EB fans rock + other little updates

17 years ago by Mato

Things are still moving slowly this week but still have some things to report on and talk about.

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MOTHER 3 Mega Sale! Also, first playthrough complete

17 years ago by Mato

A couple things of note.

First, Play Asia has MOTHER 3 on sale for $14.90 for this week only. Seriously, getting an import game for THAT cheap is almost insane. Especially when you consider the game was released just last year, and that it’s a brand new copy you’ll be getting. So if you got some spare change in the couch, go and buy it. You’ll be supporting the MOTHER series legally, you’ll have a genuine copy of your own (which might even quell any moral issues one might have with playing a fan translated version), and you’ll be helping out the EarthBound community a tiny, tiny bit if you use the link below:

MOTHER 3 for $14.90!

Okay, now for the other thing of note.

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Slow News Update

17 years ago by Mato

It’s been a few days so I figured I should make a real quick update. And here are a few screens to make up for such an otherwise bleh update.

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Super quick update

17 years ago by Mato

(NOTE: Don’t miss the update below this one)

Jeffman (and I assume Exophase?) worked through the night and got battle text variable width font working well 🙂

There are still difficult issues to work out with the battle text, mainly right now we can only have 44 characters per box (which isn’t enough) and I guess the level up text is crazy now. Very cool nonetheless!

Some progress + a look at menus

17 years ago by Mato

The hacking side of things is still looking to be pretty tough, but possibly not for too much longer. More info in a bit.

First though is this. sblur 8-bit-ified the [ITEM] control code that’s used in the main script, meaning that item names now appear properly when you open gift boxes and in other situations where item names are displayed in the main script. That might not sound like much, but it definitely helps a lot when going around trying to test/play the game 😛 Here’s a before and after!

  • Uh, what?

  • Ah, much better!

Sometimes the littlest of things can have such a big impact.

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Interview Stuff + Hacking Woes

17 years ago by Mato

A couple things to discuss, but progress-wise, not much has happened.

First, check out reid’s interview here:

These are full of info. Check them out! Do it!

OK, anyway, about this project.

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Hacking + Translation Updates

17 years ago by Mato

Very tired today, but wanted to show/talk about a couple things real quick.

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More Media

17 years ago by Mato

For now, mostly just a bunch of new media. But some more details below.

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Hard-working hackers = AWESOME

17 years ago by Mato

Woo! Finally got some sweet, sweet progress to update about!

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Progress Status

17 years ago by Mato

Nothing too much to report at the moment. I went through a little more of the first draft script, it’s now standing between 92 and 93%. I’m pretty busy this weekend and early next week though, so that last bit will probably have to wait to be done at the end of the week. Most of the text left is Chapter 2 stuff and stuff at the very end of the game.

Hacking-wise, I can’t remember if I mentioned it earlier or not, but we’ve enlisted the help of a really awesome guy to help with stuff. For now he wishes to remain unnamed. But anyway, his hacking powers are formidable. Also, Dr. Fedora is busy with school and work and has decided to step away from the project, but I expect we’ll still see him around often. Stuff like this is hard to actually “quit” from 😛 At the very least, much of his hard work and suggestions will be used in the final translation.

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