Progress Status

16 years ago by Mato

Nothing too much to report at the moment. I went through a little more of the first draft script, it’s now standing between 92 and 93%. I’m pretty busy this weekend and early next week though, so that last bit will probably have to wait to be done at the end of the week. Most of the text left is Chapter 2 stuff and stuff at the very end of the game.

Hacking-wise, I can’t remember if I mentioned it earlier or not, but we’ve enlisted the help of a really awesome guy to help with stuff. For now he wishes to remain unnamed. But anyway, his hacking powers are formidable. Also, Dr. Fedora is busy with school and work and has decided to step away from the project, but I expect we’ll still see him around often. Stuff like this is hard to actually “quit” from ๐Ÿ˜› At the very least, much of his hard work and suggestions will be used in the final translation.

Oops, the last paragraph was supposed to be about hacking. Well, there’s still not anything in terms of cool screenshots to show, but Super Hacker Dude I mentioned earlier has already made awesome progress on the main script routines, trying to 8-bit-ify it. The above picture might not seem like much at all, but it shows that the 8-bit script loading is coming along. There’s more technical hurdles to it, though. But it’s coming along.

Once it’s done, the various script editors will be playing through the game with the first draft inserted. Then, after everyone’s gone through it and has fresh context in mind, each one will get a couple chapters assigned to them and then they’ll go through their chapters and fine-tune everything. Then a final edit (made by demi) will be made to everything so it’s all smoothed out in one style. Then I’ll do my final checks on everything to make sure none of the original intent was lost in the editing phase.

So basically, once the main script is 8-bit-ified and starts working, everything will start progressing very quickly and there’ll be cool stuff to see/watch here.

Posted on Saturday, August 18th, 2007 at 5:55 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

41 Responses to “Progress Status”

  1. Count Orlok said 16 years ago:

    wow, it’s very impressive…I doubt I would have the patience to do what you guys do…keep up the good work =D

  2. msprout said 16 years ago:

    Once again, I’m impressed. Keep it up, mato-san.

  3. Jake said 16 years ago:

    I wonder why Mystery-Dude chooses to go un-named? Well, whatever the case, From now on, I’m going to give the man the alias “Stranger” until he reveals his name.

    So anyway, Thanks Stranger!

  4. JPeezy said 16 years ago:

    I’m liking the frequent updates.

    Thanks “Stranger”!

  5. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Jake: he’s a humble guy.

    jpeezy: even when half of them aren’t even that updatey? I wasn’t even sure about making this update since there’s so little to it ๐Ÿ˜

  6. Ness said 16 years ago:

    Wonderful thank you guys so much. I want to buy you all a large pizza.

  7. pauyasfyla said 16 years ago:

    “…even when half of them arenโ€™t even that updatey? I wasnโ€™t even sure about making this update since thereโ€™s so little to it :|”

    Hey, after being a longtime goon–which appears to be entirely dead, sadly–any information is welcome. The fact that the more difficult obstacles have been overcome are certainly informative.

  8. Spam Man Deluxe said 16 years ago:

    Great job guys! ::staff hugs::

  9. Viz said 16 years ago:

    Very nice work, as usual.

  10. Jake said 16 years ago:

    Well, apparently, “Stranger” Is more Modest than I could ever be.

    Good Job, I love these little post. Just a single screenshot does me well, and I like how you keep the translation status open to everyone at a constant rate.

  11. Ranger said 16 years ago:

    Yeah, these little updates giving us a peek into the world of Mother 3 hacking are the bee’s knees.

    Thumbs up guys ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. TheReaper said 16 years ago:

    Good update everything is looking great and I always like seeing and reading the progress of this great game

  13. Orry said 16 years ago:

    Yeah, I definately like and appreciate updates, even if it’s just to say there’s still some Mato magic workin’.

    I guess you could say it’s sorta like calling your Mom every so often–even if you don’t have much to say, it’s good to hear. ๐Ÿ˜€

    I suppose I know how Mom feels now.
    Except I’m still craving Steak in the middle of my fights…ah well.

  14. Poo said 16 years ago:

    Thanks for the update, I’ve been craving this game since they announced they would make it for the ’64. Appreciate all your guys’ hard work, its sure earning you a spot in Heaven.

    [Mod-edit: We can see what you fill in for the website and e-mail, don’t be dumb.]

  15. jamestowncrew said 16 years ago:

    You guys will be legends. EB

  16. TJfreak said 16 years ago:

    Mato even tho there aren’t large amounts of update information per-say i always enjoy reading up on even the smallest amount of progress keep up the good work and keep us posted ^_^

  17. almostlovehate said 16 years ago:

    i wont be around to get the patch more than likely, school an dparents cutting off my internet until they see improvement =/

    but ill try and get on somehow, my sisters computer probably and see around november if the patch is complete =]

  18. Triple10X said 16 years ago:

    I second TJfreak – any sort of update is a good update

  19. pauyasfyla said 16 years ago:

    This is a bit unrelated, but I just thought of another of those EarthBoundy things that may be changed:

    Will DP be changed to dollars? I haven’t finished the game, so I don’t know what the significance of the term, but what it stands for is quite an odd name for a unit of currency.

  20. Mato said 16 years ago:

    No, DP is staying DP. I know it’s weird/stupid, but there’s a reason for it. Now, if EarthBound had had DP changed to dollars, I might have considered changing it for M3, but that wasn’t the case. So it’s gonna stay DP.

  21. Zaratus said 16 years ago:

    Hmm, if I had to take a random guess as to who the mystery hacker is, it would be ‘Guest’ over on AGTP’s forums. Which wouldn’t be an improvement at all in revealing his identity. =P

  22. x3qtr said 16 years ago:

    Any update is a good update. Just to know that something is happening is great news. We all understand the immense amount of work and time you guys are putting into this project. Thanks so much for what you are doing and keep up the good work!

  23. Tsukimoon said 16 years ago:

    I really love the frequent updates. They’re very cool and let us all know that stuff is working, and it’s not a dead project. Not that I ever thought this project would die, but after (Yay, for merging!) being standstill forever, these updates are great.

  24. giygas said 16 years ago:

    You guys keep up the good work! This was the best idea ever since the wheel!

  25. Owtch said 16 years ago:

    Looking forward to it as usual.

  26. ArchangelGabriel said 16 years ago:

    “I went through a little more of the first draft script, itโ€™s now standing between 92 and 93%. Iโ€™m pretty busy this weekend and early next week though, so that last bit will probably have to wait to be done at the end of the week. Most of the text left is Chapter 2 stuff and stuff at the very end of the game.”

    Sorry, pretend I don’t know what’s going on and I don’t know the heck you’re talking about:

    What is a “first draft script”? Is there a “second draft script”? If you have finished 93% of the FDS … how much is still to be done regarding the whole project?

    I don’t want to rush anything … don’t get me wrong.
    Thanks in advance ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. lewahi said 16 years ago:

    The first draft is a rough translation. The second draft is where things become more beautiful; words flow better, etc.

    Also, you renamed Hinawa into Hannah?

  28. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Gabriel: Look through the rest of the updates, I’m pretty sure I explain about all that. The first draft translation is the grueling part of the translation side of things.

    lewahi: That’s a thing, actually. I don’t know if I’m going to change her name or not. Probably not, but if there is a change, it won’t be to Hannah.

  29. 7ucky said 16 years ago:

    All of my favorite [and pertinent] EB references have been used in previous comments, so just thanks guys!

    Any news is good news. Even if you hit road blocks or take time off the project, knowing about it is a lot better than being left in the dark. Plus, the entire process is very interesting. I love the level of detail put into each of the updates.

  30. DoseiSan said 16 years ago:

    Alright, this is actually working! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Keep it up! ๐Ÿ˜€

  31. DoseiSan said 16 years ago:

    Also, um, by actually working, I meant I was amazed by the progress, not I thought you were going to mess up XD

  32. Coconut of Enlightenment said 16 years ago:

    A lot of you have been emphasizing how little information is in this update, even if you’re just saying it’s great to get even a little information, but I personally think that all this is HUGE news. Before now, I didn’t know how many drafts there were going to be. Before now, I could not even estimate when the translation would be done. From the description given, I am now fully confident in this project’s completion, and that’s what I needed to know.

  33. Earthbounder said 16 years ago:

    I agree with everyone I think it is aweome having these updates even they are small.
    Also Mato I was wondering ifyou thought the supercard for ds (flash cart) was very reliable, or if not what your favorite flash cart was?

  34. 7ucky said 16 years ago:

    Coconunt, I think what they mean is that we’re getting more granular updates with the Mother 3 translation compared to any other, similar scale projects and not necessarily saying that the update isn’t as meaningful. I could be wrong, though.

  35. EB Master said 16 years ago:

    Every update I read cheers me up a bit, no matter how groundbreaking or tiny it really is. It keeps reminding me that this really is being done and just how awesome the whole thing really is.

    You could post an update that’s nothing but changing a cupcake sprite so it has a couple extra sprinkles on it, and I’d still be excited to read every word of it.

  36. Doctor Fedora said 16 years ago:

    Hey, I said I was pulling out because I needed to find work. ; )

  37. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Haha oops, you’re right. I worded it incorrectly. But now that you’ve said it here I dunno if I should fix my post ๐Ÿ˜›

  38. TonE said 16 years ago:

    You all rock….hands down. what seemed to be dead in the water is progressing faster than this mother nut could hope for. I see a flash card purchase in my future….keep up the awesome work, and know that your hours in front of a screen will be appreciated by me and all who like me, want to play, laugh, and cry as we watch the drama of the characters unfold for the first time in our language. Ahhh, to visit the world of mother once again, gives me goosebumps and teary eyes.

  39. DoseiSan said 16 years ago:

    How od you add the patch to a ROM anyway? (lol ima noob)

  40. Mato said 16 years ago:

    There’ll be instructions listed when the patch is released. M3 is a really big file so normal patching methods won’t work. We’ll have detailed info and a handy guide when the time comes.

  41. Seiru said 16 years ago:

    The more I read about this project, the more I expect that the translation released here will actually be better than any potential translation released by Nintendo themselves…

    Great work.