The Smash Bros. Brawl Delay

16 years ago by Mato

Been getting lots of comments, emails, private messages, etc. about this, so I guess I’ll answer them all here.

Yeah, we’ve heard about how Super Smash Bros. Brawl has been delayed to February 2008. Even though the game is delayed now, though, we’re not striving to have a complete MOTHER 3 translation patch before then. I mean, it theoretically could happen, but I really wouldn’t hold my breath 😛 There’s still tons of very difficult hacking to do (as shown here), and a couple more drafts of the main script to go through.

As always, if you want to play through MOTHER 3 before Brawl comes out, please see the Menu Patch page. I also updated the FAQ page with info about this.

Posted on Friday, October 12th, 2007 at 4:03 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

36 Responses to “The Smash Bros. Brawl Delay”

  1. hunter said 16 years ago:

    what if i stand behind grapefruit falls, say “say password”, and wait for three months?

  2. Steve said 16 years ago:

    Wow, I hadn’t heard that, thanks Mr. Mato.

  3. evansucks said 16 years ago:

    Yeah, its because Nintendo, being a company that only releases titles every once in a blue moon and totally milks each one, is releasing WiiFit in December and doesn’t want an ounce of competition, even if it’s from themselves. Oh well.

  4. 7ucky said 16 years ago:

    That’s sad for SSB fans but great for Mother fans (in regards to spoilers). If only they were pushing it back for an English Mother 3/Mother comp DS release before Christmas, thus, giving everyone time get to know Lucas and the gang.

    *sigh* If only…

  5. hunter said 16 years ago:

    maybe to give people time to play mario galaxy (which will probably get delayed to make room for more baby crap)

  6. EvilKingWart said 16 years ago:

    Every post from this site is like a punch in the stomach. I still think you guys are amazing. I just wish it wasn’t so difficult to get an English translation of an amazing title…

  7. Reagle said 16 years ago:

    Oh, wow, you expect after February? I knew it would still be a while, but I didn’t expect it that far down the line still. Well, I know it’ll be good when it comes out, at least. Thanks for the update, Mato. I’ll continue waiting.

  8. Mato said 16 years ago:

    It’s a lot of work, and like I’ve mentioned before, there’s just no real way to guess when the major hacking problems will see breakthroughs.

    If you’ve followed progress, it seems like everytime one breakthrough is made, 2 or 3 new problems pop up. MOTHER 3’s programming is evil that way :/

  9. Jake said 16 years ago:

    If anyone is wondering, It’s Sonic’s fault it’s delayed. He was added late in developement, so they’re putting the final touches on that suposedly.

  10. Alerek said 16 years ago:

    Think about it this way. We’ve waited somewhere around 12 years for another MOTHER, whats a few more months? I know when you guys do drop a final release in our laps, It’s going to be as close as perfect as you can get it. I appreciate EVERYONES hard work on this project. I check the page once or twice a day to see any updates, my only worries are that the day a full patch is released, I’ll have to go to work.

    Or call off.

  11. evansucks said 16 years ago:

    I’m more worried that i will not have bought a gba flash cart before this thing is released. Sorry, but now that i’ve played this game on emu AND on actual hardware, i cant go back to the emu. Even tho its definitely playable, most gba emus have problems with sound (which TOTALLY messes with the rhythym battle system, HARD). Once I have a flash cart tho, my only regret will be that Nintendo never made an “original” style controller for the Gamecube. Yeah, the Hori wireless pad is KINDA what im looking for but the buttons are still gay…sad…oh, and SCREW Nintendo for not figuring out how to use the Classic Wii Controller with Gamecube games…thats just a cocktease.

  12. evansucks said 16 years ago:

    edit: No worse a tease than Lucas in Brawl, tho.

  13. EliotAndrews said 16 years ago:

    Man, that’s pretty bad news – The way things sounded in the previous updates, I thought the patch would be ready by mid-November. (After all, the original goal was “before Brawl.”) I’m greatly saddened by this news, but nevertheless, I’m glad you guys are still making progress. As long as it’s completed, none of us can complain.

    Keep up the awesome work!

  14. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Really? Cause the whole point of the menu patch was that we probably WOULDN’T be making it before Brawl’s old release date.

  15. The Wrecking Crew said 16 years ago:

    I’ll just say “Keep on walking”… or should that be hacking… 😛 And yeah, alot of times, hackers seem to fix one problem just to get fifty of them to come and bite their rumps off! XD Still, good to know you’ll keep on working on this project!

    (Ever since like… last week when I discovered this page, I’ve been coming back, checking for updates. I tried the menu patch but I think I’ll wait for the full release…)

  16. Coconut of Enlightenment said 16 years ago:

    The problem, though, is that if the translation project drags out for too long, people’s enthusiasm might grow cold. Remember some of the previous M3 translation projects? Eventually, after getting so little word of how the game was going, people realized those projects would never see fulfillment. Granted, combining the projects set our hearts aflare again, but–though I know a lot of you will disagree with me on this–if this project drags on too long, people WILL lose hope. And hope is what’s keeping this whole thing alive. EarthBound fans keep this project in their hearts because deep down they hope that the story isn’t over: that there is still more to be said about a boy going out on his own and saving the world with a few trusted friends. That is Nintendo of America’s greatest downfall: they do not operate on the hopes of their fans, they operate on money, and one day that philosophy will make them very miserable. Mark my words.

    Tomato, and the rest of you, please take as much time as you need. Do not sacrifice the necessities of your individual lives, but please don’t forget us. Ultimately, we have to admit that this is just a video game, but it is definitely one of the best, too. I write none of this in an attempt to pressure a closer release date for the full patch. Just know that, in order for it to be successful, the hope must stay alive. This is why these forums are so important. That, and the fact that, quite frankly, we like having conversations with you. Every tiny step of progress can be electrifying news to those who come here.

  17. evansucks said 16 years ago:

    I’m not sure why I should care if someone else who ISN’T on the Hacking team loses hope in this project. Their loss, in my opinion…

  18. hunter said 16 years ago:

    dud, i said it once and i’ll say it again, DON’T LET REGGIE WIN THIS ONE!!! YOU CAN DO IT! it’s all text, just conquer. i love you. hurry the hell up. i’ll give you a hundred dollars. seriously

  19. Roll said 16 years ago:

    Woot! Reggie sux 😛

  20. pauyasfyla said 16 years ago:

    Coconut of Enlightenment:

    Go watch a zombie movie. Zombies believe in hope.

  21. daemoncollector said 16 years ago:

    New smash update is a Mother 3 level 🙂

  22. Steve said 16 years ago:

    hunter: 100 bucks doesn’t pay the rent. I think what they need more than anything is time. If you can give them your time (actually transfer it to them, not just help them), they will probably love you.

  23. LeXxX said 16 years ago:

    I heard todays smash bros. Dojo update has mother 3 spoilers, maybe you can make a warning sign from all the people waiting for the fan translation.

  24. Frinky said 16 years ago:

    Now that three of your four predictions has come true, I wonder if people are still going to say that is a bunch of elitist jerks who don’t know anything the rest of us don’t about SSBB and Mother3.

    Just kidding I don’t wonder I know they will 🙂

  25. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Three out of four? What were the four? I never kept count. It IS pretty cool that all our intel’s been 100% correct though 😛

  26. Hunter said 16 years ago:

    STEVE: time IS money (for girls covered in honey…)

    MATO: sorry bout the drunken post, but i do love you and will give you a hundred bucks if it will help the progress. maybe.

  27. Frinky said 16 years ago:

    One: Franklin badge
    Two: Lucas
    Three: Character
    Four: Level

    although i guess three and four could be considered one thing but i like big numbers they make me feel important

  28. Duke Nukem said 16 years ago:

    is this still happening or what?

  29. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Frinky: Well the info we had gotten had #3 and #4 combined as one thing really. Though it’s probably safe to assume that #3 will happen too anyway.

    Hunter: $100 is nothing. Sometimes in rare cases I can make that in an hour. But regardless, we don’t want any money involved with this. You can’t always throw money at problems to make them get fixed, as is the case here.

    If spare time could be transferred between people, that’d be great. Probably not possible in this universe though.

    Duke Nukem: What? If you’re talking about the project, then please read the blog. It contains information.

  30. Frinky said 16 years ago:

    Upon a closer observation, I was wrong. You’re four for four!

    Not that even this will keep people from claiming you’re making it all up. 😛

  31. Mato said 16 years ago:

    That’s OK though. We didn’t make those “predictions” to gain street cred, we told people because that was why we accelerated the translation project.

    Sounds like random people show up at GameFAQs forums and pretend to know inside stuff though. Kinda sucks having to be likened to them, but oh well.

    Anyway, that was all the info we got so dunno anything else 😛

  32. hunter said 16 years ago:

    i don’t speak japanese and i’m not a hacker, i just wish there was some way i could contribute to this effort. that’s all.

  33. duke nukem said 16 years ago:

    the duke aint got time to read…only time to kick ass and go to the store to buy some gum…’cause i’m all out

  34. A Fan said 16 years ago:

    Need more time? Just go to a higher elevation (upstairs, on top of a mountain, whatever). Because the Earth spins in orbit, this will cause you to move at a higher velocity. Thanks to relativity, time will move slower because you’re moving faster.

    Don’t get too excited, though: you’ll only buy a nearly unmeasurable fraction of a second.

    We could also get lots of Earthbound fans to spin counter-clockwise. This would rob the Earth of an incredibly small amount of angular momentum and make the Earth rotate more slowly so the next day wouldn’t come quite as fast, but even the atomic clocks would have a really hard time noticing, so you’re more likely to have lots of dizzy people than to do anything useful.

    It would also be at odds with anyone trying to implement the first idea.

    Sorry that I can’t find any more useful ways to gain time, but most of the theories on how to bend time start by assuming you have some conveniently located black holes and I’m fresh out…

  35. hunter said 16 years ago:

    how did buzz buzz do it?

  36. A Fan said 16 years ago:

    BuzzBuzz probably saved a wormhole for emergencies.