MOTHER 3 T-Shirts and a Contest!

Not exactly about the translation itself, but the other day, The King of Games, the only officially-licensed Japanese Nintendo apparel company (wow that’s lots of words), put some new MOTHER 1/2/3-themed T-shirts up for pre-order.
One is a MOTHER 3 shirt and themed around a cool enemy from the second half of the game. It comes in two colors, red and black. The red version is a limited-time-only thing, while the black version will see re-prints down the line. So if you’re a limited-edition-freak like I am, snag a red shirt while you still can!
Also up for pre-order is a shirt themed around the Sharks gang from EarthBound. It looks pretty cool, so check that one out too. Also, for this first run of shirts, I think they’re going to ship them in boxes that look like the gift boxes in EarthBound and MOTHER 3, like the ones in the pic above. Sweet.
Want a free shirt? Then keep reading…!
Yeah, they’re kinda pricy and stuff, but that’s how Japan tends to be, and also how officially-licensed goods are. But if you’re not sure you can afford them, then the Starmen.Net / King of Games T-shirt Contest is right up your alley!
This is our second T-shirt contest with KoG — the first contest went really well, and Hirokazu Tanaka, one of MOTHER and EarthBound’s musicians (and current president of Creatures, Inc.) even showed up to draw the winner’s name 😀
Maybe, hopefully, someone equally as awesome will pick the winners this time too 🙂
Oh, here’s the previous shirt for those who are curious. It looks like they’re still selling them, cool.
Also, even though Starmen.Net doesn’t see a single dime from any of this, apparently so many people ordered shirts last time around that they kept running out and had to keep taking shirts from the Japanese stock. I think they 200-300 sold in a week’s time or something. Damn, EarthBound fans love their stuff! Hopefully stuff like this can help get Nintendo to wake up and smell the EB coffee.
Anyway, check out the new MOTHER 3 shirts, enter the contest if you want, and sit back and wait for related coolness in the next few weeks 🙂
BTW, a cool thing about the MOTHER 3 shirts is that the text on them is all from the game, but nicely translated into good English by our KoG pal. So for the time being, it’s the only thing from the game that’s been officially translated and licensed by Nintendo 😛
cool i want a shirt…
Good luck everyone!
Heh, I can picture getting “The Sharks” shirt and everyone thinking that I’m a big West Side Story fan. Both designs are pretty cool, though. I bet the Mother 3 one is even cooler to those who have experienced fighting this creature.
Good luck everyone!
Time-traveler’s discount?
Probably not, unless your name is Buzz-Buzz 🙂
I entered, Good luck to you all!
I’ll enter, even though I never one a contest before. Who knows? This could be the time I finally got something with no strings attached!
Contest with benefits.
if i win.. im gonna tell them to give it to Mato..
he at least deserves that.. dont you all think so?
— unless he already has them all
This is great, though the trivia question is a bit easy. I was expect something ridiculously obscure, like the Hard Trivia on Like how many pixels are there in Lumine Hall or something.
geezum piss those shirts are expensive.
sooklal: Nah, I don’t want people’s stuff. I don’t deserve anything.
btw for the record, none of us staff guys get any money or get any free stuff from KoG. In fact for the last batch of SMAAAASH T-shirts, I had to order one size smaller than my size ’cause that’s all they had left. So I bought a shirt I can’t even wear (well unless I eat nothing but celery for a month) 😛
What do you mean you don’t deserve anything? You’re translating another of our favorite games; that’s sure worth something!
Mind you, I don’t expect to win 🙂 But if you hadn’t moved away from here, I’d have probably offered to buy you lunch someday as thanks for all you’ve done.
Looks sweet. :0
“That” enemy has to be one of my favorites. Something about how ridiculously proportioned it is; its mouth goes past its foreleg, for godsakes!
I agree with A Fan,Mato you do deserve something for translating this game.
I entered the contest
I will win
Its completely fine.. you wont be taking “people’s stuff” because i wont even consider it to be mine anyways… my entry in the contest was done only for the purpose of having a chance to very slightly repay you.
However, i do understand that you want to make it very clear that you are not getting anything in return for this project… such as money or free stuff from or KoG
still though… its just a t-shirt
anyways….. im not going to win so its pretty pointless to discuss this
this week i’ve won a car and a master in transportation design, so i’ve entered just to see if my lucky run continues.
btw, now that SSBB has been oficially delayed till late february, i guess the MOTHER 3 translation will be done by then. however, i’ve got the feeling that there would be an spoilers-filled update on the smash bros website soon (and by soon i mean by tomorrow).
Is anyone going to be importing these in bulk; or will there be a US distributor? I’m not really a fan of white, but I’d pay a good $40+ for a sharks one in black. 🙁
I hope I win, so I can be the envy of my one friend who’s played Earthbound.
I actually want second place more than first, although that may change once I actually start playing Mother 3.
Looks like you guys got some more breathing room for the patch, as it has now been officially confirmed to have been delayed until February 10th in the US. I was really looking forward to Brawl as well, but looks like it’ll have to wait now. I don’t mind the delay too much though, as like with your patch, it’ll ensure a better product at the end.
Ahh, hmm, disregard that I guess, since it’s apparently somewhat old news. I saw the TBD date, but didn’t know it was revealed to be Feb. 10, until tonight’s Dojo update. Shows I need to pay better attention. =P
Does this mean that you will make it before the release?
I’ve been worrying for the progress because the latest updates gives me the feeling that you guys are working hard but are stuck. : (
“XOB prayed for the translation-gang with his whole heart”
what are ya waitin’ for…christmas?
Man the email address looks corrupted, I sent it and I got an error message back :/
It would suck to jut net get a shirt because of that.
Someone else had problems too, see here.
I’m no expert on e-mail, but you might want to try again later or ask on that thread there instead of here. ShadowX is the one who’s in contact with KoG and is helping run the contest.
Can we answer in Japanese?(I’ve never played the translated one)
Again, it’s best to ask ShadowX in the thread I linked to above. Probably it’s best to answer English. It shouldn’t be all that hard to find the exact names in English, though.
I need a new shirt. I played solitaire last night and lost mine.
I would buy one of the cool Zelda shirts they are selling there, but they’re all sold out. In fact, pretty much ALL their shirts are sold out. Looks like they’ve fallen victim to Japanese limited edition obsession.
When will be the next time we hear an actual update?
If you didn’t see, the last one was not but a week ago. And in there I even said there’d probably only be one update a week now.
If you’re curious though, nothing has really happened in the last week.
are they really $44?
can we just order them regularly
im kinda sketched out witht he lack of us currency shit