Fun Naming

16 years ago by Mato

Another update in the same day, only 10 hours since the last one? Craziness!

The biggest news is that Jeffman did some awesome work today with the main naming screen stuff. First, here’s a video of it in action πŸ™‚

It looks like a simple, basic enough screen, but getting it to that point required a bunch of different things, like changing the graphics on the screen, altering data so it’ll output the correct letter when you press A, disabling the hiragana and katakana submenu things, disabling the L and R button things to also switch between submenus, etc. etc. He did all that and more in only a few hours 😯

There are like 3 different types of naming screens, this one is the big main one though. We’re hoping to use code and data from this one for the others though. We also need to make it so you can actually type in 8 letters for names. Right now you can have 8-letter names, but it’s not set up to allow that many to be typed in yet πŸ˜› sblur did some research into this long ago though, and it’s mostly just a bunch of single-byte changes that need to be made. Gonna test them out in a bit and see how they work.

On my side of things, I fixed a few more things, like I mentioned in the last update, fixed another tiny thing or two with other stuff, and started on figuring out how the game puts together it’s menu text, the kind of text that the game puts together from pieces, like “ITEM NAME Sell? XX DP” which is all messed up because that’s now how we talk in English. Also did some more tinkering with the item name stuff from the last update. Many interesting things going on.

Aside from the above video, I also tossed a few new screenshots up on the sidebar and in the previews page on a lark. Not that it really matters, just thought I’d mention it though πŸ˜›

Well, that’s all for now. I love days when a bunch suddenly gets done πŸ˜€

Posted on Thursday, March 13th, 2008 at 11:46 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

33 Responses to “Fun Naming”

  1. Nico said 16 years ago:

    This is some exciting news – so much is getting done. I can’t wait to play this game in English. =)

  2. Earthbound Lover said 16 years ago:

    Wow. I love you. πŸ™‚

    It must feel very rewarding to see your project coming along nicely. I have to admit that I’ve read all of your blogs since the beginning. This project is so damn exciting.

  3. Andrew said 16 years ago:

    this is amazing thank you guys so much!

  4. Lord Bob Bree said 16 years ago:

    Nice to know it’s coming along nicely.

    …so, will this be done by the time Brawl is out? Or are time machines too expensive?

  5. DarkAuron said 16 years ago:

    I noticed something, possibly a bug. At the end of the video the cursor is on top of Yes, so theres a misalignment I think.

  6. Mato said 16 years ago:

    My phone booth from the future broke and I’m out of tin cans and gum.

  7. Mato said 16 years ago:

    DarkAuron: Yes, we know πŸ˜‰ Fixing that right now will possibly mess other stuff up though. Gotta wait until our sprite welding is done first.

    EDIT: I should also mention that yeah, I see that tiny weird black line on the message speed/window color box too πŸ˜›

  8. tippity tom said 16 years ago:

    random question, but I noticed people are up late (I am in the eastern time zone here) and I need some serious help.

    anyone good enough with java feel like giving me a quick hand?

  9. tippity tom said 16 years ago:

    btw mato or anyone else, please dont hate me. if you feel this is too off topic delete it.

    I am desperate (homework assignment and I need a GOOD grade if you know what I mean) and I am just trying anywhere for help right now. This thing was due like an hour ago.

  10. p-drizzle said 16 years ago:

    how come you’re the only one that posts to this blog, tomato? I love ya and all but it’d be nice to see another perspective.

    tippity tom: i’m in a good mood so if your problem is simple enough you can hit me on aim (sn: de plagiator) within the next hour.

  11. Unsavory Maggot said 16 years ago:

    Wow… you know Tomato, I completely forgot about “I miss you” in EarthBound. I suppose mixing language clips in Mother 3 will be okay, since you put it that way. I wonder if they had that English voice clip in Mother 2. Is the voice clip for the “made you look” item as whacky in English as it was in its Japanese counterpart? πŸ˜‰ I’m just overly curious. πŸ˜€

  12. Gabe said 16 years ago:

    I’m asleep in bed, when I hear a chime from my blackberry. What could it be? An update for Mother 3 in Viigo! Time to go back to sleep.

  13. Alpha_Poo said 16 years ago:

    speaking of naming are you guys gonna go full circle with the trilogy and give it the earthbound title.
    im mostly wondering bacause on the main site under mother, mother2, and mother 3 it says eathbound0 earthboun and earthbound 2.
    that and id really like to see an earthbound two title screen ;D

  14. Captain Pants said 16 years ago:

    Good job, high fives and butt pats all around! πŸ˜€

    My favorite part in Earthbound was when mom would cook Ness up some babies. :X I did that too.

  15. computerkefka said 16 years ago:

    who’s favorite food isn’t babies???

  16. glemmstengal said 16 years ago:

    now THIS is impressive, great work

  17. JC said 16 years ago:

    I’m going to miss this blog when the patch is finally complete.

    Good job guys.

  18. Rozgabound said 16 years ago:

    You don’t understand how much I appreciate you doing this for me. It made me nuts when I realized that earthbound 64 was a shattered dream in my young life. You bring hope to all of us. All we you need to do is *Pray* and you can beat this dirty coding bit Mato! If you need any finacing let me know. I will gladly spend money to help this cause instead of buying SSBB to see what lucas is like. For real though… I really do love you. haha

  19. makemetihnk said 16 years ago:

    is this The Truht of Mato is good program and Make the Hack of Mother on Time?? i hEar rumours that “mato” smoke methamphetamine all Day in order to Produce Such Quality Hackings of the Game Mother

    truths.. or Lies and Deceits?

  20. MaronaPossessed said 16 years ago:

    I love babies too!…sugar babies!Wait…never tried them.Shoot there goes that joke.

  21. Inzoum said 16 years ago:


    … huh?

  22. Moulinoski said 16 years ago:

    I gotta stop going to sleep and keep checking these updates… Tomato- do you sleep!? XD

  23. NatrapsX said 16 years ago:

    I see I’m not the only late-night update watcher-guy ^_^
    Mato and crew, rock on

  24. ArashiSai said 16 years ago:

    Do you really eat babies?

  25. computerkefka said 16 years ago:

    who doesnt eat babies?

  26. 7ucky said 16 years ago:

    Great work Jeffman and Mato!

  27. catapult37 said 16 years ago:

    “…all messed up because that’s now how we talk in English.”

    Did I miss a memo or something? πŸ™‚

  28. CJC said 16 years ago:

    You probably don’t consider it because it’s so natural Catapult37, but English has some pretty weird syntax at times.

    English is considered a pretty difficult language to learn, only beat by Russian, I think.

  29. Mato said 16 years ago:

    I think he’s pointing out the fact I made a typo in a sentence talking about how we talk in English πŸ˜›

  30. Whane said 16 years ago:

    Is it at all possible to change “Window Color” to “Window Flavor” for nostalgia’s sake?

  31. Mato said 16 years ago:

    I’ve been thinking about it, so maybe.

  32. PatienceIsAVirture said 16 years ago:

    I have to say that it’s amazing that you guys give updates like this on your translation. I’ve been checking this translation and the Policenauts translation for months now, and it’s amazing the difference between your guys style. I love how you guys keep everyone updated.
    Keep up the great work, It looks like you’re getting closer to finishing every day.

  33. Nutsjesmoar said 16 years ago:

    Favorite food?
    hahahahaha funniest thing I’ve ever seen πŸ˜€