Second Draft, Part 3

15 years ago by Mato

Ordinary status update. Been hard at work on Draft 2. Currently at 36.41%, as you can see. It’s crazy to think I’ve gotten a few thousand lines done already. Not sure how that happened. Between 30% and about 60% always feels kind of depressing though, it feels like, “Man, already a lot of progress, but so much more work left to do, ugh.” At least that’s how it felt last year with Draft 1.

Anyway, for those following with the map viewer, it’s been maps 15-35. A lot of tedious stuff, some of these blocks have text from 4 or 5 different chapters, it’d definitely have been insane to try translating this without knowing any context first. Anyway, aside from those tedious blocks, some really fun and some really memorable text in this latest batch.

Here are some random screens from the latest batch of Draft 2 text.

  • Reminds me of that guy in Fourside

  • He’s a connoisseur

  • If you choose not to save your game

  • I hate when random baldness attacks

Anyway, past the 1/3 mark with this draft now. Woot and all that.

Posted on Sunday, June 1st, 2008 at 6:42 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

357 Responses to “Second Draft, Part 3”

  1. Some random guy said 15 years ago:

    first comment!…i hope

  2. matt said 15 years ago:


  3. Marc C. said 15 years ago:

    Great work, Mato! The humour feels so Earthbound-like and so right. Million thanks to you and the team!

  4. Anna said 15 years ago:

    Oh my no posts yet what kind of bizzaro world am I in? :O

    Go go mato!

    Are we still going for rewriting that one joke?

  5. Geno_Whirl said 15 years ago:

    glad you are doing so well ^_^

  6. NMcCoy said 15 years ago:

    *accidentally goes bald*
    Dang it!

    Anyway, keep up the awesome work. It’s truly inspiring to see how far this project has come.

  7. Some random guy said 15 years ago:

    hey, i did get first comment! yay!
    …how did i get here so fast?! 😛
    that guy in the first screenshot looks a little like picky :O

  8. mechas said 15 years ago:

    At this rate it may be done by late August yay!

  9. Old West said 15 years ago:

    That’s fantastic. This is looking just amazing, and I’m glad you guys are so devoted to retaining the style and humor of the original dialogue. I don’t think I’d rather have anybody doing this. Not even Nintendo. ;O

  10. Old West said 15 years ago:

    *anybody else ;P

  11. Inpachi said 15 years ago:

    WOW! keep up the good work mato!

  12. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:

    From last post (I was writing it as this got posted):

    I’ve had a good pun, but it isn’t related to illness…

    If the Grand Canyon been owned by Russia, what would it have been called?

    The Czar Chasm

    Now lets see if I can think of a good sickness one…

  13. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:

    Wait, the second part didn’t copy…

    The illness:

    Jack had a parakeet named Enza. He got sick, and his parakeet went missing. He was about to give up on life, but then in flew Enza. What illness did he have?

  14. Sety said 15 years ago:

    Awesome work guys.

  15. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Larry: Wow, I might actually use that. I don’t want to give away what is said by this same guy later on, but that might even connect with the other stuff 😯

  16. otherhand said 15 years ago:

    It’s lookin’ completely amazing. Keep up the good work! (but don’t forget to take a breather once in a while)

    As we creep ever closer to that shiny happy awesome day, have you ever considered doing ‘present boxes’ like the official site did a while back when the game was first being released?

  17. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:

    Thank you!

    I’m glad to be of some help!

    Its good to hear that you are already over a third of the way through. Keep up the great work!

  18. Spitball Sparky said 15 years ago:

    Lookin’ great! We’re all behind you!

  19. Mato said 15 years ago:

    otherhand: No, old started to do that and it was a real disaster. It gave people the impression that stuff was done (or a loooooot farther along than it was) and didn’t really help anything. In fact, it only added drama.

    If we ever did something like that, I’d want the project to be 100% done first, and if we have a 100% patch done, I wouldn’t hold back on it, that’d be a lame way of doing things.

    Maybe afterwards we’ll have some gift box things though, like I want to translate a bunch of side-stuff, like really good Itoi interviews, the musician’s notes about various songs, etc. But that’d be after the patch, so it’d be like “bonus material boxes” 😛

  20. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Thanks to you, I know scowl at my grandma for using tomato paste when she cooks. What did the poor thing ever do?

  21. Forgotten Man said 15 years ago:

    Wow, that’s alot of progress

  22. KoolKojo said 15 years ago:

    Mato, i feel sry that u have to spend soo much time just for us fans!

    thanks man, thank you and Reid Young, and all those other MOTHER fans who nintendo ignores XD

  23. Lucas said 15 years ago:

    LoL I’m going to tell that go bald thing to random people on the last day of school!

    Yay! Almost 4 tenths done!:)

  24. Negi said 15 years ago:

    KoolKojo forgot jeffman =P!

  25. Golden Eevee said 15 years ago:

    since you have a map viewer, can you PLEASE make a sprite viever too?

  26. metalparott said 15 years ago:

    Well, that’s pretty darn exciting I think! Keep up the good work, even though I’m sure this is the millionth time you heard that. 1/3rd is that bad at all.(*a party is going on inside my brain for my excitement*)

  27. Triangle said 15 years ago:

    Mato… I know there’s a lot of work left to do… but just think.. you only have to do what you’ve already done, just 2 more times, and its over 🙂

    you have a world of fans behind your every update, who are very thankful for what you are doing

    take breaks all the time..
    go steady, but slow and steady
    us.. the fans, can wait as long as it take (NO WE CANT..BUT WE WILL STILL DO IT)

    but at least you’re translating now, and not hacking much anymore

    anways, onces again

    Thank YOU! (and Jeffman too, of course 🙂 )

  28. neonix said 15 years ago:


  29. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Mato, a couple updates previously, you put up a video and the background theme was Dudter’s Theme, you said. I looked for it on’s Mother 3 Music section, but it wasn’t there. Is it under a different name?

  30. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Duster’s Theme*

  31. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:

    Is this it?

  32. BFM said 15 years ago:

    SHIT BALDNESS ATTACK *buys several wigs*

  33. brandnizzlebaby said 15 years ago:

    mato. you never answered my question before. this may be a bit off topic, but do you like the persona series?

  34. Snuffy said 15 years ago:

    My dad had a baldness attack before he and my mom had me and l’ve been diagnosed with chronic baldness ever since I was 4. I guess genes arent my friend. D:

    and on a side note:
    Dammit! There arent any rom patching programs for Mac. (Ive already tied gumby and that doesnt work.) D:

  35. rc5 said 15 years ago:

    Wee cool. Keep on translatin’!

  36. EdgartheAlien said 15 years ago:

    More progress :3 can’t wait for the whole thing.

  37. Some random guy said 15 years ago:

    I still feel proud for gettin first comment :O

  38. Jupiter-x said 15 years ago:

    Don’t get discouraged! Remember, when you are suffering hardships, your enemy is also struggling.

  39. starman_373 said 15 years ago:

    Mato: who do you have in mind to do the French translation? I didn’t know there was going to be an “official” French translation – I just thought it would be done by someone for fun.

    Anyways, I was wondering if I could volunteer to help with that, like proof-reading a draft or something. I don’t know what you’re looking for in terms of qualifications other than being fluent in French (which I am, and I have proof… kind of) but I’d still like to help in any way I can, even if something small.

  40. Daves said 15 years ago:


    just for curiousity sake, do you find yourself changing a lot of the text, or wondering “WTF was i thinking when i wrote this sentence?” that’s what happens when i look at code that i wrote a year ago.

  41. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    Great work Mato, I hope you take a well deserved break when you finish this second draft.

  42. Rolando84 said 15 years ago:

    Keep up the good work Mato. 🙂

  43. akinari42 said 15 years ago:

    This update just made my day. ^_^


  44. Alato said 15 years ago:

    Awesome. You’re going really fast. From a general look on the whole translation project, you’re so close to finishing it. I’m sure that it’s gonna be great. And looking at all the things you’ve shown(screenshots, videos and the disclaimer thing), it looks like such a complete, official and stylish game.

    Also, I was playing Pok

  45. whoreman Jr said 15 years ago:

    I’m prepared to give out favors of a sexual nature in exchange for an early version of the patch

  46. Roll said 15 years ago:

    Way to go, mato! I hope the 2nd draft will be ready sooner than expected!

  47. Apteryx said 15 years ago:

    Awesome, the humor feels just like earthbound! Can’t wait!

  48. Penguinguy said 15 years ago:

    I am very much looking forward to further translations of Itoi’s interviews and MOTHER related things. Awesome to hear that you’re going to continue doing that.

  49. thethirdman said 15 years ago:

    >I’m prepared to give out favors of a sexual nature in exchange for an early version of the patch

    You’re on the Internet. That doesn’t work.

  50. MarkShark said 15 years ago:

    Awesome as usually Mato.
    I wish there were people as great as you guys over in the Tales of fanbase. No one seems to be going this far for Tales of Innocence. Just one guy who says that a little menu patch is complete enough. Feh.

    On a Mother relevant note, I got Earthbound to work on my flash cart, to compliment EB0. I’ll be able to have all 3 games on it at once! 😀

  51. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    I went through ISO/IEC 8859-15 ( ) and divided everything up. IMHO, I’d fit as much of it in as you can, but try to fit categories in approximately this order. Of course, you might not need some at all (currency symbols, for example) but I wouldn’t know that like you do 🙂 Hopefully this helps.


    Required punctuation (known to be used in French & Spanish):
    ¡ ¿ « »

    Misc. (the superscripts of a and o seem to be used for ordinals [1st, 2nd, …] in some languages, the macron seems to go *over* other letters, but that’s unclear because there are a jillion different macrons in Unicode and I dunno):

    ¯ ª º

    Necessary accents:
    À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ
    à á â ã ä å æ

    È É Ê Ë Œ
    è é ê ë œ

    Ì Í Î Ï
    ì í î ï

    Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø
    ò ó ô õ ö ø

    Ù Ú Û Ü
    ù ú û ü

    Ç Ð Ñ Š Þ Ÿ Ý Ž
    ç ð ñ š þ ÿ ý ž

    (The rest here is probably unnecessary:)
    Currency symbols:
    ¢ £ € ¥

    Mathematical symbols:
    ¹ ² ³ µ ¬ ± · × ÷ °

    (The ° here is the degree symbol, and should not be confused with the superscript o above).

    Misc. Symbols:
    § © ® ¶

  52. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Probably not as good as the one above, but whatever 🙂

    * John is very sick and in bed.
    * Just then, some caterpillars crawled down his throat and formed a chrysalis.
    * Now then, what illness does John have?
    * Remember, the caterpillars are in his stomach now.

    [Has butterflies in his stomach.]

  53. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    I’m still wondering why all of the different letters have to be in the same translation. Why not change the alphabets for each language?

  54. Mike k said 15 years ago:

    Here is A sickness one. I just made it up so it might suck, but it has a good earthbound reference:

    James was in happy happy villiage when all was going well
    then came some insane cultists and he started feeling down
    what is he sick with?

    (the blues)

    I hope you guys like it

  55. Bennysaurus-Rex said 15 years ago:

    Trimalchio: because having the letters in there in the first place means the only thing that will need changing in translations is simply the text. Less farting around it comes down to.

    Mato: Hey it’s good to get the updates on where you are at with the translations – true, knowing you have done x amount of lines isn’t the most exciting thing in the world but still lets people know you’re alive :-p

    Just a clarifying question here – what do you look for/change in the second draft as opposed to what you do in the first? I mean, do you go through the script again in it’s original language or do you simply clean up the English?

  56. Super3dcow said 15 years ago:

    (To Mato) I just want to ask this so I’m 100% sure. You aren’t changing what people say in the game are you? You’re just translating it to english, and rewording it so what they say makes sense… correct?

  57. supertails61 said 15 years ago:

    Great job, guys! I played Mother 3 a while back just with the menu translation, but it will be a whole different experience to enjoy the game in full English! 😀

  58. Bloodcurse13 said 15 years ago:


  59. Mike k said 15 years ago:

    Do not mean to get anxious but some feedback on my sickness joke above would be nice. I Actually think it is pretty good

  60. Drü said 15 years ago:

    Mike k: More like what music he listens to

  61. Mike k said 15 years ago:

    no, if you are sad or feeling down you have the blues

  62. Reagle said 15 years ago:

    Thanks, Mato. Honestly. Thanks to everyone working on the project! I love you guys!

  63. Jenova said 15 years ago:

    Woohoo! ^_^

  64. Div03 said 15 years ago:

    Thanks Mato for keeping this translation very professional and being very devout about your updates and not taking the easy way out.


  65. Light Wolf said 15 years ago:

    Am I the only one who wants to click the “OK” button?

  66. Poe said 15 years ago:

    rofl “try not to go bald”

    Just had to say that I love that line. XD

  67. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Golden Eevee: We didn’t make the map viewer. Sprite viewers aren’t necessary for the translation anyway. I’m sure at some point we or someone else will create some sort of sprite utility. The sprites in M3 aren’t organized nicely, so it’s complicated.

    Arashi: I forget the title, but try something like “Mind of a Thief” or something like that.

    brandnizzlebaby: I’ve never played one myself, only seen/read/watched. Every once in a while when I’m at a game store I look for the third one, but 1. it’s never there and 2. I wouldn’t have time anyway. I’m so behind on playing games. I still have Tales of Symphonia, I haven’t even opened it yet but I got it like 4 years ago. If that’s any indicator of how far behind I am with games. Me and games just don’t have time anymore.

    Snuffy: If Gumby doesn’t work, dunno what to tell you. Have a friend patch it for you and then send it to you or something.

    starman_373: A fellow named poik, he’s a staffer at and he’s a cool guy who I know will do a great job. He also did an awesome playthrough video series of M3 a while back. He’ll be head of the French translation, so whenever the time comes, if you still want to help out, you’ll want to contact him. Until then though, it’s probably best to just wait until the English patch is out.

    Daves: Main things I’m doing are 1. checking the original translation for missed nuances or mistranslations, given 7500+ lines, stuff is going to creep in in the first draft; 2. rewriting the rough text to be nicer and sound more natural, I dunno if you’ve ever translated anything, but usually the initial translation sounds strange, almost like its own language, which I call “translation-ese” and 3. formatting the text, most of the draft 1 text isn’t formatted so most of it is unreadable in-game. Gotta format it, that’s one of the biggIest things.

    I’ve been changing almost all the lines in Draft 1, for the better of course. I was able to leave notes to myself during Draft 1 though, so I’m not too surprised by stuff. If anything, I’m understanding weird not-so-obvious humor that didn’t make 100% sense at first, and then bringing that across as best as possible.

    Trimalchio: because it means a lot less work for us later if we do it this way.

    Bennysaurus-Rex: See above response somewhere.

    Super3dcow: If I was changing what people say, that wouldn’t be translation. So yes to your second question.

  68. ILOVEUGUYS said 15 years ago:

    (look at name)

  69. Safety First! said 15 years ago:

    You guys do have back up files right? Just bein safe here, it would be horrible if the project crashed :(.

  70. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    Man, that Yokuba guy seems like kind of a jerk!

  71. Enclave said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato, I had a question though I already suspect I know the answer.

    I was just wondering if since Exophase is involved in the project that his GBA emulator on the PSP will support this game?

    As I recall he isn’t planning any updates anymore to the emulator at this time which is what has me curious.

    Oh and if your curious as to what I suspect the answer is, well that would be “I don’t know”. Seems the most likely answer.

  72. wasp2020 said 15 years ago:

    Awesome. Missed out on the many mini-updates from the last one

  73. Faux said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato, what emulator do you use to test the patch? VisualBoyAdvance? This has probably been asked a while ago, but I’m not ready to wade through all those comments.

  74. Jeeves said 15 years ago:

    I’m really looking forward to reading that Shogo Sakai stuff.

  75. MoonsideMan said 15 years ago:

    Cool guys! Keep it up!

  76. Destrudo said 15 years ago:

    You haven’t played ToS yet, Mato? You poor soul.

    (Though I do slightly favor Tales of the Abyss over ToS.)

  77. 8BitWalugi said 15 years ago:

    out of all the times i have been to this site to rwad the posts, for some reason this one is the most exciting.
    As escapist’s Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw said in his GTA IV review,
    Fackeen Oresum!
    thats what this translation is to me, a ‘Fackeen Oresum’ Fan translation. when this is done everyone at my school will be playing it. i will spread this game all over my school network. preety soon everyone will know what Mother 3 is and who Mato and Jeffman are.

  78. G@MIE said 15 years ago:

    Really nice!

    UIPS is a good IPS-patcher for mac!

  79. Real1 said 15 years ago:

    Mato, have my babies!

  80. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    Faux: We’ve been using a combination of no$gba and VBA. VBA seems to work fine so far. In fact, in one case (besides audio because no$gba is crap at that) we found it emulating more accurately than the mighty debugger. 😛

  81. MrEverdred said 15 years ago:

    The humour is indeed very Mother-ly. Perfect.

  82. Damn Impressed said 15 years ago:

    This is a weird question to be asking this late into the game, but is there a specific reason that this translation was such a nightmare? Do all translations really involve this much “hacking”, or was it something specific to this game? If it was, what element of the game made that necessary? Is it just a series of things that wouldn’t work in English, like the fixed width font stuff?

  83. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Gemini and some other people have been hacking Magical Vacation (one of Brownie Brown’s first games incidentally) sort of recently, and from what I hear, most of the same lame problems we’ve had here exist in that game too. So it might be that they have this set way of doing things, and that way sucks if you want to localize stuff.

    I don’t even know where to begin addressing why this game was harder to hack than others, I think I’d have to point you at this entire blog as an answer. It all boils down to the fact that they obviously never planned ahead of time to localize the game, and so every text routine in the game was designed to use only so many letters, and the way they did it was stupid and inefficient and made it technically impossible to increase the # of letters without changing the program design, which is tough to do, especially at the ASM level.

  84. Durelle said 15 years ago:

    Umm will there be much space in this game after its done trasnlating, becaus ei know for a fact that FRENCH takes more space due to the grammer which makes sentences longer thaan english ones.

  85. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Won’t know until we’re done. As it is, we’re already very very close to the size limit, but I’m going to clear out some unneeded text data at some point to get extra space. But already, the hacking allows for twice as much text as the original game, so that’s better than nothing.

  86. Tyler said 15 years ago:

    Mato…..thanks =]

  87. Damn Impressed said 15 years ago:

    Oh. I meant to say this three years ago. There’s a “everything.toEnglish()” function in the API. Slipped my mind.

  88. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato:

    Are you guys gonna let Shigesato Itoi know when you’re done that you completed this? Or is that treading on possible law suit area? I just thought he might find it interesting to see the dedication some fans here in the west have to the Mother series.

  89. Joe said 15 years ago:

    > I’m still wondering why all of the different letters have to be in the same translation. Why not change the alphabets for each language?

    Because they’d have to create the new letters and do a lot of hacking and coordinating with the other people, instead of giving them tools and a bit of advice 🙂 Or, as Mato put it, because it’s a lot less work this way.

    Unless a Greek, Russian, Hebrew or Arabic translation is required, the ISO charset should suffice and the Chinese would do better hacking from the unhacked version 🙂

  90. Sabaal said 15 years ago:

    To people having difficulty finding an IPS patcher, has a nice little collection of patching utilities for all platforms.

    I personally recommend JIPS, as it seems to run smoothly no matter how many layers of OS emulation I put it through. Very stable indeed.

  91. Tarik said 15 years ago:

    well done mato. i love to see all the progress!

  92. MarioRPG said 15 years ago:

    I never even got to post how thankful I am that this is occurring. I can not properly represent how grateful I am that fans have taken it upon themselves to do this immense task.

  93. Poo said 15 years ago:

    Should my rom say “start game” “sound player” and “Mother 3” in english on the title sreen. The warning screen is in japanesse, as well as the rest of the game. I just wonder if something is wrong with my rom, because the title screen is in english. (I did not apply the menu patch)

  94. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    Yes that’s how the original game is.

  95. Poo said 15 years ago:

    Why don’t they just make it in japanese? That’s so weird that they would use a different language for the title screen.

  96. Drü said 15 years ago:

    Because if you’ve ever read any publication made in Japan, there is always some kind of English. More people in Japan know English than Americans here know Japanese. It’s part of the aesthetics of Japanese pop culture to include certain English parts. For example, the game controllers in Japan say “A, B, X, Y, START, SELECT.”

    Hence the title being “MOTHER 3” instead of “母”. You can do a lot of research in the subject if you try hard enough. It’s easy and fun!

  97. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    yeah, found the song, thx

  98. Typhin said 15 years ago:

    To the people mentioning IPS patching programs, it was my understanding that the IPS format has a limit of 16 MB. The Mother 3 ROM is 32 MB. Thus, they are using a different format for this game.

    (But, I believe they also said they would have links, advice, and such at time of release.)

    I can’t wait for release either. If my flash cart won’t work with it, though, at least I can play on emulator. This is more a question for the hacking side than the translation, but does the game use SRAM, or EEPROM/Flash memory for saving? And if it doesn’t use SRAM, will there be an SRAM patch available? I know I won’t be able to use PogoShell, since 32MB takes up the entire cart, so I don’t have to worry about compatibility with that.

  99. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    > Why don’t they just make it in japanese? That’s so weird that they would use a different language for the title screen.

    Everyone in Japan learns English in school. It’s on the tests to go to university, so it’s considered important 🙂

    But no, they don’t always use it correctly. Visit sometime…

  100. ukdudeinuk said 15 years ago:


  101. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    Typhin: The save file is 64KB, which means it must be Flash. We will take care of all saving issues and save patches and stuff at the time of release.

  102. IcePi¢k said 15 years ago:

    Have you snuck any easter eggs in to the game?

  103. Reanzet said 15 years ago:

    Progress FTW! Of course, the hard[est] stuff is done and over with, so now you can hopefully add in more sleep time. Personally, going at a monster while half-asleep is much worse than charging at it refreshed!

  104. Kumatora said 15 years ago:

    You guys PSI Rockin!

  105. gBev said 15 years ago:

    Will the final patched roms be playable on a flash cart, that way it could be played on the GBA? And if you can, where would i get one?

  106. Johnnybgood said 15 years ago:

    Mato, I like this joke for that sickness thing that u mentioned on the last one. It comes from mike k

    Here is A sickness one. I just made it up so it might suck, but it has a good earthbound reference:

    James was in happy happy villiage when all was going well
    then came some insane cultists and he started feeling down
    what is he sick with?

    (the blues)

    I hope you guys like it

  107. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    Gbev yes you will be able to play the final patch on a GBA via a flash cart. The team does not want to discuss where to get these kinds of products as Nintendo or others might view this as promoting piracy and that could compromise this project. I suggest you do a search on Google for ‘GBA flash cart’ or similar, it’s not that hard to find information on these things just search around for awhile. 🙂

    This is also addressed in the faq for the record.

  108. GhostSonic said 15 years ago:

    “I sure hope you’re not holding out on going to the bathroom though!”
    I bring my gba to the bathroom with me 😛

  109. SoreThumb said 15 years ago:

    Omg.. Mato . Poik is doing the translation? I love that guy! His M3 Playthrough was pretty slick– I used to wtach it and rewatch it until I found youtube LPs.. <:)

  110. blade the mercenary said 15 years ago:

    i also noticed the first pic and i quote

    “hey, i did get first comment! yay!
    …how did i get here so fast?!
    that guy in the first screenshot looks a little like picky :O”

    indeed it does look like picky… now that i think about it what was picky’s name in mother 2…?

  111. Aaron said 15 years ago:

    Mato: Is it possible that Nintendo would buy this hack from you? 🙂

  112. NecrosaroIII said 15 years ago:

    I’m not Tomato, but I can answer that for him, Aaron.

    There is a 0% chance Nintendo would buy it. First off, there are a TON of legal issues that would factor into it. Secondly, despite however good Tomato and Co.’s hacking is, it will never be as good as if the source code was used.

  113. Aaron said 15 years ago:

    Oh, right. I forgot that professional video game translators use source code. :S

  114. Blah said 15 years ago:

    This is not to say Mato isn’t also a professional video game translator.

  115. Kirk said 15 years ago:

    Working through the night, Mato fixed the final draft. It became Mother 3!

  116. evansucks said 15 years ago:

    Didn’t mato say that the Nintendo guys that the crew show’d their mother 3 stuff were impressed?

    I don’t think Nintendo could necessarily do a better job, even WITH the source code. It would be easier but i doubt they would put the time and effort forth that mato and co. are. Just saying, I can’t remember the last time i was impressed at all by a nintendo localization…i doubt they’d even TRY to use the original earthbound font/s…

  117. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I don’t think people are talking about the translation side of things, but rather the technical, programming side. No doubt an official version would work much better… in most cases. I don’t think they’d go as far as to implement many of the things we have, but for stuff like the sprite text routine, their final implementation would be way better, simply because they have the source code.

    If there’s one thing I’m really worried about, it’s the sprite text. It’s still not acceptable IMO. At the very least it still needs some tweaking and improvement since the last hash algorithm was put in. I have ideas on how to make it work, and even if those don’t work, there’s another way to make sprite text not be so lame, but that’d be a bit of work too.

    My ideal goal is for people who know nothing about this project to say, “Damn, THIS isn’t an official translation? Holy crap.” Key word being “ideal” of course, at some point you just gotta say, “okay that’s good enough”. At least in this situation 😛

  118. TimeSpaceMage said 15 years ago:

    Yeah, I had that reaction with the FF3J NES translation [T-Eng1.0_FF3jTransTeam]. Granted I never beat the game, it was really enjoyable and I preferred it over the DS version (mainly due to speed and gameplay changes).

  119. Lothis said 15 years ago:

    That translation was almost word for word what the DS version ended up having – its kinda creepy in a sense but cool at the same time.

  120. Cerryl said 15 years ago:

    Hi Mato. Much thanks to you for doing this project! I was just wondering, what is it about the sprite text that isn’t acceptable at the moment?

  121. GoldyK said 15 years ago:

    It is like Earthbound.
    I can see the same humor,
    and it makes me laugh.

  122. Kirk said 15 years ago:

    If I log back on
    And see another haiku
    I may shoot myself


  123. Underyx said 15 years ago:

    Sorry Kirk, Good-bye
    This is just another haiku
    So do what you want…

  124. Mon said 15 years ago:

    Just curious about the different scripts. You are 36% done with script 2 and someone else is doing script 3. Is it not possible for the other person to be doing script 3 as you are doing script 2 since part of script 2 is already done?

    Additionally, can someone explain the significance of commenting first and why it matters?

  125. Fredishungry said 15 years ago:

    Quote Mon:Just curious about the different scripts. You are 36% done with script 2 and someone else is doing script 3. Is it not possible for the other person to be doing script 3 as you are doing script 2 since part of script 2 is already done?

    Additionally, can someone explain the significance of commenting first and why it matters?


  126. Monsuco said 15 years ago:

    Wow, rock on Mato. This is REALLY coming along. Hell, every time I check this webpage it seems you have gotten much further than before. I can only imagine the amount of Mountain Dew this must have taken over the course of the project.

  127. eyfey said 15 years ago:

    Posting first doesn’t actually matter- In fact it probably implies that you didn’t actually read the whole entry and just went ahead and posted…

    Either way I guess it makes people really happy to know that they were first? Like how people like getting first in a marathon or a competition…. except without the competetive part… *shrugs* There’s a first post T-shirt though

  128. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Vagn: To be honest, I think he knows already. Or at least it’s very likely. I know he/his staff visited when he got his PK Siege Japan stuff, and there’s the MOTHER 3 translation link right there on the top page. Also, someone used an online translation service only used by big Japanese corporations to look around this site. So I’m sure that even if it wasn’t him, it was someone who could/would tell him eventually. Plus we’re one of the top hits when you search for mother 3 and mother3.

    Poo: Your question’s already been answered, but history and other cultures are a good thing to study. It’s interesting stuff and will help you understand the world better.

    Typhin: I think people were asking because of other stuff, like my EB0 patch.

    IcePi¢k: Not that I know of.

    Aaron: No.

    Cerryl: The sprite text “morphing” problem is still pretty bad, worse than in any of the currently-posted videos. Also some slight slowdown due to the new hash algorithm. There’s also a strange bug where the music actually speeds up really fast with some sprite text, for unknown reasons, but this only happens on VBA and not other emus or real hardware. But mostly the morphing thing. Check some of the menu text videos and you’ll probably see what I’m talking about, otherwise I’m sure someone here can explain it in more detail.

    Mon: demi wants to play the game fully in English first before starting on the third draft. Which is fine with me, and I actually would like really fresh eyes working on it, that’s why I wanted non-me help for that in the first place.

  129. Fritz said 15 years ago:

    Last Post!!!!11!

  130. flclrocks07 said 15 years ago:

    Fritz = Lier X. Agerate

  131. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    What causes the morphing, Mato? I thought that was due to hash collisions? Anyhow, I hope the hacking on that goes well, because it has to be a real pain in the ass.

  132. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    Is “sprite text morphing” the problem where the text doesn’t show up correctly at first, but then settles down? If so, it needs to be called something different…

  133. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    “settles down” meaning “settles on the right letters.”

  134. Redlandsman87 said 15 years ago:

    So, is demi going to get some sort of beta patch to use? Not that I’m asking you to distribute it, or any such thing…I’m just curious. =P

  135. Reanzet said 15 years ago:

    Huh, I’m surprised I haven’t seen this one yet. What coding language is Mother 3…uh…coded in? I have a relative who’s decent at programming (he helped make Snowcraft. look it up!). He’s curious, so I’m asking as a proxy. Thanks

  136. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    It was originally in some higher-level language and compiled, but we only have the compiled stuff, which is in native GBA code (“THUMB”). If we had the original code, this would be a lot easier.

  137. Reanzet said 15 years ago:

    true, but we don’t. thanks anyway

  138. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    The “sprite morphing” is the brief moment of lag when changing sprite text that is experienced because of the long text welding routines. The hash function is only there so that the game doesn’t constantly try to weld the same text, or else the morphing would be constant.

  139. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Yes, the hash runs pretty much 99.99% of the time. Only if the hash thing doesn’t work, does the game know text has changed and then it does its changing stuff. Which is why a fast hash is important. I’ve noticed some slight lag, might be good to try out that alternative to multiplication.

  140. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Haikus are easy
    Even if they don’t make sense

  141. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    Haikus are so lame
    Real men write poems in
    Iambic pentameter

  142. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    ahaha I’m retarded

    but my point stands

  143. Zinco said 15 years ago:

    At this point, how often are there fatal lock-ups and other glitches?

  144. Megahedron said 15 years ago:

    Haikus are awesome
    Doctor Meat can go eat steak

  145. Husky_Washu said 15 years ago:

    (psst, ‘haiku’ is technically three syllables ;)) Haha, my favorite haiku will always be Bowser’s from SMRPG…

    I second the “taking your GBA to the bathroom” thing. :>

    As always, thank you so so much, Tomato and co. It’s really coming together and looks brilliant so far. You guys have come such a long way.

  146. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    steak is delicious
    and i need to learn math
    also it was just a joke
    i actually enjoy haikus
    let’s all be friends

  147. matthew said 15 years ago:

    Wow great work and thank you so much for doing this, this is my first time commeting but wow. Thank GOD you exist.

  148. Vague Rant said 15 years ago:

    Typhin: It uses SRAM, but some people have still had trouble with it. It runs fine on my EZ-Flash 3-in-1, though, except for the sleep issue. I tried to get in contact with JeffMan about the problem with sleep mode, but I don’t know how successful I was.

  149. mantendo said 15 years ago:

    I looked on your to-do list, and when you mean testing, are you guys going to do that after everything else is finished? Or are you testing it already..?

  150. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    Yeah the sleep mode doesn’t work on my EZ-Flash IV, but everything else does, including saving without the need for a patch.

  151. M3FTW said 15 years ago:

    Definitely playing this a second time. Its really a great game, those that haven’t played it, and as soon as I get a flash disk GBA thingy, I’m MAKING my friends play it. After I play it, of course. I haven’t seen any other turn-based RPG games with a back-beat twist at all, and I think its a genius way to get people out of that dreadful Countious “A button” stage of turn-based. Those of you that do this, you know what I mean. I just cry every single time I think of how great the game could be on the DS, touch screen instead of A button, maybe a little of that 3D style EB64 was going to have, keep the psychedelic backgrounds of course, instant hit. Not suggesting anyone try to make it, just saying, if there was a 10th year anniversary edition, I’d look for these things on it. Enough of my rant, DON’T OVERWORK YOURSELVES! Everyone is pulling for you (except Reggie. He is not pulling for you. But his employees are 🙂 )

  152. Jon said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato, know where I could find a (new) copy of Mother 3 for a reasonable price? Because the link to buy it on Play-Asia is dead, and all of the ones on ebay are like 50+ dollars. What, do they not manufacture it anymore? Surely there is a japanese website that has some.

  153. Mato said 15 years ago:

    They don’t make GBA games anymore, so nope, it’s sold out at most places now. Here are a few links you can try though.

    eBay stores

    toys n joys

  154. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    > Yes, the hash runs pretty much 99.99% of the time. Only if the hash thing doesn’t work, does the game know text has changed and then it does its changing stuff.

    I know there were collisions with the old hash, are there some with the new one, too? (Or just lag, now?)

    > Which is why a fast hash is important. I’ve noticed some slight lag, might be good to try out that alternative to multiplication.

    Well, you can do a shift and add for each 1 bit in the prime you multiply by, doing long multiplication almost by hand, though I don’t know how many cycles that saves (and it probably actually hurts emulators which have more to translate). I don’t know that there is a faster hash that won’t give collisions (and thus cause morphing) for such small strings…

    If there are too many slowdowns, you might almost do better to find some other loop-central routine and optimize that better 🙂 I have to bet it’s doing something useless that might prove an easier task for optimization than a hash that uses only two mathematical operations.

  155. sunzo132 said 15 years ago:

    At E3 08, they are revealing some hidden secrets from Nintendo. Maybe they will add some information on the Mother Franchise. I am not sure, but it is a possibility.

    Also Mato, does Nintendo of America know about the project? If they did, would they do anything to stop you guys?

  156. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Every year, before every E3, people get their hopes up for EB stuff. There’s always secret stuff at E3, so people’s hopes get high. It’s best to not hope or expect anything from E3, at least not anything EB-related.

    EDIT: And yes, it’s already been well-documented throughout this blog that Nintendo knows. Reggie himself says he knows. But we’re still here. People working at Nintendo can’t wait to play the patch, too.

  157. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    It’s funny, though, imagining that Reggie is allowing this to continue because he himself wants to play it 🙂

    I wouldn’t blame him, though, were that speculation true.

  158. MarkShark said 15 years ago:

    From a purist perspective, these haikus aren’t even haikus.

  159. Redlandsman87 said 15 years ago:

    Quick question concerning Reggie….I know he has made statements alluding to the fact that they know about the Sieges,, and you’ve said they know who you are, Tomato…but when has has Reggie stated he knew about this translation? I’m sure he knows, but I don’t remember him stating anything of the sort.

    Not saying it isn’t true, but could you possibly direct me to a quote, or quote him yourself? Or whatever it is in which he made such a statement? Hope I’m not being a bother.. I’m just curious. =P

  160. necrosis said 15 years ago:

    There is an american website which seems to have Mother 3 in stock last I checked. I can personally recommend them, since the shipping is cheap (even if they don’t lower prices later into the game’s release like Play-Asia and such might) and I’ve ordered from them a whole bunch of times since back in like 2006.

    Here’s a link:

  161. Mato said 15 years ago:

    NCSX recently ran out of stock, like yesterday or something supposedly. I’ve been linking to it from this blog since like a week ago, wonder if that’s coincidence or not 😉

    Reggie’s knowing about the translation is from here.

  162. gBev said 15 years ago:

    could anyone post a link for where it says Reggie knows? I’d like to read it.

  163. Mike k said 15 years ago:

    Mato, just a suggestion: how about VERY small daily updates. Just like what percentage of the way through the draft you are.
    June 2: 50.35%
    and that would be it. And then every 3 days or so have a normal length update.
    just a thought.

  164. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    You know, I feel pretty relieved Nintendo hasn’t tried to shut this thing down yet. Not that stuff like that happens a lot or anything, it just seems like that’d be the logical outcome given our bad luck with EB-related things 🙂

    jinxed har har

  165. Anony1200 said 15 years ago:

    I have a friend who works at a neuclear power plant.He experiences cases of random baldness near every day.

    Seriously,though.I think Nintendo is starting to take notice of this.If you pull this off,they might actually pay you money for the rights to it…

  166. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Mike k: Mini updates already serve that purpose, and daily updates with nothing but percentages would clutter up things fast. It’s easier to find my mini-updates now anyway, and I quietly update the percentage on the to-do list every so often.

    Anony1200: I don’t think Nintendo would try to sell something that tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands? please maybe??) of people just downloaded for free in full form.

  167. shawnji_us said 15 years ago:

    I’ve been dealing with NCSX for quite some time now. They’ve always had good customer service and I’ve never had a problem with them. Hope they restock soon.

    As always, I’m happy to see how well the translation is progressing. The content of the updates always continues to pique my interest in Rom-hacking. I’ve been messing around with little things like Hex editing and building table files for some Japanese games, but nothing really major. It’s really fascinating. Do you happen to have a particular favorite repository of hacking info online? I’d love to hear about it.

    Also, when I went to the Aeon Genesis website to download the new LAL patch the other day I was reminded of one of my favorite imports; Slime Morimori Dragon Quest. I can’t believe they still haven’t found a translator yet! I’ve played through the game twice over now and I can read most of it easily. I decided to send them an e-mail through their help wanted section, but I haven’t heard anything back for a week or so. Wonder if the project’s dead? Oh well… anyway, thanks for all the great work, as always!

  168. shawnji_us said 15 years ago:

    Hmm… doesn’t seem to be showing my reply. I apologize if there’s a double post.

  169. madlobster said 15 years ago:

    I don’t know. For all releases Nintendo had for the GBA (and other systems), they were dumped soon after and downloaded by many people. While I doubt they would buy the completed hacked ROM image to put on a GBA cartridge, they could be interested in buying the text of the translation to put into an official translation on the Wii’s VC.

  170. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Anyone got any good nicknames for exceptionally tall people? They need to be non-insult ones. I can’t think of anything good 😐

  171. Bats said 15 years ago:



    …I dunno.

  172. captainplanet said 15 years ago:

    Big guy?

  173. Bats said 15 years ago:


  174. Effluvium said 15 years ago:

    What to call a tall person.

    Supersize? Or is that an insult?

    Bear? Loom? Redwood? Biggie? Everest? Shoulders? Lookout?

    Shorty? Tiny?


    It’s hard to come up with names that aren’t insulting… I bet a few of these could be considered insulting too… eh well.

  175. TLS1988 said 15 years ago:

    Well this one guy was about 9′ tall. They called him the “Buffalo Giant” (he was from Buffalo, New York). You could that sort of idea. Yay Wikipedia!!

  176. GoldyK said 15 years ago:

    I will keep at it,
    responding in this format.
    Though, its difficult.

  177. TLS1988 said 15 years ago:

    You could what with that idea? Use it, that’s what. Unforntunatly Wikipedia never teached me gramar.

  178. Effluvium said 15 years ago:

    Oh, I forgot Hillbilly, Legs, Stiltzkin, Ceiling, Top, Bottom, Duck, Scraper, and the oh-too-obvious Tallboy.

  179. shawnji_us said 15 years ago:

    I vote for Big McLargehuge.

  180. TLS1988 said 15 years ago:

    Well for a good (or fitting) nickname something memorable or more descriptive might help. Also if the people around the tall person had nick names we could sorta make one to go along with those, like a short person called “Stool” because you can sit on them. Oh, and a gender might help. Nothing beats the hell out of a boy named Sue.

  181. Lynn said 15 years ago:

    Little John

  182. Typhin said 15 years ago:

    “Big McLargehuge” sounds familiar… Have I heard that before? I don’t know…

    Sorry, the only one that comes to mind is “Weather Guy”, as in “How’s the weather up there?” I wouldn’t say I’ve actually heard the nickname in live usage, but I’ve heard the full phrase. (I believe the Munchkin version of D&D has a feat for people above a certain height to accurately divine the weather once per day, but only when asked the question.)

  183. Typhin said 15 years ago:

    Mmh, I might be thinking of some nicknames I came up with in the past for things, that followed a similar pattern. The only one that comes to mind off-hand was for people who stepped exceptionally heavy on DDR (when I worked at an arcade), which was “Stompy McLeadfoot”. My roommate was a Stompy McLeadfoot, but he was skinny as a bean… Seems to be the lighter you are, the heavier you step… O.o

  184. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    I like Legs or Tiny from those mentioned above 🙂

    Oh, and from Mato’s link, I found this quote:

    “He said the “Mother” series (known as “Earthbound” when “Mother 2″ was released in the U.S.) is important to Satoru Iwata, Nintendo’s president, who worked on the series years ago as a developer.”

    That could be one good reason they’re not too eager to go after this project. The huge fan gift basket thingy to Itoi couldn’t hurt, either 🙂

  185. Soopy said 15 years ago:

    I vote “Stretch”. its not very insulting and it gets the point across that they are indeed a tall person.

  186. Soopy said 15 years ago:

    And yes i am 6’4. if somebody were to call me stretch it wouldn’t be insulting, just annoying ^^

  187. Effluvium said 15 years ago:

    Of course, my favorites from the ones I came up with are Scraper and Lookout, I flatter myself they sound like military callsigns.

    But yeah, I would have said Stretch if someone hadn’t said it before me. I guess it really gets the point across.

  188. Skullrama said 15 years ago:

    How about Ben? Like the big one? The clock.

  189. Blah said 15 years ago:


  190. tibbs said 15 years ago:

    Yeah, I like Big Ben, especially if it’s the outrageously tall guy ringing the bell! ^^ (nah, it’s not a spoiler!)

  191. Tarik said 15 years ago:

    Big Ben sounds great.

    Big isnt insulting, and Ben references the huge clocktower.

    Its a win win.

  192. Chris said 15 years ago:

    Being 6’4″ myself, I would frequently get called scout. I think it’s an interesting nickname. At school I’d also get called Godzilla. I always hated that name though. One other I’ve heard is High-top. Hope they are of some use…

  193. Chris said 15 years ago:

    Oh, just thought about Paul Bunyan…

  194. Shaun said 15 years ago:

    How tall are we talking, Mato?

  195. Jay said 15 years ago:

    Big Ben get my vote.

  196. Reagle said 15 years ago:

    Stretch is probably the best one without being really insulting. Skyscraper, maybe?

  197. Super3dcow said 15 years ago:

    Maybe Big, then the first letter of his name. Like Big D.

  198. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    Mato, is this for a renaming of リダ, the bellringer? Or is it more like an affectionate nickname, like people might call me stretch, or big guy, or whatever (not in my hometown, where everyone’s tall, but everywhere else 😛 ). Or would revealing the context tread into the realm of spoilers? If it’s renaming, you could go the subtle route and give em a name that means ‘tall’ or ‘big’ in another language, like ‘Alto’ or ‘Procerus’ or ‘Psilo’ or ‘Hoch’ or something. If it’s general nicknames, there’s things like ‘beanpole’ or ‘stretch’ but it might be hard to come up with ones that aren’t somewhat insulting. Maybe some sort of colorful metaphor about how tall they are, but that’s all I can think of. Maybe that’s not helpful.

  199. Redlandsman87 said 15 years ago:

    If we are talking about リダ, then I like the nick name of Wadlow. Pretty obscure, maybe, but リダ always immediately reminded me of him. =P

    I dunno, maybe you could (with spoiler warnings?) give a bit more context on how the nick name will be used – if you just want a sort of “generic” nick name for someone tall (no offense to those who suggested them), names like Big Ben and Skyscraper do work very well, but something like Wadlow might fit the context of “random pop culture reference” that the series is famous for.

    Well, that’s my two cents, anyway.

  200. Mato said 15 years ago:

    It’s a nickname not a rename.

  201. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:

    I really like the Big Ben idea, but I’ll see if I can think of one to give you some more choices…

    Hm… I had a friend who was very tall. Some friends started calling the friend Ganglyo (perhaps it would look better as Ganglio)? My friend had no problems with being called that name.

  202. Redlandsman87 said 15 years ago:

    Hm…Ganglyo? Would you mind explaining that a bit, Larry? Maybe I’m just being slow today, but I don’t quite get it…

  203. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:

    Gangly means tall and thin.

  204. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Did a test just now (preparing stuff for when the day comes) and the current build creates a patch that’s about 930 KB zipped up. For those who care.

  205. Negi said 15 years ago:

    I just saw Stretch and I’m putting in a vote for that one.

  206. mobilisq said 15 years ago:

    yeah i’ll throw in my vote for Stretch, too.

    it’s what all the girls at work call me, too, so in a round about way you’ve got another 10 votes right there

  207. Will said 15 years ago:

    Kite Rack, Stretch Legslong

    And, yes, I’m tall too.

  208. Dr. Hobo said 15 years ago:

    I like Big Ben.

    I actually known a kid named ben who is, as I call him, “freakishly tall”. I call him shorty, and ask him how the weather down there is. Ya know, for a change of pace.

  209. Coconut of Enlightenment said 15 years ago:

    For those of you who’ve never lived in London, you might be interested to know that Big Ben is the name of the tower’s bell, not the tower itself.

  210. Jupiter-x said 15 years ago:

    Big Ben fits the bellringer great, to me, but Stilts and Stretch are good nicknames too.

  211. Reagle said 15 years ago:

    Yon Tall One

  212. PizzaPasta said 15 years ago:


    Please don’t recommend Toys ‘N Joys. They have really awful service and rarely actually ship products that are ordered from their site.

  213. PizzaPasta said 15 years ago:

    Also, (sorry to double post) Toys N Joys likes to lie about having items in stock on their site. So they probably don’t even have the game anyway.

    Just a heads up, STAY CLEAR!

  214. Drü said 15 years ago:

    I’m 6’4″ and I don’t mind when people call me “Lurch” or “Stretch.” But I’m sure Lurch is too common and Stretch a little less-humored. So I like Big Ben.

  215. Drü said 15 years ago:


    Add the Bell Ringer to the naming screen and let the player decide his nickname!!

    . . . Because I’m so sure that doing so wouldn’t involve days of coding, hacking, reworking, and lack of sleep. Get on it, Jeffman, we’re counting on you!

    (sorry for the doppio)

  216. Habiib said 15 years ago:

    How about Daddy Longlegs? Like the spider.

    I don’t think that’s very offensive.

  217. PizzaPasta said 15 years ago:

    Isn’t the “Bell Ringer’s” name kind of involved in the plot?

  218. Light Wolf said 15 years ago:

    I like Big Ben. Oh, who knows…

  219. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    I. R. Tall?

  220. Mato said 15 years ago:

    OK, we’re in the 40s now.

    BTW, I decided on Beanstalk, so thanks to everyone who made suggestions. That was one of the ones I was leaning toward originally, but didn’t like it much. Some smoother writing makes it sound okay. I wish I could consult you guys for lots more names, but many of them need context or involve spoilers, heh. Oh well.

    Anyway, lots of tedious town talk is out of the way, lots of small rooms coming up it looks like.

  221. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    I’d say “nearly halfway,” but it sounds kind of depressing.

    I’ve got a great idea!

  222. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    When you started the script #2, I had thought you had all the text on some huge ass word document and would translate it line by line like that, rather than right into the game

  223. Psychomax said 15 years ago:

    I just typed in about 30 times and freaked out because it kept bringing me to the home page D:

    BUT ANYWAYS, do you realize that if this project were a glass, and you filled 40% of it with water, you wouldn’t be able to tell it wasn’t 50% unless it were a measuring cup?? Think of it!

  224. Itchy_nugget said 15 years ago:

    Beanstalk is just as good.

    Awesome progress on the game! Im sure whether or not it will be just as good as an official release won’t be a problem to alot of people. I know I just want to great story to be told and have it flow just right. But I’m still going to encourage you to do the best that you can with the translations.

    Mother 3 ftw >:D (this goes for the rest of the series as well)

  225. Mato said 15 years ago:

    For those watching with the map viewer, we’re in Map 46 now. Cattlesnake country, yeehaw~ Dem’s good eatins!

    EDIT: Looks like lots of text from the middle of the game now.

  226. gBev said 15 years ago:

    should have used ‘Giant Beverage’

  227. insaneafroguy said 15 years ago:

    oohh ohh! a good name for exceptionally tall pple
    E.T. or exceptionally tall

  228. 7ucky said 15 years ago:

    Hey guys! Did anyone miss me? Better question: did anyone notice I was gone? 😀

    I’ve missed so much, but wanted to let you know that haven’t died and that I’m still waiting for M3 with bated breath!

  229. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I’m really drawing blanks here, I even left a note to myself during Draft 1 that said “oh god come back to this later”.

    Basically, I need to come up with two really incredibly respected and important movies, preferrably from the 60s or before. And then I need the main actor of each one. If possible, actor for one and actress for the other. Anybody got any random well-known and important movies in terms of filmmaking?

  230. Zaratus said 15 years ago:

    Umm, I’ve never watching it, or anything, but the only thing that comes to mind is Gone With The Wind. Err, or, maybe Wizard of Oz? How old is that movie anyway? *shrug*

  231. Damn Impressed said 15 years ago:

    I’m not much of a movie buff, so my best suggestion would be 1967’s “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” There’s not really a main lead, but the main female lead is Katharine Houghton, and the main male lead is Sidney Poitier. Another good one might be the 1955 “Rebel Without a Cause”, which really sucks, in my opinion. Yeah, not the best suggestions. That’s the great thing about having so many fans, Mato, you’re going to get lots of fantastic suggestions.

    I could have sworn I asked this earlier, but I guess not. Is anyone else closely following the P2 Innocent Sin translation? They’re not nearly as dedicated as the team here, but I am such a persona whore I can’t help but be excited, and they are certainly showing continual progress.

    “PAIRSOHNA!” — Maya, P2: EP, every goddamn battle

  232. Damn Impressed said 15 years ago:

    Zaratus wins. Wizard of Oz, 1939, dorothy played by Judy Garland. That’s probably one of the most important movies evar.

  233. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:


    Citizen Kane (Orson Wells is Kane, but William Alland plays the man that investigates Kane’s life after Kane’s Death) and Casablanca (Ingrid Bergman)?

  234. Vague Rant said 15 years ago:

    I have to go to work right now, but I’ll throw in Dr. Strangelove.

  235. tapioca said 15 years ago:

    gone with the wind: clark gable + vivien leigh, and casablanca: humphrey bogart + ingrid bergman?

  236. Jon de la JonJon said 15 years ago:

    The Maltese Falcon, containing Humphrey Bogart.
    Breakfast at Tiffany’s, containing Audrey Hepburn.

    There, now you only have to reply to one post!

  237. Jupiter-x said 15 years ago:

    Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1960)

  238. Mandabar said 15 years ago:


    “On a Mother relevant note, I got Earthbound to work on my flash cart, to compliment EB0. I’ll be able to have all 3 games on it at once!”

    How? More Info? SNEmulDS just doesn’t cut it for me. My Palm 700p (LJP 1.1 out recently) Emulates it more correctly (And usually faster) then my DS does.

    On a sidenote, I’m still loving this blog and the pure awesomeness and speed of the whole team (And Mato of course).

  239. Jupiter-x said 15 years ago:

    1961, sorry. I lied.

  240. rainwalker said 15 years ago:

    I’ll throw in my votes for Casablanca and Gone With the Wind, even though I’ve read some pretty negative retrospective reviews of the latter film.

  241. Dusty said 15 years ago:

    Casablanca – Humphrey Bogart – 1942
    Some Like It Hot – Marilyn Monroe – 1959

  242. lb101 said 15 years ago:

    Here are my votes. Depending upon the context:

    Wizard of Oz (1961) (Judy Garland)
    -Might fit if the context calls for a female protagonist whose unlikely adventure (all she ever wanted was to go home) exposes evil and corruption, as well as resistance on a variety of societal levels.
    High Noon (1952) (Gary Cooper)
    -Might fit if the context calls for a male protagonist who attempts to defend his town/country against unlikely odds–especially without the support of any other town members (it was a critique against McCarthyism).
    Some Like it Hot (1959) (Marilyn Monroe)
    -Might fit if the context calls for a female protagonist who is the object of everyone’s affection and leads those around her to do “bizarre” things to obtain her love.
    The Searchers (1956) (John Wayne)
    -Might fit if the context calls for a retrospective look at a famous individual who had a significant role in governmental tyranny–John Wayne was a major figure in Hollywood’s communist scare. But as for the movie, it is about a cowboy searching for his niece who was captured by Native Americans.

  243. Forgotten Man said 15 years ago:

    The Public Enemy- James Cagne- 1932

  244. mike k said 15 years ago:

    How about:
    Ben Hur (1959) starring – Charleton Heston
    West Side Story (1961) starring – Natalie Wood

  245. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) starring Gregory Peck

    “Atticus Finch (Peck), a lawyer in the Depression-era South, defends a black man against an undeserved rape charge, and his kids against prejudice.”

    This is possibly my favorite movie of all time. Atticus Finch is one of the greatest heroes ever (he’s a book hero too, but… I never read it). I don’t know what kind of movies would fit, but this is a fantastic, classic movie. There’s an Earthbound connection as well, which I’m sure you’re aware of. The greedy Aloysius Minch being the opposite of the virtuous and humanitarian Atticus Finch.

    It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) starring James Stewart

    “An angel helps a compassionate but despairingly frustrated businessman by showing what life would had been like if he never existed.”

    It’d be venturing into the realm of spoiler to say why I think this movie has a fairly major thematic connection to MOTHER 3. If you’ve not seen it I could tell you why in a PM or something to avoid ruining the party for everyone.

    Anyway those are my suggestions.

  246. mike k said 15 years ago:

    I was thinking about saying To Kill a Mockingbird as well. That was such a great book and Gregory Peck was great in that movie.

  247. Zero said 15 years ago:

    Not knowing the context for the movie references, I would suggest these two:

    Casablanca (1942), Humphrey Bogart
    The Sound of Music (1965), Julie Andrews

    I suggest them because Itoi seems to be into music with a touch of (apparent) class, and also ‘mysterious noir’, so these would reflect a personal translation of Itoi if he did.

  248. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    I’ve always been partial to 2001: A Space Odyssey, (1968) starring Keir Dullea (or Douglas Rain as HAL.. I’m afraid I can’t do that, Dave.)
    Hmm, well you know, there were two films called “Pollyanna” made in the 1960’s and earlier era.. the famous Disney one from 1960 (starring Hayley Mills) and a lesser-known one with Mary Pickford from the 1920’s. Neither of these were very significant historically, but this IS a Mother-series game… haha, kidding, kidding.
    Or am I?

  249. eyfey said 15 years ago:

    I forget the main actor… but howsabout

    Princess Bride?

  250. eyfey said 15 years ago:

    Up- Ignore that. I missed the “60’s or before” part -_-;

  251. mike k said 15 years ago:

    Im pretty sure Princess Bride was made in the 80s or 90s, but my fineal votes are for:
    Wizard of Oz – Judy Garland
    To Kill a Mockingbird – Gregory Peck

  252. rc5 said 15 years ago:

    I would say Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina (1954) just to be different. Or maybe Humphrey Bogart in the same movie.

  253. mace said 15 years ago:

    My vote is for
    Wizard of Oz – Judy Garland
    then a tie
    Ben Hur – Charleton Heston
    Casablanca – Humphrey Bogart

    I think they are the biggest icons in the list and Casablanca won best picture, Humphrey Bogart was nominated for best actor. Ben Hur won both awards along with many others.

    There is also One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, although it was 1975…but it was fantastic and it won best picture, actor, and actress so you could take your pick with actor or actress.

  254. KoolKojo said 15 years ago:

    Why don’t u try music bands,
    like earthbound…

  255. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    I’d say the Wizard of Oz and Casablanca.

    Trivia time!

    Did you know that The Wizard of Oz was the first movie to be shot in colour? Nifty eh?

  256. oh ok said 15 years ago:

    Ellipses have 3 periods normally, and 4 when used at the end of a sentence.

  257. Some random guy said 15 years ago:

    Enough with it all
    The haikus are quite stupid
    And Mato agrees

  258. Carl said 15 years ago:


    The Wizard of Oz was definitely not the first film to be shot in color. It used the three-strip Technicolor process. The first feature-length film to use this process was Becky Sharp, released in 1935, several years before The Wizard of Oz. And that’s not to mention the several other processes for color filming.

  259. NecrosaroIII said 15 years ago:

    To Kill a Mockingbird(Gregory Peck)
    Vertigo(Jimmy Stewart)

  260. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    The question about the first film to be shot in color is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT and meaningless, since going from black-and-white to color was a gradual process.

  261. Elise said 15 years ago:

    Cat on a Hot Tin Roof with Paul Newman and Liv Taylor?

  262. baxter said 15 years ago:


    The Third Man, 1949, Orson Welles or Joseph Cotton

    I highly recommend this. Not as obvious as others that were mentioned, but just as revered. As far as filmmaking goes, it’s widely considered a milestone in both cinematography and storytelling, and was voted best British film of the 20th century by the British Film Institute.

  263. baxter said 15 years ago:

    For the second one, I’d go with Sunset Boulevard (1950), starring Gloria Swanson, one of the most famous film noirs alongside The Third Man. (“Alright, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up”)

  264. baxter said 15 years ago:

    Wikipedia, re: Sunset Boulevard, “In 1989 the film was among the first group of 25 deemed “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” by the Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.”

  265. Vagn said 15 years ago:


    Your correction makes me sad 🙁 but you are correct…
    Also a quick search on google reveals that there was colour processes going way back to the 1890’s, interesting!

  266. D-S said 15 years ago:

    I can help if you need a Spanish translator…

    Also great work!

  267. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    My computer’s messed up, my posts aren’t displaying, sorry…

  268. Negi said 15 years ago:

    Casablanca – Humphrey Bogart
    To Kill A Mockingbird – Gregory Peck

    You have to use Casablanca. It is probably the greatest movie of all time; its name is instantly recognizable; it fits within the time period.

  269. Bytron said 15 years ago:

    My votes:
    Sound of Music plus Casablanca.

  270. ok said 15 years ago:

    mato prolly doin a little less meth now with the coding out of the way..
    but i bet he still do a LOT of meth..

    good luck my friend mato.. your family loves you

  271. Bytron said 15 years ago:

    Maybe something with Frank Sinatra: Guys and Dolls, From Here to Eternity, or Oceans Eleven. And if you use Ol’ Blue Eyes, how about some Marilyn Monroe with Some Like it Hot, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, or How To Marry a Millionaire.

  272. Husky_Washu said 15 years ago:

    Aw I love The Wizard of Oz.

    I guess it kind of depends on how well-known you want them to be? The two that immediately popped into my mind were “The Wizard of Oz” and “Gone with the Wind” and I’m not much of a movie buff…probably want the names to be the most recognizable to the largest number of people, unless you think it’s one of those more subtle jokes that caters to the older generations.

  273. KratosAuron0 said 15 years ago:

    To Kill a Mockingbird – Gregory Peck
    The Sound of Music – Julie Andrews

    these get my vote, especially since they’re probably the only movies from the 60s that I know of

  274. evansucks said 15 years ago:

    I second anything supporting the third man. GREAT film.

  275. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Whoa that’s a lot of replies 😯

    OK, awesome. I’ll sift through them and see what seems best. FWIW, this particular line isn’t really special or anything, I think it’s just on some sign that you probably won’t even know to check. I know I’ve never seen this sign before, I’ll have to go in and hunt around for it.

    But now that we got the classic films, what’s a film that’s like the exact opposite of all those? The first thing that came to mind is “Dude, Where’s My Car?” but I don’t want to use that one because I don’t think Itoi would’ve used that. Maybe something also from the 60s and earlier, but something that’s really bad and the opposite of a good movie.

  276. Pineapples said 15 years ago:

    The Good, The Bad, and The ugly (1966) w/ Clint Eastwood

    The Graduate (1967) w/ Dustin Hoffman

    Bonnie and Clyde (1967) w/ Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway

    The Manchurian Candidate (1962) w/ Frank Sinatra

    Rosemary’s Baby (1968) w/ Mia Farrow

    A Hard Day’s Night (1964) w/ The BEATLES (I like a Beatles reference whenever possible)

    Goldfinger (1964) w/ Sean Connery

    Funny Girl (1968) w/ Barbara Streisand

    Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) w/ Elizabeth Taylor

    Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid (1969) w/ Robert Redford and Paul Newman

    Movies from the 60s rock, btw, I’m looking forward to whatever part of the game this is.

  277. Mato said 15 years ago:


    If anyone here has spare time and wants to help spread EarthBound love around the world, check out this thread. A Spanish translation of EarthBound is nearly complete, but there are some cases of buggy text, and all of this stuff needs to be identified and logged so we can manually fix those lines.

    If you’re interested, head over there and check out the patch and start trying to find crazy text! Of course, you might kind of need to know Spanish, but that might not matter to people who’ve played it in English 800 times 😛

  278. Pineapples said 15 years ago:

    That’s an easy one, so many terrible movies..

    Battlefield Earth
    The Hottie and The Nottie
    From Justin To Kelly
    Star Wars Ep. I: The Phantom Menace (it sucked, admit it)
    Man of Steel
    anything with Keanu Reeves not called The Matrix or Speed

  279. Weebo said 15 years ago:

    excellent. something i can contribute and an outlet for my insane movie obsession.

    it should be these:

    citizen kane – orson welles
    casablanca – ingrid bergman

    there aren’t any american films from the period you provided that are more respected and important to film history than these two.

    of course, you have plenty to work with if you want something more recognizable to the larger mother 3 playerbase.

    seconding some that others have suggested: garland in Oz, sound of music, 2001. those would work well not knowing the context.

    to add more revered pre-70’s hollywood flicks-

    rear window
    north by northwest
    on the waterfront
    its a wonderful life
    butch cassidy and the sundance kid

    if we’re including foreign films as well i’ll suggest by director:

    anything by kurosawa if there would be benefit to having japanese movies – seven samurai and yojimbo being his most recognizable. among cinephiles his works are wildly praised.

    leone’s spaghetti westerns – the good the bad and the ugly, fistful of dollars, for a few dollars more. clint eastwood is insanely recognizable.

    Also, i don’t think bergman or fellini are what you’re looking for but the seventh seal and 8 1/2 are two of the most widely regarded films of all time and they came out in 57/63 respectively.

  280. Weebo said 15 years ago:

    as for an awful movie, pre 60’s, the quintessential option is definitely ed wood’s plan 9 from outer space. read up on it. its uniquely horrible.

  281. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    gotta put “Soylent Green” out there. Sorry if there’s any fans, but it is awesomely bad.

  282. Dust said 15 years ago:

    I’d like to add another vote for a “Third Man” reference. Easily one of the greatest movies yet made, that one.

    Also, I second the nomination of “Plan 9 from Outer Space” as an awful movie reference. Poor, dead Bela Lugosi…

  283. Pineapples said 15 years ago:

    Plan 9 from Outer Space is hilarious

  284. Blak Playg said 15 years ago:

    If you’re looking for opposite of “good movie”, Manos: The Hands Of Fate is the only choice. It’s so bad it loops around to being good and then bad again.

  285. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Man, gotta pull out MST3K if you want a list of bad movies 🙂

    Yeah, Plan 9 from Outer Space & Manos: The Hands of Fate are definite ‘worst ever’ mentions. Here’s another list, though, if you want more:

    Santa Claus Conquers the Martians
    Zombie! vs. Mardi Gras
    Freddy Got Fingered
    Battlefield Earth

    I think that if you want movies people will _KNOW_ are terrible, go with Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (you only need the title to know how bad that is) and Battlefield Earth or Gigli (you have to live in a cave not to know how horrible they are) 🙂

  286. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Yes, movies that are instantly recognizable is what I need. I know about many of those bad movies, but I don’t think the general public would know what Manos is, for example. It’s possible that even just really ridiculous titles from that era would suffice.

  287. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    BTW, I believe that the Far Side always loved using Ishtar as their favorite movie to mock (the only movie in Hell’s Video Store, etc.)

  288. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Well, then you CAN’T go wrong with Santa Claus Conquers the Martians 🙂

  289. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    There’s also the movie Robot Monster… 🙂

  290. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Maybe this is what you want, then…

    Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo (lots of precedent on this one)
    Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (again…)
    Cannibal Women In The Avocado Jungle of Death
    The Linguini Incident

    I should hope those are enough… 🙂

  291. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Hmm, that reminds me of how Calvin & Hobbes spoofed The Linguini Incident as “the noodle incident” (unless the inspiration went the other way?).

    And if you wanted to use fictitious ones for any reason, “Blackula 2: Electric Boogaloo” should be bad enough for anyone. Maybe even bad enough to rescue the president from ninjas… 🙂 (look up the video game Bad Dudes if you didn’t get that joke).

  292. Triangle said 15 years ago:


    just a suggestion:

    you know how you have ?
    Well…. we all know that you or someone else form will make something kind of similar to that — a site about Mother 3 which explains all the references that we should have gotten in the game (and thus have the enjoyment of the humor that we would have otherwise missed)

    how about you put the url to that site, inside some start-up image… or maybe even include it in something that a game character says? So that way anyone who would EVER mother 3 in English (unless NOA decides to localize it…..unlikely) will see that website url, and go to it…

    …you can track how many people visit that site,too — to see the stats and stuff…..

    just throwin’ it out there, thats all 🙂

  293. Solidseed said 15 years ago:

    Oh God, my internet went down for about a week. Almost the entire time, I was hoping Mother 3 Fan Translation had finished without me. Glad to see the hard work and dedication on this game. I haven’t seen so much love in a video game for years.

  294. adzix said 15 years ago:

    Hey there Mato, if you need an instant classic in terms of bad movies, there’s no better than “Plan 9 From Outer Space”.
    I think it also fits the Mother-esque humour pretty good.

  295. Pilot said 15 years ago:

    Worst movie I know is ”Plan 9 from outer space”.

  296. Effluvium said 15 years ago:

    Well, half of me wants to say that Plan 9 from Outer Space absolutely has to go on there, that it’s so uniquely bad that you can’t make a reference to bad movies without mentioning it… and the other half says that the combination of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and Cannibal Women In The Avocado Jungle of Death would be enough to make Tom Servo cry. And I didn’t even know those movies existed until now. (I can’t believe there ever WERE movies with titles like that, I’d always assumed it was a dead unicorn trope.)

    In fact, I just went and looked both of them up on IMDB to make sure they really exist. It turns out they’re both spoofs… did you want honest-to-goodness bad movies?

  297. lb101 said 15 years ago:

    Its from the 80s, but how great would it be to see “Killer Klowns from Outer Space” in the game. IMDB’s plot summary says it all:

    Aliens who look like clowns come from outer space and terrorize a small town.

  298. Negi said 15 years ago:

    Tomato, have you ever heard of Vampiyaz: Brothaz in Blood?

    That movie was the worst movie I’ve ever personally seen. “JAKEEM GIVE ME THE AMULET!”

  299. Lynn said 15 years ago:

    What about the new Sex in the City movie.

    I always puke a little into my mouth when its mentioned.

  300. KoolKojo said 15 years ago:

    *looks up*


    how about you just make up some movie titles that are puns off of others and make the actors and actress’ names based off of real people too

  301. Adolfo said 15 years ago:

    How about “Magical mystery tour”, that movie is BAD, its from 1967 and you will also include a beatles reference just like in eartbound

  302. Adolfo said 15 years ago:

    hahaha by the way, look what i just found, a tomato-themed webpage reviewing that movie with a tomatometer.. creepy… it is your destiny to deal with that movie.. I guess..

    (Sorry for the double post)

  303. Redlandsman87 said 15 years ago:

    I loved Magical Mystery Tour….it’s not THAT bad. ;_;

  304. Poo said 15 years ago:

    Here’s a list of funny movie names

    Not sure how recognizable the movie has to be though.

  305. Poo said 15 years ago:

    I think you should do “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” in honor of yourself.

  306. LordCain said 15 years ago:

    I agree with Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. I was thinking about that while reading through the comments but was too late.

  307. Will said 15 years ago:

    Dude, worst movie ever was Zardoz! I mean, try arguing with this pic

    Though it did later resurface as a cult, stoner classic.

  308. Tarik said 15 years ago:

    I think “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes” takes the cake.

    You also need to work your name in there somehow! 🙂

  309. G@MIE said 15 years ago:

    Attack of the killer tomatoes sounds fine to me. Maybe “fear and loathing in las vegas” or something?

  310. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    can anyone say, “Kazaam!”?

  311. RaveFury said 15 years ago:

    Best worst movie = Troll 2. I liked it before it was the cool thing to do. But that’s not from the correct era for this project.

    Then again, Killer Clowns from Outer Space kind of SOUNDS like a ’60s film.

    Eh, I’d go with Plan 9.

  312. evansucks said 15 years ago:

    Man, this is depressing sort of. I mean, i can tell a lot of posters on here are just googling bad movies and then reading synopsis’s to try and sound important/”contribute” (come on people, try not to be so cliche as casa blanca and citizen kane. Like mato wouldn’t have thought of those…) but the REAL sad part is that I’ve seen every single one of the bad movies listed so far!
    Vampyaz was forced upon me.
    Killer Clowns form outer space was not.

    For bad movies, I dont think Manos, Hands of Fate is so unrecognizable (I mean, come on, Goat Man has his own Theme Music! One of my friends used to have that song as his cell ringer) but oh well, might as well choose a bad movie EVERYONE hates.

    How about “Girls! Girls! Girls!” with elvis presley (always makes me think of Peter Griffin shape-shifting into a pair of boobs). Anyone of “the King’s” forays into cinematography were just horrible.

    ps, attack of the killer tomatoes came out in the 80’s. Not time appropriate.
    So did most of these suggestions

    SO NO!

  313. Megahedron said 15 years ago:

    off the top of my head, Plan 9 from Outer Space is pretty much THE movie you think of when you think “Wow, that sucked.” It’s made in ’59 too.

    Also Citizen Kane for the GOOD movie. >=(

  314. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    actually I was asking out of purely speculative interest, if anyone here could say the word “Kazaam!”
    I don’t know what you’re talking about movies for. weird..
    your outburst of caps lock makes me giggle though.

  315. MarkShark said 15 years ago:

    Mandabar: SNEmulDS is the only SNES emulator I could get working on my flashcard. And Earthbound was the only game I could get working before switching to the WIP version with my small handful of epic games.

    I can’t really help with bad movies, I avoid them. But seeing what good movies were suggested, I trust those’ll be use well.

  316. Habiib said 15 years ago:

    Not sure if this was mentioned already, but here’s a list of movies from the 60’s.

    I’d say Psycho and The Sound of Music are easily recognizable.

  317. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    Nevermind, didn’t see the last ~35 posts, was stuck on last question…

  318. LarryTheCucumber said 15 years ago:

    Huh… I thought I posted, but it didn’t work…

    I suggested a movie called Barbarella, featuring Jane Fonda.

  319. agonybinge said 15 years ago:

    How about ‘Leonard Part 6’ for a bad movie? Or ‘Attack of the 50ft Woman’ if your going old school.

  320. michaelpeg said 15 years ago:

    for a good movie i’d say Phantom of the Paradise, 1974 (sorry not 1960’s or before) but this is one of my favorite movies of all time, i believe it stayed in theatres for close to a year!

  321. michaelpeg said 15 years ago:

    sorry 18 weeks

  322. Mandabar said 15 years ago:


    Shucks, Was hoping you had found another way (converted to .gba for use on 3-in-1 or some other miracle). The layering issues really bug me, as does the screen size (too big for ds?).

    Just find it odd that my Palm 700p Cell Phone player seems to handle it better and run it like it was on a snes with a little overclocking.

    Oh well =)

  323. Bubble-gum monkey said 15 years ago:

    Wow, NOA is taking forever releasing EB on VC. I can already imagine what the release date will be for it. Probably towards the end of the Wii’s lifespan, when everyone’s moved on to the latest, greatest console. Nintendo obviously thinks it’s a waste of time or a Video Game Blunder. Then, right at the last second, they’ll pretend to release it, only to scrap any chance the series might have had. The N probably doesn’t care about EB enough to make more or rerelease it. No offense, but I think they’re bluffing about it. I had Wii pts. ready and everything. Oh well… (Zelda: OOT reference, lol)

  324. Trimalchio said 15 years ago:

    I’ve got a great idea!

  325. TheMetroidMan said 15 years ago:

    Why don’t you just ditch the original translation for the sign and just put “Welcome to th :l” instead. It will still gather many of laughs and it will make sense to only people who have read your blog! YAY!

  326. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959) “starring” Gregory Walcott and Bela Lugosi, (sort of).

    It’s already been mentioned several times but it’s a good example of a movie that is almost unanimously despised, at least in America. However it’s still a “classic” movie in the sense that people still watch it to laugh about how bad it is, so I don’t know if that fits what you’re looking for exactly.

  327. Brian said 15 years ago:

    SO NO!

    funny….you said something about kazaam..yet didn’t say anything to the guy who mentioned episode 1…..and btw, forgot your name, but it definately didn’t suck….as much as i hate to say it, anakin was a way better jedi than luke was…luke whined too much…yay star wars in an mother blog!

  328. evansucks said 15 years ago:

    Attack of the Fifty-Foot Woman, tho horrible in it’s own respects, is neither from the 60’s nor memorable (aside from the chick just being huge and in scanty clothing.How’d she get all big anyways?Cant remember…).

    ps, (enter personal rant) Daryl Hannah sucks. She looks like a foot. Only time that stupid beezy was ever attractive was with the crazy makeup in Blade Runner…will NEVER understand why Hollywood tried to pass her off as the next best brainless blonde to Kim Bassinger during the 80’s. Kinda funny when she lost her other eye in Kill Bill 2, i guess…

  329. evansucks said 15 years ago:

    oh, and Luke was a whiner but, at least i BELIEVED he was whiny.

    When Hayden Christensen acts (at least in the star wars films. He’s not so bad outside of the galaxy far, far away), you may as well be looking at particle board with Sharpe text written all over it.

    He WAS a better jedi than Luke, though…that’s like the stupidest part about star wars. The longer the story keeps moving outwards, the more all the Jedi’s from episode 4-6 look like pansies. Look how over-powered they are in the animated film clone wars and its hard to just sit idly by and just accept that all these stories take place within the same timeline. Man, it ALMOST makes me wish for an episode 4-6 remake but, as those are the only star wars flicks i DONT have issues with, i guess it would make more sense just to remake all the new crap instead of ruining what Lucas ACTUALLY got right.
    *Decides to never talk about Star Wars on ever again. Sooooo off topic…*

  330. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato? How do you translate crap like 放都都放 ? I saw it on a t-shirt the other day and it took all I had just to remember the kanji I saw until I could look them up this morning. But I can’t make any sense of it at all.

  331. Coconut of Enlightenment said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato,

    I noticed you crossed off the hash algorithm thing on the to-do list. Good to know that Jeffman is still hard at work. And while I know you’ve said that you don’t want to make a whole lot of new updates just for each percent of the second draft translation, you gotta admit that the number of posts here is getting out of control.

  332. lb101 said 15 years ago:

    evansucks: Killer Klowns from Outer Space was a great movie that I have seen multiple times. The IMDB plot sentence synopsis was merely included for those who have never heard of the film. But in spite of its greatness, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t an insane film; a film that would definitely fit the earthbound mold. And from my understanding, the time restrictions weren’t explicit with this film. But if they are, and a 60s film is called for, then go with:

    The Fountainhead (1949) (also with Gary Cooper).
    -It also would fit with the earthbound theme. The movie is about the place of the individual in larger society;it is an anti-socialism/communism film. I personally felt that the movie was pretty bad (long monologues, cheesy cinematography, especially at the end), but some might disagree. Youtube has a video here:

    Cast your votes!:)

  333. lb101 said 15 years ago:

    I meant, if a 60s or earlier film is called for, go with The Fountainhead

  334. Anony1200 said 15 years ago:

    But what about the 80,000 people who are against ROMs,especially those you could obtain basically no other way?

  335. Mato said 15 years ago:

    To whover asked, I plan to do these draft updates every 4 or 5 days, so I was planning on doing a new one tonight/tomorrow. Yes, I know the comments get out of hand sometimes, but filling the blog with less substantial updates won’t be that great either.

    Here’s where we are right now. This is really exhausting work.

  336. SAM-E-BOI said 15 years ago:

    King Kong (1933) starring: Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong, and Bruce Cabot

    Godzilla (1954) starring: Akira Takarada, Momoko Kōchi, Akihiko Hirata, and Takashi Shimura

    Opposite of a good movie: Napolean Dynamite (2004) starring: Jonathan Joseph Heder

  337. Redlandsman87 said 15 years ago:

    2.04 percent in a day…it must be slow and exhausting indeed! Keep it up though, Mato…we all appreciate the hard work very much. ^^b (But make sure to get your rest!)

  338. Second Prize said 15 years ago:

    It took me 3 days, but I only just now figured out Larry the Cucumber’s parakeet pun.

  339. Ryan said 15 years ago:

    Really good movie: North by Northwest – Cary Grant

    Really bad (but well-known and amusing) movie: Rocky Horror Picture Show – Tim Curry

  340. SAM-E-BOI said 15 years ago:

    Also here’s some more:

    Night of the Living Dead (1968) starring Duane Jones

    Psycho (1960) starring Anthony Perkins

    Creature from the Black Lagooen (1954) starring Richard Carlson

    Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) starring Kevin McArthy

  341. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    wow. people sure do know a lot of movies

  342. SAM-E-BOI said 15 years ago:

    Oh, and who could forget:

    Planet of the Apes (1968) starring Charles Heston

  343. Brian said 15 years ago:

    ryan…good call on rocky horror…

  344. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    > In fact, I just went and looked both of them up on IMDB to make sure they really exist. It turns out they’re both spoofs… did you want honest-to-goodness bad movies?

    Did they claim they were spoofs before they were made, or was that the defense they gave to the crowds with torches & pitchforks afterwards? 🙂

    I mean, I picture something like Snakes on a Plane, except with it turning out not to be hilarious.

  345. Zaratus said 15 years ago:

    Mato: Just think though, you *could* still be doing super crazy hacking. Just let that run through your head now and then while working on the second draft. =P

  346. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    It’s true like Zaratus says, but i have noticed you seem more relaxed ever since the major hacking was completed. Enjoy the less-frustrating task of translating text!

  347. Intercept said 15 years ago:

    Taken from AFI’s list of the 50 greatest film heroes:
    If 1962 works:
    Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird.
    Sean Connery as James Bond in Dr. No.

    If not:
    Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine in Casablanca.
    Gary Cooper as Will Kane in High Noon.

    If just extremely recognizable works:
    Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones.
    Clint Eastwood as Harry Callahan.

    You said you wanted an actress though eh?
    Uh… no luck. All the women on the list are quite a bit past 1960. Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz?

  348. Effluvium said 15 years ago:

    Heh, I can’t believe I didn’t think of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. It may be 1978, but it’s still an iconic bad movie. “Not even worthy to be called a B-movie… maybe it’s a C-movie.” Put that next to Plan 9 from Outer Space, and everyone will know you’re bringing up the worst memories of the movie industry.

  349. Anna said 15 years ago:

    Aww my comment was queued 🙁 Maybe a shorter version will make it? Thanks for the progress, and hope you’re enjoying doing parts you enjoy more, at least–I’m the exact opposite and like the programming but not the part where I trudge through data 🙂

  350. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    Well, I guess the comments from now one won’t be anywhere’s near as interesting. I wish I could follow along with the Map Viewer, but I haven’t even beaten Chapter 3 yet . . . that would be spoiler city.

    Of course, I’ve had plenty spoiled for me already thanks to Brawl, and I probably got one of the worst spoilers in the whole game just by overanalyzing the username of a one-time poster from many updates back.

    This is just like all the FF games that were spoiled for me. It’s like knowing what happens to Aeris, or the truth about Zanarkand. UGH!

  351. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    Wow, mistake in the first five words.

    “Updates,” not “comments.”

  352. Old West said 15 years ago:

    Well, I guess the comments from now one won’t be anywhere’s near as interesting.


  353. PizzaPasta said 15 years ago:

    @ evansucks:

    Do you mean Sharpe text like the Sharpie marker or Sharpe text like the dog?

  354. evansucks said 15 years ago:

    the marker. Big, bold, and about as subtle, young Christensen’s acting is.

  355. Typhin said 15 years ago:

    One of my favorite “so bad it’s good” movies would have to be “Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter”. Jesus comes back (getting a shave, haircut, and earrings) to stop a hideous Vampire plot that will grant them the ability to walk in sunlight (by grafting the skin of lesbians onto themselves). And it’s in Canada.

  356. Jon said 15 years ago:

    Nearly half done Mato, keep up the good work and don’t over-exert yourself. Staring at a computer for hours on end isn’t good for the eyes. 😉

  357. Blooooo said 15 years ago:

    Mato pleeeeeeease use alt-printscreen to take a picture of that dialog window.
