Archive for November, 2008

Misc. News & MOTHER 1+2 Translation

16 years ago by Mato , 38 Comments »

Just a batch of misc. news today.

1. First, and probably the coolest of all, Jeffman is asking for help testing his MOTHER 3 Sprite Editor. It’s very cool, so help him test it here!

2. I still get e-mails and PMs about it. The patch downloads have slowed down of course, though I believe we passed 100,000 local downloads long ago. I don’t have an exact # but it doesn’t matter too much.

3. Translations into other languages are still progressing well, and teams are starting to finish all the non-main script text. Soon they will taste the terror of the main script!

4. An updated English patch probably won’t be out for at least a few months. We’ve fixed a few bugs and typo/bug reports have mostly stopped, so it’s looking like it’s time to get working on them.

5. There are currently no concrete plans to translate the MOTHER 2 part of MOTHER 1+2 (that’s Jeffman’s territory), but I did start messing with the MOTHER 1 part of it a few weeks ago. It’s been much, much easier to hack than the third game, whew. Most of the hacking is done, and now I’m retranslating the Japanese script from scratch. You can read all the details and see pics and videos here. This blog is for MOTHER 3, so any MOTHER 1+2 updates will be over at my personal one.

That’s all for now!

Various News

16 years ago by Mato , 35 Comments »

A few things:

First, the dance contest thing is over, and the results are in. If you entered and didn’t win a prize, don’t fret, because you won’t leave empty-handed. See the video for details.

Second, one of my hopes was that someday, somewhere, someone would play the MOTHER 3 translation on the side of a building with a big projector or something. It actually didn’t take long to happen, as video of the translation wound up being played on buildings during an art show, because the MOTHER series had been a big influence on the artist’s style. See more here! My other hope was that someone would play the translation inside Nintendo the day the patch was released, though I doubt that happened 😛

Third, I’ve been slowly working on more of the translation notes, but I’m suddenly very tired of the game, so the notes will be slow-going for a while. I think I’ve played through it too much now, it suddenly hit me one day while working on some notes. The next thing I add will probably be about character names, location names, and other names.

Fourth, the translations into other languages have already begun and are already showing good progress. Here are some pics.

  • Italian translation

  • German translation

For a list of other translations, see the front page, near the bottom right.

MOTHER 3 Sprites

16 years ago by Mato , 55 Comments »

A few months ago, Jeff wrote a program to dump all of MOTHER 3’s sprites from the ROM. There are so many sprites in the game that they had to be stored in an unfriendly way, you see.

Anyway, you can now download them here:

Be careful, though! Because of how computer file systems work, you’ll need about 100+ MB of free space on your hard drive for all these tiny .png files, even though they technically total 15 or 20 MB.

Anyway, have fun exploring all the sprites, and keep an eye out on all the weird, unused/hidden stuff too!