Second Draft, Part 4

15 years ago by Mato

Another late night update. As you can see, Draft 2 stands at 42.61% now. We’re in the 40s, hopefully we’ll be in the 50s in a few days. Unlike before, there wasn’t much duplicate text this time around, so it’s been very exhausting work. But slowly we’re moving away from the text used in the central areas and branching out to interesting new areas. Lots of cut scenes and text-heavy lines too, so the % change doesn’t reflect the amount of work done very well.

By the way, for those following along with the map viewer, this latest batch covered maps 36-65.

Some more random pics from the latest batch of Draft 2 progress.

  • He should use eyedrops then

  • This sound so very EarthBound-ish

  • Itoi’s masterful writing in action

  • Is this how people get Photoshop?

And as always, hacking progress continues in the background. It’s mostly little stuff right now. Once Draft 2 is done, I’ll go back and help finish up the rest of the minor hacking, if Jeff doesn’t finish it all first ๐Ÿ˜›

Anyway, I should reiterate that there are still several more months left until this thing is done. Draft 2 will still take a month or more, there’s the rest of the little hacking, testing, etc. And that’s not even counting Draft 3, which could take who knows how long, maybe a week, maybe many weeks. But we’re getting close enough that we’re now starting to plan and organize for release day stuff. For example, if anyone has GOOD suggestions on how to e-mail 30,000 people without incident, please let us know ๐Ÿ˜›

More on that kind of stuff later probably. For now, Draft 2 continues, and minor hacking continues. And thanks to everyone who’s been helping me with stuff when I post mini-updates. Really helps get the creativity flowing. You guys rock ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted on Friday, June 6th, 2008 at 1:47 am by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

330 Responses to “Second Draft, Part 4”

  1. Luminaire said 15 years ago:

    Good job Mato, keep it up!

  2. Tarik said 15 years ago:

    well done mato. its good to see everything is coming along so nicely!

  3. Struttng evil mushroom said 15 years ago:

    Yeah!! Good job Mato:) Your almost there!

  4. Drkirby said 15 years ago:

    Well, one thing that may help with the email is to just make it delete duplicates. I could see people putting there email in more then once. Could cut down on a few 100 emails.

  5. Tsukuyomi said 15 years ago:

    Hm. Sending that many emails without getting alot of Mailer Returns would be difficult, seeing how alot could be deactivated by now. But it is amazing to see that many people interested. Great work so far! Seeing an update every few days just makes living worth-while. Thank you!

  6. Gyiyg said 15 years ago:

    Mato, Mato, Mato, Mato, Mato, Mato, Mato, Mato

    This… is… g…o…o…d…

  7. Jay6 said 15 years ago:

    I like seeing progress. Helps to keep fans waiting, I guess.

  8. seedvt said 15 years ago:

    Nice work Mato.

  9. AkuArashi said 15 years ago:

    I’ve watched this site since it was first put up, and I’ve been very pleased with the way this translation has been handled. You don’t keep us all in the dark and at the same time, you don’t give us false impressions. When I come here, I know that you’ll most likely have an update, and in said update you’ll fill us in on any changes in progress. I’ve watched so many fan projects where they either didn’t keep us informed, or kept us far too informed. So, good job! Keep up the great work, and take as long as you guys feel you need to take.

  10. evansucks said 15 years ago:

    I also appreciate the continual updates. I love looking forward to this game being translated. After this, only one left is Policenauts.

  11. evansucks said 15 years ago:

    correction: shining force III scenario 2 and 3 also.

  12. Pilot said 15 years ago:

    nice work.

  13. Jak1437 said 15 years ago:

    I love ____.

  14. madlobster said 15 years ago:

    How to e-mail 30,000 people? Not sure. But you could take me off the list. madlobster at, I believe is the address I used. I check this blog about 5-10 times a day, so I don’t need notified.

    Now, you just need to figure out how to notify 29,999 people. ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. Ben said 15 years ago:

    I can provide you with some ridiculous hosting and might have a solution to your email dilemma. Please email me.

  16. reidman said 15 years ago:

    Heheh, if your emailing idea is too secret to reveal in public then we probably don’t want to use it ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. Mur said 15 years ago:

    put them in a giant string and paste it in google mail and hope for the best?

  18. Jenova said 15 years ago:

    Man…checking back here everyday for updates has become a way of life for me.

  19. Orry said 15 years ago:

    30,000 carrier pigeons, each with a tiny plastic Starman attached to its foot.

    It will arrive at the recepient’s window at precisely 4:20 PM the afternoon of release day. Pecking timidly at the window, it leaves it bounty before its identity is discovered.

    Inside the Starman, a note.

    Welcome to th

    The world shall know, and with the setting sun of the afternoon comes bliss.

  20. J. said 15 years ago:

    awesome. this is mindblowing stuff. I beat the first chapter in Japanese, but it’s just not Earthbound without the text.

  21. Smitty said 15 years ago:

    It’s good to see progress. I’ve had a shitty day and I came online and saw this update and it made the day a little less shittier.

    So, thank you for being gods!!!
    I blow kisses in your general direction…

  22. Kirk said 15 years ago:

    Well, this is good news. I’ve tried to stick with you all through this epic battle, but my HP is running short and my ISP is being a knocker of the fart persuasion. I’ll try to keep up with you guys with public wifi <_ ‘.’ )>

  23. Lieutenant Dan said 15 years ago:

    can’t you compile them easily into a list of some sort, then paste the list into the “to” box? prolly too simple. I do have friends that maintain massive list-servs, but not as big as 3,000. I could ask one of them, mato.

  24. Lieutenant Dan said 15 years ago:

    Oh, 30,000>3,000… lol. Even less simple.

  25. Tokoro said 15 years ago:

    Man, Mato, this is epic. I’ve beaten it in japanese, but like someone else said, it’s not the same without text^^; It’s looking really awesome, and I wish you the best of luck finishing it^^

    P.S. I’ve been watching this site for a long time :3 but haven’t posted before.

  26. NatrapsX said 15 years ago:

    Good work as always! As for the e-mail problem, perhaps many volunteers armed with cases of red-bull and bags of coffee beans could get the job done…

  27. bunz said 15 years ago:

    Even though no one wants to hear several more months its still great that you are making so much progress. Now by several how many do you meen. I think 6+ for several. I hope thats notthe case.

  28. neonix said 15 years ago:


  29. Simon Adler said 15 years ago:

    6 months is awesome. id say more like 4 or 5 with the way things look though ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Vague Rant said 15 years ago:

    Ask Nintendo to use their newsletter service.

  31. diablow said 15 years ago:

    E-mailing is so last century, now all news are published through RSS feeds.

  32. Mr Eltee said 15 years ago:

    Good sir, I’d just like to say that no matter how awesome you think people are being… guys are still much more awesome than anyone else. Keep it up.


  33. Zeph101 said 15 years ago:

    You guys are more awesome than Ninjas with guitars. XD.

  34. Fredrik said 15 years ago:

    This is awesome.

  35. Dark Hamsterlord said 15 years ago:

    That guy in the first screenshot… He looks.. Familiar..

    As if he’s an NPC straight from Earthbound..

  36. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Mato just said we rock… there can be no greater honor…

  37. roxahris said 15 years ago:

    Wow! This is awesome!
    And it’s pretty good for it to happen on my birthday, too!

  38. Snuffy said 15 years ago:

    Whats so good about ths is the now the blog doesnt seem like little bits of information anymore. Its starting to look like every little post in this blog is coming together finally.

  39. Foffano said 15 years ago:

    Send a telepathic message… Paula did it with… Hummm… 6 billions? And worked… ^_^

  40. LOL said 15 years ago:


  41. YoshiAngemon said 15 years ago:

    Hope it doesn’t take TOO long! I mean, I wouldn’t wanna wait a year to play this in english.

  42. Will said 15 years ago:

    I use a program called MaxBulk Mailer that could do the trick. You can dump the email addresses in either in text or Excel format and then specify what address you would like to send from (as not to clutter a real address with bounce backs). There are also a fair number of such as sending the message in batches (or all at once) and reviewing the message to make sure it is not read by various email programs as spam.

    Let me know if I can help!

  43. Moulinoski said 15 years ago:

    Oh wow. XD That NPC over there described me perfectly. I had so many hamburgers and food by the time I finished Earthbound, that I didn’t know WHAT to do with them! XD

    G’job, Tomato!

  44. grandleon said 15 years ago:

    Today was a semi-depressing day for me. I did something really stupid while playing M3. I was trying to get the emulator to record a video, when it accidentally overwrited my save file. I was in chapter 7, and now I’m back in Chapter 4. AUGH. Guess I’ll wait till you guys are done.

    This here blog brightened my day up a little, so thanks for that Mato (and co.) ๐Ÿ˜€
    It’s nice to know you guys are so devoted to getting M3 in our grubby, sweaty hands.

  45. Sparks said 15 years ago:

    I don’t know if this will help the mass emailing that must occur, but here is an open source mailing list server that Georgia Tech uses. www dot sympa dot org. Good luck Mato, as always you are the Mahn!

  46. Sparks said 15 years ago:

    Oh yeah JeffMan, you are awesome too!

  47. andy said 15 years ago:

    awesome! Its gettin so closseeee! I just can’t wait! The release day should have something really special going on.. Like another massive phone siege or something, letting em know that Mother 3 is in English, whether they like it or not!

  48. dk2300 said 15 years ago:

    My best advice is to send it out in batches (sadly i think the normal limit is like 200 an hour to not be flaged for spam.)Maby set up 10 accounts that all send 200 an hour, Will still take almost a full day that way but might be the most reliable way to get them out. Well of course if you have a couple of mail servers that you can bounce between you can do it much easier, but i would assume if you id you wouldnt have the problem heh.

  49. Old West said 15 years ago:


  50. Thundercross said 15 years ago:

    How to e-mail 30k people without incident, huh? I take it you’re worried about it getting flagged as spam to a lot of people? That’s gonna be a tricky one.

    I suggest doing a dry run of this ahead of time. Send everyone an e-mail to let us know that the patch is almost ready, and ask us to visit the site to confirm that we got the e-mail, but don’t send any weird links. That might set off a few red flags.

    If all turns out well, I don’t think 30k would set off too many red flags, since the site this links to is quite far from being suspicious.

    I think we need an expert on spam filters to come in here if that’s what Mato’s worried about.

  51. MarkShark said 15 years ago:

    It’s kind of like what madlobster said. So many of us check this blog daily that a handful of us won’t need to be emailed like we thought we would when we joined the mailing list.

    But boy do I love Orry’s idea.

    Keep up the good work, Mato and Jeff.

  52. That One Guy said 15 years ago:

    Awesome. Almost halfway there!

  53. Genowing said 15 years ago:

    Get a Program to do the Mailing for ya?

  54. Shaun said 15 years ago:

    Partition the emails into groups of say, 200, as indicated above. Get a team put together of people that seem somewhat reliable. When the release happens, email them. In turn, they will forward the email you give them to the people on their lists.

  55. That Guy said 15 years ago:


  56. Judzilla said 15 years ago:

    This rocks out! Mato, you and the rest of the translation team are gods. We are not worthy!

  57. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    Why don’t you just use linux with a e-mail program that uses the command prompt.

    Then just write a simple c program with a loop that goes through the entire list and sends them a simple e-mail.

  58. Jawstrock said 15 years ago:

    30 k email? Try and find what spammers use and then abuse it…

    Works well for them no? ๐Ÿ˜€ (Although if oyu have alot of say Yahoo emails or hotmail, sending that many at once might flag said email as spam…. *shrug*

  59. Will said 15 years ago:

    I think Mato asked that question just to impress us with the size of his email list…. I’m sure Mr. Tech Savvy already has a program/method lined up. No?

  60. PizzaPasta said 15 years ago:

    You should call a temp agency and hire temps to help with the e-mails. Call Office Team in Columbus, OH and ask for PizzaPasta.

  61. Jau said 15 years ago:

    Great Job, your saving people from seeing Mother 3 spoilers early…somehow…

  62. GIANTSTEP said 15 years ago:


  63. Roll said 15 years ago:

    Why draft 3 ;_;? TT.TT

  64. Karma said 15 years ago:

    We don’t rock, sir. It is you, Mato, who clearly rocks.

    We are merely those who love and admire you as a god, as unworthy as we are.

    Ok, enough sucking up.

    Seriously though… Sucking up aside, you do rock.

  65. Dr. Hobo said 15 years ago:

    I did a quick search, and it looks like you’re going to have to buy something if you want to send the 30,000+ E-mails. Unless you want Jeffman to make a virus that makes the infected computers send the E-mails, like all other mass E-mailers do.

    Or what If you got a select few people you know and trust to help? Like an army of volunteers, spreading the M3 love!

  66. Action 52 said 15 years ago:

    You know Mato, just to support you, I made this:
    Mother3 spoilers ahead

  67. Anthony said 15 years ago:

    Well,it’s the first time I wrote something…
    I follow the project since it’s beginning.
    GOOD WORK GUYS, I know hard hard it is to hack everything.
    One of the best team i’ve seen so far .
    Maybe I know a way to send these mail to everyone.
    I wrote a script for my job that maybe will help to send them in one batch. Email me if you’re interrested!
    Sorry for this poor english, I’m from Quรฉbec. ๐Ÿ˜›

  68. Crosby86 said 15 years ago:

    PK Email’N!

  69. 7ucky said 15 years ago:

    An amazing read as always, Mato! Keep up the great work!

  70. kite said 15 years ago:

    wait until 8-12 hours after the release to send the notification email, and in the ‘now released’ update, ask peopel to put their email into a new list, peopel who asked to be emailed, and have grabbed it before the emails got sent, have whatever mailer you use not send to anythign on both lists?

  71. Alerek said 15 years ago:

    “A Complete FREE Bulk Email Software!

    WorldCast is a powerful Internet email-marketing application which is perfect for individuals or businesses sending out multiple customized email messages to their customers..”

    Try that~

  72. Mr-M-azing said 15 years ago:

    not to be off topic sorta ( sorry if i am) but how exactly do you use the menu patch v1.5 for mother 3 (japanese)? i have the emulator and mother 3 but i don’t know how to use them both together.

  73. Dr Haisook said 15 years ago:

    Thanks for all the hard work. I just wanna add that this game looks incredibly beautiful, doesn’t it?

  74. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Mr-M-azing: See this

  75. xlr0 said 15 years ago:

    i luv u guys(as brothers)

  76. Mr-M-azing said 15 years ago:

    thanks Mato ^_^

  77. ncsbert said 15 years ago:

    Reggie is preparing to push his “Stop” button.

    Don’t do it Reggie! Go back to selling non-games like Wii Fit!

  78. Kyle said 15 years ago:

    While I don’t know much about bulk mailing, I got to thinking about the actual distribution of the patch when the time comes.

    Have you considered using BitTorrent? I realize the patch won’t be very big, but with 30,000+ downloads, the bandwidth adds up very fast. BitTorrent would at least let those of us with bandwidth to spare share in the distribution.

  79. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Yes, we’ve already been discussing that stuff, and we have a number of options we’ll probably be using. There’ll definitely be a direct download link though, along with whatever else we go with.

  80. Elementary Penguin said 15 years ago:

    wow, Mato says we rock ^^
    well in that case, Mato you’re Psi Rockin!

    (Jeffman worked through the night. After being fixed, the various hack bugs were fixed) You’re Psi Rockin’ too Jeffman!

    And these guys Psi Rock too: Chewy, Demi, Gideon Zhi, sblurr, byuu, Exophase, Kevin, Harmony7, Doctor Fedora, and Klarth

    I PK Love you all!!!

  81. Bob said 15 years ago:


  82. Mother3Anticipator said 15 years ago:

    30,000+ emails is gonna be tricky no matter how you do it. My suggestion is to sign up for a free gmail account (or any other service you think will be fine). Send out the email from that address, that way if it is marked as spam and the account is closed, you don’t need it anyway. Also, on an individual level, having the notice sent to a spam folder isn’t really too big of an issue, as it’s simply a matter of opening the folder and deciding whether or not to check the email. The majority of users should be able to handle checking their spam folders. Anyone who can’t figure out how to check their spam folder probably wouldn’t be able to patch a Mother3 rom in the first place, so it’s probably of little consequence if they never get the notice.

    Either way good luck with that issue. And THANKS A MILLION FOR WHAT YOU ARE DOING! I cant wait. ๐Ÿ™‚

  83. agoodflyingbird said 15 years ago:

    this is fantastic. to echo everyone else: cannot wait!

  84. stevenmoop said 15 years ago:

    hey, just wanted to say thanks for all the awesome work you guys are doing. (I originally had an Earthbound reference to work that into but all the good ones were taken)

    Just a quick question though, will the patch be able to be applied on a mac? I know mato doesn’t use them, but does anyone know how to apply patches on a mac? I tried with the menu patch but I just simply wasn’t smart enough to get it to work ๐Ÿ™ oh, and sorry if this question is already somewhere else on the forum, I searched and couldn’t find one though, so I thought I’d ask here

  85. PK Mr.Saturnstorm said 15 years ago:



    K-E-E-P I-T U-P-!

    You cannot grasp the true nature of this glomp!

  86. MeiRose said 15 years ago:

    Hi. Long time fan, first time poster. First and foremost, my sincere thanks to the awesome crew working on this project. Second, does “testing on various platforms” include the flashcart for a DS by chance? :]

  87. Mato said 15 years ago:

    stevenmoop: Yes, there will be a Mac version of the patch program, and it’s very easy to use. The only other thing to worry about is getting a Mac GBA emulator, so make sure you look around and find one that works well on your computer.

  88. Mato said 15 years ago:

    MeiRose: Yes, testing will be done on real hardware and on emulators.

  89. Namikus said 15 years ago:

    This is so great you guys, keep up the good work. You have know idea how generous you are for doing this.

  90. stevenmoop said 15 years ago:

    oh ok, thank you very much ๐Ÿ™‚ an emulator shouldn’t be too hard to find, I’ll search around

  91. TheJorsh AKA PianoGameboy said 15 years ago:

    Maybe if you split the list up,
    and send it from a few different people that might work.
    they should have put you in Smash Bros. Brawl…

  92. Drรผ said 15 years ago:

    So . . . the two Mac GBA Emulators I’ve tried are giving me problems.

    I can’t save. At all. Not even save states; and when I try to save in-game, I receive a notice complaining about lack of battery save something or other.

    I got fed up and tried playing Crono Trigger on an SNES emulator and I had the same stupid problem.

    What am I doing wrong?? Can someone message me or link me to a page on the forums that discusses these sort of troubleshooting issues??

    And, Mato, I’m very proud. I love that you are pacing yourself. You . . . are pacing yourself . . . right??

  93. TheJorsh AKA PianoGameboy said 15 years ago:

    Oh yeah,
    Someone probably already said this,
    but if you take off the people that already come here 5 times a day that will shorten the list by about 5,000-10,000 people.

  94. shadowdeku said 15 years ago:

    he mato, you guys may have thought this out already, but…

    what if the site crashes because of everybody trying to download the translation patch. i can understand bittorrent, etc. as a solution but we’ll still probably have to come here to find links

  95. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:

    I think they’ve said they’re well prepared for it.

  96. mike k said 15 years ago:

    I have an idea for the emailing thing. Have fifty people volunteer to help email and then each person would only have to do 60 emails or so. Also, people from the message boards most likely will not have to recieve emails since they know what is going on.

  97. Mato said 15 years ago:

    My current estimate is about 50,000 patch dloads the first day. So like I mentioned, we’re planning how we’re going to do things. We have a number of decent options available. But we might have to turn this blog off for a few days. I do know we’ll have a very simple static page up when the patch is released, I even made a quick mockup for the web guys to chew on and improve.

    Somebody asked earlier about how many months my vague wording referred to. I’m still thinking 4 months-ish, too early to tell for sure but that seems like a reasonable estimate at this moment. But it’s certainly not a guarantee or promise ๐Ÿ˜›

  98. Jeeves said 15 years ago:

    Mato, if you like, I could throw together a Mac version of your menu patch application walkthrough for you.

    And since it’s been brought up: ATTENTION MAC USERS: If you’re running on an Intel-powered Mac, there is a universal binary version of VBA on this page

    That means it’ll run faster one your computer and be less prone to crashing. I didn’t find this until after I beat the game, so I had to put up with constant crashes in the “official” Mac port of VBA, which is dated. This also runs fine on non-Intel Macs. My second playthrough went much more smoothly thanks to this. It should also make the timing needed to perform rhythm combos more accurate.

    Why is this? Because if you’re running the PowerPC version of VBA on your Intel Mac, your computer is essentially emulating the emulator, and that’s just not good juju.

    All newer Macs are Intel-powered. If you’re not sure whether yours is, click the apple in the very upper leftmost corner of your screen, then About This Mac, and see if it lists your processor as Intel.

  99. Jeeves said 15 years ago:

    Oh, and if you have trouble saving (I encountered this problem at first): Be sure the the Flash Size option in VBA’s preferences is set to 64k.

  100. Ryuka-chan said 15 years ago:

    wow you guys are awesome x3~

  101. 4thwavedave said 15 years ago:

    check out my Mother 3 love theme cover w/ makshift instruments if you’re borred!!!!

    and if anybody can direct me to where I can submit my fan music that’d also be much appreciated…also…


    and I’m very excited about this release, I’m waiting to play through the game until this comes out, and the anticipation is killing me…but nice work Mato and crew, and keep up the hard work!!!

  102. Old West said 15 years ago:

    My current estimate is about 50,000 patch dloads the first day.

    That’s pushing it. Unless the idea is to hope for the worst just to prepare the server in case of an overwhelming number of downloads. But personally, I’d say that, no offense, the blog simply isn’t popular enough to attract 50,000 visitors on release day.

    I’d guess for 50,000 in the first week, perhaps. ๐Ÿ™‚

  103. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I dunno, we already get 5000 a day, some days we’ll spike up to 10000-ish if something happens. Once the patch is out and the emails are sent and news hits digg and slashdot and every gaming site out there, I think it’s very possible.

  104. Eppy said 15 years ago:

    Don’t forget the number of people that get emailed when they announce that it is complete…

  105. Eppy said 15 years ago:

    aaaaaand I am slow when it comes to posting… -__-

  106. bantamman said 15 years ago:

    I am amazed at your teams dedication to this project.
    Thank you.

  107. Coconut of Enlightenment said 15 years ago:

    Dear Mato,

    I have an excellent, foolproof way to send out 30,000+ emails on the day of the release without any snags or repurcussions:

    All you have to do is get 30,000 volunteers and get them to send one email apiece.

    Where are you going to get 30,000 volunteers, you ask? Simple, you already have connections to 30,000 people who want this patch. That’s right, you have 30,000 emails in your list, each representing one person who wants to play Mother 3 in English. So all you have to do is email each of these 30,000 people and ask them to help you send out 30,000 emails. And to make it even easier, you can have each of the 30,000 volunteers send the email to their own address. That way, they won’t even have to look at the list.

    Am I a genius or what?

  108. Mato said 15 years ago:

    No no don’t do that, that’s what made the universe implode last time

  109. Arashi said 15 years ago:


    I can tell a lot of people (such as myself) are too obssessed with checking this site every hour or so and by the time the patch is released, they won’t even remember the e-mail cuz they’d have found out already

  110. StarFoxA said 15 years ago:

    You could always use PSI Email.

  111. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    the universe has imploded before? why don’t i remember this? unless… WE’RE ALL ACTUALLY ALREADY DEAD!!!

    The End.

    …A film by M. Night Shyamalan.

  112. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Yeah, I have to use savestates to go back each time the universe dies.

  113. Edrees said 15 years ago:

    Cheater. I do it without them, the traditional way, at save points.

  114. Old West said 15 years ago:

    Once the patch is out and the emails are sent and news hits digg and slashdot and every gaming site out there, I think itโ€™s very possible.

    Hm…maybe, since you put it that way. Also didn’t know the daily visitor count reached into the several thousands. Man, the internet is a wonderful thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  115. puzzlefreak said 15 years ago:


    You actually got to a save spot? I can never catch those irritating little frogs…

  116. Vagabond said 15 years ago:

    I have been following this project for about a year now, but this is my first time posting. I really appreciate the hardwork going into this, you guys have really gone above and beyond.

    As many awesome games that are coming out this year, this is by far my most anticipated one thanks to you guys, and your incredible work.

  117. MotherAddict said 15 years ago:


  118. Tosk said 15 years ago:

    If all the email addresses are in a database like I think they are, it’s a simple matter to write something up in PHP that will grab the list of addresses, then mail() them. You could even put in breaks so that it only grabs say…100 addresses at a time, emails them, then deletes them from the database and continues on.

  119. Kosaku said 15 years ago:

    @Old West:

    Yeah, don’t underestimate the MOTHER fanbase.

  120. NintendoBrad said 15 years ago:

    *Praise and encouragment*

  121. Alato said 15 years ago:

    Awesome. That close- Can’t wait. Summer’s just about here, too. I can’t WAIT.

    Also, I think your best option would be a free bulk e-mailer program.. I mean, if you know PHP, you could write some PHP script that does it for you, but if you can copy and paste them e-mails…. Quite a lot…. Yeah, e-mail program sounds good.

    I signed up, but in my case, I check this site 5 times as much as my e-mail, anyway(at least).

  122. G@MIE said 15 years ago:

    gaaah, still can’t get Mother 3 to save on m mac with ANY VBA version! Even with the flash size set on 64 Kb! Help!

  123. ty said 15 years ago:

    More good news! EXCELLENT!

  124. agonybinge said 15 years ago:

    Not sure if this will help with the e-mail situation or not, but it’s copy and paste friendly and has a pretty simple batch file-esque quality to it. Command line based though.

  125. Troy said 15 years ago:

    Send out as many as you can a day – maybe 5,000. Some people won’t get it for a few days, but hardcore people visit this site at least once a week anyway. If someone got a notice 4 days late they would be just as happy that it is done.

  126. chetchaka said 15 years ago:


    Thank you SO much for translating this game! I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate your efforts. I know my comment is lost among many other MOTHER fans’ comments, but my hope for this project exceeds that of just any fan!

    …Just…wanted to let you know, I guess. Haha.


  127. Luis said 15 years ago:

    I think there is an “easy” way to send all those e-mails.

    Step one: Ask for volunteers here in the forum. We all would want to contribude somehow.

    Step two: Divide the list of e-mails by the number of volunteers, and give the corresponding e-mails to each one. Exclude from that list the volunteers e-mails.

    Step three: Each volunteer sends an e-mail to each account to confirm that the recipient is still interesed.

    Last step: Once the patch is finished, send an e-mail to the volunteers saying so and ask them to send the same e-mail to their recipients. They will send the corresponding e-mail to the still interesed recipients.

    The optimum number of volunteers is:
    That’s about 173.

    That way you would only send 173 e-mails, and each volunteer would send another 173. That makes a total of 30102. It would be easy if you find the 173 volunteers.

  128. Justin said 15 years ago:

    @ G@MIE

    Piracy is wrong okay?

  129. Mother3bound said 15 years ago:

    I bet you guys will finish up before i get freaken IRS check.

  130. eddie said 15 years ago:

    several more months!?!?!?! i thot ur guys goal was to release b4 super smash brawl came out!? whta happened!? i htink u should finihs draft 2 fix the minor hacking and then release it. forget aboout draft 3

  131. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    Yarrr, Justin, me hearty, Cap’n Nรบtsjesmoar says: “Don’t be a hater.. alligator..”


  132. MarkShark said 15 years ago:

    I visit the site multiple times a day. Those add up separately to how many people visit the site, right?

  133. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:


    most web statistics programs are able to filter out repeat visitors, leaving the correct number of unique visitors. I assume that’s the number they’re referring to.

  134. NecrosaroIII said 15 years ago:

    [i]# eddie said 19 minutes ago:

    several more months!?!?!?! i thot ur guys goal was to release b4 super smash brawl came out!? whta happened!? i htink u should finihs draft 2 fix the minor hacking and then release it. forget aboout draft 3[/i]

    Yeah… Don’t listen to this guy, Mato.

  135. Tony said 15 years ago:

    I’m pretty homesick myself, I can’t wait to see Mother again

  136. MarkShark said 15 years ago:

    Well that’s good to know.

  137. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato:

    Are you going to release the patch as a surprise? I personally hope you give a few weeks warning so the news can drip through the various corners of the internet, and that way the first day patch downloads will be higher. Also is your server going to be able to handle the bandwidth spike? The last thing I would want happen is the patch to be released but be SOL because your server crashed, LOL!

  138. Kak said 15 years ago:

    i got a crap idea…but its a idea anyway….
    make ppl add your mail as friends so yo wotn get in spams list and something ^_^

    greatest job ever this eb3 translation

  139. Drรผ said 15 years ago:


    Thank you for the Mac Help! I got the VBA to work and save just fine and I edited the video smoothing to eliminate pixels. It’s SO COOL!

  140. Anomic said 15 years ago:

    50,000? That seems fairly reasonable, as I am downloading at least 10 copies of the patch the first day.

  141. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    I’ll have to download it twice for my bro

  142. Redlandsman87 said 15 years ago:

    Mato, will there be anyway to tell if a certain person downloads the patch multiple times? I’m just wondering, because odds are many people will, in an attempt to raise the times downloaded to show popularity or some such thing, etc, and I’m sure you and many people would rather know of the “true” number of original downloads, rather then finding out it was downloaded millions of times by only a few choice people.

  143. Jeeves said 15 years ago:


    From your home folder, look in Library>Application Support>VisualBoyAdvance>Battery Saves and look for Mother 3.sav or something like that. That file SHOULD be named the exact same that your Mother 3 ROM has, but with a .sav extension instead of a .gba extension. If it doesn’t, change one or the other so that they match.

    If that doesn’t solve anything…I don’t know. Maybe your ROM is a dud in that case. Try getting one from somewhere else and see if you have better luck.

  144. The J said 15 years ago:

    300,000? That is to say, 300,000 before the patch is completed, before word spreads to all corners of the internet, for a game on a dead system. I thought Reggie LIKED money?

  145. Jeeves said 15 years ago:

    should share the exact same name*

    You know what I meant.

  146. Triangle said 15 years ago:

    Great…we’re Alllllllmost half way there… terms of lines, that is.. (i know there are other factors)

    keep up the great work dude!

    ……hmmmmmm… we haven’t seen anything from mitch in a while……

  147. Redlandsman87 said 15 years ago:

    Yeah, I was just thinking that myself about Mitch…

  148. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    I give to you… How to send 30,000 e-mails at a time:

    You have all the e-mails, right? isn’t it as simple as copy-pasting all the e-mails from wherever you have them to an e-mail, then hit the send button to send as many as you want? Or is there a certain amount of addresses you can add?

  149. Alec H. said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato,

    I’ve been reading this blog for quite sometime now and haven’t posted a single thing… Until now! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I just wanted to let you know that what you are doing is truly honorable. And honestly to put out your own valuable time is quite an amazing. Honestly I think that if any of us were given the chance to help you at all, we totally would. Hell I know I would. So honestly if you do need any help with anything let me know :). I’m here to help in any way I can.

    This is a great update. I agree with some of the comments that applaud you on the way you update us. You never give false hope and I appreciate that considering I have been waiting for this patch for who knows how long now.

    In all thank you. And good luck!

  150. Alec H. said 15 years ago:

    Oh yeah I forgot… Thanks to you too Jeffman! We don’t really hear from you much anymore. But thanks for all the work you have done on this project

  151. pika7 said 15 years ago:

    great job mato hope you finish it soon!

  152. Serge said 15 years ago:

    Sir.. I <3 you for translating this game on your own free time. You are a king among men.

  153. Triangle said 15 years ago:

    Yeah JeffMan, dont feel left out on this… it’s just that mato is the one who puts together the updates, and responds most often… so in a sense, he kind of represents you And himself.. so when we say “Mato”, please read that as “Mato and Jeffman”.. because we all know you do your fair part in this as well ๐Ÿ™‚

  154. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    > From your home folder, look in Library>Application Support>VisualBoyAdvance>Battery Saves and look for Mother 3.sav or something like that. That file SHOULD be named the exact same that your Mother 3 ROM has, but with a .sav extension instead of a .gba extension. If it doesnโ€™t, change one or the other so that they match.

    The other thing he should make sure of is that he can *write* to that folder ๐Ÿ™‚ After all, if you can’t write to the folder where those saves are, it won’t work at all…

  155. Dorito said 15 years ago:

    “30,000 carrier pigeons”

    The hell is wrong with you? Pigeons are so obsolete in this day and age.

    It’s all about the owls, man. Good ol’ Hedwig.

    also omg getting so far. Seriously, you guys are making progress on steroids.

  156. Durelle said 15 years ago:

    u say its direct download but will u also release a torrent which will save bandwidth?

  157. Dan said 15 years ago:

    Here’s another free tool for you to check Mato, although it seems geared towards customizing e-mails for each recipient which isn’t what you want…

    Ideally you’d find some way to just send out one e-mail with 30,000 Bcc: fields (BCC == blind carbon copy, means none of the recipients can see the BCC fields and thus can’t tell who else got the e-mail) and let the mail servers sort it out.

  158. Sparks said 15 years ago:

    @ eddie
    Don’t be an ass. Mato and JeffMan are professionals, and thus this is a professional translation. Their methods are to insure the highest quality product! Be more grateful, twit!

  159. Super3dcow said 15 years ago:

    3263 lines completed… That is a TON OF LINES!!! And in only a couple weeks. I bet there isn’t even half that many lines in all of the text on this post, comments and all. Excelent work as usual Mato!

  160. Old West said 15 years ago:

    Yeah, donโ€™t underestimate the MOTHER fanbase.

    Oh, I don’t. I am part of it, you know. ;0

  161. Bubble-gum monkey said 15 years ago:

    @ The Translating Team:
    Mato, guys, i’d like to officially say that all this progress is

  162. aoe said 15 years ago:

    Durelle has a good idea. Why not also offer a torrent option? Most people that would be downloading it will have a torrenting program, and the file would be easy for people to see quickly, given its size.

  163. aoe said 15 years ago:

    Double post – I have a 15mbit upload with no bandwidth limit (this might change in the future but I doubt it) so I could easily help seed the for a little bit. If you’re interested, email me or contact me on aim (it should be in my forums profile)

  164. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    I think I remember mitch writing something a while ago about being out of town or something like that. Well, it’s not mitch-level, but I made this, maybe it can tide some of ya’ll over until he gets back..
    For some reason I had surrealism on the brain. weird.

  165. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    actually, I just looked back through the comments and there was nothing like that there. weird. i gotta lay of the peyote. come back, mitch!

  166. Will said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato –

    I’m curious if hacking the game has made you come to appreciate Mother 3 even more or has soured you on the game a bit. I remember in learning to play guitar some of the mystique of some songs was lost.

  167. Pootie said 15 years ago:

    Keep up the awesome pace. The momentum is flowing. Love you guys.

  168. Monsuco said 15 years ago:

    Hmm, I wonder how newsletters are published? There is bound to be newsletter software out there somewhere. It is possible you could host your own mail server and send them out, but it would take a while, and I doubt your ISP would be all that happy. Actually, they likely would think you are part of a spam botnet and block the messages. Oh well, I am sure if you can re-program an entire game (and do so without the sourcecode, AMAZING) you could figure out how to send a few e-mails.

    I must say, even if I have to wait until the end of summer, it will be worth it. I am just itching to play that game, especially since it is sooooo boring during the summer since my college offers few classes. Keep up the awesome work, remember, you probably have more people chearing you on than you have in your e-mail list, so best of luck.

  169. Nickrooster said 15 years ago:

    Mato and Reidman,
    Depending on how you have your list of addresses stored, you could write a parser/mailer in python (a pretty simple script if you stick with plain textish format), then set it to send to one person at a time with a slight delay in between. If your email is hosted (not by you), you will need to contact your host and let them know what you are planning to do so that they don’t cut you off or other bad things – otherwise, just make sure that your email server is fairly beefy.

    Sending them one at a time like that would be pretty slow, especially with a delay between – might be more than 24 hours (haven’t done the math yet – even as little as a 1 second delay between each should be enough for your mailserver to catch its breath). What you could do is set the To: field to go to or something and then pop like 10 addresses at a time into the Bcc: field.

    Again, python or any other scripting language can handle this easily.

    I’m a network admin that needs to send mass mailings to thousands of people a week. Not 30,000 at once, but still…

    Hope this helps.

    I really appreciate what you are doing / have done thus far – Earthbound came out in my early teens and has left a lasting impact on me (I can’t wait to show it to my daughter), and I have been looking forward to playing Mother 3 since it was announced for the Japanese market. Great job, kudos, and let me know if I can help further.

  170. Nickrooster said 15 years ago:

    Oh! Also, you need to be prepared for the massive amount of misspelled emails, non-existant domains, etc etc etc (failure notices). I would suggest sending it from an account that is aliased to /dev/null (Linux/Unix-centric). You probably don’t want to have to deal with maintaining this list after sending the notification.

    If you did, I could recommend some other stuff. As far as spam filters go – don’t send an HTML mail with just an image (with image maps to link back to the site). I would suggest just a plain text mail with a link (to either copy and paste or click depending on client). If you follow the guidelines above, and in my first post, you should be pretty good on getting past the spam filters. Some will inevitably go to spam, and those people just need to check their Junk every once in a while ๐Ÿ˜‰

  171. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Some very lengthy and reference-filled/localization-needing text today. Some of the most exhausting stuff so far.

  172. ashes said 15 years ago:

    have my tomato covered child! love the huge progression going on.

  173. ok said 15 years ago:

    imagine mato after you are done this translation you can just unplug.. hit the meth for weeks straight.. no commitments .. nobody online hassling you for mod.. and you can just get high as the moon !!

  174. Near said 15 years ago:

    I hope this will be done during summer break..
    4 months should be just around that.

  175. reidman said 15 years ago:

    The results of prolonged exposure to meth are a well-documented horror:

    Peddle your poison elsewhere, you monster!

  176. G@MIE said 15 years ago:

    Yeah, thanks for the help everyone!

    Turns out my ROM was bad. It’s fixed now!

    Thank you, everyone!

  177. Typhin said 15 years ago:

    Mato said 12 hours ago:
    Yeah, I have to use savestates to go back each time the universe dies.

    Strangely, I once had a dream that I had the power to save and load states. And I had some sort of doomsday, universe-destroying device that I was supposed to disarm, but for the heck of it, I saved state and let the time run out to see what would happen. It wasn’t until the universe was being destroyed that I realized that if I was gone, I couldn’t actually load state. I was somewhat miffed.

    It might explain a lot to know that this came directly after reading the entire Hitchhiker’s Guide series within about a week. (Quite a bit of it done at work…) ^_^;; Yes, the device DID link the core of every star in the universe to the core of every other star in the universe, in fact.

    Oh, and Reidman: Mato didn’t use needle drugs, he just… fell down the stairs. And ran into a door. It’s not the M3 script that beat him at all, he’s just clumsy! *gives Mato a Bologna Sandwich*

  178. lb101 said 15 years ago:

    Nutsjesmoar: Nice picture in Mitch’s absence.

  179. Rince said 15 years ago:

    Email everyone half an hour to an hour prior (depending on how much you trust your mail server) and tell them it will be released at X time.

    No matter when they get it, it will have been before the release, and nobody will get to download before anyone else.


  180. Sandman said 15 years ago:

    Mato you’re doing so well it seems like it will take less than a month to finish draft 2!

    Oh, and as for the e-mail problem, make us blog junkies do it. So many of us are just SOOOO devoted.

  181. Crysta said 15 years ago:

    50,000 downloads first day? I honestly think you’re somehow UNDERestimating it… I wouldn’t be shocked at all to see over 100k on day one. Yes there haven’t been that many unique visits, but you really think everyone is going to be quiet about it when it happens? Practically every gaming site on the net will post something about it the minute it happens, and everybody and their mother will rush in to see what the commotion is about.. the traffic you guys will be getting will be unbelieveable.

  182. Ixoyz said 15 years ago:

    *generic praises*

    … Yeh, I can’t think of anything else right now. :0

  183. Chris said 15 years ago:

    This is probably way easier than you guys are making it. Theres 3 big names I know of to send out massive emails like that, though I’m not 100% sure which ones require the user to physically agree to receive mail from the list.

    Google Groups

    I hear all three are decently easy to use.

  184. reuven said 15 years ago:

    If there are going to be that many downloads on the first day, maybe the best way to distribute it might be a torrent.

  185. Blah said 15 years ago:

    I think you might want to look into making a bittorrent for the download.

  186. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I’m guessing people haven’t fully read the comments here ๐Ÿ˜›

    Anyway, apparently EB sold like 70,000-ish copies in its first year. So that’ll kick so much ass if the # of downloads is far above that.

    For those wondering, no, there won’t be a counter so people can tell how many downloads there are. It’d be dumb and people would be tempted to dload it more than once to boost the #, and that’s no good. But I think if 12,000 people are willing to play the game in a horrible menu patch form, many many more will be getting the real, full version.

  187. cchen04 said 15 years ago:

    unbelievable. so close to finishing.

  188. ikari7789 said 15 years ago:

    As far as the downloads go, you could probably manage those quit easily if you made a PHP script and gathered up a few servers to host the files on. You could write the PHP script to redirect downloads across the servers as to cut down on the total amount of bandwidth on the server as well as the current load.

    The e-mail on the other hand, could possibly be done a similar way. Depending on the size of the e-mail that you make, the longer it will take to send. If you just keep it to a simple text e-mail or even just a very simple html e-mail, the total size after sending 30,000 e-mails will be no less than 2GB of data uploaded. That’s a lot. All you really need is a good upload speed or to split the amount of e-mails sent out across multiple servers. The chances of it getting marked as spam, if it’s coming from are close to none seeing as it doesn’t have a freaked up server like or whatnot.

  189. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    I have finally convinced my brother to play EarthBound. He really likes it and is really looking forward to this translation, even if he hasn’t beaten EB yet.

  190. Tarik said 15 years ago:

    good to see everything coming along so well?

    mato, i have a question.

    is there any more duplicate text?

  191. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I dunno. I’m sure there are at least a few lines here and there, but I think the majority of duplicate text has been done now. So sudden huge jumps probably aren’t going to happen like they did before.

  192. NecrosaroIII said 15 years ago:

    You’re almost 50% complete finished on the revision, and am only on map 65? There must be more blank maps than I originally thought. Either that or a lot of the later maps have virtually no text.

  193. fightmethen said 15 years ago:

    Hey mato, I actually have a mass email program that works quite well if you are looking for one that is good this is it please contact me at and I will let you know all the specs. Keep up the good work man……all of the staff that is translating/hacking good job.

  194. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    [uses PSI Flame Shield Omega] I’m pretty sure Mato already has plans on how to do the mass email thing. I mean, do you really think he added the email feature before he had a plan on how to pull it off? And many websites have newsletters that do this all the time, so it’s clearly possible. How do you think spammers do it?

    By the way, what’s Jeffman up to now? Is his role in the project done now that you’re onto translating?

  195. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Actually, the e-mail thing was reid’s idea. And no, I don’t have any idea how we’re gonna do it. I’m probably gonna leave that up to reid and the other tech dudes, but reid’s not really sure how to do this yet either. I don’t think we anticipated this many sign-ups.

    I haven’t heard from Jeffman in a day or two, but he’s always poking at code of some sort.

  196. Crass said 15 years ago:

    poking at code?
    you’re making this translation stuff sound pretty easy

  197. Destrudo said 15 years ago:

    So I did some math.

    If you translate 1% per day, 4 days a week, it would take you 14 weeks to translate the whole thing.

    If you translate 1.4% per day, 5 days a week, it would take 8 weeks to translate the whole thing.

  198. Effluvium said 15 years ago:

    Tomato: I forget, did you say you were going to set up a thread on the spoiler board or something, where people could help you with the cultural references?

  199. mitch said 15 years ago:

    Holy cow. Real life really caught up with me recently. I’m all working full time now, and I rarely even get a moment to check anything out.

    Anyway, here’s something pretty quick. Hope you guys like it. Thanks for the thoughts. ๐Ÿ™‚

  200. Gluck said 15 years ago:

    I really hope you guys get some really sweet jobs in the future for this (soon to be epic) “patch” release, all of you guys deserve it!

    Who knows, maybe Nintendo might hire you guys to do the proper release of Mother 3.

  201. Anzua said 15 years ago:

    Mato, I think you underestimate the internet.

    When /v/ finds out that the patch is done, there will be SWARMS of topics on that message board. That’s certain to add at least a few thousand downloads.

  202. BigBlueKingBoo said 15 years ago:

    Hmm! The second picture is just like me, I’ll stock up on all sorts of food and then ignore it and just use Psi lifeup.

    Anyway, Good work guys! I wish you luck!

  203. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Bringing back a very old subject, but any suggestions for this guy’s name?

    He bites a lot and can poison you. I bring this up now because people are in the forest talking about these guys and telling you you better have Antidotes on hand. So kinda wanna figure his name out now for sure.

  204. Dan said 15 years ago:


  205. Forgotten Man said 15 years ago:

    How about Snakewhobitesalotandcanpoisonyou?

  206. Elizara said 15 years ago:

    Curious, is that in the beginning of the game?

    If it is and this hasn’t shown up yet; why not a nod to the Mother 2/Earthbound translators and call it a Coil Snake?

  207. Stan said 15 years ago:


  208. gBev said 15 years ago:

    Violent Snake?
    Biting Snake?
    Harsh Snake?

  209. achcrivens said 15 years ago:

    Arsenake? That sounds better if you say it out loud, though…

  210. Jupiter-x said 15 years ago:

    Venom Snake?

  211. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Yes, it’s in the beginning of the game. I want to keep the biteyness factor in its name though, cause that’s what they do. Coil Snakes coil around you in EB, but in M3 these snakes bite people in the forest apparently.

  212. madlobster said 15 years ago:

    My vote’s to leave if as chomp-snake. Chomp seems to be an inherently funny word to me.

  213. Matt_S said 15 years ago:

    Venom Viper

    That’s the best I’ve got.

  214. Fudgehat said 15 years ago:

    Ill-tempered Snake (with a frickin’ laser beam attached to its head) ๐Ÿ™‚

  215. Psychomax said 15 years ago:


  216. puzzlefreak said 15 years ago:

    poisnake sounds too much like a snake made of poi (which actually seems earthboundish)

    It wouldn’t be a coil snake, unless it was unwound.

    How about something that REALLY pokes fun at Americans, like “man eating garden snake”?

  217. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I like the flow of “ill-tempered snake”, plus the original name was especially long. But I want it to be bitey, so what do you guys think of “Chronic Chomping Snake”? Or some variant? Any ideas?

  218. CJC said 15 years ago:

    Bad-Bite Snake?
    Bitty Biter?

  219. Jupiter-x said 15 years ago:

    Bitter Biting Snake?
    Vicious Venom Snake?
    Angry Attack Snake?

  220. Fluteboy said 15 years ago:

    Sweet mother of potatoes!!! Mitch, you’re a genius!

    A red light

    (…for reasons you do not understand, you suddenly think of all the wonderful things made possible by tomatoes…)

  221. Jupiter-x said 15 years ago:

    Crabby or Cranky Chomping Snake

    Just look at its face! It’s obviously a little ticked about something…

  222. Matt_S said 15 years ago:

    Hmm… Biting…

    Bit Viper

  223. Rich said 15 years ago:

    teething snake

  224. Drรผ said 15 years ago:

    Jupiter-x: do you write for Rareware, too? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    My vote goes for “Ill-Tempered Snake.” “Chronic-Chomping Snake” seems a little outlandish of a name for so early in the game (even for MOTHER games). You could save that idea for the Snake’s stronger, palette-swap, version.

  225. Redlandsman87 said 15 years ago:

    What was it’s original name?

  226. Rich said 15 years ago:


  227. CJC said 15 years ago:

    Ankle-biter snake?
    Chompy snake?
    Mischief Muncher?
    Bane Biter?
    Toxic tooth snake?
    Foul Forest Snake?
    Anti-Antidote Snake?
    Puny poisonous snake?
    Slightly-poisonous snake?
    Snacking snake?
    Hungry, hungry, serpent?

    …I can keep this up all day.

  228. I-am-pancake said 15 years ago:

    Deathly snake
    Deadly snake?

  229. Reagle said 15 years ago:

    Gnarly Gnashing (G)Snake

  230. Brian said 15 years ago:

    How bout BiteyMcPoisonALot

  231. Weebo said 15 years ago:

    ill tempered bitey snake

  232. ZombiePaul said 15 years ago:


    Some random ideas:

    Snap-Jaw Snake
    Snap-Jaw Serpent
    Snapper Snake

  233. Rich said 15 years ago:

    no love for teething snake?

  234. ThePirateMike said 15 years ago:

    How about “Slithin’ Snapping-Snake” or something along those lines?

  235. mitch said 15 years ago:


  236. gBev said 15 years ago:

    More from me!
    Ill-tempered snake of evil?
    Chronic Chomping Snake of Evil?
    or just…
    Chomp-Snake… OF EVIL?

  237. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:

    Septic Snapping Snake, perhaps?

  238. ThePirateMike said 15 years ago:

    Oops, I made a typo in my snake name suggestion. It should have been “Slitherin’ Snapping-Snake”. (the n’ is to keep the name similar to other EB enemy names like the “Ramblin’ Evil Mushroom”)

  239. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Pissed-off Snake?
    Bitter Biter?
    Poison Angry Snake?
    Poison Grump?

  240. Reagle said 15 years ago:

    Courageous Chomping Snake
    Biteyus Snakius

  241. LokixFreya said 15 years ago:


    Get it? like “masticate”, or “to chew” :D.

  242. LokixFreya said 15 years ago:

    aww, mitch beat me too it

  243. Husky_Washu said 15 years ago:

    Snake that Really Bites. (Mitch I love that hahahaha oh man)

  244. Anna said 15 years ago:

    The snake looks like a geezer, to me. I’d change it to something like Senior Snake and make all the attacks have to do with poison dentures.

  245. Wenadin said 15 years ago:

    I personally like Bit Viper. The name goes very well with the punny names of EB.

  246. Long Pants said 15 years ago:

    Ha. I remember encountering that snake for the first time…

    I really think you should stick with a ridiculously long name. And make it rhyme, or have a sort of rhythmy-type flow to it.

    Munchin’ Crunchin’ Munchy Snake?

  247. Mighty Bear Seven said 15 years ago:

    Mato, I hear that people that eat you are randomly getting salmonella. Please explain yourself.

  248. Biff said 15 years ago:

    I think Chomp-Snake is just fine…

  249. Long Pants said 15 years ago:

    Well, I guess my example sounds a bit cheesy, but I think it ought to be something along those lines.

  250. Itoi's love child said 15 years ago:

    Irate chomp snake
    Snapping green serpent
    Poisonous bite snake
    Acromegalous snapping viper
    Venomous biter snake
    Anti-anti-venom viper
    Angry chomping mamba
    Notorius green viper

  251. Reanzet said 15 years ago:

    mitch, that pic made my day :3
    I’m also up for leaving it as chomp-snake, or any close variant (chompy-snake?)

  252. stevenmoop said 15 years ago:

    how about disgruntled snake, but chomp snake sounds pretty good

  253. gBev said 15 years ago:

    I think anything with ‘of evil’ works. It should have a long name to be similar to the Japanese version, and ‘of evil’ will make it extra long.

    There is a method to my madness…

  254. Tatos said 15 years ago:

    I really like the Anti-anti-venom viper. Sounds like something that’d appear in an EB game, too.

  255. gBev said 15 years ago:

    I think anything with ‘of evil’ works. It should have a long name to be similar to the Japanese version, and ‘of evil’ will make it extra long.

    There is a method to my madness!

  256. gBev said 15 years ago:

    sorry about a double post it wasn’t showing up…

  257. Drรผ said 15 years ago:













  258. Drรผ said 15 years ago:

    Oh, and don’t forget:


  259. Poo said 15 years ago:

    All I can say is that snake sprite is f’n awesome. Can’t wait to play this game

  260. Aron said 15 years ago:


  261. Claus' Twin said 15 years ago:

    How about Menacingly Mandibular Snake?
    Bitter Biting Snake?
    Poison Leg-Muncher?
    Biting Cobra?
    Hungry Poisonous Snake?

    Good work with the translation, by the way! It’s doing awesome!

  262. Slug said 15 years ago:

    Nibbling Snake
    Nibbler Snake
    Hand Snake (Like ‘hand shake’ but referencing that he bites hands)
    Solid Snake lol

  263. Slug said 15 years ago:

    If you could give the enemy description from the game, it’d probably help.

  264. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    Windshield Viper
    Subtractor snake
    Perfectly Harmless Snake (PHS)
    Incredibly Annoying Snake (IAS)
    Mildly Dangerous Snake (MDS)
    Ouch snake

  265. Tarik said 15 years ago:

    Snake? Snake?!! SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  266. Chronel said 15 years ago:

    biter-sweet-snake 0_o

  267. Drรผ said 15 years ago:

    Mitch could do at LEAST thirty comics about snake-naming-obsession right now . . .

  268. SorenAK47 said 15 years ago:

    Positively Malicious Snake (PMS)

    >.> *runs and ducks from the mobs of angry women*

  269. Crosby86 said 15 years ago:

    Solid Snake?

  270. Captain Bozo said 15 years ago:

    Snapjaw Snake.

    I like it myself :3

  271. Hasone said 15 years ago:

    I’m partial to snacking snake, munchy snake, and bit viper, meself.

  272. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Now on map 101, which is kind of a landmark, because now it’s lots and lots of small rooms all in a row. Everything so far has been huge maps filled with dialogue from throughout the game.

    There’ll be more big maps again eventually, but it’s finally a big change in pace.

    I find I’m getting .5% an hour. Maybe that’ll speed up with these small rooms. Or not. We’ll see.

  273. Alato said 15 years ago:

    Awesome, mitch! I love your pictures.

    Also, Chomp-Snake is fine. But here’s a few suggestions:

    Crunch-Cobra, or Cobra Cruncher

    Solid Snake(well, not really)


    Ramblin’ Rattlesnake (although I think ramblin’ can stick to mushrooms.)

    Ill-tempered Snap-Snake, or Snapping Snake

    That’s all that comes to mind, really. Worth mentionning, at least.
    Out of curiosity, what does the japanese name directly translate to?

  274. gBev said 15 years ago:

    One more from me, a really long one:
    Nintendo of America Snake of Evil

  275. Blah said 15 years ago:

    Mato: Being from a hacking/translating standpoint, does the game feel less “magical” to you than when you first played it?

  276. necrosis said 15 years ago:

    My vote is for Mitch’s “mastisnake.”

  277. Ramen said 15 years ago:

    Mr. Bitey?
    Chompy Senior?
    0% Mecha Viper?
    Nibbler? <_<

  278. LightningLuigi said 15 years ago:

    Well, if I remember correctly, the original name is something along the lines of “The Snake-That-Might-Bite,” so how about naming it something along those lines, like “Might Bite Snake,” or “Mighty Bitey Snake,” or something like that?

  279. aoe said 15 years ago:

    go with ill-tempered snake. I think that belongs more in the earthbound universe.

  280. EmpoleMew said 15 years ago:

    How about Miffed Poison Snake?
    Or Angry Venom Cobra?


  281. EternalDreams said 15 years ago:

    I like “Mighty Bitey Snake”

  282. grandleon said 15 years ago:

    Liquid Snake?

    No, but my vote’s for ill-tempered.

  283. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:


  284. Skullrama said 15 years ago:

    ‘The compulsive biter snake’

    Them’s my two-cents.

  285. Ixoyz said 15 years ago:

    Mastisnake, plox.

  286. Brandon said 15 years ago:

    Teething snake.

  287. mitch said 15 years ago:

    “Mitch could do at LEAST thirty comics about snake-naming-obsession right now . . .”

    I have accepted your challenge.

  288. Poe said 15 years ago:

    Snapping Serpent

  289. TLS1988 said 15 years ago:

    Poison-bite Snake?

  290. Triple10X said 15 years ago:

    Best comic ever Mitch – it’s my new background

  291. Weebo said 15 years ago:

    bravo mitch, bravo

  292. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    Haha I laughed at “Andy-Peach Snake” and “RON PAUL”.

  293. ALX said 15 years ago:

    Stinging Asp
    Biting Asp
    Saber-toothed snake.

  294. MrPopo said 15 years ago:

    Yay! Mitch and his comics are back!

  295. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    aww, the snake looks so sad in the last panel! ๐Ÿ˜› haha nice work.

  296. Super3dcow said 15 years ago:

    Mitch, that is a really epic comic you made. SO AWESOME!

  297. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mitch:

    You made me laugh with moving rope, I found that funny ๐Ÿ˜€

  298. Coolbot4k said 15 years ago:

    “You encountered the Snappin’ Serpent!”
    Well that’s my take on a name.

    Hmm… I wish I could have said more in my first comment. Something along the lines of how I subscribed here when the bloge nearly started, and began wondering why I never recieved an e-mail about it’s completion a few months later, then, to my surprise, the updates shifted into high-gear as soon as I came back to check on the site.
    If only I could have said that in my first comment…

    Well anywho, thanks a LOT translation team!

  299. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    jeez, that’s a lot of snake names

  300. Aron said 15 years ago:

    how’s about………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  301. Drรผ said 15 years ago:

    Thanks, Mitch, I’m glad someone listens to me. (I’m using it as my background too, since it was my idea.)

  302. Crosby86 said 15 years ago:

    Gnashing Asp?

  303. anonymous said 15 years ago:

    Snake Names:

    Menacing Masticating Muncher

    Sizable Snapping Snake

  304. Sotye said 15 years ago:

    How about Chomp Snake ๐Ÿ˜€

    *not helping* :3

  305. Yoyo said 15 years ago:

    Now for an obscure reference “Escape From New York Snake”

    Ps. Metal is loosely based on this Movie

  306. Yoyo said 15 years ago:

    gear that is

  307. Habiib said 15 years ago:

    “Bite-loving Snake”
    “Chompin’ Hard Snake”
    “Smokey the Crow”

  308. Stardog Deluxe said 15 years ago:

    Snake Plissken or Maybe
    Kurt Russel

  309. TheWentzel said 15 years ago:

    A Snake!

    Like, the Arachnid! from Earthbound.

  310. Snake Plisskin said 15 years ago:

    No Call it
    since Squamata is to snake as
    Arachnid is to spider

  311. Kosaku said 15 years ago:

    Snake that Really Bites.

    Double meanings are always good.


  312. Kumatora said 15 years ago:

    Nice job, quite simply.

  313. Mr. Snakeman said 15 years ago:

    Mr. Bitey
    Bitey Snake
    Mr. Mouth
    Toothy Snake
    Rabid Snake
    Mr. Bite
    Hungry Snake

    Hey, do you think that many changes will be made with the wording in draft 3, and do you think that you could have both the script 2 patch and the final script patch available if they differ much because some people would probably like to see the differences in word choice?

  314. Peon said 15 years ago:

    How about the Tomato Snake?
    You know, shameless self reference and all that.

    Perhaps Bite Snake? Similar to how the Coil Snake Coils, and is called that directly for what it does?

    Humbly yours, Peon

  315. CLOWN said 15 years ago:

    How about corupted snake.

  316. Snake Plisskin said 15 years ago:

    When it goes to demiforce is this going to continue having updates?

  317. Drรผ said 15 years ago:

    How about CORRUPTED snake.

  318. TheReaper08 said 15 years ago:

    I agree with CLOWN and Drรผ corrupted snake sounds like a great name to give that snake,but if I had to give that snake a name it would be Reaper snake.

  319. kown said 15 years ago:

    solid snake ftw

  320. PKdag ยฅ said 15 years ago:

    How bout

    In not coil snake
    wannabe coil snake
    Mr. Snake
    happy snake
    Poison inmune snake

    Thats all the brain i had left

  321. beernutz said 15 years ago:

    Mandibular Viper! or Snake!
    Chomptacular! ChomptacuSnake?

    CLAMPSNAKE! get it, jaws = clamp? or Vice! ViceSnake….no! Viceper! (Vice + Viper?)….Poison Viceper? I’m such a genius…

    or, Jim. Jim’s a great name for a snake.

  322. A Fan said 15 years ago:


    Hard Bitin’ Snake

    That was the best of the results from the last time you asked, IMHO ๐Ÿ™‚ Alternatively, some part of me wants to make it “Cold Hearted Snake” but that’s a song reference not really intended ๐Ÿ™‚

  323. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    There’s also:

    Snake on a Plain

    But isn’t it in a forest, instead of the plains?

  324. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Mitch: Umm, that art school guy in your comic. He isn’t you, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

  325. Drรผ said 15 years ago:

    MATO, whatever you choose, please make it a surprise!!

    Actually, to pass time by (for us), you should post random screens that are spoiler-free and have us guess what you’ve decided to name the subject in (great way to get ideas). Then we won’t find out what you decided to name them until the patch is released and we play the game.

    A whole new element of surprise for the game!!

  326. Mato-ish said 15 years ago:

    Jim it is

  327. mitch said 15 years ago:

    A Fan: I hope not!

  328. TheMetroidMan said 15 years ago:

    I think a combination of the two best ones, how about an Ill-tempered Mastisnake? I think it sounds very EB-ish but thats just me. Also Mitch your comics made me lol something fierce.

  329. Zinco said 15 years ago:

    “Asp-kisser.” Ha ha ha.

  330. rc5 said 15 years ago:

    Fangยรจd Snake?
    Venom*ous* Viper?

    *Originality abounds*