going to battle would still result in a crash. But after this fix, I tested things a bit and battles work A-OK after talking to the sparrow. Awesome. I get the feeling more testing in that area will be necessary, but it’s a great sign that things are clearing themselves up as other things are being fixed elsewhere. Means less time needed to hack, and less time overall.

The main script hacking still has a lot of other things that need fixing though, so this was just one of the things. Here are a couple other things I can think of right off the top of my head.

  • Moving the strings in RAM, so we can have at least 210 letters. In theory this should be easy, I’ve done this countless times now, but man oh man is the main script code all twisty and complicated. BTW, here are 210 letters on the screen at once. If we can get that to work, we’ll be set, and text can be awesome and seemingly-unlimited.
  • Fix the problem when text is set to Fast. See the earlier update. This is more an issue with my hack’s design than anything. I think it just needs a good chunk of free time and coffee. However, I’m currently low on both 🙁
  • Fix all the Block 0 text routines. Block 0 is a special (and big) block of main script text that’s used in unusual ways. More on this when we get there. There’s a quick example of it in that giant video from last month, though.
  • Making sure script-related bugs/crashes/freezes are finally gone. Like I mentioned, this is already going better than I imagined.

None of them are impossibly hard, they just need a lot of time. So don’t panic if updates aren’t as quick as they have been in the past week or two. If things slow down and you find yourself bored, I recommend checking out Gemini’s Persona 2 Innocent Sin dev blog too, it’s a lot like this one and also revolves around a neglected, bizarre Japanese RPG.

Have a happy night!

Posted on Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 at 11:54 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

147 Responses to “Main Script Hacking, Part 2”

  1. Austin said 15 years ago:

    great job get the main script hack DONE!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. GoldyK said 15 years ago:

    Good job there Mato,
    Another step to the end.
    Which is pretty near!

  3. Nick said 15 years ago:

    Already smashed my watermelon! 😀

  4. Unnatural20 said 15 years ago:

    :O Mato, you are like the best guy ever.

  5. GoldyK said 15 years ago:

    Persona Three is good.
    I wonder what Two is like.
    I should try it out.

  6. Troy said 15 years ago:

    You Mato are a true hero! You work on this for the sake of the Mother series in America and Europe. Bravo!

  7. Sheik said 15 years ago:

    Grrrrrrreat job! You guys are making progress and history! 🙂

  8. Cas said 15 years ago:

    I’ve totally smashed a watermelon in your name.

  9. Ephraim225 said 15 years ago:

    That’s why Lucas was in SMASH Bros. LOL.

  10. GoldyK said 15 years ago:

    Syllable count off.
    In my last post, miscounted
    *one epic headdesk*

  11. Sheik said 15 years ago:

    Grrrreat! You’re making progress and history! 🙂

  12. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I actually think I have an idea on how to allow 200+ letters without moving stuff in RAM. But it’s late. Now I just know I’m going to dream about this hack. I hate those dreams.

  13. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Figures. I guess that one byte change was to fix one of the evil bit flags you found? That’s nasty 🙁

    But it’s good that you understand the code better now, because that will make your hacks a lot more bulletproof.

  14. Corncracker said 15 years ago:

    Actually in 5-10 years no one will even remember Mato here and all his hard work.

    He will become nothing more then a fable told to our children to get them to sleep at night.

    But remember Mato, we still love you.

  15. madlobster said 15 years ago:

    Mato, I know exactly what you mean about those dreams. I once dreamed that I was chased down a river by base 256 Klingons. (Don’t ask what it means for a Klingon to be base 256, I have no idea why, except it had to do with base 256 pseudoprimes.).

  16. Anna said 15 years ago:

    Heh, first I’ve seen a PS1 game translation project! Very cool, and I wonder if it’s easier what with less hardware limitations and larger media.

    Also go go Mato I believe in you! 😀

  17. Magus said 15 years ago:

    There ARE ways to not dream about said hack.

    Though they tend to involve far too much alcohol for your liver’s own good.

  18. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Corncracker: I hope it becomes one of those scary kids stories, where like the witch throws kids in the even to eat them and stuff.

  19. madlobster said 15 years ago:

    Also, I once dreamed that God showed me the source code to the Universe. To my horror, the whole thing was written in COBOL.

  20. sKaNkPiT!!! said 15 years ago:

    is the source code available for that mother3funland application? id like to see exactly how you’re hacking sometime out of curiousity. looks like you’re using some version of Visual Studio.

  21. TheMetroidMan said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato I got a simple question for yah. After the patch is released onn (insert future date) will you update this blog to provide traffic information about how many people are downloading the patch weekly? I wanna know how many people really are devoted to this series and potentially would have boughten the game. Thanks!

  22. shawnji_us said 15 years ago:

    Thanks for all your hard work Mato. I’m a fan of all you’ve done for the anime and gaming community; official and unofficial.

    As a side note, I really want to get my feet wet on a fan translation project of some kind. I feel like my Japanese skills are getting rusty from being back home for so long and the lack of conversation partners. Are there any other games from the 80’s and 90’s that you’d personaly like to see adapted into English besides Far East of Eden?

  23. Jeffrey said 15 years ago:

    This is looking pretty sweet! I can’t wait until the Main Script Hacking is finished!

  24. Effluvium said 15 years ago:

    It’s not just a light… now you can actually see what’s on the other side of the tunnel. It’s exciting… and tends to make one a little impatient, but. I still think you need to relax more, Tomato. Working as much as you do can’t be healthy. If you’re starting to get frazzled, take a little time off the project, and don’t think about the impatient fans — your health and sanity is more important. (And we don’t want the project – or your real work – suffering because you’re stretched too thin.)

    That said, you never cease to amaze. We’re all cheering for you, and applaud every little difficulty you overcome. I look forward to your next victory.

  25. trebulator said 15 years ago:

    Oh? Blue highlight on your posts, Mato? Has someone been pretending to be you? Haha!

    As always, GODLY progress!! You are the best tomato ever!

  26. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    Looks fantastic, Mato boo boo boo zoom

  27. greedytuesday said 15 years ago:

    thank you

  28. gilligan156 said 15 years ago:

    Can I buy you some coffee?

  29. Anna said 15 years ago:

    Oh hey Mato any chance you can explain what that one byte change changed? I’m curious 🙂

  30. Andrigaar said 15 years ago:

    Heh, a shoutout to Gemini’s project–which I’ve been following as diligently as this for a month or three… I really don’t remember.

    You guys both seem to be front-running it as assembly hacking wizards. Frightens me when I think back to the days of the SoM2 hack and how it took them forever and a day just to hack out a full dump of the encrypted script.

  31. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    I’m not sure, but I’m halfway positive that it changed one of those evil, scary and undocumented bit flags to the proper value 🙂

    As for the dream, maybe you’ll get lucky and it will contain Boob Wizards instead of evil ROM code? I thought your “boo boo boo” text in the test hacks above got cut off for a second…

  32. brandnizzlebaby said 15 years ago:

    woohoo mato!!! good work buddy. you mentioned innocent sin. are you a fan of the persona series as well? if not you should check it out. good stuff.

  33. CurtyV said 15 years ago:

    GO GO GO GO…

    <3 your work.

  34. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Then again, your dream will probably turn out like this…

    ~~~ Mato’s Dream ~~~

    Late at night, deep in the ヘクスの森 (Forest of Hex) surrounded by untranslated tidbits and rough drafts, our hero, Mato, is cornered by a full byte-allion of evil bits. In desperation, he cries out for help, but half of his letters are missing! He attacks with his masterwork hacking tool +1, but there are simply too many evil bits and not enough time. Exhausted, he reaches into his bag, only to find out that he’s out of coffee!

    Is this the end for our hero?

    No! A bright pink 女 symbol flashes across the full moon! It’s the Boob Wizards coming to his rescue! Striking striking poses while chanting the incantation ‘mammae!’ to cast sexy beams, they make short work of the evil bits. Meanwhile, Mato gathers the last of his strength and lunges at the Menu Programmer who was controlling the evil bits from the shadows, forcing him to withdraw.

    Tune in next week! Same sexy beam time, same sexy beam channel!

    [The crazy thing is that I bet Mitch could turn this into a manga and it wouldn’t seem the least bit weird or out of place among the others I’ve seen…]

  35. Div03 said 15 years ago:

    Gettin there..

    You’re doing a great job, Mato.

  36. Izzy said 15 years ago:

    Keep up the good work, Mato!

    It’s always amazing to see how a single-byte change can fix several things(Possibly, anyways… There’s always tests to be done…), but so frustrating at the same time because of how long it takes to find that one byte that fixes it…

    Can’t wait to play the finished product(Is it all right if I call it a product, since it’s not being sold or anything? What would the correct term be?)!

    Now if I could just find my copy of Earthbound…

  37. tibbs said 15 years ago:

    According to Nintendo, you can’t use “the START Button” you must say “Press START”, both for GBA and DS. Sorry to be picky… ^^;

  38. Cole said 15 years ago:

    Thank you so much for the link to the Persona 2 Innocent Sin translation blog. I’ve been waiting for someone to translate it because I don’t want to only play the second half of the story. *goes off to play Persona 3*

  39. Duffman247 said 15 years ago:

    wow…. i wish people would just wait to pick apart the text in the screenshots.

    Mato you should write down names and tell them they can’t have it.

    Well thats what i would do, and i’m a mean kinda guy.

    Waiting for mitch’s latest artwork….

  40. Zeph101 said 15 years ago:

    This is looking great
    Can’t wait till it’s finished.
    Thank you so much Mato and Jeff (and everyone else):)
    As you guys get closer and closer to completing the hack, it makes me kinda sad. I’ve really enjoyed coming hear to read up on the progress and occasionally post replies. It’s going to be kinda sad when it’s all over.
    Oh well, at least you guys will be giving us a sweet going away present XD.

  41. Alexy Pachinov said 15 years ago:

    You are doing this good thing. I am rejoicing. Please Mato you come and I give you a wedding to any of my daughters. and my hat. You are wonderful.

  42. ALX said 15 years ago:

    Get ‘er done!

  43. Inzoum said 15 years ago:

    Any update on the things Jeffman’s been working on?

  44. Jau said 15 years ago:

    Wait, Innocent Sin is being translated!

    Anyways, great job on the hack, I would love to see the main script get crossed off the To-do list.

  45. Vague Rant said 15 years ago:

    “You Mato are a true hero! You work on this for the sake of the Mother series in America and Europe. Bravo!”

    I have my fingers crossed that he’ll do an Australian version after that.

  46. Nathaniel said 15 years ago:

    You’re a trooper, Mato. Great job!

  47. 8BitWalugi said 15 years ago:

    that light at the end of the tunnel? it’s basicly waving hello now!

  48. sunzo132 said 15 years ago:

    Great job, your efforts wont go in vain. 🙂

  49. Relinquished said 15 years ago:

    Mato, keep on trucking man! You’re like the first thing I check whenever I turn on my laptop! These updates are more addicting than facebook 😛

  50. Itoi's love child said 15 years ago:

    This totally made my day Mato! I wasn’t expecting another update for a while.
    Not to sound demanding, but if you had the time, could you make a new video of the current progress and show what left to hack?

  51. lawtey_boy said 15 years ago:

    blue blue …


    I am drawn to your highlighted text

    blue blue …

  52. HevYn said 15 years ago:

    Hi, good luck with the rest of all the main script ^^ sounds time-consuming…

    Anyways you know in the pictures that you show us, arent the names in the grey boxes supposed to fit exaclt to the names? (like on the first pic on our right of the “nice ghost”) or is it something else?

  53. MaiXu said 15 years ago:

    I had one of those dreams about RAM and hacking. I was in a London train station and buying tickets with a woman I didn’t know, and suddenly my RAM came up to me and I realized I had no British pounds and had no idea what I was doing.

    Damn, RAM? I mean brother.

  54. Vague Rant said 15 years ago:

    “Anyways you know in the pictures that you show us, arent the names in the grey boxes supposed to fit exaclt to the names? (like on the first pic on our right of the “nice ghost”) or is it something else?”

    Haha, man, this one never gets old. It works the same way it does in the Japanese version, there’s a minimum width for the grey bar, and beyond that width it stretches. Sparrow is apparently smaller than that width.

    Maybe you don’t have enough RAM to understand this, MaiXu, but there’s such a thing as brotherly love. (Hint: it’s almost an Arrested Development quote.)

  55. lumberjack said 15 years ago:

    where can i get a flash cart

  56. Tarik said 15 years ago:

    hey mato is your work now similar to the great work cruch of april? Man oh man, those of us who were around for that reacall the 400+ comments in the blogs, hanging on every word you said as you struggled to meet those deadlines…

    But you made it. And you kicked sprite text’s ass.

    Perhaps you should make a sub to-do list to reflect the multiple parts of this hack….

    Keep on truckin’!

  57. Golden Eevee said 15 years ago:

    After this, will you make Boob Wizards 1?

  58. Mato said 15 years ago:

    tibbs: Actually, I looked and you’re right. Well, for some reason, they want it as “Start” for U.S. English, for all other languages it’s listed as “START”. Which is weird. That’s all stuff that I’ll fix in the 2nd draft and/or the final pass.

  59. Action 52 said 15 years ago:

    Very odd, Mato, but it looks like this “Persona 2” fan translation thingy has a font that looks strangely like EarthBound O.O

  60. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Been playing around with some of the early text and formatting it so the game won’t barf. This is really exciting stuff — even though it’s still in an early crippled form and needs lots of internal fixing, the text is looking awesome. There’s a game in this pile of crazy code 😯

    Man, I can’t wait until I can start on the next draft, the text work is fun, the hacking work is vomit-tastic.

  61. Just a Commenter said 15 years ago:

    Mato: A probably reason for having it be “Start” in US and “START” in other languages is that start is actually a word in English, whereas START is mostly just a label in other languages.

  62. GoldyK said 15 years ago:

    It seems I forgot
    Need To Smash: Watermelon
    *Grabs the Casey Bat*

  63. Anna said 15 years ago:

    Haha Action 52, I was thinking the same thing. When fonts get so small though, and you’re going for the sans-serif look, the differences can only be so great 🙂

    Also Mato, any chance of a quick explanation of what that one-byte change did? 😀

  64. That Guy said 15 years ago:

    woah there havent been any recent updates and i was getting scared lol

  65. Unsavory Maggot said 15 years ago:

    HOLY WOW TOMATO! I had no idea about Persona 2, or that it even needed an english translation. 🙂 I LOVE Persona 3 though, so I’ll definately add Gemini’s translation page to my bookmarks. Wow, infact, that whole Innocent Sin reference finally makes sense in Persona 3. 😮 I think I’m in love all over again. Certainly I’m curious about Persona 1 now. 😮 Tomato, Gemini, Nightwolve, Gideon, and every hacker affiliated with these hackers, you’re all so awesome! All this effort makes me happier than a pig in mud! 😀

  66. hasone said 15 years ago:

    mato: do you have any fancy screenshots for us?

  67. Reanzet said 15 years ago:

    There’s a game in the Code Jungle? Whoopie! Now to tame it…

  68. ty said 15 years ago:

    wow such great news. Mato I am very proud of you. If there is any way I can buy you some coffee please let me know.

  69. Mato said 15 years ago:

    sKaNkPiT!!!: Jeff’s the one who wrote the funland program, but it’s pretty technical and probably not really good for anything but our purposes. We’ve already been discussing things for an M3 version of PK Hack though, if it’s text-editing you wanna do. Or if you’re just curious how his program works, I guess he can answer you better than me. I think he wrote it in C# or something.

    TheMetroidMan: I don’t know about weekly, but I’ll probably provide stats like that once in a while. I’m hoping people will be nice and dload the patch from here — prepatched ROMs tend to be troublesome (which I can say from past experiences, like the prepatched Bahamut Lagoon stuff that used a bad dump and a patch on top of another patch heh), plus it would make it less clear how many people are playing it. I really hope we can make it into the 6 digits, that would be so awesome.

    shawnji_us: I actually used to have a page on my site for games that would be cool to translate or have translated. I put the old pages back up just for fun, see here.

    Anna: It’s complicated but simple at the same time. What it all boils down to is I had to make the game clear more data in RAM than it originally did. Jeff’s fix many months back rearranged things in RAM, but the game was still deleting the original amount. There’s more to it than that but that’s the easy answer.

    Andrigaar: Gemini is way way way way more skilled than I am or ever will be. If I could eat anyone’s brains, it would be his.

    Alexy Pachinov: Thanks for the marriage offer, but I’m not a hatosexual.

    Inzoum: Jeff’s been hard at work on stuff, but mostly internal stuff and other stuff that he’ll probably talk about at a later date. He did fix a bunch of stuff a few days ago, though I think we already mentioned that in the earlier post.

    Itoi’s love child: The big video from last month should suffice for a long while. The fixes since involve things like end of game spoilers and other little things that aren’t super obvious.

    HevYn: argh @ this question yet again. Here’s a copy-paste from the last post.

    There’s a minimum size the box is, and if a name happens to be bigger than that, the game will expand the box a little bit, but it’s in like 16 or 32 pixel increments or something, so it’s not pixel-perfect in relation to the name’s length. That’s how the original game does it, and the English version does the same.

    Tarik: Yes, though I’m not faring as well this time 🙁 Gotta finish this stupid hack sooooon

    hasone: Sure.

  70. Gomer3a said 15 years ago:

    Your doing great work Mato. But like I asked last time will the unused boss be made fightable without cheatcodes. I want to see the boss in action (not just a ripped sprite sheet.)

    PS. Whoever asked about a game to hack, I suggest RPG Tsukura Advance. Its been out since early 2000s yet none has treded soil on it or keep the project alive.

    [look out for SPACELAND, early 2011/late 2012]

  71. Mesousa said 15 years ago:

    I totally dig the manekineko fighting a giant robot in Far East of Eden Zero.

  72. hasone said 15 years ago:

    mato: How much time did it take you to put that together? Did you just have it lying around somewhere, waiting for just the right moment?

  73. Gomer3a said 15 years ago:

    Mato, do you have a shirt with “POWER TO THE PLAYERS” on it. If not you so need 1.

  74. TheMetroidMan said 15 years ago:

    Dude Mato if you translated that SNES Goemon game that would be the coolest thing ever. Goemon is awesome but its such a Japanese game that Americans hardly ever appreciate it over here even if they are bawesome. Do it up! But….finish Mother 3 first please hehe!

  75. Psychomax said 15 years ago:

    Mato, I know exactly what you mean by “the dreams.” I once had a nightmare that I slept through a test because I didn’t program my alarm correctly. :S

    But hey! Mother 3 is starting to look like a game! AWESOME!

  76. mitch said 15 years ago:


  77. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    Goemon rules so hard. Maybe someday more of the SNES games will get translated…

  78. GoldyK said 15 years ago:

    I saw your drawing.
    But I have something to say:
    I do not get it.

  79. wasp2020 said 15 years ago:

    Yes! checked just in time for Mitch’s comic…

  80. Devin said 15 years ago:

    What’s with your haikus?
    I really wish you’d stop them.
    They’re quite annoying.

  81. Drü said 15 years ago:

    GoldyK: NO! If you use the Casey Bat to hit the watermelon… then there’s a 3/5 chance you’ll miss and just SMAAASH your foot! Then who will provide delicious haikus for us?

  82. Poe said 15 years ago:

    mitch!! Your pictures are cool and I’ve only just recently been paying attention to the comments here, so I’ve missed a lot of them. Do you have them all in a gallery somewhere so that I may see them all?

  83. wasp2020 said 15 years ago:

    ^ I would also like to know. I only have about a dozen myself…

  84. GoldyK said 15 years ago:

    Don’t worry you guys.
    I did indeed smash my foot.
    But I can still type.

  85. StageProps said 15 years ago:

    Mitch: I would have given Mato a keyblade and Sora’s hair in that picture, just to make it a total cliché.

  86. buttfrenzy said 15 years ago:

    I can’t conjure free time out of nothing, but I can buy coffee. You need a paypal button so I can buy you some. Or a pint. But don’t hack while you’re drunk. Unless you have godly hacking powers while intoxicated. If that’s the case, I’ll buy you several pints :3

  87. Caleb said 15 years ago:

    Yahtzee mentioned Mother 3 in his review of SSBB. Has anyone shot him an e-mail about this fan translation?

  88. SAM-E-BOI said 15 years ago:


  89. rkotm said 15 years ago:

    does answering comments take a good amount of time better spent on other things like answering me and everyone else? Me and im sure everyone else appreciates you dearly answering our questions, as more and more come up towards the almost end..

    Youre not slacking/lagging/slowing at your REAL job are you cause of this hack are you?

  90. Master of Ramen said 15 years ago:

    When this patch is released, I wonder if you guys should sell it to NOA so they can get off their lazy buns and give us an ACTUAL COMMERCIAL RELEASE IN AMERICA. Sounds like a good idea to me.

  91. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Mato, do you find translating to be fun?

    Anyway, awesome work, even though I’m sure that by the end of June we might have something like : Main Script hacking, Part 6743

  92. mitch said 15 years ago:

    Gosh. People like my silly drawings that much? Sure. I’ll make a gallery tonight.

  93. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    please do. Your style of drawing is awesome, and it’s helped me out with my art a bit too, so double thx

  94. GoldyK said 15 years ago:

    Yes mitch, Please do that.
    Since I’m your third Strongest Fan,
    I would enjoy it.

  95. Unsavory Maggot said 15 years ago:

    That’d be a great idea, if it weren’t completely illegal. If Tomato publically released the patch, and then sold it to Nintendo so that they could sell the patch to people who already have the patch distributed by Tomato in the first place, what exactly would be the whole point of that? 😉

  96. Coconut of Enlightenment said 15 years ago:

    You just made my day, team. I hope the rest of those fixes prove to be easy ones. It looks like the text speed problem might be problematic, though.
    Please don’t give up hacking because once the hacks are in place, the translation starts, which probably means we’ll get a whole lot more screens and movies from the game, which I love. 🙂

  97. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    I’m sure once there’s absolutely no hacking left, there’ll be updates all the time

  98. Mato said 15 years ago:

    When there’s nothing much left to hack, I actually expect updates to be much less regular. While I’m doing the 2nd draft, updates will probably be like “XX percent done with draft 2” every few days. When it goes to the editing team, I expect it might get very quiet actually.

  99. Eaze-C said 15 years ago:

    Hey, Mato I checked my friend’s locker and it actually said “Boku ga kidA da” not “Boku ga kidO da” does this change anything?

  100. blueflare said 15 years ago:

    I’m so excited… This is gonna be incredible.

  101. Will said 15 years ago:

    Mitch – I don’t like your drawings at all, but I encourage you to put them all in one folder so they will be easier to avoid. Just kidding, they are fantastic.

  102. Harveyjames said 15 years ago:

    Instead of letting the blog get quiet towards the end, you should have someone, maybe a guest blogger, post little recaps and fun things like that, so we can all remember what an AMAZING RIDE it’s been

    Like remember that craziness with the blueberry treasure hunt? that would make for an interesting post. Then mitch’s drawings could make another post. Or just notable obstacles you’ve oversome. So many stories to tell!

  103. Penguinguy said 15 years ago:

    Those older pages were interesting. Especially Goemon 4. After playing every Goemon game available, I have to say that my favorite is still Goemon’s Great Adventure for N64. Maybe just because blocky N64 graphics appeal to me.
    You haven’t ever worked on a Goemon translation project, have you?

  104. Gentleman Scholar said 15 years ago:

    Mato – Let me know if you need coffee. Shoot me an email ^^

  105. Mato said 15 years ago:

    EmpoleMew: I see your message in there. You should probably know it’s not a good idea to bring that stuff up here, but anyway, for 1. not sure yet, probably the latter but dunno and 2. yes and it works perfectly.

  106. Coconut of Enlightenment said 15 years ago:

    Aww…fewer updates. But I want to see screenshots of the second and third drafts in action.

  107. Destrudo said 15 years ago:

    I like the PLEASE NOTE message. XD

  108. Majoras Mask said 15 years ago:

    Finally fixed the sparrow? 😉

  109. blahmoomoo said 15 years ago:

    Mato: It appears that the directory is restricted, preventing people from seeing the UFO images that are linked off of that one page. I’m not a squirrel and I don’t think a UFO is made of rice.

  110. Mato said 15 years ago:

    blahmoomoo: No, I just didn’t restore those pages/pics. Those game pages you see there are from years ago, I’m not gonna throw the entire old site back up or anything 😛

  111. triangle said 15 years ago:

    Okay—- So do i have this right? We’re at the point where main text can flow pretty much perfect, except that we’re still limited to a number of characters on the screen..which you need to fix so that when you translate it, you can translate it without limitations? If so…then waw dude, we can almost taste it now… except we cant really eat it yet untill a bunchhhh of other stuff is taken care of.

    Mitch: Can i suggest that you draw a depiction of the menu programmer and the battle programmer?

  112. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    > Hey, Mato I checked my friend’s locker and it actually said “Boku ga kidA da” not “Boku ga kidO da” does this change anything?

    Written in English letters, not hiragana or katakana, right?

    IMHO, it makes it that much more likely that he misheard them say “Boku ga kira da” (“I am Kira.”) on Death Note when trying to transcribe it 🙂

    For those who haven’t seen Death Note, “Kira” is supposed to be the English word “killer” and is the code name given to Light Yagami, because his identity as the mass murderer behind the Kira killings isn’t known to the media.

    At least, that makes far more sense to me than someone calling themselves Kida…

  113. Reanzet said 15 years ago:

    Im guessing Mitch’s picture is from Final Fantasy VII? it looks like the final area, though I’m not quite sure

  114. Kumatora said 15 years ago:

    Mitch? Sorry I don’t know FFVII. XD

    Great to see it’s coming along well!

  115. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Well, I found out how to make the game only do 1 letter even when it’s set to Fast. I can make it do the exact same thing Medium does, or I can make it do Fast stuff except only 1 letter. I think it plays the text sound longer than it should if I do the latter. Will test more.

    I’m not really fond of this fix, it’s less of a fix than a cop-out. If I can’t figure stuff out soon though, maybe I’ll go with this.

  116. mitch said 15 years ago:

    Okay, I’m finally done with my site. I put a gallery up of all of the images I had in my images folder. I don’t know if that’s all of them, but frankly I don’t even remember.

    Also, the image I did today isn’t really from anything. I just liked the way it looked. 😛

  117. Paige(Halfmetal Alchemist) said 15 years ago:

    Every update makes me happy. 🙂 Keep up the good work!

    Oh, and lol @ the before picture, looks like it’s saying ‘test boob’. Baha.

  118. FramerJ said 15 years ago:

    Mitch, your pictures are awesome and very uplifting to the situation. Your work is appreciated just as much as the actual translation. Keep it up dude.

  119. TLS1988 said 15 years ago:

    Wow!! I didn’t know they were translating Inocent Sin!! Thank you for informing me Mato!! Some people already did a script translation. It includes some of the menues too.
    Here’s the address if anyone wants it.

  120. retrohippie said 15 years ago:

    soooo close, soooo close. good job mato!

  121. FooDude said 15 years ago:

    You are my hero! Keep going!

  122. Triple10X said 15 years ago:

    Haha, awesome to see all of them in one place Mitch – nice!

  123. Reanzet said 15 years ago:

    oh…well…*throws a smoke bomb and escapes*

  124. wasp2020 said 15 years ago:

    very spiffy mitch, very spiffy indeed

  125. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Awesome Gallery, Mitch

  126. Micheal Lewis said 15 years ago:

    Great Job guys keep up the good work. This is like waiting for ssbb all over again. lol. Thanx alot.

  127. neonix said 15 years ago:

    “Press Start to praise Mato and his team.”

  128. KMeist Hax said 15 years ago:

    Michael Lewis – Except this is better than SSBB, and way less overhyped.

  129. Sam said 15 years ago:

    Awesome!!!!! Can’t wait!

  130. Serge said 15 years ago:

    Whenever you are done with the full thing, and in nyc. I shall treat you to beer and other alcoholic drinks.

  131. Coconut of Enlightenment said 15 years ago:

    I probably won’t even use the fast text speed. I never did so with EarthBound or any other RPG, so why should I for EB2? So I don’t care either way, though if I were you I would probably worry my head off until I finally made something that resembles the original method.
    Hey, sometimes we programmers can be tough on ourselves 🙁

  132. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Yeah, the more I try the cheating method the less I like it. I’ve spent way too much time on this stupid odd-numbers-of-letters problem, so I’m gonna try to do the “add an extra blank letter if it’s odd” idea, but in an easier-to-do spot. I must’ve spent 20 hours total on this stupid even/odd crap, and the game refuses to budge.

  133. Moonside said 15 years ago:

    Mitch’s latest drawing makes me think that Mato is in the Sea of Eden and that the Main Script Hack is “Mato’s Nightmare”. Or something.

  134. D said 15 years ago:

    So this is like the last major hacking thing left to do now right? Awesome so you are close to being finished then… nice work.

  135. shawnji_us said 15 years ago:

    Thanks for the link! I’m gonna’ look around at hacking tutorials and software and see how far I can get into it without getting in over my head.

  136. Mato said 15 years ago:

    OK, I thiiiiiiiiink I might’ve got it. Not sure. Need some more testing.

    I had it automatically enter that “a” since there’d have been an odd # of letters there otherwise. I’ll switch it to a blank later. Gotta add one more check and then test.

  137. Eaze-C said 15 years ago:

    HOLY S***!!! Mato knows Spanish! Que sorpresa!

  138. Magus said 15 years ago:

    …Mato knows many languages. He probably knows R2 language.

  139. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I used to know it as much as I know Japanese now, but then I started learning Japanese and then they got all mixed up for a while and eventually Japanese won. I can still read it decently well though.

  140. triangle said 15 years ago:

    Owhhh i sense an update coming 🙂 (but shouldn’t you be sleeping, Mato, dude..?)

  141. Eaze-C said 15 years ago:

    I think Japanese is easier if you know Spanish because of the similar sounding syllables.

  142. Jeffrey said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato, I have a quick question: what it the program you use to edit text called? I can’t seem to find a text editor anywhere. What is yours called and where can I find it?

  143. Clawclaw said 15 years ago:

    Hey, I am a test boob too!

  144. hollow said 15 years ago:

    The water is coming out of his nose? The world may never know.

  145. motherfan23 said 15 years ago:

    hey guys, i just wanna say, i think this is an awesome project.
    i would like to aid in any way possible. just let me know.

  146. Inzoum said 15 years ago:

    Mato said: Actually, I looked and you’re right. Well, for some reason, they want it as “Start” for U.S. English, for all other languages it’s listed as “START”. Which is weird.

    This seems fairly common when translating function/button names on electronic devices. I can tell you both JVC and iCom have the same way of doing things as far as these things go, in except for French, where regulations prohibit the use of english without its french-translated counterpart -somewhere on the document-, which would give something like: “Appuyez sur START (démarrer)” for “Press Start”

    You can look at several multi-lingual instruction manuals for electronic devices and see stuff like that… Usually these are capitalized so that the wording matches whatever’s printed on the device/screen next to the button/function but without looking like a regular word in the sentence that wouldn’t be part of said language. If that makes any sense.

  147. Long Pants said 15 years ago:

    That sparrow gave me nightmares…