Archive for February, 2009

EarthBound Central and Current Status

16 years ago by Mato , 21 Comments »

It’s been a good while since the last update here, and it sounds like most people have already played through the game and long finished. If you’ve played through it, have a look here, it’s interesting to see what others think about the game. The results of that poll are actually really surprising to me too. I thought nothing would ever move EarthBound from its pedestal 😯

While I’m sort of on the subject, the past month I’ve been hard at work on a personal EarthBound blog called EarthBound Central. If you like the EarthBound/MOTHER games, you’ll probably love EB Central. I’m still putting some finishing touches on things there, but it’s been up for a few weeks now and it’s been a ton of fun. So check it out sometime!

Getting back to MOTHER 3, a few things to report. One thing that would be crazy not to mention is that the Brownie Brown president said he would love for overseas fans to play MOTHER 3 if Nintendo ever asked them to make a DS version. See here. Of course, that doesn’t really mean anything, it’s entirely up to Itoi and Nintendo whether or not to do any more with the MOTHER games. But it doesn’t hurt to pray. If, by some crazy chance, a DS version is made, I’d gladly let them have my text translation for free if it meant the game would be released in English too.
