Misc. Text Nearly Done

15 years ago by Mato

Simple update today.

Finalized and formatted 20 misc. text files. That leaves only the enemy descriptions and the battle text. I’ll probably get back to hacking again this time next week if all goes well.

Jeff’s been fixing small issues here and there. sblur’s been helping out with some things too.

Not much else to say 😛 I’ve updated the to-do list.

Posted on Saturday, August 9th, 2008 at 3:19 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

258 Responses to “Misc. Text Nearly Done”

  1. Thomas said 15 years ago:

    Breaker-Breaker 1-9, this is passion, over.

    I read ya passion, what’s the 411? over.

    I got a loose text file over here, and she’s gone all piggly-wiggly on me. over.

    No problem ole boy, I’ll send Mato right ovah. over.

    10-4, good buddy, over.

  2. MidnightCeltic said 15 years ago:

    ^I don’t speak fighter pilot, but anyway, unoriginal “Good Job” and Have fun and, hack stuff… and… I’m out of words… and…

  3. Jon said 15 years ago:

    Have you decided if you’re going to use any of those enemy names from that thread?

  4. Zinco said 15 years ago:

    You mention tool-assisted testing on there. When I think of “tool-assisted,” I think of tool-assisted speedruns, and the tools involved in that tend to involve save states and, if necessary, things that let the person doing the run peek under the hood to see stuff like the RNG and what have you to know about what enemies or items or boss patterns are coming up, etc., so they can manipulate them in different ways. Does the tool-assisted testing do these sorts of things, to test for rare events or something, or does it involve something else?

  5. Mato said 15 years ago:

    No, it’ll mostly be quick tools that spit out every combination of certain lines (menu text, battle text, etc.) so we’ll be able to see if any rare cases of weirdness appear text-wise. Has nothing to do with manipulating emulation.

  6. TheJorsh AKA PianoGameboy said 15 years ago:

    I can’t wait until it’s done!!!

  7. ttmar said 15 years ago:

    This is the most rockin’est of times.

  8. Monsuco said 15 years ago:

    Oh wow, it looks like you are SOOOOOOOOOOO close to having things ready for Demi to play test. I can’t wait

    I would say I am bursting with joy, but I think bursting with joy could lead to messes.

  9. Alato said 15 years ago:

    That’s one really, really nice to-do list.

  10. seedvt said 15 years ago:


  11. noco said 15 years ago:

    I’d have to agree with seedvt.
    Also, *general praises*

  12. Derrick said 15 years ago:

    So I hope it’s done by Christmas…
    Good Job! Keep it up.

  13. Mabyn said 15 years ago:

    This is excellent, Mato. You are excellent.

  14. Sam said 15 years ago:

    I remember being worried this wouldn’t take off, now look where its at.
    Can’t wait 😀

  15. RAIDERX said 15 years ago:


  16. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    Hey you noco, don’t you be stealing my gesture!

    *generic praises*

  17. MotherLover123 said 15 years ago:

    Woohoo! Keep going! 🙂

  18. neodoodot said 15 years ago:

    sounds like progress is good ^w^ I can’t WAIT to play it!! (but I will~!!)

  19. BFM said 15 years ago:

    I can smell Boney’s bum from here, it’s so effin’ close 8D~

  20. Jay6 said 15 years ago:

    still at least 2 months away.

  21. noco said 15 years ago:

    Vagn, I didn’t steal anything…
    Just borrowed 🙂

  22. dmell said 15 years ago:

    Yay! Progress!!!

  23. Jon said 15 years ago:

    Battle text is left. Isn’t that where most of the problems are?

  24. Jonz said 15 years ago:

    Awesome. You guys kix major rectum.

  25. Itoi's love child said 15 years ago:

    Congrats on the progress Mato! Good luck with the battle text and block 0.

  26. NintendoBrad said 15 years ago:

    It’s all coming together…

  27. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    I must say, this sure is getting close to completion.

    I can’t wait to talk to every single NPC and hopefully find all those little secret bits of text, too.

  28. Kale said 15 years ago:

    First time I’ve posted here – finally couldn’t contain my excitement to play this game. I really can’t wait to play it, and plan on enjoying every second, nay, nanosecond of gameplay.

  29. ALX said 15 years ago:

    Good job again, and you should definately use Einswine for the pig with the big brain, probably the most clever on that thread.

  30. Lady said 15 years ago:

    First time poster, but I’ve been following this blog for a loong time. 😀 I’m glad the project has come this far, I really can’t wait to play this game. Good job, Mato and company. :3


  31. Lei said 15 years ago:

    You guys are so awesome. =)

  32. Monsuco said 15 years ago:

    Hmm, origionally I imagined this would be done by Christmas, but, assuming there are no major hiccups (such as Mato’s computer getting all ‘splody or another block0-ish issue) this should be done well before Thanksgiving, maybe even before Halloween, but not in time for my Birthday. I can’t believe this progress, when so many fan translations die.

  33. Donko said 15 years ago:


  34. Food_Eater said 15 years ago:

    Looking good.

    This is probably something you guys might not be able to do/not care enough to do, but I noticed that the character Mike, father of Thomas, isn’t in the cast roll (or maybe he is, but he I didn’t see him in with all the other villagers). I was just wondering if you guys could put him in there (once again sorry if he IS there and I missed him), because him not being included was obviously a mistake by the developers. Not a big deal, but I’m just wondering.

  35. Tottateke said 15 years ago:

    I love you.

  36. Omgomgomgomg said 15 years ago:


  37. Jamian said 15 years ago:

    My birthday is today! Gimme the patch early! Just kidding… you don’t have to… xD (18 today)

    Good update… also, nice to-do list hehe..

  38. Triangle said 15 years ago:

    ohhh Mann!
    ***GENERIC PRAI——————

    no…. generic praises aren’t good enough anymore…

    You’re so close to completion

    I just want to say… Thank You……. thank you SO much….
    For all those guys who want to show their special girls what EearthBound is about, and then show them what Mother3 is about………………………….

    You’re enabling us to do so……….


    Thank You..

    You’re making “This life thing” so much more enjoyable for us to take part of

    Once again, Thank You

  39. Random Song... said 15 years ago:

    A dark distant town
    With sadness set out
    No matter where I am I
    Will still be your life
    I what to show you
    Warm moments and dreams
    I can see the small child’s smile
    When I close my eyes
    If I call out
    He’ll turn around
    Give light to the small one
    Who walks his path alone…

    What a song for a great game…

  40. Doc said 15 years ago:

    Thank god, This post clears up previous confusion:

    A) I thought block zero was short and a glitchy annoyance, but it’s a giant mass full of text and routines and codings that is… Well a long and annoying glitchy annoyance

    B) Draft 2 is OF THE TEXT PERIOD not the game, because I thought that that meant a draft of the entire translated game in it’s playable form was being done, but that’s not the case

    Just wanted to say thanks for the clearing up, though some of stuff on that list (Little bugs, sound files etc.) still seem rather stagnant… Those come last right?

  41. magic ant said 15 years ago:

    Hey, first time poster, long time reader!

    Just wanted to throw one more “thank you so very, very much!!!!” onto the pile, cuz you definitely need one more.

    I just had a quick question: I was checking out the updated to-do list, and I noticed that there’s nothing listed as far as script draft #3. Did you choose to go without another draft update, or did I miss a previous post/comment? Just curious.

    Anyways, been a life-long fan of the seres ever since I found Earthbound as a wee lad of seven, and I’m greatly looking forward to the day that you manage to crank this beast out. Happy Hacking!

  42. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Yeah, the remaining work and an explanation of stuff is here.

  43. Alex said 15 years ago:

    It’s been a while since I checked the translation’s progress and…wow! So much seems to have been done, excellent work mato and the rest of the team!

  44. Millhouse said 15 years ago:

    wow, great, Mato!! woot!! sounds like it’s gonna be done quite soon… somehow, I’m kinda sad this will soon be over… mainly because I enjoy seeing an independent translation team go this far, being this professional, and working this hard on a project that is this appreciated (again, amazing junk to praises ratio)

    PS. a friend of mine downloaded demi’s Trism for his iPod. it’s great. all he does all day is listen to music while playing trism…
    I hope he’ll have time to enjoy his playthough at least a bit, since he seems to be pretty busy with hs new firm…

  45. Karuvitomsk said 15 years ago:

    @Milhouse: The enthusiasm’s awesome, but I certainly hope, for your friend’s sake, he stops at some point to eat. Or bathe.

    Wait, new firm? Tell him to avoid early childhood friends and visor-wearing coffee addicts, would you, now?

    Anyways, there’s not all that much left to do, is there? It’s nice to see all the little things coming together and getting finished.

  46. :O said 15 years ago:

    last night my head exploded and mother 3 was all over the wall

  47. ketchup packet said 15 years ago:

    Mato, when you say “testing”, (as in testing on various emulators), exactly what does that include? are you going to have to test EVERYTHING over and over on various emulators?

  48. MetallicaBreath said 15 years ago:

    Been awhile since I’ve left generic praises. Still following the project.

    Great progress! 😀

  49. Julian Buttersweets said 15 years ago:

    PSI Translate Omega!!!

  50. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    The But it failed.

  51. Lei said 15 years ago:

    Yay, not a whole lot else on the to-do list. You guys are pretty amazing BOiNG~!!

  52. Millhouse said 15 years ago:

    actually I was talking about Demiforce enjoying his playthough. but the thing you said really creeped me out, because we’ve been joking for the last few weeks about actually opening a videogame company. I was seriously thinking you were some kind of stalker or something…

    and he does stop to eat, but I don’t know about the bathing… I have had my doubts about that for some time now…

    let’s do the flint!
    ooh, let’s flint again, … *dance*
    the flint received 1680 exp.

  53. StarFoxA said 15 years ago:

    My God, it’s almost done. I’m looking forward to enjoying my first playthrough of Mother 3. I’ve held out thus far. 😛

  54. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Maybe, if everyone following this project screams as loud as they can the moment the patch is out, we’d be heard from space! Or at least, our neighbors would tqell us to shut up 🙂

  55. Derrick T. said 15 years ago:

    Do you think that this will be done before school starts? I have to do a baseball thing and while im on the treadmill i want to play this!

  56. Derrick T. said 15 years ago:

    Woops that was weird my website linked to the wrong place…
    Also, are you going to make another patch soon? I know you guys are working hard, but i was just wondering..

  57. Poe said 15 years ago:

    Derrick: Tomato estimates 3 months before the patch is released, but keep in mind that that could change in a heartbeat (meaning it could be longer).

  58. EmpoleMew said 15 years ago:

    I’m out of somewhat witty whatevers to say anymore. Although I’d like to say that I did see something interesting down in Maryland. There’s a Japanophile convention and McPhail Street. And I saw someone cosplay as Poo.

  59. Boomerang78 said 15 years ago:

    Thank you, Mato! ^_^

  60. Jabberwocky said 15 years ago:

    I’ve been playing through all the GBA Metroid games and Final Fantasy 4 DS waiting for this. The thought of playing Mother 3 in English is really cool.

    The day you release the patch is the day I lock myself in my room all day playing the game. XD Gratz, Mato. You have no idea how many people have been waiting for this, especially your speedy progress. For a ROM translation, you really just sped by this.

  61. Blank said 15 years ago:

    I’m starting to hyperventilate thinking about how close we are to the fruits of your amazing labor.

  62. rc5 said 15 years ago:

    Yaaay!! =D

  63. BeadlyDastard said 15 years ago:

    If only hacking in real life worked like it did in System Shock 2. To translate a game via a glorified version of Connect 4. That wasn’t even a full sentence. I should probably go to bed now.

  64. SixDs said 15 years ago:

    Who ever guess a tomato would trasnslate a game!!!


    Bye for now ; Im geting OmeletesHome Ru!

  65. Drü said 15 years ago:

    Derrick: baseball?

  66. EBP said 15 years ago:

    pew pew, take that crazy Japanese programing!

  67. ok said 15 years ago:

    mato IS GOOD

  68. someone said 15 years ago:

    I had the strangest dream that Tomato met Jefflypuff and had an all out war of the sprites.
    Generic Praises and whatnot.

    Just an insignifant question coming from an insignificant sign(or item(or person)). Would it be easier to start from scratch and rewrite the code to be in English or was this the faster route?

  69. agfb said 15 years ago:

    i’ve been replaying EB for the first time in 4 or 5 years just to brush up for M3. so pumped!

  70. mike k said 15 years ago:

    Its weird. It seems like we have been saying the patch will be released in three months for the last 2 months.

  71. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Not really. I used to say 4, and probably even 5. Now it’s 3+. It’s hard to say. In the end, it all boils down to “it’ll be done when it’s done, but here’s a very rough estimate, not a deadline.”

  72. MajorasMask9 said 15 years ago:

    Your progress just made my mind ezplode (thanks a lot D:). I remember checking in here near the end of last Summer and seeing all those glitchy screenshots :P. Now it’s down to and estimate of about 3+ months :3. And when people wanted to rush the translation to November so they could play it before they got Super Smash Bros. Brawl on December 3rd. Good times.

    But yeah, I’m just rambling I guess, good job with the translation ;P. It’s amazing what you guys are doing :3.

  73. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    Mike K if you don’t want to wait download the menu patch 😛

  74. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    Mike K: A month can seem longer than it actually is.

    Or think of it this way: It used to be 3++++ months, but now it’s 3+ months.

  75. Eddward said 15 years ago:

    Mato says: It will be done when it’s done.
    The devs for Duke Nukem Forever also said the same thing, word for word.

    There is one thing that’s different. Mato and Co. are actually doing something and we can see it in action not like those other devs.

    What was happening with those 2 sounds that were supposed to be added? Last I heard, if I rember correctly, they needed to be redone due to the volume of the clips.

  76. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Only one has a volume issue, but it’s actually not something I’m too worried about, it’s probably fine as it is. It’d be *nice* to up the volume a bit, but it’s probably not worth the crazy effort, since probably 90% of people will never hear it in it’s .4 seconds or so of glory. For some reason, sound effects are played at a lower volume in battle.

    The other 1-second one I just need to actually put into the game, should only take a few hours, but I’ve been busy with draft 2 and such. It’ll get crossed off soon.

  77. blackdragoon101 said 15 years ago:

    My friend and I can not wait to play this game in english, my firned has already played it some of the way throught with an english walkthrough but I want to wait it out and play the english translation.
    I don’t think anyone can understand how appreciated Mato & company is for doing this!

  78. Pyro_DarkNicto said 15 years ago:

    Hey… i’n the FAQ theres a question about the translation of MOTHER 1+2, the game for GBA plataform… to avoyd problems, or angry people, or anything like that (humans are so stupid) give this link:

    Its a fantranslation of MOTHER 1+2, and its actually 77% done… they even have a patch for the “i wanna play now!” players… its not complete, but i think some will find it useful…
    hope i helped with something, you guys are doing a masterpiece job, everything here is perfect… thanks!
    *Waiting patiently the translation*

  79. Jon said 15 years ago:

    What do those Japanese sound clips say?

  80. Millhouse said 15 years ago:

    one of them says something like “rock paper scissors”, (itoi actually changed it to “sheet rock clippers” or something, which is supposedly quite popular in japanese) and the other one is kind of a “hey, what’s that?!” that’s used to distract the enemy and to make him turn away…

    I actually got my friend to try earthbound. he thinks it’s awesome. a maybe 11 year old boy going off and touching burning hot meteors, hearing flies talk to him and then think he’s something special, only to go steal his sisters baseball bat and go beat the shit out of some snakes, dogs, crows, and whatnot.

    todays good deed is done.

  81. The Walrus said 15 years ago:

    YES! The scrolly text is fixed! Quite pleasing is this news.

    Nice work, Mato & crew, you guys really deserve a hearty pat on the back for all the time you’ve invested. Seriously, guys, you kick ass.

  82. Exp HP said 15 years ago:


    Priority: On hold.
    Project Started: 2003-08-31 23:00:00

    I’m pretty sure it’s been abandoned so they could work on hacking other games. But even in the patch’s current form, Mother 1 is fully playable (although there are about 5 things still in Japanese, some of which are shown very often).

  83. Pizzaman said 15 years ago:

    Just an idea about the audio sample volume issue from an electronic musician:

    Applying a compression/limiting combo can raise the perceived volume. That only works if you want to hard-modify the sample. If the sample is played somewhere other than battle (where you mentioned the game for some reason reduce the volume), then hard-compressing it won’t work. But if it’s a battle-only sample (and discussing its rarity, it sounds like maybe it is…), no reason not to?

    You’ve probably already heard this before, and have gone over this and rejected it for some valid reason, but I thought–hey, why not suggest it. (Purely technical suggestion–I have not played Mother3 yet and do not even know what these samples are for.)

  84. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    @someone:How dare you take my name, and turn it into the opposite and use it for your self!!?!?!

    Oh yeah…

    *Generic phrases*

  85. SpaceG said 15 years ago:

    Keep it up youre almost there!!!

  86. me said 15 years ago:

    Hey Mato, you’re doing a great job and keep up the great work!!

    One quick and unimportant question, do you pronounce it Mahto as in AHHH!! or Maeto as in say? I was just wondering how the a is pronounced. You don’t have to answer it, it’s very unimportant.

    Also the haikus
    Are now going to return
    Stop if Mato says 😀

  87. OrangeJuice said 15 years ago:

    I really love how you guys are actually showing your work as opposed to hiding it. Most people don’t like to show anything until it’s 99% done but you guys have given us the whole 9 yards, even if most people didn’t like the idea of a fant translation you’d problably do it.

    But you’ve shown hard work and dedication and it’s definietly shown.

    Can’t wait.

  88. OrangeJuice said 15 years ago:


  89. Durelle said 15 years ago:

    Pyro_DarkNicto : that 1+2 mother translation has been put on hold for over a year its probably a forgotten project since the founder and hacker of RPGOne has died 🙁

    But Mato is it possible to take the patch and continue from there? since mother1 is 99% complete all ppl would have to do is finish mother2 or something like that IF its possible to extract the patch and continue the work 🙁 i wish i knew how i would do it myself (i hate not beign able to understand japanese)

  90. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Don’t make Mato finish a Mother 1 + 2 translation. He’s busy as hell with this and more, and you can already play Mother and Earthbound seperately.

  91. Jon said 15 years ago:

    Thanks, I was wondering what they were.

  92. Zinco said 15 years ago:

    The other thing about that incomplete Mother 1+2 patch is that the programming of the game is apparently far more complex than one would guess.

  93. Aaron said 15 years ago:

    My brother and I are awaiting the translation in great anticipation. Godspeed. 😀

  94. Monsuco said 15 years ago:

    We have Mother/Earthbound Zero, we have Mother 2/Earthbound, why worry about translating some compilation (unless it is REALLY easy, though the script IS already written for you, so there’s that). Besides, I imagine that the Translation Team (yes that name again) will be a tad tired after this, and Mato might want to work on that whole PK Hack deal where he makes a clone of Mother using Earthbound and PK Hack.

    Good luck Mato and Demi.

  95. mike k said 15 years ago:

    ending an 8 hour drought. btw Mato, if we went to a costume party together as batman and robin, I would go as robin for you. Just want to let you know.

  96. Apteryx said 15 years ago:

    I would be Snarf

  97. sunzo132 said 15 years ago:

    So, are these updates gonna be like this

  98. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    He’s going to update what there is to update, if the content that is required to be updates is as such as the updated content above so it will be.

  99. Auri said 15 years ago:

    Sometimes these boards seem kinda cult-ish.

    Before the soup gets cold, we must care for Mato-mato.
    Before the knife gets rusty, we must care for Mato-mato.

  100. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    I just noticed something interesting about Mato Mato and Mani Mani:

    “to” sounds like “Two”.
    “ni” is Japanese for “Two”.

    In other words:
    to = ni
    to to = ni ni
    Ma(to to) = Ma(ni ni)
    Mato Mato = Mani Mani

    And, um… yeah… that’s it…
    All righty then…

    And now, back to our previously scheduled *generic praises*, already in progress.

  101. Jay6 said 15 years ago:

    Wrong “to” sound. It’s sounds more like “toe” than “two.” Mato isn’t Mani Mani. >_>

  102. Auri said 15 years ago:

    I suppose it depends on where you live at. I say ‘to’, ‘too’, and ‘two’ all the same way (with an ‘ooh’ sound.) Hopefully Mato isn’t Mani-Mani, else we’ll be finding ourselves in a moonsidean universe, where I confuse my ‘yes’es and ‘no’s and have to listen to conversations a second time. And/or working for a big evil dude.

  103. TheMetroidMan said 15 years ago:

    Does anyone know whats up with Starmen.net? That picture is semi creepy and it has a date of 09/08/2008 so something is gonna happen that day. The link takes you to a website about movies so does anyone know whats going on?

  104. slicemasterflex said 15 years ago:

    Woah I havent checked in here for a while. man got some hustle yow!

  105. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    The patch is gonna be released.

    Just kidding.

  106. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    Wrong “to” sound. It’s sounds more like “toe” than “two.”>_>

    But a standalone “to” is pronounced “too”.

  107. Triangle said 15 years ago:

    Yeah umm…. he already said he doesn’t care at all how people pronounce “Mato”… so lets just drop this?

    (But i still wonder he HE pronounces it….. owh well, i’ll stick to “mah-toe”)

  108. ketchup packet said 15 years ago:

    …nobody answered my question. is it because I didn’t include generic praises?

  109. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    Mato is MAYto like Tomato which is pronaounce ToMAYto

  110. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    Oops, typo, and I forgot…

    *Generic phrases*

  111. Rog said 15 years ago:

    Man, I stop paying attection to this blog for a while, and the progress shoots up to 276% complete.


  112. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    Come on now, you should know better. ASCII art comments are needless and create clutter, so please don’t post those.

  113. Drü said 15 years ago:

    I pronounce “Mato” like it rhymes with “tollbooth.”

  114. Incredibleman said 15 years ago:

    Wierd I always thought “Mato” rhymed with brooklyn.

  115. Dr. Meat said 15 years ago:

    You know, “tomato” as in “orange”.

  116. hadoken_zero said 15 years ago:


    *spelling bee*
    teacher: spell ‘orange’
    kid1: O, R, A, N, G, E. Orange.
    teacher: Nope
    kid2: T, O, M, A, T, O. Orange
    teacher: We have a winner!!!

  117. sunzo132 said 15 years ago:

    I pronounce it like mAHto

  118. MajorasMask9 said 15 years ago:

    I pronounce Mato like “mAHto”

    You know, like Tomato which is pronounced ToMAHto

  119. me said 15 years ago:

    I wonder if this stuff (pronouncing Mato’s name) is related to my question above or Exp HP’s. Or both!

    Anyways, good job Mato. Keep on truckin’ through!

  120. me said 15 years ago:

    Oh, and I pronounce it like Mahtoe

  121. Rai said 15 years ago:

    You say toMAYto I say toMAHto…
    Let’s call the whole thing off.

  122. Triangle said 15 years ago:

    i second that…. lets call it off 🙂

  123. Brian said 15 years ago:

    im just gonna start calling him bob

  124. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    This is so ironic. I remember being the one asking Mato several months ago how his name was pronounced and now everyone’s confused. HE ALREADY SAID HE DOESN’T CARE. go ahead and pronounce it Matricagatagawagato if it makes you happy.

  125. MrPopo said 15 years ago:

    I pronounce it Steve.

  126. Neil said 15 years ago:

    this is a lame discussion.

    keep up the good work.

  127. jjolli said 15 years ago:

    I pronounce it Mate.
    And Mate does a good job 😀

  128. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Have done 568 battle text lines so far today (out of 1667 total).

  129. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    My annoying friend (Who is also hyped) was posting ASCIIs on MY name while I was in the bathroom.

  130. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    @Mato:Stop at 1337 lines and it will be automatically complete.

  131. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    Say, who is Reid Young?

  132. Alfonso Alfredo said 15 years ago:

    He’s a member of the CIA, who’s in charge of hunting down terrorists, protecting the USA, and analytical methodology. He also slices bagels.

  133. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    Oh, I thought he was not affiliated with Nintendo.


  134. Poe said 15 years ago:

    reid is reidman on Starmen.net.

  135. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    Huh, I thought reidman was the person who made Starmen.net.

    But I guess not; I just went to check on Starmen and his user ID is 8. What’s kind of funny is that practically every valid user ID from 1-7 is for a person who signed up way after reidman did. How did they get lower numbers, I wonder?

  136. Zinco said 15 years ago:

    That’s a pretty poor way to determine a pecking order. There probably wasn’t any real reason for reidman to sign up first if he wasn’t the only one testing or creating the forums (keep in mind too that the forums created in 2004 were not the first forums on the site).

    And yes, reid is the one who created the site, along with Tomato and a long lost third party.

  137. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    Is he the guy speaking in the PK Tube’n video?

  138. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    no hes the other reidman who made the other starmen.net

  139. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    You wouldn’t believe how many people would.

  140. someone said 15 years ago:

    someone tried generic praises alpha(no effect),beta(no effect),sigma(nope),gamma(still nope),pi(no because its to old), omega(…). Plus one generic praise lothing point to Mato.

  141. Mato said 15 years ago:

    837 out of 1667 battle lines done now. It’s neat, a lot of not-so-common enemy attacks have little references to M2/EB, like the Counter-PSI Unit, etc. Good thing I know this junk 😛

  142. L said 15 years ago:

    837 of 1667 lines, 50.2%!

    Yay, over half way! Gooo Mato!

  143. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    In a way I’m kinda sad that this blog is winding down, this was one of the sites I like to check randomly when I’m bored at work. Oh yes of course…. *Generic Praises*

  144. UW Ness said 15 years ago:

    SON OF A B—H!!!! My M3DS slot 2 card crapped out for no reason, won’t save GBA games anymore. 🙁 Gonna have to buy another one, just to play this.

    Also, you guys rule. High fives all around.

  145. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Why do I picture Mato locked in a padded room, chanting “Blue, blue, blue…” to himself once this crazy game is done? 🙂

    Seriously, though, I hope everything goes well!

    Though I think the original EarthBound translators missed a good opportunity there when they called it the Counter-PSI Unit instead of the “Tinfoil Hat Machine” 😉

  146. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Nah, after this I’m gonna go on a nationwide (worldwide after the other translations 😉 ) drinking tour since so many people have offered to buy free booze 😛

    Nah, but that’d be an interesting thing to do. Quite a big change from sitting in my office staring at a screen for a year+. I think I roughly calculated that I’ve spent 1000+ hours on this thing already. I want it done noooooooooow

  147. MotherLover123 said 15 years ago:

    ^ Me tooooooooooooooooooooooo

    but prolly not as much!

  148. Triangle said 15 years ago:

    Hey, my last comment was deleted…

    i guess because of the link? or what i said after it might have stirred something up? oh well, it doesn’t matter… Sorry about that!

  149. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Heh, going through the old battle text file, I’m finding strange gems of weirdness. One example is “ENEMY cut meat!” when in actuality that phrase means something like “ENEMY glared!”

    This is why I’m redoing this battle text 😉

  150. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Blkajoadsfasddddddddiur did 1032 lines of battle text today. My eyes hurt so I’m stopping for today. Only a few hundred more to go. Some of the later ones will be a little more time-consuming.

  151. Mundane Soul said 15 years ago:

    There is no way I can comprehend being as dedicated to anything as you are to this project. As a guy who’s been waiting a long time to play this game, I have to say thanks so much, Mato. I can’t imagine the amount of time you’ve poured into this. You’re closing in now and that must feel awesome!

    Congrats to you and the others on all your hard work and hang in there – the finish line is in sight!

  152. Frostshock said 15 years ago:

    I can’t wait, you’re doing a great job. But just a question, how angry would you be if Nintendo suddenly announces an English version remake for the DS? Or maybe they’d even buy your finished work :O

  153. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    He already said he wants an official translation more than anything o.O

  154. Tim333 said 15 years ago:

    Wow, I try not to comment here because there are so many comments as it is, but that’s got to be the thirtieth time I’ve seen that question Frostshock just asked. These comment pages feel like a repeating loop after a while.

  155. Drü said 15 years ago:


  156. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    Thirteen? I lost count after 200.

  157. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    Oh, thirty. XD

    Okay, that’s better.

  158. Tom said 15 years ago:

    Just one sentence:

    You’re my heroes!

  159. Alex said 15 years ago:

    Once again thanks for the great work!

  160. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    You know Mato, I bet you’ve spent at least 1008 hours on this, which would be exactly 42 days (in addition to being a weird holy number to the Japanese).

    So hopefully those battle lines fall into place so you can stop ‘cutting meat’ at them 😉

  161. Millhouse said 15 years ago:

    hey, 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything, after all…

    battle text will be done soon? great!! god, I can’t wait for this!
    must… not… play…through…japanese… must resist!! and wait till the english version comes out!!

    tell you what, though. nintendo can do what they want. they’d never put this much dedication or love into a translation we forced them to do. I’d so much rather play this game than an official translation.

  162. Inzoum said 15 years ago:

    Since we’re on the subject of 42, why not translate the remaining lines by pulling letters out of a Scrabble pouch?

  163. John Riston said 15 years ago:

    “One example is “ENEMY cut meat!” when in actuality that phrase means something like “ENEMY glared!””

    ENEMY….and Peyton Manning!


  164. Germ said 15 years ago:

    I have this funny feeling that Mato will simply CRUSH the hacking when he comes back to it. Why?: A combination of new skills, a longing desire to finish the project, and super powers, of course. Great work sir.

  165. Jabberwocky said 15 years ago:

    I had a dream last nighty that they gave Mother 3 a 3D remake for the Nintendo DS.

    It kinda sucked, because the game was about an hour long and all the characters looked pretty weird. O_o

    Keep on doing a good job, Mato!

  166. Jon said 15 years ago:

    62%, only a little more left Mato.

  167. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Concerning 3D, I’ll be honest. I think FF6 looks better than FF7 by far. The FF7 graphics are ugly and blocky and it took them until FF9 to make things look right. Also, I think the main reason people remember FF7 at all is thanks to Aeris. But her role was spoiled for me before I ever got to play it, so that scene has no shock value for me at all, making the whole game go flat; more depressing than shocking or sad.

    So I wish they’d skip the 3D crap and focus on making games that are fun to play. EarthBound and Mother 3 aren’t high-end graphics, they focused everything into the plot, and as a result they’re fun 🙂

  168. Whane said 15 years ago:

    @ A Fan
    It’s a proven fact that fun games don’t sell. The games that are hyped beyond belief with more than 90% of the budget going into the graphical department are the games that sell.

    It’s a sad day in the game industry.

  169. Phil L said 15 years ago:

    @ Whane

    Case in point: Psychonauts. Fantastic game that wasn’t hyped and didn’t sell well because of the lack of marketing effort.

    Earthbound didn’t sell as well as it rightfully should have, but it was still amazing. Shame the people at Nintendo are fumbling about and avoiding putting it on the Virtual Console on the Wii for some reason (I think it would sell better nowadays because it’s got that insane-cult-following-fanbase to hype it up more).

  170. EmpoleMew said 15 years ago:

    A 3D Mother 3 on the Wii doesn’t sound as appetizing as what we have here on an outdated handheld. But that wouldn’t stop me from ordering the super sized platter. Meh, I’m being crazy again.

  171. Aquas said 15 years ago:

    Obligatory ‘WOOOO!’

  172. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Updated the to-do list ever so slightly.

    Also, Jeff managed to fix this 😀

    Dunno when the next proper update will be. I figured tomorrow-ish but might not have battle text and enemy desc text done by then.

  173. Blaaargh said 15 years ago:

    Awesome. 😮

  174. Drkirby said 15 years ago:

    My Bread D:

  175. Triangle said 15 years ago:

    hmmmmmmmm…….. so no more Magic Tartstole alpha?

  176. Germ said 15 years ago:


  177. Edrees said 15 years ago:

    1000 hours!? If you got paid 20 dollars an hour doing some other job , a reasonable (even low end) income for someone good at translation and programming then you’d have made 20,000 dollars by now if you worked instead of doing this project. Essentially you sacrificed 20 grand for this project and for that you are amazing 😛

  178. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    I think hyped games deliver at times, for example GTA4 was pretty sweet, sold well, and had a lot of hype surrounding it.
    But this isn’t the place to talk about it.

  179. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Sounds like Jeff fixed some more bugs, so I crossed them off the to-do list too. He’s on a roll! :O

  180. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Go Jeffman!

  181. Monsuco said 15 years ago:

    Wow, not much left. Hurray.

    So I see replacing the sound clips still needs to be done. How will you do that? What sort of format does Mother3 store sound in? Which member of The Translation Team will record the replacements?

    Sorry for the questions, just curious.

  182. TheRedDragon said 15 years ago:

    Good work

  183. Germ said 15 years ago:

    Thank you JeffMan!

  184. dUTCHYbOY said 15 years ago:

    i’ve been watching this translation for so long it’s really exciting to see this project almost complete, good job guys

  185. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    Hands off my bread!

    bread roll to anyone who knows where this is from.

    Jeffman is on a BREAD roll you mean.

    Generic praises aren’t enough anymore (Even though I gave generic PHRASES instead.)

    *Specific phrases*

  186. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    *I mean Specific Praises*

    I always post more than one comment in a row.

  187. Nobody said 15 years ago:


  188. Nobody said 15 years ago:


  189. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    I just realized how high Lucas and Boney’s stats are in that Picture. :O

  190. Triple10X said 15 years ago:

    Woo, keep it going Jeffman and Mato!

  191. Bard said 15 years ago:

    Mato and crew, many of us have seen this from the start and I think we’re all startled as to how fast and well this is progressing. We trust you to finish it to the end, however long it takes!

  192. Wut said 15 years ago:


  193. SDFGYJ said 15 years ago:


  194. Mistue said 15 years ago:

    Couldn’t you just release what you have already translated, and say its a Minor update?

  195. pauyasfyla said 15 years ago:


    Plez release the sub-par gmae. Thxbai.

  196. Jungyin said 15 years ago:

    A Fan: It’s actually 108, not 1008, and it’s not specifically a Japanese holy number but rather important to several Eastern religions in general, among other interesting things.

  197. Googi said 15 years ago:

    Even if we were to have access to what has already been developed, Block 0 would make us incapable of finishing the game. The translation’s cutting close to the final stages anyways, we’ll just need to hold out for another two or three (and if it comes to it, maybe a little bit more) months, or just suffice with the menu patch until then.

  198. james8910 said 15 years ago:

    i can’t wait till your done.

    thanks for taking time out of your life for this, thats really cool

  199. bob said 15 years ago:

    When i look at the to-do list it looks the like the game is just a couple of weeks away but i know it isnt :(.

  200. james8910 said 15 years ago:

    it might you never know till it comes,
    either way im excited!!

  201. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Got another hundred or so (didn’t bother to count) battle lines done. My hope is that I’ll get it done Friday/Saturday. We’ve also taken care of a few tiny tiny issues that weren’t even worthy of mentioning. Coming along nice.

    Even so, I dread going back to finish the tough remaining hacks. Blargh. I’ll have to find that well of insanity and drink from it again I guess.

  202. TheMetroidMan said 15 years ago:

    The But it FAILED!!!!!

  203. pauyasfyla said 15 years ago:

    Don’t know what you’re talking about. Hacking’s awesome. And as for insanity, that’s awesome too.

  204. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    I believe he’s referring to this:


  205. Alfonso Alfredo said 15 years ago:

    @Nobody: That’s Falco, and I think he actually says “hands off my prey.”

    It’s so close to the end, I can almost taste the OmelettesHomeRu…

  206. Triangle said 15 years ago:

    Mato and Jeffman translating mother 3


    okay that was extremely lame
    and possibly a bit homo too…..

    im sorry you had to hear that 🙁

  207. Triangle said 15 years ago:

    on a less retarded note,

    only 7 things left!

    two of those 7 things are above 70% done
    two of those 7 things involve FINAL testing
    one of those 7 things are “not tough”

    this thing is coming along very nicely, excellent work 🙂

    (p.s., can someone please delete my previous comment, above)

  208. Blank said 15 years ago:

    So is JeffMan a better hacker than Mato, or is he just focusing on the hacking to leave Mato to the translation work? Mato details all his progress, complete with groanings, while JeffMan just gets a “Oh, by the way, JeffMan just totally fixed this almost impossible to find bug.” and life rolls on.

    I’m eager to get to my higher-level computer science courses so I can become a better disassembler and work on a project like this. =D

  209. Crono801 said 15 years ago:

    Seriously, the fact that you are willing to put so much work into this project is outstanding.

    The fact that you _refuse_ to take donations is downright incredible.

  210. Cahlub said 15 years ago:

    Don’t worry Triangle, cuz in the confusion, The Greedier Mouse stole your 1st comment :).

    You are forgiven :).

  211. guy said 15 years ago:

    Jeffman is a WAY better hacker than Mato.
    not to bash on mato, but that’s just what jeffman does. he hacks, mato translates.

  212. EmpoleMew said 15 years ago:

    Glad to see the “stole an item” line working. I get items stolen from me a lot. Ness should watch his backpack more often.

  213. Germ said 15 years ago:

    I always disliked the spiteful crows draining me of the prized bread roll I found on that darkened hillside. I actually reset the game a few times. In retrospect, as it turns out, a bread roll wasn’t all that spectacular.

  214. Lei said 15 years ago:

    I have a question:

    Almost all of Mother 3, like its prequel, is in Hiragana and Katakana, no kanji is used. While this makes it easier to read, kanji also distinguishes words, and, if you recognize the kanji, makes translating easier. Do you guys just have reeeeaaally good knowledge of Japanese to understand what kanji “would” be used for a word?

  215. TheMetroidMan said 15 years ago:

    I never quite understood how a crow could steal something too? Does it grow hands and reach into your backpack or something? And why would a crow steal a whole hunk of bread, it wouldn’t be able to eat all of it….sorry delving a little too deep into the game, but hey thats what makes this series so awesome, its stupidly impossible things that can happen!

  216. Typhin said 15 years ago:

    TheMetroidMan: Well, it can grab it with its beak, and it would take the whole thing both because it can’t exactly tear off a section and because it can eat the rest later.

    And you have no idea how difficult it was to refrain from the whole “It could grip it by the husk!”/”It’s not a matter of where he GRIPS it, it’s a simple matter of weight ratios!” thing… ^_^;;

  217. Pyro_DarkNicto said 15 years ago:

    birds are able to steal very much things, normally jewels or things like this, for the “stealer” birds. they like to make a “beautiful” house to attract females…
    and for the bread, who said they cannot eat it? well, crows seems to like meat, but birds eat bread in parks, etc.

    and if he’s hungry, why not steal your bread lol?
    and ness/ninten/lucas seems to let the backpack open everytime… ask them why so hauhua

  218. Magitek said 15 years ago:

    That reminds me, if you named your character Falco, the crows would steal Falco’s bread..>_>.
    Yeah. (In Brawl, people misheard one of Falco’s taunts as “Hands off my bread!”).

  219. Fenix said 15 years ago:

    Just a short question for Mato. 🙂

    About how many people are on your mailing list now??? Since the project started last year I can imagine that you have quite a few e-mails to send when its completed.

    Anyway, thank you so much for all your hard work.
    I anxiously await the final update.

  220. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I haven’t checked in a good while, but I remember calculating we’d have 30,000+ by the time the patch is done. We were in the mid 20,000s a month or two ago I think.

  221. Fenix said 15 years ago:


    Oh, and thanks for the quick reply. 😉

  222. Fenix said 15 years ago:

    now if only I could find a dedicated team to translate the Snes versions of Dragon quest I’ve been wishing I could play. 🙁

  223. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Lei: It’s not hard if you know the language well. It would’ve been easier with kanji, but it was nothing too hard anyway.

  224. Skullrama said 15 years ago:

    doesn’t seem my comment took the first time… hope this isn’t a double post.

    What, you mean Dragon Quest VI? I guess this isn’t entirely on topic, but….
    that translation is pretty much complete, I played it from beginning to end a year or two ago. The 10% or so they say is untranslated is mostly random lines you’re unlikely to see unless you poke around absolutely everywhere.

  225. Jungyin said 15 years ago:

    The SNES Dragon Quests are being released on the DS anyway, so you don’t have to worry.

  226. Mato said 15 years ago:

    1351 / 1667 battle lines done.

  227. Mato said 15 years ago:

    1425 / 1667 battle lines, won’t continue until later tonight. Almost done with this junk, whew.

  228. Coconut of Enlightenment said 15 years ago:

    1425/1667??? That’s like…a million percent! Way to go, Mato, though the blog looks like it’s going to explode beneath the tidal wave of comments.

  229. Coconut of Enlightenment said 15 years ago:

    Didn’t something really important happen in the year 1667? Let me see if I can remember my British History.

  230. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    @Alfonso Alfredo: You get a bread roll. I know he says “Hands off my prey”, “Bread” is a common misconception.

    200 lines left! GO!

  231. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    @Magitek: Someone already did that with Earthbound zero.

    @Pyro_DarkNicto: Only ness has a backpack. Ninten keeps it in his hat (Which explains why it’s always tilted like that), Lucas keeps it in his hair (which explains why it is shaped weirdly) and flint also keeps it in his hat (Which explains why he always has to pull it down.

  232. SAM-E-BOI said 15 years ago:

    Wow. You got a lot done in ten minutes.

  233. Lei said 15 years ago:

    O_O Whoa, that’s impressive!!

    So, you said this might take around 3+ months, right? Whew! The project is doin’ good!

  234. Kiniest said 15 years ago:

    D:. No mother 4.

  235. cale said 15 years ago:

    I had a nightmare in which Jeff was kidnapped…

  236. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    How is that a nightmare? Unless you mean Jeffman.

  237. Jon said 15 years ago:

    85% of battle text done. Good work. We’re all rootin’ for ya!

  238. This Man said 15 years ago:

    First time poster, long time reader.

    I have possibly answered question. Whenever you say things like “I’ll get back to work later tonight”, I’m not sure whether that’s tonight for me, or tonight for someone elswhere. What time zone is this work being done in?

    And good job. Just to let you know, ketchup is my favorite condiment.

  239. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    I think it would be tonight for Mato, who lives in the MST time zone. Mato Standard Time. Thats why he makes updates at 4am where I live.

  240. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    Cool. Always thought Mato should get his own time zone. And a 42-hour day, so he’d have time to sleep 🙂

  241. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Yes my schedule is absolutely insane lately. Been trying to juggle this, work, life, gf, trying to relax, etc. Lately I’ve been going to bed at 5 am and waking up a few hours later for work. Cannot wait until this is doooooooone

  242. Moncho said 15 years ago:

    Mato is a living example of self-sacrifice.
    You, sir, are Nobel Prize worthy.

  243. Zinco said 15 years ago:

    If I spent 1000+ hours hacking a video game for no payment, my girlfriend would murder me!

  244. Lei said 15 years ago:


    Like that quote, it’s true that Mother fans really are solid. You guys are… so dedicated, I don’t even know what to say.

    Oh, yeah, too bad on the no Mother 4, huh? Mother 3 released over a decade from its prequel… maybe we just need to wait a decade again and wait and see 😉

  245. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    So Mato is your girlfriend like a Banana or something…? Just asking.

  246. Zinco said 15 years ago:

    What a grotesque insinuation!

  247. james8910 said 15 years ago:

    so how long is it going to take? is it still around 3 months or did you find out how to hack it easier and you might get it quicker? sorry for sounding pushy im just really excited for this.

  248. Lei said 15 years ago:

    He has already stated that it should take close to 3+ months. That’s just an estimate though. Progress is going good, so we might even see it on Christmas. =)

  249. JC said 15 years ago:

    Mato, you are one crazy guy for doing this. Keep it up!

  250. Sparks said 15 years ago:

    Man your girlfriend must hate this project!

  251. james8910 said 15 years ago:

    Maybe even before Christmas.

  252. Mato said 15 years ago:

    blaroijg okay now at 1594/1667 battle lines. The next 40 are the textiest of them all though.

  253. Intrik said 15 years ago:

    For a second there I thought you were trying to turn into Balrog o.O

    Great progress! You friggin rock

  254. james8910 said 15 years ago:

    thats sweet keep up the good work.

    what a perfect time to say that. I’m proud of myself 🙂 and you of course for doing this

  255. Rokugo said 15 years ago:

    Mato, please share the secret of your ability to be so darned motivated.

  256. Nobody said 15 years ago:

    It’s 3:00 where i am. *Fake yawn*. You guys must be either in the eastern part of the world or just people who stay up very late. or both. in which case this project is anticipated by people all over the world. Also, you guys think Mato can rest easy after this. Look at the previous updates and see he is also gonna make translations into other languages.

  257. Biff said 15 years ago:

    You know what I like? Walkin’ up to the Mother 3 barrel fire at 3:24 in the morn’ to see what’s cookin’.

    Looks like some battle text…I’ll warm my hands to that.

    This is the point where I pass my flask of whisky to Mato…have a pull.

    ::insert more generic barrel fire praise::

  258. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Finished battle text a little while ago, but I wanted to test and format a bunch of late-game battle text first. Done with that now. And… whoa.

    Anyway, damn it’s late, I’m not sure if I should update now or in 2033 when I wake up. We’ll see.