Hacking still going

15 years ago by JeffMan

Since Mato started on Draft 2, the hacking progress sort of slowed down because everyone was instantly busy with real-life stuff. However, things are still being fixed and bugs are still being found here and there.

Over the last couple of days I’ve been powering through the following hacking issue:

Fix some ending sequence text stuff โ€” this involves sprite text, letโ€™s hope and pray we donโ€™t need to do sprite text welding again. Currently has some pretty crazy graphical glitchiness.

This was one of the few remaining major hacks that everybody’s been dreading forever, mainly because we all knew in the backs of our heads that some kind of text welding would be necessary, because Mato’s whole sprite welding ordeal surprisingly didn’t affect the credits.

Screenshots of the cast credits follow, so if you’re saving that as a surprise for when you beat the patch, you don’t have to click onward. Otherwise, well, check it out!

Here’s a screenshot of how the letters were laid out before the hack (click to enlarge):


As you can see, each letter had its own sprite. Not only did this limit the amount of sprites that could be displayed on the screen at one time, but it also wastes a lot of tile memory. This ended up causing many graphical glitches and problems that were unacceptable.

Additionally, the character names were arranged in memory so that they could only be 13 letters long. This was also unacceptable; we were going to need at least 20 or so. So expanding it to 20 letters wasn’t too hard. It actually wasn’t even needed for the stuff that was about to get welded, but for reasons I’ll explain next, things involving nameable characters weren’t going to be welded so we still needed to make room for that.

Here’s how it looks now (click to enlarge):


Now each name only uses a couple sprites, and the tile memory is much more conserved so all of the graphical glitches are gone. And it all looks the same (or better!) visually in the end. Mission accomplished!

I should note, though, that this isn’t an on-the-fly sprite-welding hack like the one Mato did. A large part of the headaches for this hack concerned re-doing the exact same sprite welding stuff all over again, which nobody really wants to do.

Then it occurred to us that the cast sequence is almost entirely independent from user input. This means that on-the-fly sprite welding wouldn’t actually be necessary if we already had the character names welded ahead of time in the ROM somewhere. So that’s what actually went down: all of the applicable characters’ names were thrown into a magical tool I wrote up and out came a bunch of pre-welded graphics. The graphics were then appended to the main font and could be accessed by using the regular letter format during the cast sequence.

Here’s how it looks in the font editor (click to enlarge):


(covered up the bottom half to avoid character spoilers)

Each “letter” is actually a block of letters (or pieces of a letter) that can be placed side-by-side to form the whole name. So the whole hack was a bit of a cheat, but hey, it works either way, and this way happened to be easier. ๐Ÿ˜›

If you’re following along closely, you’ll note that with this method we obviously can’t include nameable characters in the pre-welded stuff because the user gets to decide what those are. So the hack just skips those characters and they end up getting displayed the old way.

As for other major hacking, block 0 stuff is also being worked on but it’s turning out to be quite annoying. We’re also working on getting the new text format implemented, with all the accented letters and such, for future translations.

For everyone asking if the hacking will be done by the end of Draft 2, I’m going to say that it’s very unlikely. So please don’t expect the patch to be out like two days after that’s done because it’s still going to be a long while. I have no clue how long Draft 3 is going to take so I can’t really say much about that. Then there’s the whole optimizing and testing phase which involves trying to break apart everything we’ve done so far in order to make it flawless. ๐Ÿ˜› Things are always looking better by the day, though, so stay tuned.

Posted on Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 at 4:37 pm by JeffMan, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

175 Responses to “Hacking still going”

  1. agfb said 15 years ago:

    awesome work!

  2. Justin said 15 years ago:


  3. Roger said 15 years ago:

    Awesome work! Any idea when the final will be released?

  4. Loki said 15 years ago:

    You can do it! Great work.

  5. fael said 15 years ago:

    whoa, keep up the great job!

  6. Mato said 15 years ago:

    BTW, just so people know, since I didn’t make this update, my posts won’t be in red. Good luck finding me mwahaha

  7. Beck said 15 years ago:

    Hoo-rah. Keep it up.

  8. seedvt said 15 years ago:

    Yay, hacking updates. Haven’t seen one of those in a while.. though I guess that’s a good thing.

  9. Swami said 15 years ago:

    Thanks guys for what are you doing, your work is simply unbelivable.

    May God Bless Earthbound (best game ever), Shigesato Itoi, and all of you at Starmen.net!

  10. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    Great work Jeffman it’s nice to hear from you too! Since Mato is more vocal we often forget that you’re an important part of this project also. Keep it up!

  11. 199X said 15 years ago:

    I didn’t understand anything in this update hah. With all this technical jazz that I should probably be able to figure out but I’m like an 80 year old lady when they first sit down on a computer when it comes to this stuff. From the screenshots things are looking good and you seem like your doing a great job. Keep it up!

    Mato that comment was creepy and I laughed for a good bit. Awesome!

  12. RAIDERX said 15 years ago:


  13. someone said 15 years ago:

    @Mato:Just being captain obvious but ctrl+f will make you easy to find unless your name is put in a ton of posts… like this one.

    In other news: I love the smell of progress. It smells like… victory, tomatoes, and steak; lots of steak.

  14. blankrubber said 15 years ago:

    Amazing work, guys. I’ve been following your progress for a very long time (just haven’t posted until now). Unlike other projects I’ve followed this one has kept me satisfied. There couldn’t be a better team working on one of the greatest translations of all time!

  15. Adam said 15 years ago:

    Awesome informative post. Keep up the great work!

  16. Zip Code Ness said 15 years ago:

    Well that’s just an awesome little trick you pulled. If it looks good, who cares if it is “cheating”?

    But you talk about the game testing and stuff, I think there should be a contest of some sort that the winner gets to be one of the testers of the game and get to be apart of this major Mother-world moment in history.

  17. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    Testing will all be handled internally, as outlined in the FAQ.

  18. Nathaniel said 15 years ago:

    Thankfully I’ve got vacation all next week, the updates seem like they’re taking an eternity to come now! ๐Ÿ˜›

    What could be said that hasn’t been said a bajillion times already. You guys kick serious ***. That’s all that really needs to be said. I love you.

  19. Some random guy said 15 years ago:

    I just read everything you said, and didn’t understand a single word.

    But good job anyways! ๐Ÿ˜€

  20. mitch said 15 years ago:

    i made a picture after a while of not being able to do it. heh.

    here’s a quick one.


  21. Zangetsu said 15 years ago:

    Woah, I didn’t know you could do that! That’s pretty cool.

  22. Berticus said 15 years ago:

    two things:

    one: I’m really looking forward to the translation notes Mato I hadn’t thought of that and I’m glad you’re doing it.

    two: mitch is back. yes.

  23. cowfish13 said 15 years ago:

    Does this mean we could do some minor hacks, at least text based (If you guys find no harm in releasing the tools)?

  24. Bama said 15 years ago:

    Good job Jeff! keep up the great work!

  25. Kool-Aid_Man said 15 years ago:

    Great to see some updates lately, keep up the work guys. You’re my heroes.

  26. Sotye said 15 years ago:

    Um, It’s definatly not as good as Mitch’s drawings,
    ….but I spent alot of time on it, about 20 minutes drawing it in my notebook and..forever going over it in photoshop xD.
    I’m not good at drawing people, so..Yeah..
    There’s alot of enemies in it, because I got really bored…xD It’s also not funny, but I couldn’t think of anything .-.
    Kind of nervous posting it, because it’s not good..

    It looks horrible in some places, because I lost interest..xD
    …..Yeah, I got lazy..
    Here it is anyway.. http://i29.tinypic.com/2vsm6ty.jpg

  27. Banshi said 15 years ago:

    Ohh, I do not envy you.

    Thanks for doing all this for us though. You guys rock!

  28. Super3dcow said 15 years ago:

    Not gonna lie Sotye… That is an awesome picture, I love it.

  29. Purplemonkey said 15 years ago:

    Its good to see things coming along. Cudos to all of you on the translation team, you guys are great =)

    Sotye: You shouldn’t be so quick to crap on your work, I think that its an excellent drawing!

  30. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    @mitch’s drawing:

    gasp! I think I know that guy…

    He lives inside us all. Or maybe just me.
    I NEED! Need, need need!!

  31. Kak said 15 years ago:

    menz..this make me fell tense…and anxious or something ^^

  32. StarFoxA said 15 years ago:

    Looks great!

  33. Shuri said 15 years ago:

    A blog entry? By Jeffman? It’s surprising really, Mato has done all of the entries so far for who knows how long.

  34. PK Peanut Butter said 15 years ago:

    Nice. At least it didn’t turn into Sprite Welding 2: Electric Boogeloo or anything like that.

    Anticipation’s totally building even more.

  35. Unknown said 15 years ago:

    Generic compliment, guys!

  36. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Oh we’ll find you, Mato, we’ll find you…

  37. MotherLover123 said 15 years ago:

    You’re a genius, JeffMan.

    Keep up the awesome work on Draft 2, Mato.

    Love ya guys!

  38. Spรฎkle said 15 years ago:

    So freaking awesome! I’m learning so much about this… not to mention, awesome work!:)

  39. Bob Biscuit said 15 years ago:

    I’ve been following this for a while (a bit before draft 2), but this is my first post. Nice job, Soyte, Mitch. *chuckle* Have fun playing it through in English while you’re looking for any glitches. Hopefully that’ll be in a month or so… I’m really looking forward to being able to play this in English, so keep it up, but don’t stress yourself out too much. Thanks for all your hard work, and kudos!

    (P.S. Sorry, I tend to have disjointed conversations in posts like these. I hope it’s not too bad…)

  40. Excitable Boy said 15 years ago:

    Good stuff, Soyte.

    Good to hear from you again, Jeffman.

    Good good good good god mother 3.

  41. gBev said 15 years ago:

    I am determined to find Mato when he posts…

  42. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    If you guys want to find Mato’s posts just cntrl+f and search for “Mato Said” you will go to all his posts… and this one.

    Har amz smart.

  43. Sandman said 15 years ago:

    Is this sprite-texty stuff all there is to do for hacking (Other than checking for minor bugs)? I know it’s tough, but if this is all there is to focus on, then it shouldn’t be a problem.

  44. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    Nope, according to the FAQ there’s still the whole Block 0 fiasco, which is pretty major. There’s also some other bugs that have come up already that need to be fixed, as well as some optimization issues and other random things. A lot of hacking also has to go into the new text system and fixing all of our tools to comply with it. So it’s still going to be a while on the hacking front.

  45. MW said 15 years ago:

    I have a question: It turns out that one of the villagers – Thomas’ father, Ed – was overlooked in programming in the Curtain Call. Will this hack make any attempt to include him in?

  46. Crosby86 said 15 years ago:

    Do you figure that you’ll be able to complete it before draft 3 is finished? This remaining hacking wont slow down the process much will it?

  47. mike k said 15 years ago:

    You know what? after reading this post I changed my mind. Jeffman is the true chosen one. Sorry Mato. Maybe next time.

  48. npjpkac said 15 years ago:


  49. DayvanMollusk said 15 years ago:

    Awesome job u guys, ive been followin you since the verry first m3 translation site, and u people have amazed the life out of me. Hope u keep up the good work ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. mitch said 15 years ago:

    Sotye: That’s great! I love the Snake that Really Bites. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I did something similar to this as the very first one of these I drew!

  51. mike k said 15 years ago:

    Yeah Sotye. I love that drawing. The expression on claus’s face is priceless

  52. mike k said 15 years ago:

    2 things: First off, Amazing picture sotye. Also, I was looking at a picture of a Franklin badge and I was thinking that perhaps the shape of the lightning bolt on it was the inspiration for the shape of Ness’s/Lucas’s PK fire in Smash bros brawl

  53. I Wont Pee Til Mother 3 said 15 years ago:

    YAY!!! I WONT PEE TIL MOTHER 3 COMES OUT!!!!! keep it up guys

  54. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    Crosby86: Like I said, I really don’t have a clue how long draft 3 will take, so it’s hard to say.

  55. Hot Soup said 15 years ago:

    Just wanted to say how much I appreciated what you guys are doing. Keep up the great work.

  56. GoldyK said 15 years ago:

    Impressive, you guys.
    Progress on draft 2 and hacks,
    It is getting there!

  57. Landon said 15 years ago:

    Hmm… Sounds like Super Mario World hacking to me.

    The 8×8 editor shows that there are 8(Or 10? I don’t feel like checking.. :P) different tiles just to make:


    Anyway, nice job on the hacking! I look forward to it being done! ^.^

    P.S. Sotye, nice job on that “20 minute” drawing! It’s awesome! XD

  58. Blue said 15 years ago:

    Even when all the hacking is done, we still have to wait for them to test it.

    Would be a cool christmas present. Not saying it couldn’t be done faster, but just a guess.

    Keep up the work!

  59. MetallicaBreath said 15 years ago:

    *agree with Zip Code Ness

    I find that commonly in programming the programmers tend to look solely at the code and it’s “logical sense” instead of the “results.” In the end, results are all that matter, regardless of how you achieve them. So, cheat or not, y’all are showing results, and in my opinon that’s priceless.

    Keep up the good work! ๐Ÿ™‚

  60. MotherAddict said 15 years ago:


  61. Mato said 15 years ago:

    MetallicaBreath: In programming, design is pretty important, even if to the average end user it doesn’t matter much. One example of this is this very project — had the programmers designed the game well, we wouldn’t have had to go through hell and back multiple times to get where we are now.

  62. A Fan said 15 years ago:

    @Mitch: Was that image a self-portrait? ๐Ÿ™‚

  63. seedvt said 15 years ago:

    Yay drawings!

  64. Karma said 15 years ago:

    Is this still the MOTHER 3 translation blog?!

    What happened to all of the negative comments and posters coming out of the woodwork to tell the translators on this project that their doing it all wrong and that the game isn’t grammatically correct? Where’s all of the childish fighting?

    I was starting to think I knew this blog… but now it’s all appreciative and positive, and civil again!


    ……oh wait. Nevermind. Sorry about that. I guess I was just shocked because this time, for the first time in weeks and weeks, there isn’t a bunch of drama, and people are actually being nice again.

    I feel like I can breathe again.



  65. zapdragon said 15 years ago:

    I’ve been waiting 13 years for this, it’s very exciting watching your progress and I commend your efforts.

  66. Doc said 15 years ago:

    @I Wont Pee Til Mother 3: Don’t hurt yourself, we don’t want to cause mato any liability issues for not coming out with the patch soon enough so you won’t hurt yourself, will we?

  67. Negi said 15 years ago:

    Jeffman, does this mean that all those dirty foreigners are making the game take longer because of their “accents” or “homosexuality?”

  68. DeadNight said 15 years ago:

    Sotye: Wow, that’s a great drawing !
    Draw more, I’d love to see it.

  69. Product said 15 years ago:

    God damn. Hurry Up. It never gonna be “Flawless”. Release it already before people realize you guys are fakes.

  70. Rebellion said 15 years ago:

    Karma, there’s your negative poster.

  71. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Talk about Ironic. Didnt someone called Product complain a long time ago that Mato spent too much time on “unimportant stuff” and should just do what’s necissary then release it?

  72. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    Will i ever spell a message properly? Necessary is the right spelling XD

  73. Marsman619 said 15 years ago:

    The hacking did a great job =D hopefully we wont have to wait TOO long now for the release. Seems like we could have it by Spetember, at least.

  74. ccbtimewiz said 15 years ago:

    Take as long as you want. I want to play a fully translated game. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  75. TBA said 15 years ago:

    Great job everyone!!!
    My friends are looking forward to this game.

    Thank you, so much for you time, sweat ,and blood.

    TBA on NDS ;D

  76. Crosby86 said 15 years ago:

    I think it’s more ironic that a person named Karma was bragging about all the positive comments right before that negative one.

  77. Mato said 15 years ago:

    C’mon now, let’s stop talking about talking. That’s how drama starts ๐Ÿ˜›

  78. Sanuzi said 15 years ago:

    “Negi said 10 hours ago:
    Jeffman, does this mean that all those dirty foreigners are making the game take longer because of their โ€œaccentsโ€ or โ€œhomosexuality?โ€”

    Yeah, I say delete this comment.

  79. Space-G! said 15 years ago:

    Keep it up you guys, you’re almost there.

  80. TheReaper08 said 15 years ago:

    Happy 4th of July

  81. Negi said 15 years ago:

    Nice ability to detect a joke/sarcasm, guys.

  82. Larry said 15 years ago:

    Wow looks great! Keep up the great work, man. I really appreciate what all of you on the team are doing. Wishing you a happy 4th!

  83. THAEES said 15 years ago:


  84. gBev said 15 years ago:

    Aren’t you guys taking July 4th off?

  85. Mato said 15 years ago:

    I’m taking off work to work on this if that’s what you mean.

  86. CaptainPlanet said 15 years ago:


  87. gBev said 15 years ago:

    I figured you guys would forget about this on a holiday. Still working on Independence Day, you guys are amazing.

  88. sunzo132 said 15 years ago:

    YAY! You guys deserve a holiday. Enjoy the fireworks! ๐Ÿ˜€

  89. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    gBev: I’m not even American so I’m not celebrating anything today, but I don’t have a job either so I get to work on this anyways. ๐Ÿ˜›

  90. "Snake" Plissken said 15 years ago:

    Wait, does this mean you are British, Canadian, or Austrailian.

  91. mike k said 15 years ago:

    or he could be South African.

  92. Mato said 15 years ago:

    He’s from Winters, duh.

  93. Incredibleman said 15 years ago:

    @ “snake” Plissken, or any other country in the world other than America lol.

  94. Kirk said 15 years ago:

    He could be Irish!! Everybody forgets about US! We bring over Guiness and Lucky Charms and some really doofy accents and what do we get? Walk-on parts in movies and a fast food joint thats not even Irish… McDonalds… pshaw..

    C’mon Jeffman, ya ‘dahft eyerish bahstird’, lets go thro bach a point(pint).

  95. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    He could be any other nationality in the world. I mean we all know that all other languages simply translated to English inside the the speakers head, come on guys!

  96. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    The entire team is actually secretly outsourced from Russia. They were actually the same team that created that godawful truck-racing game where you can drive the big rig backwards up a sheer cliff at 300 mph. They’ve come back to make up for their past embarrassment.. good luck, Tovarischi! Slava Bogu!

  97. gBev said 15 years ago:

    Why don’t we just ask him? So, JeffMan, what nationality are you?

  98. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    I’m from Winters

  99. zLeed said 15 years ago:

    Sure, and Mato is from Summers. ๐Ÿ™‚

  100. _oMeGa_ said 15 years ago:

    Happy Colorful Sky Explosions day!
    Se,, I can remain joyful even though I have a very painful Ear Infection on a holiday.

  101. RedSpring said 15 years ago:

    Hey!.. I’m from America too, should I have to celebrate something this 07/04? Nah, I’m not from the U.S., but I do AM from America; please talk/write in a proper way.

    I would REALLY love being from Winters!

  102. Drรผ said 15 years ago:


    I live in Phoenix, so I’d rather have rain. : )

    It’s so nice to hear from you, Jeffman! Thanks!

  103. megamanlovs earthbound said 15 years ago:

    fireworks canceled cuz of rain? sheesh thats bad for u,
    a weird thing is we had ours on the 3rf,not sure why though

  104. Monsuco said 15 years ago:

    Wow, nice job. It is good to know you guys kept busy while mato worked on draft 2. Ending credits, heh, something that sounds so trivial sure turned out to be a pain. Well, I suppose that it is good to fix em, so that everything looks professional.

  105. Mike said 15 years ago:

    Sweet keep up the good work, My head will explode when you finally finsih it ๐Ÿ˜›

  106. mike k said 15 years ago:

    Woah! Mike. you need to pick a new name. I have long been mike k and your name is too close to mine. Here is a suggestion for a name: copycat. Because that is what you are.

  107. Poe said 15 years ago:

    There’s more than one person in this world named “Mike”, you know. ๐Ÿ˜

  108. Tony said 15 years ago:

    I love these little inside development snippets.

  109. Ansen said 15 years ago:

    simply awesome, that’s one more thing off the list, one less thing to do.

  110. Nnnk said 15 years ago:

    Keep the good work up guys. I’ve been following this for so long, and I’m as excited as ever.

    Can’t wait to be able to play in full English, but the Item Description patch will do for now.

    Thanks for all your hard work, and here’s to hoping that you may someday put all this experience to a paying job, bringing new and exciting games stateside.

    You guys are the best.

  111. The Fan said 15 years ago:

    Mato: If that announcement about Geneon is why your life has been so hectic lately, I can totally understand… that’s a lot of work! Good luck!

    Jeff: Keep up the great work!

  112. Brian said 15 years ago:

    You guys should start an army.

    and do planetary air strikes

  113. lavkian said 15 years ago:

    Mato: What are the odds on getting a patch out for my birthday? It’s August 12th ๐Ÿ™‚

  114. mike k said 15 years ago:

    Hey heres a real knee slapper:
    Who is Jeffman’s favorite actor?
    Gene HACKman

  115. Vague Rant said 15 years ago:

    August 12th is a bad idea, it’s my anniversary, and my girlfriend would be totally pissed if I told her I’d rather play Mother 3. Which would be the case. Sorry baby.

  116. Vagn said 15 years ago:


    Some where around 0% chance. Stop asking for when the patch is gonna be released.

  117. Mato said 15 years ago:

    The Fan: Yeah that and the ADV thing actually has me worried, that’s a hell of a lot of stuff. Here’s to hoping they doesn’t decide to outsource everything translation-related to some random translation company to keep up, which is a possibility I feel :X

  118. Fulismilk said 15 years ago:

    Awesome work you guys.

  119. Coconut of Enlightenment said 15 years ago:

    So Jeffman,
    Do you think you could now do a post about the problems with Block 0 text, because it’s all very mysterious to me. I like updates about hacking because I can actually understand them (I don’t speak Japanese ๐Ÿ™ ). So if you would like to share your frustrations with us, I’m game.

  120. Exp HP said 15 years ago:


    I love discussions about programming. I frequented the MSDN forums once. I really kinda sorta almost somewhat truly felt like I belonged. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Yay for having 6 adverbs, all related to magnitude, modifying a single verb! Yay!

  121. Mato said 15 years ago:

    The problem with showing the Block 0 stuff is that most of the stuff giving us trouble involves important plot-revealing text. It’s also bugged up the scrolling text too, bleh.

  122. Exp HP said 15 years ago:

    Awww . . . [disintegrates into a gaseous compound]

  123. Arashi said 15 years ago:


  124. That Guy said 15 years ago:

    post some spoilers, with some major warnings before it :O

  125. Vagn said 15 years ago:

    Check the spillover board.

  126. Coconut of Enlightenment said 15 years ago:

    But I feel so much better when I know what the problem is, because then I can sympathize with you and thus feel like I’m actually contributing.

  127. Bats said 15 years ago:

    Wait, what’s going on with ADV and Geneon?

    I know it’s off topic (sorry!) but I’m curious.

  128. Mato said 15 years ago:

    See animenewsnetwork.com for info, let’s not talk about it here.

  129. Some random guy said 15 years ago:

    Oh, goodness gracious!
    The hacking is still going
    I wish you both luck

  130. Drรผ said 15 years ago:

    You had doubts?

  131. Nutsjesmoar said 15 years ago:

    Haikus have returned?
    I was not expecting that.
    But it’s a good thing.

  132. sunzo132 said 15 years ago:

    I’ve just read an article online that says the most anticipated game of E3 is Nintendo’s secret games. Maybe a Earthbound/Mother3 announcement? Who knows?

  133. The Walrus said 15 years ago:

    Uh, sorry if I’m contributing to the storm of questions you guys are enduring, but my question is a fairly short one:

    After reading through the To-Do List, I noticed that in the “Remaining Hacking” section of the list there was a problem about “scrolly text making sprites blink”.

    How often do the sprites blink? Is it much of an annoyance? And if so, how difficult will it be to fix?

    -That is all-

    Whoops, forgot to put some encouraging praise in there…


  134. AIDS said 15 years ago:

    When the sprites blink do they cause eye cancer?

  135. Kumatora said 15 years ago:

    Uhm for the love of all things holy I hope not!

    Good job again

  136. gBev said 15 years ago:

    Don’t post spoilers here, I always just scroll down to the last post I’ll never see the warnings.

  137. Dio Brando said 15 years ago:

    Aeris dies.

  138. Blooooo said 15 years ago:

    The sprite blinking can be seen on this video, around 2:30.


  139. Mato said 15 years ago:

    Scrolly text happens rarely enough that the sprite blinking thing isn’t that bad, plus in some cases there aren’t any sprites on the screen anyway. I think the problem happens because the game takes too long printing a line of text now that it has to do a lot more letters per line than the original. If so, fixing it could be incredibly difficult. It’s almost not a problem to me, and I’m Mr. Pickyman. There’s a slight chance that making the game wait for vblank right before doing the printing might fix it, but I dunno. If it doesn’t, then rewriting the entire display routine from scratch would be necessary, and I don’t think any of us want to do that or can do it much better/faster than the original code.

  140. Jalen said 15 years ago:

    This game is gonna kick so much ass once I can understand everything. And it’s all gonna be thanks to you guys. Thanks a million already for not giving up (I wojuld have at like 54% lol). And thanks a trillion for doing this game. Excellent guys.

  141. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    If the sprite blink is 5 seconds or less, I’m fine with it

  142. Zade said 15 years ago:

    I for one would be fine with sprite blinkage. Especially if not working on the sprite blinkage = getting the patch a month sooner or however long it’d take.

    As always, my heart is with you in your progress and I thank you deeply for all you’ve done already – wishing you all the best in the future.

  143. DeadNight said 15 years ago:

    I would wait an extra month for them to fix the blinking sprites.

    Hell, I’d wait another year for this game to be as perfect as Mato, Jeff and the rest of the team decide to make it.

  144. seedvt said 15 years ago:

    I agree with Arashi, I’m fine with the sprite blinking if it’s subtle.

  145. Kirk said 15 years ago:

    I don’t like haikus.
    I really don’t get the point.
    Counting syllables?


  146. MotherLover123 said 15 years ago:

    I agree with Kirk.
    What’s there to like about it?
    Guess I’ll never know…


    On a related note, awesome job guy’s. Lookin’ forward to hear how Draft 2 is coming along. Keep it up Mato!

  147. Red Chameleon said 15 years ago:


    This seems to be coming along quite well. Keep it up!

  148. Blues-on10 said 15 years ago:

    My dream was to make a game, but seeing all this gives me second thoughts, its too much pressure for me so I decided to try it in a Anime way.

    Keep it going though! ๐Ÿ™‚

  149. tapioca said 15 years ago:

    uhm, i think that mato posted a video of the blinking sprites like 10 or something updates back and it was a lot uglier than the to-do list makes it sound.

  150. Shelby said 15 years ago:

    you guys are amazing.
    i’m so happy that you’re able to do this kind of thing.
    keep it uppp! (: <3

  151. brian said 15 years ago:

    Dio Brando said….

    “Aeris dies”

    ….sorry, i found that extremely funny and had to express that.

  152. FinalGamer said 15 years ago:

    Well it’s looking ever better guys, it feels so close now with the light at the end of the tunnel. You can do it! ๐Ÿ˜€ We believe in you!

  153. Mato said 15 years ago:

    For those who don’t watch the spillover board (which you should :P) I posted this the other day. I guess don’t watch it if you want everything to be a fresh new experience, also there may be spoilers in the related videos. But it shows how far things have come and everything working together at the moment.

  154. Th Walrus said 15 years ago:

    Ah, glad to hear that the sprite-blinking thing isn’t that bad.

    Oh, and thanks for answering my question.


  155. MotherLover123 said 15 years ago:

    Awesome videos, Mato.
    Thanks for letting us know.

  156. Luis said 15 years ago:

    Good job guys! I wish I could be like you are.

    Oh, I have a question for you. When I first read “Fix some ending sequence text stuff โ€” this involves sprite text” I thought it wasn’t about the credits, but about “that scene by the end where the text is not placed where it usually does”. You know what I mean, don’t you? If I describe what it is it will spoil the game so can’t do it. Is that part fixed yet? Or only the credits?

  157. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    All non-standard text like that is part of the block 0 issue, which hasn’t been fixed yet.

    A mini-update: I looked into the sprite flashing thing and the fix wasn’t actually that hard, and it should probably stick. It just needs to be thoroughly tested before it can be deemed unharmful to the rest of the game. It’s kinda hard to post screenshots of that though so I won’t bother, it’s not really that big a deal. If you wanna see the bug then check out the videos Mato just linked to, it’s somewhere in there.

  158. Magus said 15 years ago:

    Nice JeffMan. Good luck with the Block 0 stuff.

  159. Ness said 15 years ago:

    I love you…

  160. Zaxtur said 15 years ago:

    In the Chapter 1 Stuff videos posted on YouTube, Lighter says “Dammit.” If this game were to be officially translated by the Big N, there is no way they would use that term.

    …But it is kinda funny, and I do like it. Hehehe.

  161. Pining Tor said 15 years ago:

    Tomato-san Will you please Translate Tale of the GENJI for your next project? It’s a dry read maybe you can make it FUN. SOmething to think about Have a nice day ๐Ÿ™‚

  162. madlobster said 15 years ago:

    Could you use some dummy text to show us the problems you are referring to involving block 0?

  163. JeffMan said 15 years ago:

    madlobster: No need. Just try to envision every possible type of combustion happening simultaneously while being divided by zero, and it might resemble what happens when Block 0 text glitches up.

  164. Nevi901 said 15 years ago:

    A a first time poster, but long time follower, I must say Iยดm amazed at the translationยดs pace. I couldnยดt believe that at just little more than 1 year the project has progressed so much. I want to thank Mato, JeffMan, Demi and whoever else is involved in making this fan translation and making tons of fans like me overjoyed with being able to play this game. Take as long as you need.

    Also I have a question, Mato or JeffMan. Do you know how many battle themes are in Mother 3? (please tell me if itยดs spoilerific). Iยดve been recently watching battle videos and I found the themes very addictive.

    Keep up the good work!

  165. Shaun said 15 years ago:

    By Winters, he’s obviously Canadian ๐Ÿ˜›

  166. Action 52 said 15 years ago:

    “Also I have a question, Mato or JeffMan. Do you know how many battle themes are in Mother 3? (please tell me if itยดs spoilerific). Iยดve been recently watching battle videos and I found the themes very addictive.”
    Doesn’t belong here, but I’ll answer you:
    There are about 5 different battle themes for normal enemies (two have their own tough) They’re the most the time remixed (slower, faster, with added parts) to make the song harder to combo to.
    The bosses have the most the time their own battle theme tough some of them get remixed for normal enemies.

  167. mike k said 15 years ago:

    I cant wait to get M3 so that I can slurp up all of its delicious juices ๐Ÿ™‚

  168. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    I honestly have NO idea what block 0 even is

  169. Mato said 15 years ago:

    There are 1000 blocks of text, each block corresponds with a map. Except Block 0, it corresponds to no map, it’s like the junk pile of non-standard text. It’s like 300 lines long and a lot of the text in this block is programmed separately from the main stuff. We’ve got most of it working now, but what stuff we DON’T have working now will kill your game, create Moonside, or start acting like a broken record.

  170. Germ said 15 years ago:

    Creating Moonside on the fly for the win. On a tangentially related note, Mato/JeffMan also for the win.

  171. "Snake" Plissken said 15 years ago:

    We should call it the Mani Mani Glitch

  172. Arashi said 15 years ago:

    I wanna see Moonside in Mother 3! that’d be cool

  173. "Snake" Plissken said 15 years ago:

    If you don’t mind spoilers see this:

  174. Aman13 said 15 years ago:

    I’d imagine this would be a nightmare. Naming a majority of the key and not key NPC in english must be tough. Glad to see it’s handled.

    I orriginally had hoped that Nintendo would translate the game themseves, but now I hope they don’t (unless this hack goes official). I really don’t want the past few years down the toilet; I think this will turn out better than a N brewed version. Plus I could image your social life is a wreck for translating a game for millions of fans that need their MOTHER.

  175. Stefan said 15 years ago:

    You guys RULE ๐Ÿ˜€