Upcoming updates to the blog

15 years ago by reidman

Hey folks, just a quick blog update (unrelated to the translation itself): I’ve highlighted author posts so it’ll be easier for you guys to pick Mato’s comments out, since he uses the commenting system as a mini-blog sometimes, heh.

I’m going to be upgrading our WordPress installation soon, probably tonight. Everything will be backed up, but there’s a slim possibility that it will act a little weird or possibly be down for a short while. Also, ROFISH and I are thinking about using this site for a beta test of the new Fangamer forum software we’ve written. Let me know what you guys think, since these blog comments aren’t always conducive to easy-to-follow conversations ;D

Posted on Tuesday, May 20th, 2008 at 5:51 pm by reidman, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

64 Responses to “Upcoming updates to the blog”

  1. ... said 15 years ago:

    Well, that’s good. Just hope everything is going smooth with the translation.

  2. BGX88 said 15 years ago:


  3. Eaze-C said 15 years ago:

    Yeah, new update.

  4. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I was hoping you’d be able to make it so any of us admins’ posts would be highlighted, ah well. Still useful though.

  5. sunzo132 said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato, I was wondering, when do you work on the project? Do you work on it right after you do your real life job or when you have free time?

  6. EarthBoundRules said 15 years ago:

    Cool idea!

  7. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I work on things randomly. It’s not a very good way of working, to be honest. I’m trying to make things more regemented, but all this sudden progress the past few weeks sort of came from siphoning time from real life work and other real life stuff. I want to get this main script hack done ASAP more than anyone so I can finally relax and take things at a nicer pace. So when people bug me/yell at me to hurry up, it’s like I don’t need you to tell me argh πŸ˜›

  8. sunzo132 said 15 years ago:

    lol, I know how that can feel. Well, I do appreciate what you are doing. You don’t need to rush. I have a gift at waiting for videogames for a long time.

  9. Berticus said 15 years ago:

    Hi i’ll be hacking the blog rom to make it easier to understand for visitors from outer space

  10. Super3dcow said 15 years ago:

    “Also, ROFISH and I are thinking about using this site for a beta test of the new Fangamer forum software we’ve written.”

    What is this Fangamer software you speak of? What does it do?

  11. Devin said 15 years ago:

    Awesome! Now it’ll be easier to see Mato’s comments.

  12. someone said 15 years ago:

    Finally I dont have to keep looking for the red name and… This was posted by Reidman?!? THis is a first (for me.)

  13. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Nah, Reidman has posted before, I think. JeffMan, too.

    For those who were looking for ROM patching help, read the last few comments in the story before this one, BTW πŸ™‚

  14. Majora said 15 years ago:

    odd, in the previous update, mato’s posts are highlighted, but in this one, they arn’t.

  15. ok said 15 years ago:

    i had The Strangest Dream of Last Night… Mato talk to me.. He Say to Me.. “ok.. i ahve secret to Let you of Knowing.. you Must Not Tell the World my SecreT” and I say “Ok mato but the Fans Must KNOW!” and Mato say “Fine Fine but Here is Secret.. I Smoke Meth..to Make Good Hacking.. I am not Proud.. but I Smoke Many Methamphetamine for my Readers.. For the People Who Needing Mother 3… Sorry.” and Me Say “That Ok Mato.. You Good Hacker..”

  16. BFM said 15 years ago:


  17. Poo said 15 years ago:

    Mato, I think you’re putting more effort into this than professional translation teams. I just started playing FFVI, and all the text looks like crap. Your translation is so much more pleasing to the eye.

  18. Reanzet said 15 years ago:

    Mato’s life now (as I know it):

    What Mato’s life needs to be (desirable):
    workwork relax hack workwork relax hack sleep(something like that)

    Bottom line, you need more time to devote to relaxing (and sleeping). Really, you do.

  19. NecrosaroIII said 15 years ago:

    Majora, i think the reason is because Tomato didn’t write this update. It highlights whoever wrote the blog entry.

  20. neonix said 15 years ago:

    Yea, it’d be great if admin posts were higlighted somehow. It’d be a lot easier to find Mato’s mini-updates.

    I like the idea of having a forum here, and it’ll be cool to test a new board system that’s being worked on.

  21. Mato said 15 years ago:

    To be honest, I’m a bit against the idea of a forum, it’s not really needed, makes things seem more tacky and like “hey hey hey look pay attention to me hey”, and I’d probably not participate myself. Also can lead to unneeded drama and blah blah plenty of other bad things. I’m not against like making a forum on sm.net (or I guess a test forum like reid wants) to keep the unrelated posts off of here, but we can already just point people to the M3 boards on sm.net.

    Anyway, I’d prefer to keep things as they are myself. If you guys need people to test your forum software, go ahead and ask people to test it for you, I’d rather not connect it to the project though.

  22. Durelle said 15 years ago:

    # Super3dcow said 35 minutes ago:

    β€œAlso, ROFISH and I are thinking about using this site for a beta test of the new Fangamer forum software we’ve written.”

    What is this Fangamer software you speak of? What does it do?


  23. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Mato, Have you ever suddenly gotten a huge rush of hacking inspiration while at work and couldn’t wait to get home and try it out?

  24. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I work at home πŸ˜› Which is both good and bad. Need the discipline of a turtle hermit to work like this, I tell ya.

  25. hasone said 15 years ago:

    Mato: my hat’s off to ye. I tried working at home for a bit, and I found myself taking breaks every half-hour to go check out something interesting on the interwebs.

  26. Dr Haisook said 15 years ago:

    Best of luck on the blog update.
    I just hope this damn translation gets released ASAP!!!!! I just can’t wait anymoooooore!!!!!


  27. Eaze-C said 15 years ago:

    LOL, what with pron, anime, pron, games, pron, hentai, pron, and youtube videos…did i say pron?

  28. reidman said 15 years ago:

    I thought it might help if there was a place where people could carry on their questions/conversations outside of the comments, since it’s pretty daunting for non-daily-visitors to wade through hundreds of unsorted replies per post. That’s the main reason I don’t keep up with the comments, anyway.

    But I understand the drama potential and I’m not very well acquainted with the hacky scene and how it might be perceived, so I won’t pursue it any further.

    Also, I was going to try to make it so that all admin posts get highlighted, but then I figured it would be a better idea to upgrade WordPress first in case it breaks something. I’ll see if I can get that working tonight after the upgradeador.

  29. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I mean, I see the point in having a forum to get all these non-related topics off, but then we already have forums at starmen.net, so maybe somewhere on the blog we should link people to the proper forum for off-topic stuff. Maybe a M3 Blog Offtopic special board might suffice, if you wanna use your stuff as a test in that way, that’s okay. But I think maybe I’m getting this kneejerk reaction because the idea of “forums” for this site is bad, while an offtopic “board” would be fine.

  30. Excitable Boy said 15 years ago:

    There are some raunchy and wonky forums out there, I don’t wanna see this turn into one.

  31. Magus said 15 years ago:

    But I like the raunchy and the…well…I dunno what wonky means right now (tiiirrreed)…but I like the raunchy.

  32. Eaze-C said 15 years ago:

    …and the sexy…

  33. A person said 15 years ago:

    What program do you use to do the translation?

  34. Mato said 15 years ago:

    MS Paint and Windows Movie Maker.

    No, actually, it’s pretty much all custom-made stuff. You can see some pics in the Previews section.

  35. neonix said 15 years ago:

    woooo paint

  36. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    > Need the discipline of a turtle hermit to work like this, I tell ya.

    Discipline? I seem to remember Master Roshi losing his discipline every time a pretty girl came anywhere nearby…

    You might need even more πŸ™‚

    Then again, if Master Roshi had ever studied to turn the kamehameha into a sexy beam attack, I guess he’d have studied pretty hard …

  37. Majora said 15 years ago:

    paint is the chuck norris of programs

    It allowed me to turn a pic of a landmaster into a chocolate landmaster for my Willy Wonka smashbros.com update. lol

  38. sergiofriend said 15 years ago:

    its possible that the patch could came out on June 2nd? just a quick question… πŸ˜›

  39. Mato said 15 years ago:

    No, it won’t be out for many months.

  40. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    Ooh… pretty blue box… I like it.

  41. PizzaPasta said 15 years ago:

    What about on June 32nd?

  42. Ironfist said 15 years ago:


    well thats okay i still gotta beat earthbound

  43. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Actually, is there any way you could make the blue stand out a little better reid? Like a darker hue, or maybe a border or something. I barely notice the blue right now.

  44. Jerkman Senior said 15 years ago:

    Hey, I was just wondering when the release date for the final patch is, what percentage the project is at, and also i had this friend one time that hacked and translated star ocean in 5 days.

  45. PizzaPasta said 15 years ago:

    I heard that it will come out on June 3200, 20784391. That’s coming up pretty soon.

  46. Mato said 15 years ago:

    The translation is negative z percent done and has 3000 calories.

    Anyway, last hour or two has been hand-tracing code out. This is always as tedious as hell, but this is where the tough hacks get figured out. Still a lot to trace, this text system’s pretty hefty.

  47. Sparks said 15 years ago:

    Chug along chug along! good luck Matosan!

  48. PizzaPasta said 15 years ago:

    Keep at it Mato! If I could send you a work robot I would.

  49. Kingsley90210 said 15 years ago:

    I love it when people ask what the percentage of the project is or when it will be out even though there’s a HUGE image right before the comment box.

  50. Anna said 15 years ago:

    I suggest putting something right above the comment thing about where PLEASE NOTE! is that allows Mato and friends to change the warnings to update with the latest “NO REALLY STOP TALKING/ASKING ABOUT THIS” topic du jour πŸ˜›

    Also I agree that a forum is a bit overkill and is going to get dumb fast–see the mother3.org forums. D: However I think a starmen.net special forum and a tad more integration between that and here would be nice. Nothing fancy just some links back and forth, and maybe the posts could link to a thread on the board to discuss the latest entry a bit more casually or something.

  51. Reanzet said 15 years ago:

    well, seeing you put up a post saying “I’m hand-tracing code out” sounds like a mini-update to me! Updates show big steps in progress while mini-updates show advances within advances(I hope that makes sense). Some progress is better than none, and SLEEP IS BETTER THAN NO SLEEP

  52. Kumatora said 15 years ago:

    OK no problem. Hope it goes well.

  53. Adolfo said 15 years ago:

    Leave the things the way they are, they are fine, we are no guinea pigs to be used in tests

  54. shadowdeku said 15 years ago:

    just as a question for mato: IF nintendo decides to get off their lazy ass and put earthbound on the virtual console, which would you put more time into, this project or earthbound?

  55. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I’ve played EB a zillion times and there are thousands and thousands of people waiting for M3, so I’d stay focused on M3 of course.


    Anyway, I just finished tracing one loop of this huge important routine. Took like 3 hours argh, just for one loop. And this routine gets called inside an even bigger loop, so might have to go mess with that bigger loop next. I hope not.

  56. Redlandsman87 said 15 years ago:

    You show that loop who’s boss!

  57. Habiib said 15 years ago:

    Not to be rude, but that’s getting old…

  58. KKH3049 said 15 years ago:

    I don’t see any special color for mato and Gang. Howcome?

  59. Asuyuka said 15 years ago:

    Awesome =4

  60. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:

    I presume you’ll still buy it, though. Right?

  61. Lynn said 15 years ago:

    According to wikipedia, and we all know that if its on wiki its definitely true, earthbound is coming out for virtual console.

  62. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Hmm, I think I’m an idiot, the problem was probably pretty obvious, will check now. Only problem is, it involves something else that I’m gonna have to fix soon too (allowing for longer strings in memory) so bleh. Anyway, will look now.

  63. reidman said 15 years ago:

    Unfortunately that’s not true πŸ™ It has been rated by the ESRB, but that’s no guarantee. The game’s situation, as far as we know, hasn’t improved much (which is why the ESRB rating was such a surprise). I’m remaining skeptical for the time being — I still think the game is in danger of never being released.

  64. TBird said 15 years ago:

    My policy, if you stay skeptical life will be full of surprises.