Battle Pics Galore!

17 years ago by Mato

Did some more work on the battle text routine (see previous post for more info) and knocked out a few more bugs. It’s looking mighty nice now ๐Ÿ™‚ There are still some issues left to tackle; I especially need to fix it so it newline feeds and scrolling-up text doesn’t vomit. But stuff that’s on a single line looks absolutely great at the moment, so I thought I’d share some shots of it in action. They definitely have that EarthBound vibe to them ๐Ÿ˜€ Enjoy!

There are hundreds of enemies in the game, by the way ๐Ÿ™‚

Posted on Monday, February 11th, 2008 at 11:52 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

74 Responses to “Battle Pics Galore!”

  1. Dash O Pepper said 17 years ago:

    Oh wow I never expected to be first. (You guys are awesome)

  2. Coconut of Enlightenment said 17 years ago:


  3. Coconut of Enlightenment said 17 years ago:

    Awesome work. Hope everything is easy from here on out.

  4. Apteryx said 17 years ago:

    Awesome. I love you. In a platonic way.

  5. Artek said 17 years ago:

    Oh, so sweet, good thing my time machine is almost done so I can go into the futu-


    gotta start again…guess I hate to wait for Mother 3 like everyone else…

  6. flclrocks07 said 17 years ago:

    Two updates in one day!? YAY MATO!!!!!

  7. Artek said 17 years ago:

    Also, “have”. Gotta love Fruedian slips. Keep up the good work, guys!

  8. Poe said 17 years ago:

    Hooray! I’m getting excited.

  9. XOB said 17 years ago:

    When I failed taking the drivers license yesterday it really cheers me up looking at these updates of progress ; )

  10. wtfitsed said 17 years ago:


  11. cale said 17 years ago:

    heh, “pigtunia”, ive been wondering about that

  12. Kurizu208 said 17 years ago:

    lol love the pigtunia

  13. Unsavory Maggot said 17 years ago:

    I have to agree, this is all too awesome! Now if only progress on the BoF II re-trans project would come to light. XD Oh, but heck this is so much more awesome anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚ Bravo, Team-‘Mato! …does the Mischievous Mole really feel homesick? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Where does he appear in the game that isn’t home to him?

  14. Mikey said 17 years ago:

    And other words that mean great!

  15. Dr. Meat said 17 years ago:

    Awesome work, Tomato.

  16. Matt said 17 years ago:

    you guys are going to be famous!

  17. Steve said 17 years ago:

    Looks hot, very hot!

    So, what’s the total on-screen text limit now?

    It’s the battle text that I really miss when playing with only the menu patch. I’m really excited to replay it with the full translation to see all the humor and personality that comes with the battle text!

  18. NilssonSchmilsson said 17 years ago:

    I can’t believe how much work you guys are doing, keep it up and good luck!

  19. BenM said 17 years ago:

    Every day I get more excited. I will say this every day until it stops being true. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Good job man, keep up the good work.

  20. Adolfo said 17 years ago:

    Aww man! Pigtunia! hahaha, all those words definitely have an earthbound feeling in to it. that special sense of humor is really captured there, thanks for not being some lazy-ass geeks that release mediocre translations on mediocre games. It will be as good as if Nintendo released it, Good luck, the hopes of thousands of people are in your hands ๐Ÿ˜› (thats gotta be quite stressful).

  21. tibbs said 17 years ago:

    Does it mean that the number 1 problem in the battle section of the To Do list: “This will be VERY hard. This is probably the biggest problem to overcome now.” will soon be out of the way?

    Mother 3 is getting closer and closer everyday… can’t wait!
    Great work! Thanks! ^^

  22. Jeffrey said 17 years ago:

    Awesome, two updates in one day. I wish everyday were this sweet!

  23. randyrhoads said 17 years ago:

    awesome….awe-inspiring…..oh my god….:)

  24. Rod. said 17 years ago:

    Waw.. during the time i took to Not check this site and do some assignments and study for midterms.. i missed TWO updates?!

    — sweet sweet progress ๐Ÿ™‚
    it all looks really amazing Mato, i just hope and pray that the remaining fixes that you have to do with this particular problem won’t involve discarding this progress
    but im sure that if there is a way, you or the rest of the team will figure it out

    keep fighting the good fight man, the scent of your victory is starting to be detected.. its not extremely far off ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Unsavory Maggot: I dunno, they’re found in just some ordinary cave. The game is still using the old pre-merge battle text translation though, so there’s always a chance it’s slightly off translation wise. Chewy re-translated it for us from scratch recently, I just need to reformat it and stuff first.

    Steve: Well, there are still bugs to iron out, but if things work as planned, then infinite letters per screen should be possible.

    tibbs: Yeah, though new problems could always surface afterward. Fixing one thing always seems to reveal new problems.

  26. Someone said 17 years ago:

    Is it normal that there’s no name in the second screenshot ?

  27. Mato said 17 years ago:

    I was messing around with the debug menu, and sometimes that happens with it. It’s no big deal.

  28. RamblinEvilMushroom said 17 years ago:

    WOW!!! I LIVE for these updates. We’re all rooting for you and I’m actually more excited for this than Brawl. I can’t wait to play as Lucas, then play Mother 3 and actually know more about him… Hah.

    I’m NOT letting myself look up spoilers!!!!! I can’t wait!

  29. kalbtrombone said 17 years ago:

    What the… TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY?!

    Mato, you are amazing. Keep it up! We love you. (no-homo, I swear)

  30. Jigga Brown said 17 years ago:

    awesome! i remember fighting these guys and having no idea what they were doing, im so happy ill be able to understand all this stuff now…thanks guys!

  31. Drew said 17 years ago:


  32. N00bSauce said 17 years ago:

    Well guys this is my first post on here i have just been watching from shadows since the begining of the project i’m amazed at the progress that you guys have made. Correct me if i’m wrong mato but werent you part of the team at De-Jap??

  33. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Well, I did stuff in collaboration with Dejap, yeah.

  34. Simon Roberts said 17 years ago:


    Seriously, the Mole attacks by tickling? Talk about your fatal hilarity…

  35. N00bSauce said 17 years ago:

    I knew your name looked familer i remember waiting on the StarOcean patch from you guys whatever happened to Dejap i see the sites still up but nothing new in years

  36. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Dejap was technically really only one guy (Dark Force). Anyway, more info here.

  37. Ryan said 17 years ago:

    i know this is OT but i was thinking about games that are like this and then i thought of pokemon, id just like to say that i hate that game not because its a bad game but because its so damn slow the battling, the loading in and out of battles and the extremely long animations in the battles. Hmm.. that reminds me why i like earthbound lol
    Anyone else agree with me.

  38. Brian said 17 years ago:

    Wow you guys are doing an amazing job with the project. I wish i knew something about programming so I can go over there and help you guys with the project. You guys are doing amazing. I played the game and boy did I hate not knowing what the heck was going on during battles. But from what I see, I know im going to enjoy it wholeheartedly. AWESOME JOB GUYS!

  39. Josh said 17 years ago:

    I love you guys. Keep up the great work!

    PS. bear my children. ๐Ÿ˜€

  40. Product said 17 years ago:

    Mato, I would like to send my apology. I’ve been waiting so long for this game. Since Earthbound for SNES. It’s affecting my brain.

    Believe me. All the Mother/Earthbound fans are grateful for your guys work.

    It’s like your dating the hottest chick in the world. And she keeps teasing you. Saying “One day, you’ll get in my pants”. ENOUGH ! I’ve had blue balls for 2 years ! Get my point ๐Ÿ˜‰

  41. N00bSauce said 17 years ago:

    Hmm sad news about DarkForce all around i see that answers many questions though thanks for the info Mato best of luck keep up the good work.

  42. Failedlegend said 17 years ago:

    hey in the second pic Lucas (or watever) seems to have forgotten his name ๐Ÿ™‚

    p.s. wat happened to darkforce?

  43. N00bSauce said 17 years ago:

    check out Matos link it explains.. Was in an accident but appears to be fine now.

  44. MrEverdred said 17 years ago:

    Awesome work. ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. gerbil mcgurble said 17 years ago:

    Wow this is coming along great! It’s a shame I don’t like RPGs much anymore, especially turn-based……but I’ve got to make an exception for the sequel to the first RPG I really loved…..

    Anyone else notice the overabundance of cross-breed enemies like the cattlesnake, ostrelephant, kangashark, etc? Not that I’m complaining but it’s weird how different this game’s enemies are compared to EB and how much it relies on odd animal mashups. Still got that funny touch to them that makes you want to lul when you first see them, though. ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Note that EarthBound 64’s (or rather MOTHER 3 on N64’s) subtitle was “Forest of the Chimeras” ๐Ÿ˜‰

  47. Max said 17 years ago:

    I love the monsters in this game.

    Ostrelephant? WTF!? There is NO WAY the game designers didn’t light it up everyday.
    Anyway great work so far. I can’t begin to tell you how psyched I am.

  48. cale said 17 years ago:

    i don’t think anyone can blame you for having a moment of madness product, i’m sure everybody is just eager to stand up for mato and the gang. plus it never feels good to hear negative comments when we’re all super-emotional over the game/translation, so i understand the lashback. i also have been waiting since i was 12 for this to come, it’s tough….

    on a side-note, i actually started playing my old pokemon cart for lack of mother, though i stopped after a day or so…it just can’t compete…..but HAL had something to do w/pokemon too, didn’t they?

  49. Triple10X said 17 years ago:

    So, now that the ‘biggest hurdle’ looks to be manageable, what do you see as the next hardest part of the project left to do?

    Awesome update btw, definitely made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

  50. Moulinoski said 17 years ago:

    Mato: “Note that EarthBound 64โ€™s (or rather MOTHER 3 on N64โ€™s) subtitle was โ€œForest of the Chimerasโ€”

    Really? I guess it explains THAT enemy (although I didn’t see IT too much)…

    And, The Heck?! XD Two updates in one day again! Progress is fast, real fast! XD And best of all, the progress is actually huge this time around, am I right?

  51. G.Wicks said 17 years ago:

    I always thought Mother’s enemies were eventually going to end up as blatant mash-ups of bizarre things… for instance, as a kid I made up my own bunch of EB-esque enemies, like “Banammer”, which was a banana with a hammer for a head. Honestly this is not as unique as EB’s enemies (like Everdred… what a badass), but it’s funny how MOTHER 3 sort of ended up going in the direction I had unintentionally predicted as a thirteen year old. Coincidence.

    And for the record, that cattlesnake is an evil, evil bastard. He always gets me the first time I see ‘im. What a turd.

  52. Rod. said 17 years ago:

    i wouldn’t be surprised if Itoi enjoyed a good puff or to back in his days and maybe even once in a while now a’days

    its very likely that he doesn’t.. but still, i wont really be surprised

  53. Kumatora said 17 years ago:

    Woot for Mother 3! You guys rock!

  54. Excitable Boy said 17 years ago:


  55. cpuperson said 17 years ago:

    For those that have watched Avatar at all, it sort of reminds me of Mother 3 at times. What, with all the animals being hybrids of two or more other animals. Except for rare exceptions, which are considered the oddballs. There’s definitely some strange creatures there as well.

  56. Vanasto said 17 years ago:

    Hey Mato, what’s with the various enemy actions being in different tenses? Are these literally what the original japanese translates to, or is the script just inconsistent this way until you use the revised version? You’ve also mentioned the debug menu a couple times, and I was wondering if you might include a way to access this with the final release? That is, if it’s fun to play around with at all…

    Thanks for your great efforts and keep at it!

  57. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Is using different tenses wrong? I mean, tenses exist for a reason ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Anyway, the current build uses battle text translations from before the project merge; Chewy retranslated the battle text just recently, but I still need to look through it and format it first, so many of these pics may not represent the final version.

    Also, the debug menu (or should I say debug room) does work at the moment, but it’s not pretty. I fixed it recently to work with the current hacks so it’s been useful for testing things and for taking pics.

  58. Zaratus said 17 years ago:

    Correct me if I’m mistaken, but didn’t EarthBound use the ‘xxx felt a little strange.’ line?

    And it’s been a long while since I had it happen, but didn’t it also use the ‘felt homesick.’ on Ness? I may be wrong on that one.

    So, keeping the same text there would help to keep the EarthBound feel a little bit.

    So, that just leaves the present tense stuff – looking into it a little bit, it seems EarthBound also used some mixed tenses at times for a few things. First off, the text when enemies attack – “Xxx is attacking.” is used, instead of “Xxx attacked.” Also, “XXX has a big grin on it’s face.” “Xxx is sizing up the situation.” Most of what I saw is in past tense however, although I’m sure there’s more present tense – I only really took a small sample of enemies and attacks – basically, whatever I had saves nearby of.

  59. Steve said 17 years ago:


    Whoa, sorry, I’m having an English class flashback here. Carry on! ๐Ÿ™‚

  60. Mato said 17 years ago:

    I’m not sure what you guys are getting at, but rest assured that when I go through the battle text with a fine-tooth comb I’ll be trying hard to keep previous EarthBound battle text as it was. Like I said already a few times, the current build uses a really old (and flawed) translation of battle text that was using before the merge.

  61. Eddward said 17 years ago:

    I like the zombie dog. It’s a even with out any brains, it still chases it’s tail. Also, Cale, HAL had nothing to do with pokemon as far as I know. Game freak did the programming and Creatures inc. make the monsters (I think) and nintendo did the cartride work and packaging.

  62. tibbs said 17 years ago:

    It’s fun that someone mentioned HAL having something to do with Pokรฉmon, because I thought so as well…
    And look at the very first Pokรฉmon game(s): the kid with his cap, riding on his bicycle, going from town to town without an overworld map… it has always reminded me of Earthbound.

    Sorry, out of topic! ^_^;

  63. Beck said 17 years ago:

    Oh, that Mischievous Mole.

  64. especensor said 17 years ago:

    nah pokemon and earthbound have nothing to do with each other, other than both being nintendo franchises. besides, pokemon can’t compare to something as genius as earthbound. mother owns!

    anyways, awesome progress. looks like a release is not too far off now.

  65. gerbil mcgurble said 17 years ago:

    Mato: โ€œNote that EarthBound 64โ€™s (or rather MOTHER 3 on N64โ€™s) subtitle was โ€œForest of the Chimerasโ€โ€

    Ahhhhh thanks Mato, that would explain the enemy mashups ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. Coconut of Enlightenment said 17 years ago:

    Actually, many games over the past decade have made references to the EarthBound/Mother series, whether or not that had anything to do with Pokemon.

    For instance, if any of you ever had “GameBoy Camera” You would know that there are some secret screens you can get where they play EarthBound Music.

    The most recent reference (and one of my favorites) is in Super Paper Mario, which is an action RPG. But there is this one boss fight where you play it like the original Mother turn-based battle, with the black background screen and everything.

  67. Coconut of Enlightenment said 17 years ago:

    And lets not forget the Super Smash Bros. series.

  68. 7ucky said 17 years ago:

    Damn Mato… I really think you should have a generic hacking blog after this. It would basically be the same as this blog, but very detailed and people could learn from it. I really think you’ve got the stuff for it…. except the time. :/

    All this progress is like a light at the end of the tunnel compared to when the project first merged. I’ve even picked up M3 again where I left off in Chapter 3! ๐Ÿ˜€

  69. SoreThumb said 17 years ago:

    I swear, something about Mother 3 having come out and me checking this page constantly now has me dreaming about “Mother 3”– a game that has similar characters, but a completely different plot. D:

    I don’t thinkt hese dreams’ll stop until the translation is done. D: Not that you’re responsible of course, though 8) Keep up the good work and maybe I’ll stop having them 8)

  70. Omek said 17 years ago:


    That is all

  71. Failedlegend said 17 years ago:

    correct me if im wrong the original idea with earthbound was to overexaggerate RPG cliche’s while adding a myriad of quirky comedy to the mix

    p.s. pokemon blows

  72. sparkydx said 17 years ago:


  73. Balzac said 17 years ago:


    The pace you are going at is extremely admirable. For as long as it takes, in the end you are making an incredible impact on such a dedicated fanbase. Thank you.

    Also, just to quickly clear up, Ape Inc. later became known as Creatures Inc. — so that faint Earthbound-esque feel to Pokemon isn’t at all coincidental.

  74. Tagrineth said 17 years ago:

    Why are you all hating on pokemon? It’s the best it’s ever been – Diamond and Pearl are amazing and probably the best pair in the series so far.

    To the guy that complained about battle animations – you know you can turn those off right?