Battle Hacks Done

16 years ago by Mato

Finished off the last remaining battle hack now — had to write a VWF routine for the final battle. Wasn’t too bad, was able to use a lot of code we already wrote. Obviously I won’t post pics of it in action here, but man oh man does stuff look good now.

We can now fully cross off everything on the battle hack list! I’m sure there might be little tiny things here and there we might run across during detailed testing, but we’ve already done lots of testing so I don’t think we’ll see many problems with battles anymore.

Hurray! There’s very little hacking left to do!

Posted on Tuesday, May 13th, 2008 at 4:26 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

226 Responses to “Battle Hacks Done”

  1. Fobbydude said 16 years ago:

    First one! You guys rock!

  2. Fire Geno said 16 years ago:

    Wow, you guys are going really fast now.

  3. Lol said 16 years ago:

    You’re great Tomato ๐Ÿ˜€ You’re a machine ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Karol said 16 years ago:

    wow… i’m gonna have to get through earthbound zero pretty quickly… Mother 3 seams closer and closer every day.

  5. Rye said 16 years ago:


  6. MasterInsan0 said 16 years ago:

    Wow. You’re absolutely destroying this game now. Is it officially safe to begin anticipating playing it? =D

  7. Poo said 16 years ago:


  8. Maroon500 said 16 years ago:

    this is awesome only 3 things left OMG. Mato this isnt on the front page weird

  9. johto555 said 16 years ago:

    Hmm… 5 minutes. That’s a new record (at least for me).

    Can’t wait for things to happen.

  10. wtfitsed said 16 years ago:

    what what mato what omg omg omg youre gonna kill me with all these updates!

  11. Edrees said 16 years ago:


  12. Maroon500 said 16 years ago:

    So, Mato are you gonna do the voice clips now since your on a roll?

  13. Jupiter-x said 16 years ago:

    ๐Ÿ˜€ Great job! Have some brew! Coffee, that is, from Jackie’s Cafe!

  14. J.T. said 16 years ago:

    Awesome, you’re just trucking though all of the hacking one right after the other! Great job. =D Can’t wait to play Mother 3…

  15. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Maroon500: I would, but I requested re-takes from reid the other day, so I’m waiting on those.

  16. Richardbro said 16 years ago:


  17. solidpit said 16 years ago:

    You guys are INSANE! THREE updates in one day, that’s crazy stuff! Anyway, how much of the game would be in Japanese if someone played through it now?

  18. zLeed said 16 years ago:

    Oh man, I have surgery and this is what happens? 3 updates? lol

    Well, good job mato. Even if I am sorta drugged out, this really excited me.

    I was wondering about the sound clips. What do both of them say?
    I think I got the first one but could you tell me what it is?
    I know it came from using those weird *spoilers* to turn them away.

  19. ForteMP3 said 16 years ago:

    *Points to Mato!*
    Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his hacking level?!


    Seriously though, Mato…DAMN. I come in, I see menu hacks are done, I think “Okay, that’ll be enough progress for awhile I’m sure.” A couple days later, you already have BATTLE hacks done too?! Geeze man…Whatever jumpstarted you has just kept you going, and I think we can all say we like where this is headed. Keep it up man! Keep it up!

  20. Stef said 16 years ago:

    Cool. Another Update!

    You guys are going soooooooooo fast. Thats a good thing.

    I’ve been playing Mother 3 on the PSP with the menu patch and the game is actually a bit enjoyable.

    Still, i CANNOT wait until the Final Patch.
    I am SURE we will be playing Mother 3 by July!!!

  21. Max said 16 years ago:

    cool! not much more to go!

  22. Mackincheese said 16 years ago:

    To add something to the comments:


  23. RupeeClock said 16 years ago:

    Triple update?
    My word, this is almost finished isn’t it!

    Keep it up!

  24. ArashiSai said 16 years ago:

    Mato, you’re scaring the crap out of me now

  25. EmpoleMew said 16 years ago:

    I’ve been following this project for a while now, but I haven’t posted anything. I come here and find three updates. The most recent said “5 minutes ago”. I nearly had a heart attack seeing how much was done between yesterday and now. When its finally done, I might not be able to breathe. Everyone hacking this game deserves a break and some Peanut Cheese Bars. The light at the end of the tunnel is so bright now, I might just end up bumping into the wall. You may hear this a lot, but thank you and keep up the good work.


  26. ArashiSai said 16 years ago:

    btw, 2 questions:

    Why does the to-do list still say ” As you can see, there’s stilla lot left to do”? Yeah, right!

    Also, what’s this intro screen disclaimer you’re putting in?

  27. Magus said 16 years ago:

    Triple Update, one section of the hacking completely (or 99%) done?


  28. Beck said 16 years ago:

    Nice work. Keep the good news coming.

  29. Vagn said 16 years ago:

    Mato I hope you take a break when all this hacking is finaly finished!

    Also are you going to go into hiding when the hacking is finished? What I mean is are we not going to here from you until the project is done?

  30. Devin said 16 years ago:

    Whoa! You’re speedy!
    AWESOME!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Rat said 16 years ago:

    All riiiight! ๐Ÿ˜€

  32. MotherSeriesFan said 16 years ago:

    Three new updates in a day! :O
    The end is closer than ever…

  33. Django said 16 years ago:

    OMG you guys just keep going a LOVE YOU MAN! all that’s left are misc. and that big main one kick some butt! I can’t wait

  34. NeoXCS said 16 years ago:

    WOW!!! I’m freaking out! This stuff has just flown by so fast! I’ve been watching for such a long time, and suddenly all this stuff gets done! Me and my friends are so excited for this to finish! (I’m the only one who is here multiple times a day, in fact nearly at all!) Good luck finishing up this masterpiece of a hacking job!

  35. glemmstengal said 16 years ago:

    amazing progress guys, thanks for your efforts =D
    just don’t work too hard !

  36. Bryan said 16 years ago:

    Good work I cant wait to play this game.

  37. Majora said 16 years ago:

    HOLY ****! 3 updates in one day. Slow down, speed racer!

  38. KratosAuron0 said 16 years ago:

    So, basically the only imperative hack you’ve got to finish is the tile struct layout!? And that’s already 25% done!
    This is amazing! After that, some bug testing, and 2 script edits, the game will be completely playable! It’s almost too good to be true!

  39. Paul said 16 years ago:

    Mato, you are a legend; the work you guys are doing is amazing.
    Now I don’t want to jump the gun but I can easily see the translation being done by the end if August…


  40. hasone said 16 years ago:

    but you *did* say the main script hack was the final boss.

    may it pass by as quickly as the battle hacks.

  41. BreakingOrder said 16 years ago:

    3 big updates in the same day… I bet I know how you’re feeling right now Mato…accomplishment? Only a few more things…Oh man, I can’t wait! ๐Ÿ˜€

  42. Alato said 16 years ago:

    Hah, AWESOME. Reading over the to-do list has never made me so happy. A couple main script things and some miscallaneous hacks, then the hacking is done. And to think, you’re not even a hacker, Mato, but you made, with help of Jeffman, ofcourse byuu(I imagine there’d be no way you could easily implement these hacks so fast without his tool) and others, the greatest ROM hack, ever. EASILY the best. Thank you SO much. SO much. And it’s almost done. Thanks SO much. Again.
    And with all these updates, looks like mitch has quite a few drawings to make.

    And now suddenly, I get this in my head:
    “Mato, the red-nosed veggie, you’ll go down in historyyy”\

  43. Jeffrey said 16 years ago:

    It seems so almost done I can barley believe it! What’s next on the list?

  44. Orion-J said 16 years ago:

    Omg YOU ARE A GOD! I do believe we should all bow down to your greatness. On another note is a tomato really a fruit or vegetable?

  45. Platypus Man said 16 years ago:

    Wow. I love watching this blog. I mean, I don’t usually make those “you guys rock!” posts, but seriously. You guys rock!

    I’m so totally looking forward to playing this game…

  46. EmpoleMew said 16 years ago:

    Just curious, will us little people be able to hack Mother 3 by means of something like PK Hack, or will it only be hackable by ASM and the like? It seems to me that making fan hacks out of Mother 3 would be more “appealing” to some than hacks of Earthbound.

  47. Bats said 16 years ago:


  48. Birdman said 16 years ago:

    Wow. Three updates in less than 24 hours…is this real? ๐Ÿ˜€

    Simply amazing. I have a good feeling about this. Keep it up, and thanks for all of the hard work.

  49. Orion-J said 16 years ago:

    As far as I know PKHack was coded and designed for only Earthbound. This game was coded in C and not ASM, while it could be possible it would be highly unlikely to do so the way PKHack did.

  50. Mato said 16 years ago:

    EmpoleMew: Hacking M3 will be much more difficult than hacking EB. As you’ve probably noticed by now, the programmers weren’t very “user-friendly” with their stuff, so doing any significant hacking will be tough. It should be easy enough to change enemies, items, and basic stuff like that. But making new stories and plots and maps and all that will be a lot tougher than with EB. And yes, of course there’ll be a PK Hack for M3 at some point. It’d be nice if people waited a while before making one though ๐Ÿ˜›

  51. falcon2008 said 16 years ago:

    w00t for copy and pasting codes! so, let’s see… all that’s left is the main struct hacking, the misc. stuff, the editing/translating, and the testing.

    Looks like you’re just about finished here

  52. MoonsideMan said 16 years ago:

    I am very impressed. Things are looking spiffy.

    Mato: I see action figures and breakfast cereals with your name all over em, ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Jeffrey: lol @ barley between veggie posts

  53. Lionheart said 16 years ago:

    Hey Mato
    First off I cannot believe you’ve done so much progress, I mean I was out of it for like 2 days and you come out with a barrage of updates. All I can say is YOU ARE AMAZING DUUUDE.

    Second thing is if you could give us a fair estimate on when the hack will be done cause man I REALLY want to play this game before the year end. DO NOT push yourself to much though I mean take a break, a LONG relaxing break.

    Lastly i’d like to know what you’re going to do after this translation is done, I mean are you going to dedicate your self completely to real life or are you going to hack something else. Whatever your choice is I respect it.

    You are amazing Mato, you rock Mato, keep going Mato, go Mato

  54. Malokero said 16 years ago:


  55. Div03 said 16 years ago:

    Hack the tile struct layout (or relocate the structs) to allow for 100+ letter tiles per screen. Tough/annoying. This will fix some crashing/graphical garbage when thereโ€™s over 64 characters on the screen at once. (~25% done)



  56. Zero said 16 years ago:

    No joke: I just choked up a bit.

  57. ukdood said 16 years ago:


    Also, gl hf dd when you go at that last, final boss type bit of hacking.

  58. KoolKojo said 16 years ago:

    soo…the script isn’t done being translated?

  59. Aron said 16 years ago:


  60. Fudgehat said 16 years ago:

    I forget, did you finish translating all the enemy descriptions or were you waiting to see if they could go over 80 letters once the hacking’s done?

    Seems like xkas has really helped increase your productivity of late, shame it wasn’t available a bit earlier. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  61. necrosis said 16 years ago:

    “sooโ€ฆthe script isnโ€™t done being translated?”

    I believe they’re done with draft 1, and will be going through multiple other drafts once the hacking is all done.

    Mato, out of curiosity, how different from everything else was the final battle stuff, and how was it coded that you had to do it separately? (I’ve played through the game, I know how everything shows up, I just want to know how the code for it was, even though that second question might be a lot more simple than I expect it to be. >>)

  62. Mato said 16 years ago:

    KoolKojo: I finished the first draft of the main script back in like August of last year. There will be a few more drafts though.

    necrosis: It wasn’t too different, though I couldn’t rely on my normal code that scrolls text up, deletes the battle window text, etc. Also had to write my own centering routine, which was pretty easy since we’ve done so many centering hacks in the game by now ๐Ÿ˜›

  63. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Fudgehat: No, I haven’t translated any more enemy descriptions. I still need to check for sure if they get pulled straight from the ROM — if so, the 80 letter limit is gone for sure. If that’s the case, I’ll be able to go back and spiff up the current enemy descriptions too.

  64. Husky_Washu said 16 years ago:

    Holy crap you just keep churning these out! Jeez Louise, lie down before you hurt yourself.. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Every day I think about this and get more and more excited. You guys are really outdoing yourselves. Thank you so much. ;u;

  65. Trebek said 16 years ago:

    Holy smokes…You guys are making some damn good progress. Keep up the awesome work!

    It is very appreciated. ๐Ÿ˜€

  66. Abysmal said 16 years ago:

    Holy crap, Mato. Three updates in a day. I couldn’t be happier.

  67. Crazy Weavile said 16 years ago:

    I hope UPS is ready in time. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  68. NintendoBrad said 16 years ago:


    Sonic Sez: “You’re too fa-ast!”

  69. edracon said 16 years ago:

    your speed right now is OVER 9000!

    really, good job!

  70. MoonsideMan said 16 years ago:

    Mato and friends: I believe I speak for all of us when I say you are doing a great service for the non-Japanese gaming community. (Not saying anything wrong whatsoever about the Japanese gaming community..) You and your team’s attention to detail is very commendable and is a testament to your characters. I’m greatful to be a part of the EB/M community since it’s birth and to join with these people in enjoying a treasure for years to come. I guess this post isn’t just for Mato and the team, but to everyone who enjoys all this as much as I do. I’m grateful for your contribution to all of us fans and grateful to all the fans for their support.

    [You deserve a present, Playboy!]

    Again, thank you all.

  71. Dark Hamsterlord said 16 years ago:

    Just took a look at the To-Do-List. There’s barely anything left not crossed off!

    I am so excited for this to finally be so close to done!

  72. Psychomax said 16 years ago:

    Oh, will the stuff you did for the last battle hack help at all with the main script hack?

  73. Paige(Halfmetal Alchemist) said 16 years ago:

    GOOD GOD, YOU’RE A HACKING MONSTER!!!! I once again visited thinking there wouldn’t be another update, but THERE WAS! My heart nearly skipped a beat! ^_^ I’m so happy! Thank you so much for this! I’ve been trying to get my brother to play MOTHER 3, but he feels a translation guide would be awkward, so he’s gonna use this patch, and since you are hacking fourty different flavors of holy hell out of this game, he’ll be able to, I sense, relativly soon!! ^^

    Question: After all the hacking’s done, how long do you think the drafts and testing is gonna take? Just wondering..

  74. Damn Impressed said 16 years ago:

    Guys, don’t expect this any time soon. Stuff tends to go wrong when you do that.

    Mato, do you use a specific project model? You seem to just be attacking one problem at a time, and splitting up the different problems — but is there something more specific?

  75. Reanzet said 16 years ago:

    It’s history! 3 updates in 1 day! and 3 things crossed off (maybe more, I lost count after 1) IN ONE DAY!!!
    So Mr. Mato, how does it feel to get so much done so quickly? *holds microphone up*

  76. Mato said 16 years ago:

    For those wondering how long things will take, that’s what this update was for.

    Anyway, there’s actually another update in store, but I think Jeff’s gonna wait a bit first.

  77. Majoras Mask said 16 years ago:


  78. NukeFall said 16 years ago:

    Wow, You’re awesome at this, I love reading this blog especially when the technical stuff comes up! Good job man.

  79. Count Orlok said 16 years ago:

    You guys are making amazing progress..I’m ecstatic to play Mother 3

  80. xlr0 said 16 years ago:

    wow u guys rule. reading the updates always makes my day.

  81. Reagle said 16 years ago:

    F**king awesome!! I am so pumped to play this! Soon… I can feel it…

  82. yeahyeahyeah said 16 years ago:

    Awesome! you are getting closer and closer to finishing!!!! You people are just…words can’t describe it.

  83. Coobz said 16 years ago:

    God yes.

  84. LordNecros said 16 years ago:

    You see folks, Tomato is now the quinessential manga hero. He is confronted by a series of difficult tasks, unti he finally runs up against his Freeza/Orochimaru/Marik/whatever, at which point he levels up -so- much, the mundane problems that once confronted him are now child’s play.

  85. Molo said 16 years ago:

    Wow!! This was all so fast! You are getting there, well done guys!

  86. Arashi said 16 years ago:

    wow, I didn’t know i could change my name so it appeared as just Arashi. the sai part was accident

  87. Matt said 16 years ago:


  88. NecrosaroIII said 16 years ago:

    Wow. Wasn’t expecting a third update! I wonder what Jeffman has planned.

  89. Moog said 16 years ago:

    Mato, have you ever considered a more faithful localization of Mother or Mother 2? Are you pleased with the job on those games or is it a bit off?

  90. Negi said 16 years ago:

    Hey Mato, I was wondering if you could do something on the blog for us. Could you make your name colored blue? There’s a lot of people with names like Magus or Molo who also link to websites, and it’s a pain in the ass to find mini-updates and your coments. Well, either that or just enable a system to hide all posts but yours.

  91. NecrosaroIII said 16 years ago:

    He already did a translation of Mother 1, I believe.

  92. Drรผ said 16 years ago:

    I’d say that MOTHER 2 is fine, at least. Learn Japanese if you want to play it un-localized. And Mato will be doing a wonderful job on his Earth Bound Zero hack – which is his pet project, no rushing.

  93. Ironfist said 16 years ago:

    Man Mato you are on a role!

    I think you had too much Captain Crunch

  94. MoonsideMan said 16 years ago:

    There are some dramatic points (I can just tell these things, y’know?) in the game I can’t wait to see what they’re saying in English.

    Then we can all go to Casa Bonita with Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Butters. Cartman can’t come. (Radioactive cannibals and all, y’know)

  95. Lena said 16 years ago:

    If that “time left” post is correct, then at worst it seems we have half a year left. Awesome.

  96. Reanzet said 16 years ago:

    So much “tough” hacking done, this is madness!

  97. Itoi's Love Child said 16 years ago:

    This is truly superhappyfunclimaxtime! Too…many…updates! Mato…it…hurts! You cannot grasp the true form of Mato’s update!

  98. Anna said 16 years ago:

    Jeff has an update in the works?


  99. MoonsideMan said 16 years ago:

    Madness? This…is… SP.. nevermind. That’s getting old.. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  100. Nutsjesmoar said 16 years ago:

    ahhh, i’m having like a huge crisis right now – on the one hand, the hacking is going so fast, it seems like it’ll be done any day now. On the other hand, who will i annoy with my silly jefflypuff drawings when this is over? where will i go when i want to chuckle at a refreshing meth joke after work?

    mind. blown.

    You guys rock.

  101. Andy said 16 years ago:

    I’ve been wondering, are you guys trying to hurry up and get this done because of EB’s upcoming release on VC? It may cause the Big N to announce Mother 3 just before you guys are finished, and I’ve been wondering if that’s the reason for the huge progress lately.

  102. wasp2020 said 16 years ago:

    I wasn’t even expecting one update, but THREE?

    My mind cannot repel progress of this magnitude

  103. Name Man said 16 years ago:

    My soul cries every day I don’t have an English translation of Mother 3! Thank you so much!

  104. Jupiter-x said 16 years ago:

    I saw someone’s youtube video on learning to combo well with the musical battle system, and of course, they had the menu patch on. Very cool. ๐Ÿ˜€ Keep up the great progress and don’t let anything get you down!

  105. Rebellion said 16 years ago:

    SUSPENSE?!? :O
    ….fine, I won’t try that Sparta thing with random capitals…. but keep it up, guys! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    @MoonsideMan :
    “Then we can all go to Casa Bonita with Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Butters. Cartman canโ€™t come. (Radioactive cannibals and all, yโ€™know)”

    …I …. don’t…. get it.

  106. Third Strongest said 16 years ago:

    Wow Mato. You are a god among men. I did not expect three updates in one day.
    BTW Mitch I think you owe us 3 pictures.

  107. ParodyKnaveBob said 16 years ago:

    That’s INSANE.
    Just wow with the awesomeness.

  108. Artek said 16 years ago:

    Wow! You managed to get back in time TODAY! Pick up that Legendary Bat on your way and ready the pray command. You’re gonna need it!

    You guys are my freakin’ heroes!

  109. MotherAddict said 16 years ago:


    I go away for 3 days and come back to like, 7 messages documenting the huge progress and just think:WOOHOO!!!!

  110. Lamguin said 16 years ago:

    Clearly, these people are members of a superior alien race intent on the destruction of mankind.

  111. MoonsideMan said 16 years ago:

    Mato: Does the sprite hacking get covered by chapter? Or is it all in one place?

    Sorry bout that Rebellion, my love for South Park comes in at a close second to the world of EB.

  112. neo said 16 years ago:

    You guys are beasts

  113. Eddward said 16 years ago:

    Damn Mato, 3 in a day?! Possibly a fourth coming real soon?! Are you ignoring everything for this project? I really don’t want to see a post from ya saying, “I got fired from my job because of the project.” That’s one heck of a sacrifice but I don’t want to see that happen at all. I care about you and I hope everyone else feels the same way about you too.

  114. Skyla Doragono said 16 years ago:

    Damn, once you got over the menu system, it seems like everything else is falling into place. I’m so looking forward to finally being able to download a fully working copy of the translation. :3

    Good luck! <3

  115. Majora said 16 years ago:

    Majora’s Mask:
    CURSE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  116. thethirdman said 16 years ago:

    3 IN A DAY?!?

    wow. you guys are HARDCORE!

  117. Troy said 16 years ago:

    Man, you guys are REALLY HAULING ASS. Not to knock the previous team at (I think it was). But you guys are really getting this thing DONE. This was a pipe dream, and now it is well on its way! I can see in 3 months or less playing this.

    What seemed impossible (after waiting so long, and setback after setback originally) is almost here! You will NEVER know how much I appreciate this, or be thanked enough for your efforts.

    You Rock! Ding!

  118. Animus01 said 16 years ago:

    Wow. Three updates in one day! To quote Mr. Saturn: “ZOOM!”

  119. thethirdman said 16 years ago:

    Mato and co. are literally ZOOOOOOOOOOOOM!-ing through this ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  120. Destrudo said 16 years ago:

    Not too long ago the only thing fully crossed off was Gray Name Box Hacking. o_O Good job.

  121. GoldyK said 16 years ago:

    Mato’s Third Update
    All this in a single day
    You guys are awesome.

  122. Vague Rant said 16 years ago:

    Wow, three in a row! I am totally excited to go read them now!

  123. Jupiter-x said 16 years ago:

    When this is all over, and I’ve played through Mother 3 108435823 times (in english ๐Ÿ˜€ ), I will have absolutely no idea what to do with myself. I check this blog waaaaaaaay too much. xD

  124. A Fan said 16 years ago:

    > You see folks, Tomato is now the quinessential manga hero. He is confronted by a series of difficult tasks, unti he finally runs up against his Freeza/Orochimaru/Marik/whatever, at which point he levels up -so- much, the mundane problems that once confronted him are now childโ€™s play.

    Remember how, after the billion or so episodes of the Freeza arc* we suddenly meet Freeza’s dad AND cyborg-Freeza on Earth, then Trunks blasts both of them to hell in less than one episode?

    That’s sorta what this feels like ๐Ÿ™‚

    * For those who didn’t watch DBZ, I can sum most of the episodes up with the following meta-script: “Die, human scum!” *many punches* “Take that!” *energy blasts* (Cut to Bulma making jokes and other filler for a minute, then back to them fighting.) *parts of the planet explode for no reason* “Grrrrrrr!” “Are you constipated?” “No, I’m charging an energy blast!” *kamehameha* “Aaargh, I’m doomed! (Actually, it only tickled, but you won’t find that out until next week!)” (Cue the announcer) “Tune in next time for more grunting! And random outtakes that have NOTHING to do with the main plot! How long until this stupid planet finally explodes? I think we passed 5 minutes about 100 episodes ago.”

  125. Asok said 16 years ago:

    Mato said 4 hours ago:

    For those wondering how long things will take, thatโ€™s what this update was for.

    So going by that, and at this given rate, we should see the finished hack within 5-6 months. This is a pretty decent speed, considering it’s about on par (if I’m correct, maybe, maybe not) with translation speeds for Apollo Justice. And since this has a lot more going on than AJ, that’s really not just decent, but kickass. You guys are an unstoppable juggernaut of hacking force, and I can tell it won’t be long after all before we finally see Mother 3 in english. Godspeed, gentlemen. And thanks.

  126. Solidseed said 16 years ago:

    I can’t stop smiling. 3 updates. As crazy as you guys are, this is incredible. Great job guys. Almost there!

  127. KKH3049 said 16 years ago:

    HeY MaTo!!!!!!! Do YoU rEaD aLl Of ThE pOsTs?

  128. Bytron said 16 years ago:

    I found a Mother 3 group on facebook, but it needs more members

  129. Mike said 16 years ago:

    All I got to say is…structs…oh man I hate those! Well, with the speed you guys are going, I’m sure it won’t be much longer. Keep it up!

  130. Neurovore said 16 years ago:

    Wow! This just leaves the main script material as far as the big hacking goes…since you have gotten so good at hacking, I do not think that it will take you that long to hack the tile struct layout.

    Now I know that it says that you want to see if you can eliminate the “blinking” of sprites during scrolling text, but are you going to do that now, or wait until the end stage when you are polishing things up?

  131. Jau said 16 years ago:

    As I said, leet hackers, you guys hacked that ROM fast, that must mean you are really sacrificing a lot of your free time. Thank you for all the work you have done, you guys are totally awesome.

  132. just a guy said 16 years ago:

    Amazing progress!

    Congratulations on coming so far, and may you continue your success in the coming months.

    I cannot wait to play this wonderful hack/translation someday. ๐Ÿ™‚

  133. Mur said 16 years ago:

    i bet after your done everything the step…

    “Polish up other hacks at the end if itโ€™s worth it / add in extra little stuff (like that silver star thing) if we feel up to it and if it doesnโ€™t take much time. This has very low priority though and should be saved for last.”

    would feel like putting a star on top of a tree, last finishing touch :p

  134. Fieron said 16 years ago:

    wow i go on firefox today and check out the live feed for this project and i saw 3 new entries, keep it up guys, you’ll be done with his patch in no time ๐Ÿ˜€

  135. Thanius said 16 years ago:

    Damn, you guys are on a ROLL! Waiting for the patch with excitement, checking the blog everyday for updates. Now, where do I donate? ๐Ÿ˜€

  136. Zaratus said 16 years ago:

    You don’t. To paraphrase, money makes things icky.

    Better to not get it involved, and also it might bring down the wrath of Nintendo. So, no.

    I feel they deserve something too, but I can completely understand the reasoning behind it. I wish I had some way to express my own appreciation for this project.

  137. Mighty Bear Seven said 16 years ago:


  138. GIANTSTEP said 16 years ago:

    Does this mean that the M3FTP is almost done? or is there so much to do?

  139. Rifter said 16 years ago:

    My hero. Seriously.

  140. Rince said 16 years ago:

    It looks like, based on the vague timeline that was posted before, we’re looking at an end of summer release, unless everything goes far faster than the team expects.

  141. Redlandsman87 said 16 years ago:


    Haha, but damn Mato! You are ripping this thing apart!

  142. Unsavory Maggot said 16 years ago:

    WOW! You are on a roll, my friend. If there was a name for the ability you possess, it wouldn’t be just PK Hack, it’d be PK SMAAAASH!! Seriously, you seem to be dealing critical damage to this thing; pretty soon, the project will be tamed. If you could rate your learning and experience from this project from 0 EXP to 1,000,000 EXP, what would you rate it?

  143. Marxyboy said 16 years ago:

    Alright! Not much left to do! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Youยดre all doing a great job!
    Maybe you can finish this before Super Smash Bros Brawl gets released in Europe(since I live here) and the release date for it is 21th June, so you have plenty much time! ;D
    PS: Please change the gameยดs name to Earthbound 2 because I have a reason why you should, take a look at this picture that has been found in Earthbound:

  144. Zekiel said 16 years ago:

    Jesus Christ, Mato. So little left to do! The light at the end of the tunnel is making me blind!

    I can’t wait to play this in English. I <3 you guys!

  145. ForteMP3 said 16 years ago:

    Marxyboy, Mato and Jeffman have been over this a million times. They are NOT going to change the name. The game’s name is Mother 3, and that’s what they’re leaving it as when it’s translated. Deal with it.

  146. Kirk said 16 years ago:

    Changing the name takes away Mr. Itoi’s eccentricityness motif. No can do. (It’s like… Taking away Runaway Five’s [Boy George/Paul Schaffer with hair] keyboardist. He/Her/It doesn’t do anything significant, but without him/her/it, RF wouldn’t be the same.)

    Unless they changed the name to Boob Wizards II, ๐Ÿ˜€

  147. Alato said 16 years ago:

    For the record, a Tomato is neither fruit, nor vegetable, but rather a God.

  148. Flying Disk said 16 years ago:

    What do you think you’re going to work on next in this translation? Is it going to be that random stuff that’ll probably be a bit easier, or will you do the main script hacking?

  149. TheJorsh AKA PianoGameboy said 16 years ago:

    woah, no “click here to read more” thing…
    that must be a good sign!
    You guys are doing great!
    I hope i can play it soon!

  150. Eddward said 16 years ago:

    To everyone but the team: There’s some awesome Earthbound/Mother related stuff there. Check it out! I say thanks for all the work Mato. Even with this project going Mato finds the time to translate other things.

  151. PureRok said 16 years ago:

    To be technical… any plant that contains seeds is considered a fruit in biology. Just for anyone confused on certain things (Yes, that means a cucumber is a fruit.).

  152. GoldyK said 16 years ago:

    Marxyboy, you suck,
    Bringing back this argument,
    I will inflict pain.

  153. Mato said 16 years ago:

    MasterInsan0: I tried it on real hardware the other night and yeah, even I’m getting that excitement-can’t-wait feeling now ๐Ÿ˜€ Almost feels like 2006 again.

    zLeed: One of them is from an item you can get that turns enemies around. Using the item in battle, a .5 second clip is played that says “What’s that?!” in Japanese. The other clip is played during a key scene in the middle of the game.

    ArashiSai: I updated that. More info on the disclaimer thing later.

    Vagn: No, but I really hope to get some rest and maybe take a few weeks off. Then comes helping people work on non-English translations, working on the M3 walkthrough, and other things. I also want to translate the many Itoi interviews about M3.

    Jeffrey: I fixed some little things here and there. I also tried to make the sprite text not flash, but sadly my idea didn’t work out. There’s one foolproof way to make it not do the weird flashing, but it will be a pain, so I’m going to save it until later, probably during the script editing phase when I’ll have more time.

    Lionheart: I never wanna do something like this again, so I’ll probably take some time off and then go back to what I used to do. I might help translate a really kickass Super Famicom game afterwards though, called Far East of Eden Zero. It reminds me so much of EarthBound, but instead of quirky America, it’s quirky Japan. It’s awesome.

    Psychomax: No, I think the main script stuff is going to be the devil. It’s actually like a million different sub-problems, and I don’t think any of our past tricks will help this time. It really is like Giygas.

    Damn Impressed: Project model is “do the next thing you feel like doing, or at least the next thing you feel the least least like doing” and then keep working at it until satisfied.

    Reanzet: I use quantum fluctuations in the black hole generator I built to visit alternate universes. I’ve been visiting different ones until I find a universe where there’s already M3 translation patches and then bring them back here. But because their versions of M3 are different, I can’t use them as-is.

    Actually, that sounds like it’d be a fun story to write ๐Ÿ˜›

    Moog: It’d be fun, but I don’t think it’ll happen. I’ve already been documenting the various weird translation things in M2/EB over here, I don’t think it’d be necessary to try to go and fix everything. It’d be neat to start from scratch, yeah, but in the end I think I got more important things to do with my time ๐Ÿ˜›

    Negi: I looked into it, since I’ve been wanting to do that myself. But I can’t find any plugins that do what I want. I asked reid if he can whip something up, but dunno if it’ll happen. It would be a nice feature to have here.

    Andy: No, it has nothing to do with that.

    MoonsideMan: That’s an odd question, so I’m not sure I know what you’re asking. Internally, the game’s programming doesn’t care (or probably even know) what chapter it is.

    KKH3049: Yes.

    Neurovore: I had to fix a sprite text bug last night, and it seemed to make the blinking a tad worse in some cases, so while I was there I tried to get rid of the blinking altogether. But my idea didn’t work out. I know how to greatly reduce it/get rid of it altogether, but it will be a pain, so I’m gonna save it for much later.

    The blinking in the scrolling text might actually be a result of overflow-related stuff. So it might fix itself when we fix the main script stuff. We’ll see.

    GIANTSTEP: It means the hardest part is nearly done.

    Unsavory Maggot: 60,000 exp. I’m still just a meh hacker myself.

    ForteMP3: We never said that. But it will probably stay the same for various reasons.

    Flying Disk: I’ll probably finish off the voice stuff just to get it out of the way. Then probably in a few days I’ll start on the main script stuff. I can see it taking weeks and weeks though.

  154. Zavion said 16 years ago:

    Mato, you’re like a borg or something.

  155. Reanzet said 16 years ago:

    wait mato, I don’t really recall asking a question about quantum fluxuations, but okay…

  156. Dr. Meat said 16 years ago:

    Oh wow, I’m gone for a day and there’s three new updates! Awesome!

  157. CurtyV said 16 years ago:

    -Pounds head against desk in anticipation/excitement-

  158. Zhacarias said 16 years ago:

    Do you guys work with coffee or without? Seriously. I haven’t checked my feeds for a week and there’s like five more updates. Seriously, You guys are my heros. XD

  159. SomeCoolGuy said 16 years ago:

    please skip the extra 139122183190 drafts you were planning. you could have it done much faster!


  160. JC said 16 years ago:

    Mato, would you be interested in helping out with the Policenauts translation? They seem to be having some hacking issues for aqhile now.

  161. XOB said 16 years ago:


  162. Mato said 16 years ago:

    JC: I’m not a very good hacker, and I don’t think I’d be very useful. I actually never want to hack stuff like this ever again once I’m through with it. If Hell had its own Hell, this would be it.

  163. Raw said 16 years ago:

    it wouldn’t be possible to put that bizzare Giygas-like final boss (only accessible through rom hack) in the game as maybe a secret boss would it?

  164. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Nah, not gonna mess with that.

  165. Arashi said 16 years ago:

    what’s that “boss” about?

  166. Achlys said 16 years ago:

    Will the testing be done concurrently with Script Draft #3? From what I’ve heard, you won’t be involved much with that, and I’d assume the actual testing is mainly for the hacking, not the drafts.

    On a side note, it’s great that you’re making such an investment in this to help the community.

  167. Eaze-C said 16 years ago:

    HOLY CRAP!!! This will probably be finished before this month or the end of the school year.

    props to all the people who worked on hacking M3

    P.S. and about that last comment Mato said ” Mato said ‘JC: Iโ€™m not a very good hacker, and I donโ€™t think Iโ€™d be very useful. I actually never want to hack stuff like this ever again once Iโ€™m through with it. If Hell had its own Hell, this would be it.”, if that is so, what do you really do, if you don’t hack?

    P.S.S. um i have dreams of working with games and I was hoping that you guys could maybe show me how to hack. If I knew how to hack beforehand I would have definitely lent my hacking skills to you guys

  168. Slash said 16 years ago:

    I know we shouldn’t bring up the whole EB2/M3 name debate again, but why not just put both screens in the game, and put an option on the main menu to change it anytime? It’d be a nice add-on. ๐Ÿ™‚

  169. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Oog. I’ll mention though that besides the title screen, the ending screen would also need to be hacked, as well as the full-screen animation sequence involving the logo. All this data is compressed and complicated. The title is also referenced a number of times in the main script data. It’s not as easy as just flipping a switch. But yeah, let’s keep away from the topic for now, it causes nothing but pointless argument. Besides, the new screen is already made.

  170. rc5 said 16 years ago:

    ^Do it.

  171. kdanarch said 16 years ago:

    !!! I can’t handle all the anticip–

  172. Grink said 16 years ago:

    So at this rate, when do you think this’ll be done?

  173. Effluvium said 16 years ago:

    You know, Mato, after this you could probably program microcontrollers if you wanted to.

  174. BeadlyDastard said 16 years ago:

    Nooooo, Clint Eastwood! Please put the log down!!!

  175. Coconut of Enlightenment said 16 years ago:

    And you thought these hacks would take all year. Tut, tut!

    No seriously, I stop checking in for one weekend and you clean up nearly all the hacking in that time. I can’t wait to see what comes next.

  176. Coconut of Enlightenment said 16 years ago:

    Actually, after reviewing the to-do list, I think it’s time you called up the other translator/localizers and told them that it’s time to get started on the second draft of the script.

    But it’s your project.

  177. Arashi said 16 years ago:

    Hey, Mato, do the naming screens allow enough Letters for me to put ” Chuck Norris” instead of ” Flint”? that’s the only default i want to change

  178. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Character names can only be 8 letters. But your player name should be able to fit it.

  179. Arashi said 16 years ago:

    awww. whatever, I can still put ” Chuck” XD

  180. GIANTSTEP said 16 years ago:

    Mato: YAY I’ll DEFINITELY be very Appreciated of YOU, Jeffman, and TEAM who helped out! THX!

    MATO, Jeffman, and TEAM = AWESOMENESS!!! XD

  181. Majora said 16 years ago:

    I have the title that will solve everyone’s problems!

    Super Earth Boob MOTHER Bound Wizards 2 3 64! or for short: SEBMBW2364

  182. Majora said 16 years ago:

    I have the title that will solve everyone’s!

    Super Earth Boob MOTHER Bound Wizards 2 3 64! or for short: SEBMBW2364

  183. Vague Rant said 16 years ago:

    I’m curious, is Starmen’s recent downtime caused by all the traffic on this blog, or is it something else?

  184. Deeman said 16 years ago:

    this is more important than porn for me right now.

  185. DIGI01 said 16 years ago:


    Just out of curiosity (understanding I know little about programming), how difficult is it to add the silver star you mentioned that you would get if you got all enemy entries? Would it be something like: You have a binary memory address (i.e. Star) that is linked to many other binary memory addresses (i.e. enemy listings), and when all of the memory addresses read 1 (as in, you found them all), the linked memory address for the star will have a command that will change it from 0 to 1 (it is now on)?

    Just curious.

  186. Itoi's Love Child said 16 years ago:

    I know we’re not supposed to nitpick about the text on the screenshots because the translation is still in its first draft, but I can’t help it anymore… The pic at the top of the page with the ghost always catches my eye and the text about wine being the water of life makes no sense to me. I’d think water is the water of life. Is that a japanese idiom, or a reference to quote or lyric?

  187. Chris said 16 years ago:

    DIGI01: They already did most if not all the work on the star thing already.

    Coding wise, it would count the available enemies you got (for loop) and compare that value to the known amount. If they equal, print star :).

  188. HevYn said 16 years ago:

    Hi all, I have a feeling its a stupid question / comment
    But that Super Earthbound screenshot that Mato just showed us, is the the like “Taddaaaammmm (press start)” thing that you get when you turn on the game?

    Im not saying what I want, cause I dont care^^, but isnt that that what everyone was debating about EB2 or M3?

    PS: Is that Super from mario? ๐Ÿ˜€

  189. Anna said 16 years ago:

    Way to not get the joke, Itoi’s Love Child. Good job!

  190. HevYn said 16 years ago:

    AHHH ๐Ÿ˜€
    Sry blonde moment ^^

  191. GoldyK said 16 years ago:

    Itoi’s Love Child, here is a listing of common analogies

    Water of Life = Wine
    Nectar of the Gods = Beer
    Lifeblood of Champions = Coffee
    Red Medicine = Mountain Dew: Code Red
    Green Medicine = Kiwi Lemonade
    Drink of Kings = Mead

  192. triangle said 16 years ago:


    care to hear about (in a few sentences) the extent of what you’re doing, at least for 1 person? (hint: say “sure why the hell not”)

  193. Mato said 16 years ago:

    DIGI01 – the silver star is already programmed in. You should ask Jeff for the details, he’s the one who wrote the hack.

    Chris – The implementation isn’t like that, actually. It has to check specific bit flags of stuff in memory, it’s weird.

    Itoiโ€™s Love Child — do you seriously not get the joke? ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

    triangle – I’m not sure what you’re asking.

  194. Tarik said 16 years ago:

    hey mato is jeffman secretly planning to give us a major update?

  195. Will said 16 years ago:

    Hey Mato (pronounced Mato or Mayto?),

    Curious how many liberties you took from the Japanese script. Did you try to keep this a literal translation or did you try to take the sense of the Japanese text and “Americanize” it (i.e. by using American idioms/wordplay/etc.)?

    I personally hope the latter.

    Keep up the great work.

  196. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Tarik: I think he’ll have something soon here. I’m not sure what your definition of “major” is though. Just an update.

    Will: It’s still in the first draft. But I’m treating it just like I would with my professional work. I’m handling the script with respect and discipline, and each translation issue that comes up gets a lot of thought put into it.

  197. JonnyCake said 16 years ago:

    amazing to read about these successes in spite of schizophrenic technology. I don’t know if this has been asked already or previously explained, but what of the end credits difficulty already mentioned, Tomato? Are you going to give birth rather than dip your toe in the waters?

    I appreciate all of yr “personal time” devoted to this.

  198. OMGZ said 16 years ago:

    i wonder what the cross of manlove (not manmanlove lol) and hackerlove is called…*smiles*

  199. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Last night I started looking into the main script problems. It’s actually like many sub-problems all rolled into one, but we can take them on one at a time. I’m not sure, but we might have to do a trick like the battle text trick here, except it’ll be much harder because it’s so much more complicated. We’ll see.

  200. SEAN said 16 years ago:

    When the final draft comes out, do you think you could include instructions on how to put it on a GBA cart? When it comes to ROMs I’m pretty oblivious. If it’s too much to ask for I understand, and still love you

  201. Mato said 16 years ago:

    JonnyCake: I don’t know yet. There’s a really weird display glitch in the end that I have no idea what the cause is. We’ll mess with that stuff when the time comes. I reaaaaally don’t want to have to do sprite-text welding there again. It may be possible to simply increase/expand string length limits and most of the problems may sort themselves out. But that can wait for another time and space. There are also other little things here and there that need tweaking/fixing, but they’ll all be looked at while demi and crew are doing draft 3.

    SEAN: There will be instructions for that too at some point.

  202. Adam said 16 years ago:

    The main script problems sound like a lot of fun challenges then haha. Good luck on taking them out. It is really cool to see how close you guys are to finishing up the hacking!

  203. SEAN said 16 years ago:

    I think you need a break. Let’s all go to disney world.

  204. jak1437 said 16 years ago:


  205. Aphrodine said 16 years ago:

    On one hand I am extremely excited about hearing this update. On the other hand it is making me feel insecure.

    Why? I dunno. Maybe it’s like knowing that the only reason why your husband is lavishing you with expensive gifts is because he is currently cheating on you with his new hot secretary.

    I hope you are not cheating on me, Mato. It’ll help me enjoy this fabulous news much more.

    With uncomfortably friendly hugs and kisses,



  206. A Fan said 16 years ago:

    I’m just glad the site here is back up ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good luck, Mato! We’re counting on you. But if the silver star is done, shouldn’t it get crossed off the to-do list? ๐Ÿ™‚

  207. jak1437 said 16 years ago:


  208. Arsenis said 16 years ago:

    It is only there as an example.

  209. Itoi's Love Child said 16 years ago:

    :*) wow I feel really foolish now. Thanks for the info Goldyk. Being kind of a wino myself, I should’ve gotten that one.

  210. Mato said 16 years ago:

    A Fan: Come on, I know you got better analytical skills than that ๐Ÿ˜› The star was just one example.


    Think I have a few possible ideas for how to fix the main script thing. It’s a real complicated piece of craziness though. My idea is to basically have it ignore filling up the glyph buffers (there are only 40 or so, the current problems are because we go over that #) and then right before the game goes to print a glyph to the screen, jump in and have it use glyph data we manually put in one place. It’s easy in theory but all kinds of hurdles to cross first. It would allow for as many letters per screen as we’d ever need though. It’ll take some hard work to get it to do all that, especially when you consider that text can be different colors sometimes, not all stuff should be printed (like control codes), blah blah blah.

  211. Lieutenant Dan said 16 years ago:

    aren’t you at real work right now, Mato?

  212. Mato said 16 years ago:

    I work from home.

  213. Psychomax said 16 years ago:

    Mato, right now, look at your desk. What’s the first thing that catches your eye?

  214. MoonsideMan said 16 years ago:

    I realized my error after I posted. ๐Ÿ™ Alas, no post editing.

    Things are looking great, guys ๐Ÿ˜€

  215. SoreThumb said 16 years ago:

    Far East of Eden Zero sounds mega awesome :

    Lol about the alternate M3 versions.

  216. tibbs said 16 years ago:

    The site was down this morning, it freaked me out, I thought Nintendo threatened you guys or something, silly me ^^;

  217. Saikyo said 16 years ago:

    Gosh tomato!your are so fast!

    keep the good work : )

  218. Mato said 16 years ago:

    I think this might be a tiny bit easier than I expected. But we’ll see. In any case, it looks like the game really only NEEDS 2 glyph buffer structs, not 40. If I can make it reuse those same 2 over and over, our problems should probably be solved. Doing this would require a few other things to be fixed too, but I wouldn’t expect anything too crazy. Text speed might come into play after all, since on fast it seems to load and print two letters at once, but that can be addressed at a later time.

  219. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Anna: Your post was informative, but I don’t want to be suggesting specific sites. I’d be giving pirate people business, and if Nintendo ever did decide to sue my face off, they could add that to the list of stuff to throw at me as charges or evidence or whatever.

  220. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Psychomax: Girlfriend pic.

  221. Effluvium said 16 years ago:

    Heh… so are you still planning on doing the gold star hack for the monster list? If so, that would really be the star to put on the tree at the end. (Yeah, I crack myself up.)

  222. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Yeah, though I think that’ll be something Jeff does, since he did the silver star. I think the trouble is just finding where the game stores the flags that say if you’ve seen an enemy from behind or not.

  223. Moulinoski said 16 years ago:

    Hey, Tomato, you said something about helping other people translate M3 to other languages- I’d like to help out in a Spanish translation! :< *preemptive strike ftw*

    And dang, did you get busy! :O

  224. Mato said 16 years ago:

    I’m not sure when we’ll figure out how to choose who does what other-language translation. Already in comments over the past few months there’s probably been a dozen people asking to work on Spanish translations for it. I’m worried that having to choose will turn into dramaland down the road. But we’ll figure more details out later.

  225. Coconut of Enlightenment said 16 years ago:

    Here’s wishing you an easy final hack with the main script translation. Here’s hoping it’s an easy final boss (like the one from FF10) instead of a hidden boss that’s actually nastier than the final boss (like the ones from FF5 and FF7). Or maybe more like an enemy that heals you (like the magic pot enemies). Or maybe one of those really weak enemies that give tons of EXP (like the caterpillar enemies in EB). Or maybe like a boss that dies due to some story event (like Master Belch and Master Barf from EB).

    In any case, I don’t care about whether your hacks work at all text speeds. So if it’s just too tough, I’ll understand.

  226. Itoi's Love Child said 16 years ago:

    Seeing as how this translation is approaching completion rather quickly. I decided to see if the menu patch would work on my m3 lite, and it worked. As long as I apply it to my sd card with the game manager it saves too. Does this mean the final patch will work too or is it impossible to tell until it’s finished?