Hey, What’s Goin’ On On This Side?
It’s been a week already??? I hope everyone’s had fun with the game since the patch was released, it’s definitely been fun seeing people’s reactions to the game π
We moved the blog to this new address, so I don’t know if the RSS stuff was broken in the process. Anyway, there will still be the occasional update here for various things, for those who are still interested. More on that stuff later.
First big piece of news is a little contest we cooked up the other day. The idea came to me in a dream. Basically, record yourself doing one of the crazy dances in the game. The top 3 videos (some people on the starmen.net staff will do the judging I guess) will earn their creators cool stuff, like: a boxed copy of Japanese MOTHER 3, one of those rare Mr. Saturn plushies, or an official Ultimate Chimera T-Shirt from The King of Games. See the video for details and an example! The contest ends on November 14th.
While we’re on the subject of official merchandise, Play-Asia is having a sale on MOTHER 1+2 this week. I’m not sure, but I get the feeling they’re getting rid of all their stock like they did with MOTHER 3 last year. So this might be the last chance to get the game easily for so cheap.
People’ve been curious and been asking about how many downloads we’ve gotten. Getting a count is a pain, because we had to do some server magic to make sure we didn’t crash last week. When we checked about 2 days after the patch was out, we had about 70,000 downloads though. I didn’t think we’d make it into six digits, but I guess we’ll be there pretty soon, if not already π― That’s not counting all the mirrors and torrents and uploads everyone else on the internet put up seconds after the release, so I’d wager it’s technically like double whatever we got. It’s pretty amazing – apparently EarthBound sold ~75,000 copies its first year, and went on to sell ~150,000 over its lifetime. We probably passed that in a day or two, purely by its own name recognition and word of mouth. Of course, it’d be crazy to assume that every person who downloaded the patch would’ve bought an official copy. Still, I bet actual marketing would’ve helped make an official version even more successful.
There’ve been surprisingly fewer bugs with the v1.0 patch than I first anticipated. I’d say 90% of all the problems reported have been emulator issues or hardware issues, not actual game problems. But some of the bugs that HAVE turned up are pretty interesting. Though Jeff and I are like WTF whenever we try to figure out what’s causing them. One rare bug is where a certain unopened gift box turns into a poison icon. It’s so rare that we can’t even reproduce it, so figuring out what’s wrong is pretty tough.

Another one is this message. Curse those programmers for hardcoding obscure things like this!

There are a few others, but nothing major. So far, I don’t think there have been any actual major game-killing bugs. Thank the lord.
BTW, I should mention that the M3 series of flash carts seem to have quite a hard time running the game properly, and will sometimes freeze/crash during battle. Users have found that using “Exploader” (whatever that is, I don’t know) to fix it, and it seems to be working for most everyone. So if you or someone you know has a problem with an M3 cart, there you go. This M3 stuff is probably a good fraction of the reports I’ve been receiving.
As for typos/grammar stuff, I was surprised my estimates were pretty accurate. I’ll be fixing them all up before long, thanks to everyone who reports these as explained in the readme. If you or someone on a message board you go to find any typos or mistakes, please report them! It will make future versions better, and it only takes 20 seconds or so. It really will make things better.
I’d say 50% of all typos reported have been legit, the rest are reports of stuff that was done on purpose or just looks wrong but was that way in the original. But please, keep sending in those reports!
I don’t want to make a zillion versions of the patch, so the next revision probably won’t be out for quite a while. I’d first like to gather as many typo reports as possible first, fix them all, and then fix a bunch of minor bugs too.
Translations into other languages will probably begin in a few weeks. See the online readme for more info on these if you’re interested.
Besides fixing the English version and helping with the other language versions, I’ll be adding detailed translation notes bit by bit on the main page. I think they’ll turn out to be pretty interesting. I also plan to translate the notes the game’s composer wrote for the MOTHER3i album. It’s all very interesting stuff. When/if I ever get around to that, I’ll stick them on the main site, too.
Speaking of music, there are two official soundtracks available on iTunes.
MOTHER3+ – This was also a CD release, and you could get a Mr. Saturn phone strap if you had pre-ordered it in 2007 or whenever. You might still be able to find this stuff in import shops and on eBay and elsewhere. But the iTunes version is much easier to get π
MOTHER3i – This album was made specifically for iTunes, and luckily we got this and MOTHER3+ on iTunes outside of Japan. This one seems to be the fan favorite, but both albums are very good.
If you check out http://www.1101.com/MOTHER3/ , you can find PDF versions of the booklets for both albums, and there’s even a neat online companion to MOTHER3i where you can mess around and do stuff. You can also find wallpaper and other neat stuff. So check it out!
A couple months ago, we put up the Sound Player’s music here. At a later date, I plan to go through them all and fix some of the names to match the final translation, as well as add the handful of missing songs and include MP3 versions of them all, since people seem confused by the .ogg format.
Anyway, this is all for now! I hope you continue to enjoy the patch and keep checking out this site and starmen.net for more fun and interesting stuff in the future. We have many more goofy contests planned, and lots of awesome prizes in store. But I think the best thing of all from alllllll of this is what fans do. Case in point, courtesy of Nosekidk π
Omg, I just finished it not 2 minutes ago. I’m at a Panera’s with tears streamin’ down my face, how embarrassing. What a dork I am.
then Edible Mushroom stole an what?
I guess what I want to say is thank you Mato & all. I don’t think I can ever put this gratitude properly into words, but thank you, thank you so much.
You guys did an awesome job with the translation! I have to say though i was disappointed when i didn’t get anything special for reaching lvl. 99 with everyone. Oh well, Hard Mode should be a good challenge. DAKOTA!
I found a bug olo.
When switching quickly between different members of your party when viewing inventory, you can end up with text fragments in the background. Specifically, I had a member with a bunch of Nuts and someone with long item names in the same slots. Quickly cycling through all members of my party made “ghost” text pop up to the right of the “Nut”s.
The game is great fun so far (stuck on a mini-boss in Chapter 5 ATM).
Only problem I have is that there’s a few scattered curse words… I think I would have preferred if the translation would have aimed for the same E rating (at least as far as language) that an official port would have gone for. Just my 2 cents.
I can ony say one thing.
Holy borange, this is awesome. I don’t have the words or badges to express myself here so I’ll just give you 30 exp points.
Unimaginable thanks to the Tomato-Team for their amazing hard work and determination, even though they didn’t really get anything for themselves out of it.
Oh, and only 5 comments??? And after an HOUR? There should be three hundred by now! π They’re probably all busy playing Mother 3 right now. I’m in chapter 7 right now. I love this game. I’m having a hard time deciding whether it passes EarthBound as my favorite game ever…probably have to wait until I’m done.
mato, thanks for everything, i’m on chapter 5 and loving it!
and you’re right, the rss broke.
Thank you all so very much for this.
Really. Thank you.
PSI Supernova: Actually, the RSS feed thing broke so the thousands of regular visitors don’t know when there’s an update anymore. I don’t know how to fix it, so oh well.
I posted this on the forum for you, but I see that you, uhh, said something like 3 minutes ago so maybe you’ll find it here first:
Awesome translation so far. I’ve seen a few typos, but the only one I can remember is the “Potatoto” patch in front of Castle Osohe. So overall the translation, English-wise, is near perfect.
Since you mentioned the sound player, I feel obligated to say that F-F-Fire!, Passing Down Secrets, Magypsy Party, and Open Sesame Tofu! are the best tracks in the game.
One last thing. I just used the Saturn Coffee Table. According to Sakurai and Brawl, it’s a tea table. I don’t know who has it wrong. Unless there’s a tea table and it comes into play later.
@Mato: Oh. I assumed that since the patch had been released there was some sort of dramatic decline in visitors, because there would usually be hundreds of posts in the first hour(s). Thanks for the explanation.
Thank you for all your hard work, Mato, your dedication is effing brilliant.
I finished my first playthrough of the game yesterday, never played it before with a translation guide or anything, I stuck by this project for a year and a half xD
I’d just like to say that the ending made me cry, and it’s the first video game to ever do so…and I’m thankful that your hard work in translating this game allowed me to have that experience
One quick note to add about MOTHER3+ : The iTunes version contains a bonus track of MOTHER3 -theme of LOVE- that isn’t found on the CD.
You can still find the CD at places like cdjapan and Amazon.co.jp(there’s an english language option). Just be aware of in-stock and shipping costs/time when ordering from overseas.
I bought my girlfriend a DS and set it up so she can play Mother 3 (I’m rocking it on the computer). Your translation patch has brought us closer together.
Everything about the patch (and the game) is excellent to the third power.
Thanks a lot!
Heh…Where did all the comments go? There were probably at least 100 comments in this time two weeks ago…
Potatoto isn’t a typo π
The table thing: I don’t think there’s an exact translation for what kind of table it is. But given that Mr. Saturns serve coffee, it made sense, plus γ‘γγΆε°s are pretty similar to what we would call coffee tables here.
I just wanted to voice my thank-you as well. I just finished the game tonight. I read about the translation project when it first started, but I hadn’t been following it for a while. Through providence, I guess, I got on a Mother 2 kick a little while ago and visited starmen.net and this site out of curiosity, and it was right as you made the end-of-hacks announcement. I’ve been following with bated breath ever since. Thanks to everyone for all the hard work. None of us here will ever forget it.
(By the way, I’ve been lurking at the forum lately, but my computer’s running really slow over there, so I haven’t checked the bug thread recently, so I don’t know if this has been posted. In case any M3 virgins are reading, I’ll keep this as spoiler-free as possible. At the beginning of Chapter 7 during Ionia’s big explanation –overlaid on the Nowhere Island map–there is an instance where the word “to” is the last word on the end of a line and repeats at the beginning of the next line. The brain tends to run things like that together, so it’s not surprising it was overlooked. If anyone has already pointed that out, I apologize for bringing it up again, and thanks again for the translation!)
The RSS feed broke, or was it purposely sabotaged to give you guys a well earned break from the hundreds of blog posts?
Great job on the translation.
I think I got the patch within a couple of minutes of it going up. I started playing it right away Friday morning and I beat the game Wednesday evening, so about 5 and a half days. I gotta say, I’m really impressed with the level of polish this game shows. It’s obvious to me that a lot more work was put into this game than EarthBound, even though they’re both totally awesome. And Mother 3 has a much more fleshed out storyline than EarthBound or EB0.
Mato, thank you so much for doing this, and especially thank you for the little things that might not have happened with an official translation, such as the inclusion of the original EarthBound font, the Pencil/Eraser sprites, and the secret/hidden feature(s).
Hey Mato, just finished the game and you guys did a great job. I did notice some things here and there, but nothing you’re probably unaware of. I remember early in the game it mentions two names, but the word that separated the names was capitalized (like “Name1 And Name2”), and in Chapter 8 where Ionia teaches Kumatora PK Starstorm, Ionia says something like “. . . but I will teach it you” instead of “teach it to you.” I’m not ragging on you or anything, because I really think you guys captured almost perfectly what the Japanese developers went for in the original game, I just mean to bring up a few examples of things you guys could look into for v2.0. =D
One other thing that sort of concerns me, I finished the game not long ago and from what I knew about it before actually playing through it, there’s supposed to be some end-game scenes that show the final fate of the Nowhere Islands, but the game (for me anyways) is stuck on the black “End?” screen. I’ve waited for a while, and even tried speeding it up, but it doesn’t look like the screen will be changing. Even Starmen’s walkthrough is saying there’s supposed to be something after this screen. Any idea what the problem is?
You need to walk around.
When you see the “End?” screen, use the d-pad. There’s more ending.
P.S. Love the Simpsons reference. One of my favorite quotes.
Googi: try moving around.
Wow I’m stupid. Thanks a lot. And again great job!
Zaxtur: There’s a Simpsons reference? If there is, I don’t know about it π―
“Hey, What’s Goin’ on on this Side?” Cletus says that in the “Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel” song in a Simpsons episode. Or were you referring to something else?
Oh, okay, thought you meant the game itself. I’m braindead π
testing testing
Very awesome job on the translation you guys, especially you Tomato. I beat this in Japanese over a year ago, it took me a little over 20 hours total to beat it. Now that it’s finally in English I’m going to savor it like a finely aged cheese. π
RSS feed is working now. For me, at least.
Once again thanks for all your hard work guys! I visit the Starmen.net website every day and I simply love it! You guys are great!
Tomato, any comments about the translation from Nintendo?
Oh, and great work. Loved it.
I just finished the game, and I have to say, it was awesome. I really love it keep it up, so we will get a perfect version (or something like that) xP.
I just want to say thank you very much for all your hard work to everybody who worked on the translation. I really appreciate it. I have been enjoying the game so far (I’m currently at the beginning of Chapter 4), and I’m sure I will continue to.
Also, I can’t wait for the translation notes. I’d like to learn Japanese and possibly try to become a translator myself someday, so I’m sure I’ll find them very interesting.
Once again, thank you very much to everyone who worked on the translation.
Mato: Was “Thants” a “Look around you” reference?
The website I listed’s the ep I’m talking about if you haven’t seen it.
Bless you, ants. Blants.
Actually, there is another Simpsons reference in Chapter 2. When you talk to one of the ghosts in the kitchen when visiting Oshoe castle for the second time, he says “me so hungy” which is exactly what Homer said after his hunger strike. Of course, that quote in the Simpsons might have actually been referencing something else for all I know, making that quote a reference to that other thing instead.
Loving the game so far, I am not disappointed in the least with either the translation or the game itself. Thank you for your hard work.
I did encounter the poison box you pictured above, even took a pic since I thought it was fishy. Kumatora was feeling sick at the time, just about to learn a new PSI technique. I opened the box when it looked like a box then went on to the left where a tank was sitting. I don’t know exactly when it changed, I only noticed when I came back to the right.
I have ben having lots of fun. I loved the part when they got high on mushrooms. π
Just finished and complete awesomness. Thank you MOTHER 3 translation team!
This translation is awesome. I think Nintendo of America could not have done a better job.
When you guys translated Mr. Saturn, you did it perfectly. I’m curious as to how you guys did that – was the font already in the game, or did you use the Earthbound Saturn font?
We had to put it in the game, just like the regular EB font.
Oh yeah, that part about having to walk around at the end messed with my head too. I thought I had done something wrong, or like the game could tell that I hadn’t poured the right emotions into the dragon and my not believing in magic had killed everyone on the island or something. I may or may not have been hyperventilating
Needless to say, I’m way too emotionally invested in these games. π
Tomato, and the rest of the team, I just beat the game, and I have to say:
Thank you. Thank you so, so much for translating this and letting us experience it. This was a masterpiece, and really made me content and, above all – Happy.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, and again: thank you.
thank you so much for the translation. I wasn’t familiar at all with this series until recently. I’m barely far at all, but I’m already in love with it.
Hello, Mato. I finished the game last week, it was great. I am not sure if I like it better than Earthbound. It is a tough call. In any case, I did notice what might be a bug.
Sometimes when you go into the menu during the game, the “menu music” of the game will speed up whenever your cursor is pointed at one of menu entries until you move it off. It seems to be completely random as to what entries are affected but happened to me quite often.
I am not sure if this is a bug due to the game itself, or if it has something to to with the emulator. I was using a build of VBM if that helps. Has anybody else noticed something like this?
Oh sweet lord this is soooo awesome. it’s almost like a brand new game! playing through it in japanese was ok, but if you cant read the text on the screen, the game just goes crashing down to the realm of mildly enjoyable. now it’s like OMG! every line DOES hit you hard and fast and I mean it’s got into so much I find myself humming the tazmily tune as i work and the pig march as I walk. I cant ever fully relate how much this game mooves me or express how much Itoi and nintendo need to move their keesters to make this an official release. I WOULD SO TOTALLY BUY IT AGAIN!!! hands down, mother 3 is at the top of the saga’s tower, reigning supreme with excellent gameplay, battles that keep you hooked (and spice up grinding) and a musical score that compliments the story better than the text at times which can cause laughter, a huge smile or torrential tears. the line “It could only be stranger if it started to rain…” just as the music welled up into a huge a full symphony leading to a downpour gave me butterflies for days. You all have done a service to the Mother community, which is to take a piece of art and make it accessible to all. well at least those who speaka de english. i have yet to find a decent flash cart to put it on (hint hint, if anyone knows where to find one) but the emulator and my xbox controller are workin just fine for me. so far no bugs, just an odd text wrapping glitch, but it went away as soon as i exited the menu and reopened it. not enough to sour any bit of the experience so far. I am on chapter 7, but I wouldn’t put it past myself to play this beautiful game again and again until I’ve memorized it just like Mother 2. Earthbound was good, but this one is GREAT. thank you so much mato and mother 3 fan trans team. you have made this 24 year old kid’s year (and my little bro when he can pry it from me) I hope that more people try and love this sentimental little game, and unite to get it in an official release. I just hope its not for ds cuz you cant pop that into a gb player and act like its on snes lol. Thanks again!
@Neurovore: I noticed the same thing. I experienced it while scrolling through Battle Memory entries and items in shop menus. Nothing too major, though.
i found a mistake.
When Mixdolylia is about to disapear, she talks about her needle, but the name says Ionia when you can clearly see Mixdolylia’s mouth moving.
Hey Mato, I finished the game like 3 or 4 days ago — fully uploaded to youtube the day I finished it. I know I’ve been saying it too much.
But, there it is. I found some glitches, but I reported them to the website… most of them. There’s one where you quickly scroll through items fast, happens often — and things get all glitchy and rewritten ontop of others.
I had one question, well two actually:
Is Yokuba a word in japanese that means facade (likened to his name Fassad) or did you all just outright change his name?
(not mad at all if u did…the fassad thing is funny and true)
and secondly,
Why did you (if you did) change the line get the……eeeem! no, i’m not barfing, i’m telling you to go after them! line? It’s was like if i were to play the ff4 remake on ds to find the “YOU SPOONY BARD!” line gone. just curious is all….
Thank you all.
Just wanted to leave you love. Even if you are sick of hearing it. =P
So Far I’ve been enjoying this patch, very nice work.
I have to admit that I found a teeny tiny little bug in the item screen that happens whenever you switch between characters too quickly.
it’s hard to explain it’s like- Character A’s Items were put into Character B’s inventory.(names only not the actual items)
by the way, does the patch include the removed enemies or not?
Because I wasn’t able to find the moving forest(or whatever it’s called).
I do recall you saying that the enemies are going to be hard to find, but I can’t see the Tree enemy where it’s supposed to be. π
Many people who have questions/bug reports, please see the online readme here
Almost everything mentioned here is already mentioned in the readme. That includes the Fassad stuff, the menu text glitch, the menu music speed-up, etc.
Thank you. Mother 3 is big, and you are amazing.
I still miss the barfing line…it was funny. but good job nonetheless….here’s a HUGE box of kudos (with m&m’s)
I’m not familiar with the gamefaqs story translation guides, so I’m not sure what you’re referring to. I do know that some of the guides take liberties with some things, like “Scary Womanizing Pigmask” and a scene where some Pigmasks talk about rappers and say things like “fo shizzle”. So it’s possible whatever you’re talking about is a similar case.
NoseKidK is awesome. Thats’ teh best picture, ever.
Thanks for your hard work, even after you’re “Done”, Mato :3
Whats going on is I just beat the game and it truly was “funny, strange, and heartrending” .. at least I think that’s how it went.
So I really hope you read this because I want to show my appreciation to everyone involved for all the hard work done bringing this to us. It was EVERYTHING I expected it to be and was an amazing experience. Without you guys this would probably have never been possible.
I know this blog is generally spammed but I hope this message gets to you and everyone who worked hard to bring this to us.
Also I loved all the Earthbound references, especially the *preet* *poot* one.. for some reason thats one of the things from Earthbound that I remember the most, probably because I was like 13 or 14 playing it with my friend all night and we got a real kick out of that, lol
anyway, thanks so much man
Tonda Gossa!!!
Mato, this is fantastic – my upmost gratitude to you and your team! Thank you!
I still have yet to play the translation, but if anything, I want to buy a plush or something before actually playing it. (in b4 anti-pirating moralfag, etc)
Speaking of which, I still have to buy an EZ Flash V (both the slot 1 and 2 components)
But I should probably get to that sometime this week…
Now, I’m a little curious on when v1.1 or v2.0 (or whatever you want to call the ‘second’ revision) will come out.
I personally don’t care if it takes a month or three.
As it stands, my time is distributed to both schoolwork and Pokemon Pearl version (yes I have been playing it for more than a year and yes, hence the name, lol), so I doubt I’d do a serious run-through of the game until sometime in mid 2009.
In any case, my suggesting would be to fix all of the minor bugs you’ve come across, as well as the ‘50% of legit typos’ you guys have gotten reports of.
In any case, my highest of thanks to you and yours Mato!
Hey, great going! I loved this! I owe you so much. π
Woo, thanks to the translation I could finally figure out what the unused “Claus/Giygas” boss’ real name is. It’s not quite so fulfilling finding out its real name is Rope Snake though. =/ I’m not too surprised given the numerous glitch PokΓ©mon with similarly familiar names, though.
Err, never mind. Just realized each of its forms have a different name.
[b]UBER OOPS![/b]
I should have read that.
I never read the readme files, CURSE THIS LAZINESS!
Thanks soooooooooooo much. Im on chapter 5.
I’m having a fun time going through the game. I’m a few chapters in. Thanks for all you guys’ effort. I’m playing it on my computer w/ a gamepad. I’m curious as to how many are playing it on real hardware and not emulators.
This is quite possibly the greatest game I have ever played story-wise. Followed by Hyperbound, followed by Earthbound. MGS:PO and Twisted Metal will always hold a spot in my heat for gamelay though….
I wonder if there is a way to include a fight with the Utimate Chimera in this game…
What other extras are in this game othe than the battle memory stars, hard mode, and the memo menu?
Also, is anyone curently working on a new map editor for Earthbound? I want to play the remake of Eb0.
Oops, I meant “spot in my heart,” sorry…
Oh, and when are you going to post the gameshark codes for accessing the debug menu and the dummied-out enemies?
THANK YOU MATO AND EVERYBODY WHO HELPED!! I was on an airplane when the patch was released. I got to my hotel, turned on the laptop, and bam, first website i go to is this one. I am absolutely loving Mother 3! THANKS AGAIN
Thanks, Mato and the team.
Even though I was spoiled before, I still swelled up in tears at the end.
It was great. Thank you for bringing this incredible experience to us all.
Thank you SO MUCH.
*goes over to the group eternally singing Pollyanna and Eight Melodies and joins in*
Thank you tomato for this translation,
i’m playing with an ez flash 4 and works great,
thanks again
Hey, is that my pic? I think it is! pretty coolio!
Thanks alot bro, I appreciate you doing this for all of us.
Also, you missed the deadline for the cake mix by one day.
Sorry :p
I just wanted to say thanks. I’ve been taking my time with this game, and I’ve been enjoying it. I’m partway through Chapter 7. I’m not sure what I’m going to do when I’m done…
@SAM-E-BOI: To access the debug room, put the following into the Gameshark cheat bar:
9CC263F2 68DE0537
1DCAC2C5 4FCA9184
Then hold whatever is assigned to the L key (unless you’re playing on a flash cart) as you walk into a new area or a building, anything where the screen changes.
For unused enemies, enter 20047EC in the Cheat cheat bar, and then whatever their modifier code is in the value bar. If you want to fight that “Claus/Giygas” boss, CB, CC, CD, CE, F1, CF, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, F0, F2 are the values for each of its forms. The value for Tiny Forest is BA. I can’t remember the glitch ones like Keyboard right now, the only ones I took notes of while experimenting are the ones I’m giving now. When you have the cheat and value entered, just get in a fight with anything, and instead you’ll fight whatever you modified enemies to be =D
Oh by the way, these cheats don’t work properly on VBA-M (unless it’s just the version I have). They work just fine on standard VisualBoyAdvance, though. Happy cheating π
Hey Mato. I finished Mother 3 3 days after the patch was released. No, I didn’t rush through it, I just stopped sleeping. The game is absolutely perfect.
If feel weird not comin’ here and checking the status of things Since I had been doing it for, like, ever.
At any rate, it’s, like, the best game ever. And it made me cry. And I’m so glad you (and Jeffman) did this cuz otherwise I probably wouldn’t have played it and gotten to experience it. A BIG DUMB THANK YOU ONE LAST TIME! <3
I’m not sure if this is a bug or if its intended but when I use Paralysis on enemies about half of their attacks make it through and about half don’t. And I’m not just talking about Psi, I’ve numb enemies throw bombs at me for example. Also on the M3 flash cart issue. I’m using an M3 lite and I had some problems with freezing and crashing but not anymore. I’m not an expert in these things but there’s a program used to apply roms to the flashcart, when your in that program it asks you about adding certain options before it transfers the rom over, such as a quick save/load screen. I think this is what’s causing all those troubles. When I disabled that option all the freezing and junk never happened again. Just thought I’d share.
Unsure if it was ever mentioned, but there’s a typo in Chapter 8 with the punk guy in the Arcade. I forgot the word though, eh.
Yeah, people report that one a lot, but they’re just not seeing the joke there instead.
ahahaha, M3 carts have problems playing Mother 3. Am I the only one this amuses?
It’s sad that all the random messages died out. Sorry mato :(, now you have to deal with a higher concentration of intelligent posts.
Yesterday I finished beating mother 3 with the English patch and I have to say that I found the storyline to be very interesting,very unpredictable,very weird and really funny which makes the game very unique from any other game I have ever played in my life.Also it was really interesting talking to the npc’s in this game and I really enjoyed fighting enemies/bosses throughout the whole game and reading their actions when fighting them was something that I really liked too,I found the music to be amazing throughout the whole game and exploring the mother 3 world was incredible.I have to admit that this game surpass all my expectations and it was really worth waiting 13 years to play the sequel of earthbound.
I’m wanting to make an animation with sprites, but I really need your help, Tomato. I’m not sure what I’m going to do, but I think that I’m going to animate the main playable characters [Lucas, Duster, Kumatora, Boney (in costume, of course), Salsa, Flint, and Claus] dancing to the music, and panning from top (DMCM) to bottom (characters dancing) to the music.
I may not do this… but if I do, I’ll email you… and I’ll create a sprite of Lucas dancing as proof of my sincerity. π
I may just draw/animate Dr. Andonuts/Jeff in place of Wess/Duster… either way I’ll email you and do an actual dance to the music myself so as to not break any contest rules. π
Speaking of sprites, will there be one of those huge sprite packages for Mother 3 uploaded to Starmen.net in the future? That’s something definitely worth looking forward to.
I wanna enter the contest, but I’m too afraid to do it in public. π
Mato, just wondering, I’m in Chapter 7, and it seems like Aeolia is suffering identity crisis. When he/she/it speaks, the name box says ‘Ionia’. Just wondering if you were aware of this, or if it was just a one time thing with my weird computer..
I’ve been wondering. When I was in the castle, there was this guy who was in one of the hot springs. He was there once, and then never again, and has nothing to say but “hi”. What is that?
Thank you so much for this game! I’m in Chapter 5 right now, stuck at the scrap clay guy right when you find the egg…HARD!
And…Boney is officially Mato in my game. In case you cared.
Anywho, I just wanted to shoot you another thanks for this! You rock my face off. I pre-ordered the companion book, and I am super excited for its release, as well. Thanks for making that available.
I’ll stop gushing now and get back to thrashing that damn boss…
I am using a M3 DS Real with M3Sakura on it and the only problem I had was I had to patch the SRAM the first time I played, but after that it worked fine. No freezes or anything.
I also appreciate every one else’s contribution to the project. Thanks a lot, everyone. I know specifically JeffMan did a lot of work too, so thank you as well.
I’m gonna go play some Mother 3.
Mato, are you referring to “morin” or another “typo” where people aren’t getting the joke? If you are referring to “morin” could you explain why its a joke and not a typo?
Hey, Mato,
A while ago you posted screenshots of a program called “Mother 3 Funland” : http://mother3.fobby.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/workenviron.png
I was just curious if there were any plans on releasing the source code of it as I’m kinda curious how it was made to predict exactly what the text in Mother 3 would look like. Was a custom font made, then used for it, or what? π
Omfg thanks alot guys !!!
Now I can play one of the game I wanted to play for sooo long!!! I Love Mother Serie.
Is there any english MOTHER 1 roms?
mato, is there an official torrent of the patch?
or should i just download+seed everyone i find? π
Huh…I have an M3 (slot-2 miniSD version) and have had NO problems whatsoever. That’s awfully weird (I’m suprised that I haven’t encountered any if they have). Are they running it through the M3 hardware’s software, or just plopping it onto the flash cart after patching?
noco: The patch is only like 1 MB, so a torrent isn’t necessary.
ScaryMonster: Someday there’ll probably be a set of tools (like PK Hack for EarthBound) to make hacks for the game, but the tools we made for this project definitely aren’t fit for normal use. More info here.
Paypal support, yay
Bought the Mother 3 Handbook
It looks awesome
(One syllable too few)
i like seeding
Why is it “Potatoto” anyhow? I think you mentioned it a loooong time ago, but I forgot.
Anyhow, there haven’t been any important bugs and the game is quite fun, so π
Im glad theres no problems I would be playing but finding a rom gave my computer spyware (its fixed now) im a total noob with roms =P
Wow I finally got around to playing it after waiting for so long without even looking at the Japanese version so as not to spoil it. The translation is so good and so seamless you can’t even tell. It’s amazing I’m so happy it’s finally here π thank you for all your years of work.
Wow, this site is still used? Blast, there goes my life again. Oh, well. I can’t believe how awesome that translation was, by the way. I swear to god, it was so close to a real one that I had to be constantly reminding myself that it wasn’t official
i still havnet finished it yet but im taking my time π
i can’t find a rom that will work with the claus giygas code.please help
mother 3 rocks thanks for translation It keeps the true earthbound spirit great job