Lucas in Smash Bros. Brawl

16 years ago by Mato

As most of the regular visitors here already know, Lucas finally got announced at the Smash Bros. Dojo website. He’s looking pretty cool. Here’s to hoping there’ll be some equally as awesome music in his stages 😀

Again, for those interested in playing through MOTHER 3 before the new Smash Bros. comes out, go pick up the menu patch here. It only translates menus and names and whatnot, but it makes the game more navigable, and with a walkthrough, it will make it more enjoyable. Or you can wait for the final, full translation patch, though it probably won’t be out for a while.

Also, check out this video Starmen.Net staffer Libra made a while back. It has video from the game, but nothing mind-shatteringly-spoilery. Enjoy!

Posted on Monday, October 1st, 2007 at 1:21 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

47 Responses to “Lucas in Smash Bros. Brawl”

  1. Vince said 16 years ago:

    ahaha I just checked the Dojo 3 minutes ago and i knew that you guys would have something about it.

    i miss ness, though….

  2. V-King said 16 years ago:

    NOOOOOOOO, why does anybody in the whole wide Intarwebz have to spoil everything from Smash Bros. Brawl? ;____;

  3. Mato said 16 years ago:

    To be fair, we already did an update about SSBB back in August.

  4. Steve said 16 years ago:

    I worry that now people will be asking, “Is this the spoiler and if not how is it related to it?” and so on. I’m already swearing off checking gaming sites (no big loss there) but I’m starting to get worried that someone is going to slip here.

    I really want to keep checking this blog and commenting so let’s keep it spoiler-free please.

  5. Mato said 16 years ago:

    No worries, I’ll just direct people over to the thread on SM.Net if they’re that curious.

    I think if people came here asking if Lucas is the spoiler though, they’d have to be kind of braindead, seeing as I just put up a pic and a video about him on the front page. I wouldn’t do that if I was trying to avoid him 😛

  6. KMeist Hax said 16 years ago:

    Let me guess…

    Final Smash: Spoil The Ending?

  7. Mato said 16 years ago:

    I hadn’t thought about that, but it’s certainly possible. My gut feeling says it won’t though.

  8. Roll said 16 years ago:

    Maybe his Final Smash is just the PK Fav Thing, I don’t think it will be more than that… but anyways, let’s just wait and see… wait and see… wait and see…

  9. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Roll: I updated your post, but not because it was a spoiler, but because you’d be giving people the feeling that that was a spoiler, if that makes sense. Also Fav Thing makes more sense to people. Also there are no spoiler tags on here 😛

  10. NecrosaroIII said 16 years ago:

    I hope they play up the music battle system somehow with his character. Maybe add circling music notes when he hits people.

  11. Intercept said 16 years ago:

    Ness,is probably still in the game. In the bottom left screenshot Lucas is doing some sort of attack that Ness didn’t have. Also, Sakurai says something like maybe he can even surpass Ness. I think Sakurai would’ve just told us if Ness was cut.

  12. 7ucky said 16 years ago:


    I don’t know if you noticed or maybe this is a mistake, but when I went into GameStop today the release date for SSBB was bumped to December 3rd.

    You now have an extra month before those spoilers come out!

  13. Mato said 16 years ago:

    No, we’ve always known it’s been December 3rd. But we wanted people to have at least a week or more to actually play through the game, hence our old November goal.

  14. leommj said 16 years ago:

    When I saw the update on the SB DOJO Website I couldn’t hold myself and said many offenses toward Nintendo of America for not officialy launching Mother3 here.

    And I just knew there would be something here about that. Now I’m seriously thinking if I should play with the mini-patch or wait some more… It’s just so tempting…

  15. Loaf said 16 years ago:

    I’m torn on whether I should play with the menu patch or not. I’ve waited so long for a full patch, but I don’t want SSBB to spoil the game even more.
    The situation is kind of upsetting.

  16. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Lots of people have played through the game with just a walkthrough and nothing else whatsoever… and they wound up LOVING the game, even more than EB in many cases. I’d say at least give it a little try and see what you think. Things should be even easier now that there’s a menu patch.

    Plus, when the full translation finally comes out (or if Nintendo actually releases an English version (pleeeeaase!)), playing it again will almost seem like a new experience in some ways.

    That’s my take on it, at least.

  17. Hunter said 16 years ago:

    you guys can do it! what’s left to do yet? did you make use of harmony 7’s past progress? what’s the status? you still have a month and a half, let’s not let reggie win this round!

  18. Vince said 16 years ago:

    man, nintendo…I mean if they put the character in the game, why not release the game in the US?

    maybe they won’t but maybe future Mother games will be released in the US , kind of like they did with Fire Emblem (included characters from FE in SSBM and then later released new FE games in the US)

    that would be awesome. 🙂

  19. ZaxaPac said 16 years ago:

    It does kinda feel like a slap in the face for them putting in a character from a game that they aren’t planning on releasing locally. At least when it was just the trophies for games that were Japan only, it didn’t hurt as bad.

  20. Zaratus said 16 years ago:

    And yet still no EarthBound on the VC yet. And here I was hoping Lucas just might be coinciding with an EarthBound VC release. *sigh*

  21. David said 16 years ago:

    I’m at like chapter four playing through the translation in japaneese only do you think i should finish before brawl or am i safe from spoilers to wait for the patch?

  22. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Dunno, depends on what you want. I’d personally keep playing, but then again I’m not you 😛

  23. Fred said 16 years ago:

    Thought i would like you guys and the guys over at starmen know that i updated the wikipedia article on mother 3 to reflect the merger of you and starmen, and to update the menu only patch.

    Hope’s you dont give up

  24. A Fan said 16 years ago:

    Just out of curiosity, how much of the game would I be able to understand if I was able to read only katakana + hiragana (i.e. I could figure out most katakanified English words, a handful of common Japanese expressions, but almost no kanji)?

    I’m torn between trying the patch and waiting, but I don’t know that I’ll ever get more than half-way through the game on subsequent play-throughs (although I may go half through it many times…) because that just seems to be the way it works for me, and I don’t want to miss out on too much of the game…

  25. Mato said 16 years ago:

    The game is 99% kana, though actually unless you’re fluent in Japanese that might make things harder rather than easier.

    In your case, I’d really use a translation walkthrough personally, but if you want to try to brave it without a guide, then be sure you got a good electronic dictionary or something.

  26. SoreThumb said 16 years ago:

    I can’t believe I didn’t know this announcement until today.

    What news! I can’t wait to read everything about him 8D

  27. Charade said 16 years ago:

    I don’t get how Lucas himself is a spoiler. It’s obvious that a game needs a main character 😛

  28. KMeist Hax said 16 years ago:

    Charade: It’s not just Lucas in Brawl that makes the spoilers. Lucas has to have a final smash. Most likely a MOTHER 3 stage as well. All of these could be possible spoiler avenues. It could be major, it could be small. Either way all we can do is speculate until we actually have the game in our possession.

  29. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Fred: Thanks for the wiki thing, but to be honest, the whole thing about a “war” is pretty lame, there was never any such thing and will only give people the wrong idea. If there WERE any belligerent people, there was probably just a handful or two, and not worth possibly misrepresenting the real situation. People already get the misconception that the whole thing’s been dripping with drama when it’s actually been surprisingly lacking of it (well, not considering how poorly the other translation had been organized). Not to mention that something like that doesn’t really belong in a Wiki article about the game itself 😛

    Charade: Lucas isn’t a spoiler. If you want to read what we know WILL be spoiled, check the smash bros. forum. Also, Lucas’ inclusion logically means M3 stages, background stuff in stages, possibly bosses/characters in those stages (which includes the subspace stages), assist trophies, regular trophies with descriptions, Lucas’ final attack could possibly be something from the very ending of the game, etc. etc. There’s just lots of possibilities, and we only know a tiny bit of what to expect for sure.

    Zaratus: I wouldn’t expect EB for at least a few months. Maybe someday the story can be told. It’ll make sense when it happens though.

  30. Hunter said 16 years ago:

    how’s the translation/hacking coming along on the real patch? (ps: thank you very much for the menu patch, i tried it out but i think i’m gonna wait)

  31. Zaratus said 16 years ago:

    No EB on VC for a few months yet? Last speculation I remember seeing hinted that it was looking likely for a release within a month or so, and it’s been longer. =/ I’ve been getting the itch to play the game again, so I figured I’d wait for a VC release, but I might just have to play it again earlier. *shrug*

  32. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Yeah, it got pushed back for certain technical reasons 😐

  33. Ziabatsu said 16 years ago:

    I really hope that Lucas doesn’t REPLACE Ness, maybe an alt costume or something. Or even better, a completly different character while still having Ness in game.

  34. celebi23 said 16 years ago:

    Mato, what technical reasons delayed Earthbound on the VC? Mostly political reasons maybe?

  35. 7ucky said 16 years ago:

    @Zaratus: I was just wondering the same thing. I check every week to see what’s been added to VC and all the news alerts I have set to check up on EBVC just keep mentioning articles from August hinting that the game is going to come out soon.

  36. zach033094 said 16 years ago:

    This is looking cool…

  37. zach033094 said 16 years ago:

    Sorry for the double post…

    Anyway, reidman, I don’t wanna annoy you, but I’m not unbanned from yet. I checked, and it still says I’m banned.

    I’m not doing this to annoy you, I just want my account back. I didn’t know EBGirl was being serious about that smiley orchestra thing.

    So if you would so kindly unban from, I’ll post normal stuff on this site.

  38. baxter said 16 years ago:


  39. daemoncollector said 16 years ago:

    *larger tumbleweed* i win!

  40. Reagle said 16 years ago:

    It’s always slightly scary when we go without an update or at least a mention for so long…

  41. Hunter said 16 years ago:

    yeah, what the hell?

  42. Hunter said 16 years ago:

    i mean heck. sorry

  43. Mato said 16 years ago:

    Damn man, you act like I *owe* you updates 🙁

    Anyway I’ve had one planned for a few days now but just have been really busy. I plan one for later today hopefully and there’s another in store for later in the week that’ll be interesting.

    Be kind to your tomatoes. They can destroy entire cities according to old documentaries.

  44. Reagle said 16 years ago:

    I wasn’t being demanding, I apologize, Mato. I know you update out of the kindness in your heart and nothing more.

  45. evansucks said 16 years ago:

    hmmmm….interesting news later in the week….paint me excited.

  46. daemoncollector said 16 years ago:

    we love you mato, don’t worry. You owe us nothing 🙂

  47. Re: zach said 16 years ago:

    You are unbanned from the forums. Try erasing your cookies if you can’t log in.