Begone, Bugs

17 years ago by Mato

Another day or two of good progress πŸ™‚

First, it turns out we missed a graphical thing that needed editing, so Jeffman was awesome and did that. Compressed graphics editing isn’t my thing, but Jeffman rocks at it. So we make a good team.

Next, I found another instance where the gray box positioning needed fixing. What weird programming. That was an easy one-byte fix. Please don’t let there be any more 😯

Looked more into how to make the gray box fit the text better. The programming is crazier than I thought, but today’s hacking session is VERY similar, so I should be able to make it work without too much trouble and without doing lots of major work. So soon that’ll be off the list too.

But the biggest thing is that I fixed one of the more evil bugs that’s been plaguing the project since the start. This was Battle Hacking #3, “Figure out why long description text erases player names, then fix this. It may be as easy as a call to an existing function, or it may be hell itself.”

The problem was that long item/PSI/whatever descriptions in battle would result in players’ names in the name boxes being partially or fully erased. Watch any video in the preview page that has a battle. You’ll almost definitely see this bug in action, though it missed most people’s eyes all this time I think πŸ˜› Even the latest video shows this bug really chomping away at the player names. Have another look if you’re interested, but this time pay attention to the characters’ names in their battle boxes.

Anyway, I decided to look into the problem today, and my assumption was pretty spot-on; the game assumed the # of letters in a description equaled the # of 10-pixel-wide tiles to erase, but that’s not true now that we’re using a VWF. So the game would erase way beyond where it should, and this would erase parts of other stuff. In this case, it would erase player names. I noticed that this would’ve affected other things in rare cases probably, so it’s a good thing I noticed it while I was here.

Anyway, I had it erase (total string width / 10) rounded up tiles, and this fixed it. I’m pretty proud of how well everything worked out. So hooray and stuff πŸ™‚ Here’s a before and after of this bug

  • Long description is long

  • Mmmm, names are yum

  • Let’s try it with the bug fixed

  • Excellent

So that’s a big thing I can gladly cross of the to-do list now. The list is dwindling in size by the day πŸ˜€ And, like I mentioned before, using this same approach, the name box thing should be easily fixable too.

Well, that’s all for now.

EDIT: Oops, I should maybe mention that because the game doesn’t have to draw so many extra, useless blank tiles, menu text refresh doesn’t flicker quite as much as before. The Japanese version has a slight flicker too, so there’s no getting around it, but now the English version is a little better than it was before at least. So that’s another neat benefit of this latest thing πŸ™‚

Posted on Saturday, February 9th, 2008 at 12:15 am by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

95 Responses to “Begone, Bugs”

  1. none said 17 years ago:

    Wow…you guys are just working faster and faster every week.

  2. dUTCHYbOY said 17 years ago:

    keep up the great work

  3. Dan said 17 years ago:

    Was it mere coincidence that this blog entry has “bugs” in the title, while showing screenshots of the Mole Cricket? Or perhaps something more… sinister…?

  4. Food_Eater said 17 years ago:

    Hey, are you guys going to change PK to PSI? Not that it matters, but I remember a thread on where they let everyone there vote for whichever one they wanted. PSI won by a huge margin.

  5. Zero said 17 years ago:

    You guys are great. Really great.

  6. Lokithus said 17 years ago:

    HEY! thank you for all the hard work!
    i have a random question i have been meaning too ask, I can not find the GSF(music rips from GBA games) file for this game anywhere. Anyone know anywhere too get it? Should it be on this site someday? Or anyone know where too get the soundtrack for free in any format other than midi’s? Sorry, its just that all the music i have heard from this game has be RAD on par with mother 2 so I really want too hear the whole soundtrack while I wait for the translation.

  7. EvilKingWart said 17 years ago:

    I am beyond hyped for you guys to release this translation. You are truly amazing people for doing this work. Thank you for giving so many details of the translation process to us. I remain shocked that Nintendo never localized this game. There are a ridiculous number of games being released that don’t deserve translation nearly as much as Mother 3. You are doing a wonderful service to us all. THANKS!

  8. King Erik Clusters said 17 years ago:

    I love you guys.

    Even though I’ve played through the game twice, I still look forward to this being done for another playthrough.

  9. MetroidMan said 17 years ago:

    Wow you guys are just awesome. I have been reading up on the site for about 3 or 4 weeks now and I find it extremely fascinating about how all this works and stuff. I am huge follower and fan of what you guys do and I appreciate it greatly. Please keep updating as frequently as you do, because like most other fans on the site I LOVE to read the blog posts. Keep it up guys!!!!

  10. Mikey said 17 years ago:

    Another one off the list!
    You guyz are awesome!

  11. nan_da said 17 years ago:

    Was going to post this in last post but the update beat me to it.(U GUYS ARE ON A ROLL!)

    Guess the sound part suggestion/request from last post/update fell on deaf ears,eh? -_-(metaphorically speaking of course)

    Or maybe its 100% redubbed already?

    Oh well, thought I give it a shot based on the G and g situation vote.

    As always, good work!!

  12. Rod. said 17 years ago:

    yeah i agree with everyone on here (except for that “alphona” dude…. i don’t know what’s going on with him)

    This is such sweeeeet progress…
    It’s cool how Jeffman just comes into the scene and, almost immediately, discovers a solution to a problem πŸ™‚

    Such frequent updates the past couple of days πŸ˜€ Im glad i checked this before i decided to go to bed for the night..– even the blog itself is good to read, as many have stated.

  13. Vaan said 17 years ago:

    And the list gets shorter….

    NICE! ^_^

  14. Excitable Boy said 17 years ago:

    I see that nasty bug in action in that video, bully for you guys on getting rid of it.

  15. Excitable Boy said 17 years ago:

    Oh, do you have the audio bit you recorded avaliable for listening to, just outta curiosity.

  16. Elemental101 said 17 years ago:

    Wow Guys your doing a great job!! Cant wait to see it finished!

  17. Rifter said 17 years ago:

    It really can’t be said enough: Thank you all for the work you’ve been putting into this.

  18. Animus01 said 17 years ago:

    Another update, another pleasure of reading the progress. Seriously, I love to be up-to-date on the progress. Every little bit helps!

    To make the English translation look professional will certainly be a huge plus to fans of the game. Not only will it give players a better experience (Would you want to buy a Nintendo game whose letters ran off the screen, created unreadable messages, etc.? I wouldn’t.), but by looking professional, it satisfies the Mother 3 fans’ desires to see what an English Mother 3 would be like if Nintendo were to have released it, themselves. In other words, I 100% agree with Dorito’s points 3 and 4.

  19. >:3 said 17 years ago:

    I, for one, hope it stays PK.

    This is coming together really well.. I can’t wait. :3

  20. NPR said 17 years ago:


  21. Lol said 17 years ago:

    Yeah! Who needs SuperHackers, when we have Jeffman and Mato! πŸ˜€

  22. kumatora said 17 years ago:


  23. falcon2008 said 17 years ago:

    OK, I know I’m just reiterating what a few others have said, but I’d rather have everything done as near to perfect as possible than have to run around the game not knowing where to go or what to do due to not being able to read the text.

    Keep up the great work guys, it looks like this project is about finished…

  24. KMeist Hax said 17 years ago:

    Looks like some forum trolls have discovered the fan translation blog.

  25. ArashiSai said 17 years ago:

    Damn, you guys work fast!

  26. JeffMan said 17 years ago:

    PRODUCT: Sure, we could release the current translation. Just try to play around the game-crashing impossible-to-avoid bugs and glitches. It’s not like they do much. I mean, come on, completely crashing the game and making it impossible to play more than ten minutes into? Not a big deal at all.


    Go read the To-Do List in case you haven’t already, because there are a number of bugs on there that must be fixed before the patch is released. The only reason we’ve been working mostly on cosmetic stuff lately is because the super hackers are really busy, and Tomato and I alone probably won’t be able to solve the major problems any time soon. So we’re getting small stuff out of the way during the meantime because they have to get done eventually. We want this translation to be perfect. Releasing a glitchy patch would be highly unprofessional and sloppy.

  27. Triple10X said 17 years ago:

    omg, I feel like this project is really starting to get to full steam. These last few updates have been awesome, and I’m feeling really hopeful that the rest of the bugs will be figured out quickly.

    @ alphona and product: you guys clearly have no clue when it comes to hacking and this project.

  28. Sasquatch said 17 years ago:

    All the other stuff is required because changing the story text to English requires alot more memory. They need to rearrange an awful lot of information to generate enough empty space to make english work. There are alot of thing that look “useless, but if it keeps the game from crashing, its worth a few extra days. I wish they would release another beta version to to keep these guys quiet, though

  29. Mato said 17 years ago:

    For the record, I just removed many posts here by some lamers/trolls and people’s responses to them. We don’t need any of that here, so if lamers do show up, please don’t feed them. It’s simple enough for me or Jeff to remove lame posts, but it’s harder when everyone else is joining in on the fight πŸ˜‰

    I imagine that as the project gets closer and closer to completion, more and more overly-anxious people will show up. Just ignore them. I don’t mind questions or constructive criticism or regular discussion here, that’s what this blog is for, after all. But blatant lamerism will be removed.

  30. Zaratus said 17 years ago:

    And you’ll also get more of those posts as hype for Mother 3 gets around and more people find out about the upcoming patch.

    Especially with Brawl coming out and people asking about Lucas.

  31. R7038XX said 17 years ago:

    You should test the text speeds soon. If it works regardless of speed, it shouldn’t take long. And that could mean one less thing on the list. πŸ˜€

  32. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Nah, because we still haven’t fixed all the text problems yet. Once the problems are fixed, then we’ll test with the various text speeds.

  33. shadowdeku said 17 years ago:

    I just got my nintendo power magazine today: they didn’t put up any complaints about last month’s “you can’t translate mother 3” thing. MAN! I was looking forward to that!

  34. Jigga Brown said 17 years ago:

    YESSSS!!! progress is awesome. keep it up. thanks for everything.

  35. Lena said 17 years ago:

    That to-do-list is looking better and better every time I visit. It’s hard to believe that I’ve had the game itself for about a year and a half, and I still haven’t opened the box. LOL

    Anyway, long time lurker (wow, almost 9 months now!) first time poster. Just wanted to say “THANK YOU!” to you guys for all this hard work. To see what the project looks like now, and what it looked like way back at the beginning is amazing. If I didn’t know about the bugs, I’d think some of the new status screen shots were actually taken from an official release.

    So… Thank you! ^___^ You guys are the hardest core thing since Mother 2.

  36. CSX said 17 years ago:

    Like always, good job on this update guys! I have a few quick questions though:

    1) The to-do list doesn’t seem that large but I know that most of the time will probably be spent on the translation drafts (because of the sheer amount of text in RPG’s) and testing (a couple weeks for this, I figure, at the minimum). If I’m right, does this mean that it could be until late this year before we see the finalized patch?

    2) I know this may seem like a stupid question, but Mato, are you working on the second draft in between all this hacking stuff or are you saving it for when you can fully concentrate on it?

    3) Is it possible once all this cosmetic stuff gets mostly solved that it could be a month or so wait before the superhackers become avaiable to conquer the big stuff you and Jeffman can’t handle because of how busy they are? I noticed that they do indeed seem to be busy A LOT (and heck, since I’ve read the blog I haven’t heard hide nor hair of their work but I have only been reading this since November).

  37. ancientdragon said 17 years ago:

    Holy snap!

    To the Unified Translation Team:
    All of your combined efforts make me want to play this game more and more and actually know what makes sense and what doesn’t. I 100% appreciate all of your hard work on this project.

  38. Mato said 17 years ago:


    1. I don’t know. Honestly. It could be sooner it could be later. I’ve been concentrating on the hacking part because that’s where the real delays lie.

    2. No, been working on hacking and some of the other non-script text stuff. See #1 for the reason why πŸ˜‰

    3. I think we may be able to handle the harder stuff ourselves; Jeffman’s already figured out something that we didn’t think we’d be able to (the [BREAK]-ignoring), for instance. I think we’re just gonna keep chipping away at it until it’s done. If one of the REALLY smart hackers gets time to help, then that’s all the better.

  39. Zeroblue said 17 years ago:

    mato, did you read my post about the mailing list? I just wanted to know whether you found a way to email everyone since you said you weren’t sure how you were going to do it. It may have seemed like an advertisement though -_-;;

  40. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Yeah, I’va fallen behind answering everyone’s questions, I’ll get to them all at some point. For your particular question, I assume reid will be the one in charge of the e-mailing stuff. But no, I don’t think he’s decided what to do yet. It’s not really a priority at the moment, you know? πŸ˜‰

  41. Coconut of Enlightenment said 17 years ago:

    Yeah, I think JeffMan can handle the rest of the bugs himself. He has climbed Mt. Ordeals and been class-changed into a Super Hacker. JeffMan worked hard through the night and turned the broken spray can into the final ROM patch. He rode on Pegasus to paradise and was made one of the gaming gods. If Brawl wasn’t already finished, he would be a character.
    Who needs anyone else to hack when we got Jeff?

    Thanks for all you do!

  42. cale said 17 years ago:

    it’s now been almost 2 years i’ve lived thinking there would never be a mother3, and i had come to terms with it. but after beating the first mother, i was determined to find english text of the script so i could trudge my way through it….only to find that you guys have been translating almost all along…now i cannot go more than a couple hours without checking on your progress. that’s all, i am at work and need to talk about mother3, none of my friends understand my pain like i’m sure you guys do.

  43. bumblebuzzin said 17 years ago:

    ditto the above comment.

    is there any sort of website hit counter for this blog?

    i know i myself account for at least 100,000 hits.

  44. Excitable Boy said 17 years ago:

    More hits for great justice, bumblebuzzin

  45. Moulinoski said 17 years ago:

    Coconut of Enlightenment, Jeffman is already in Brawl as an assist trophy. Y’see, when he appears, he gets the Japanese Mother 3 carts, get’s Mato’s scripts, patches them together and then launches menu patches to the enemies on the stage and goes out with the fully translated, bug free cart. πŸ˜€

    Anyhow, I like how you, Tomato, keep on posting here about every little detail on the hacking. Its like reading a detective story! πŸ˜€

    (I think I’m contributing to the whole “bringing in people” with my own website. Check out the Characters section and look under Lucas. :3)

    Oh yeah, the other day, there were people playing Brawl at my campus and one person is like “I’ve played all the Earthbound games… But where is Lucas from?!” I’m like “He’s from Mother 3! Look for the translation blog online!” πŸ˜›

  46. cale said 17 years ago:

    i do enjoy constant updates as long as it doesn’t get in the way of me playing english mother 3 faster…by the way, is excitable boy some sort of warren zevon reference, or do video games just excite you?

    another thought, somebody out there should get an english vesion of the main storyline text and edit it together so it read more like a script instead of a walkthrough, then others could read the novel-like plot, getting a nice picture of the story, and then playthrough the game using what they read as reference….if someone had already done it, i’d have already beat the game. i mean, itoi is more an author than a game programmer anyways, it would be perfect. i’m thinking of doing it myself but that would mean reading all the other filler that isn’t conencted to the main story, thus robbing me of an emotional first-time experience, whether it be playing the game, or reading the story.

    other than that i can wait another year to read every bit of text from every little npc.

  47. Failedlegend said 17 years ago:

    Cale : I feel your pain i tried to introduce my friends to Earthbound and this blog/translation of M3 and they just cant seem to grasp the genius of the Mother series

    on that note is the title gonna be Earthbound 2 or Mother 3…hmmm reminds me of the fun time trying to explain to my friends why theres two different final fantasy 3’s

  48. Failedlegend said 17 years ago:

    o btw y are some peoples name Big and red and others are small and italic? just wondering

  49. MrEverdred said 17 years ago:

    The names are red if you entered a website, I think.

    The progress is looking great, guys.

  50. Unholy said 17 years ago:

    Ya guys are definitely getting faster and faster with these updates and even though I can’t wait to play the final version, it’s really interesting to hear about the process of getting it there. Kinda gives ya the ability to imagine just how amazing a game’s inner workings are.

    Keep up the awesome work, guys! =D

  51. Kiriplant said 17 years ago:

    Hey, I’ve been following this translation for a veeeeery long time. You guys are doing great!
    Do you plan on putting your names in the credits of the game?
    Keep up the GREAT work!

  52. RogueAgent said 17 years ago:

    Keep up the awesomeNESS, or someone gets no cookies. πŸ˜€

  53. cale said 17 years ago:

    i doubt they have official credit on a nintendo product unless noa ended up hiring them….but even so, if they finish this, it will be the stuff of video game legend and they’ll be folk heroes to everyone in the know. whoever puts an english mother3 out will no doubt be video game cult celebrities in the least……

    and why is the theme for youngtown not on any soundtrack?!?!….speaking of which, anybody have any sort of copy/file of that orchestral nes soundtrack with a couple mother songs on it? i’d love to hear it….

  54. Armageddon12 said 17 years ago:

    Great work guys, keep up the progress. Brawl has made me start playing my Japanese copy (currently at chapter 5 and loving it :D), still anticipating the translation though (the story seems so random being unable to read any of it xD).

    I vote for PK to be left as is. Perhaps 2 versions would be possible? Either way it’s not a big deal, go with whatever you prefer.

  55. ArashiSai said 17 years ago:

    zomg, Jeffman isn’t a super hacker anymore
    He’s a hacking GOD!

  56. cale said 17 years ago:

    oh yeah i forgot….I guess I’d leave it as PK, but after just playing the first and having everything say PSI, I wouldn’t mind either way.
    ………..and this brings my 10h work shift to an end, god i hate computers some days. hope nobody minds me filling this blog with useless info/opinions but i finally have an outlet for all my mother-related angst. *phew* πŸ™‚

  57. shadowdeku said 17 years ago:

    i was playing the original smash bros before i played earthbound, and I am used to pk instead of psi, however its your guy’s choice

  58. Mato said 17 years ago:

    I need sleeeep

    Dan: I was planning to use Mr. Batty, since I did all my testing during a battle with one. But for some reason the Mole Cricket seemed better for pics. I guess unconsciously that was the reason why πŸ˜›

    Food_Eater: I’m planning to use what the game uses originally, which is a mixture of PK and PSI in the names. Sometimes it doesn’t even use either, actually 😯 Plus Lucas and Ness shout out these names with “PK” in Brawl (and Melee, though yeah LUcas wasn’t in that one).

    Lokithus: I don’t know where to get GSF stuff, but at you can dload all the music that’s in the game’s sound player. There are spoilers in some of the track titles, so be careful if you’re avoiding that kind of stuff.

    nan_da: The game will have the English clips. The Japanese clips can always be heard in the Japanese version and can be downloaded from this site. I don’t quite understand why you’re so intent on hearing those tiny clips in Japanese, but if you want, after the patch is out, I can give you something to put the Japanese sounds back in. But I’ll probably be super busy trying to keep the site alive/answering people’s questions, so it might take a while. Last I heard, reid sold his laptop so I won’t have the final clips for a little while. I look forward to crossing that off of the list soon too πŸ™‚

    Excitable Boy: No, not yet. And I dunno if I’d want to show it off beforehand. I dunno, we’ll see.

    bumblebuzzin: The site’s had about 120,000 unique visitors since it started a few months ago. Right now it’s at about 2500 unique people a day and 9000-10000 pageviews total. About 11,000 people have signed up to be notified, which when compared to the # of unique visitors, is a pretty incredible ratio. The latest menu patch gets about 400 downloads a week (at current)… which might not sound like a lot (for a translation patch it definitely is), but consider that this is a crappy patch that doesn’t even translate the game’s text one bit 😯 Also, every week the # of downloads actually increases instead of decreasing. Is that enough stat info? πŸ˜‰

    Kiriplant: I’m not sure yet. Some people put themselves in the credits, others don’t. For Bahamut Lagoon we added our names in, but most of the stuff I’ve worked on we’ve left the credits alone. I think Jeffman actually did create a credits editor long ago, so adding stuff would probably be pretty trivial. Not sure what we’re gonna do about this yet. Let’s finish the game before we worry about stuff like this though πŸ˜‰


    Hopefully that got everyone’s questions. Apologies if I missed any.

  59. BenM said 17 years ago:

    Keep up the great work guys, I get more and more excited every day!

  60. honeymustard said 17 years ago:

    I’m sure this has been asked/answered before, but do you plan on changing the title to EarthBound 2?

  61. kalbtrombone said 17 years ago:

    Minor question pertaining to the site:

    Is it at all possible to create a new section to the blog in which the questions asked here are answered right before the reply section?

    Basically, each of these blogs would be:

  62. Moulinoski said 17 years ago:

    Y’know, if people would like to, a hack changing PSI to PK for Earthbound can be done. I did it for my sister already anyway. πŸ˜›

    Actually, I feel like putting back some of the stuff that was changed from the Japanese version of EB all based on the differences noted by Tomato. πŸ˜›

    BTW, I think Tomato already said that they were going to leave the title as Mother 3.

  63. Mikey said 17 years ago:

    I think that it will be cooler if the name would be Earthbound2
    But,you know,thats not so important

  64. Failedlegend said 17 years ago:

    I know this is kinda premature but whats gonna happen to this site after the Translation patch is done?

    also on that note….y are none of ur links on your site titled Mato i cant find where anything is on there? lol

  65. Biiaru said 17 years ago:

    This is probably another stupid question, but… do you guys have planned a feature for the favorite food you input; depending on where in a sentence it appears, it’ll be correctly capitalized? That’s not as much of a problem in japanese, but here, where we use capitalization, it probably would look a bit neater.

  66. Snow said 17 years ago:

    You guys are doing awesome with this ^^ I wish I could help somehow, but I know nothing about this kinda stuff…so I guess I’ll stand on the sidelines waving my pompoms with the rest of the fans.

    Gogo Mother 3~!

  67. Kaljinyu said 17 years ago:

    I was wondering, what emulators does this patch work for?

  68. Mato said 17 years ago:

    honeymustard: We haven’t decided yet, but there are many reasons for keeping the title MOTHER 3 in there. The title’s important in this game. I can see us maybe including a subtitle for it that says EarthBound 2 or calling the file something like or something. I dunno, it’s too early.

    kalbtrombone: What would Q&A and Replies be?

    Failedlegend: It’ll stay here for people to read through. It might get occasional updates if patch updates are made or if important news like the completion of the Starmen.Net M3 walkthrough is finished.

    Biiaru: I’ve thought about it, but it doesn’t seem too important. Maaaaybe we’ll do it, I dunno. Might be a pain, particularly trying to tell if it’s at the start of a new sentence or not.

    Kaljinyu: The patch won’t work on any emulators. You need to apply the patch to the ROM, and then all good emulators should run the new ROM fine.

  69. Paul said 17 years ago:

    This is going to be a legendary fan translation when it’s done! πŸ™‚

  70. kalbtrombone said 17 years ago:

    OK, let me try again, since I suck at explaining things.

    Blog (What the team puts to represent progress)
    Q&A (Questions asked in the reply section are reposted and answered here)
    Replies (Stuff like what I’m writing now)

    I think this would be very effective in showing how much work has been done and is yet to be done. A lot of questions I have are already asked in the replies section. It’d help clarify a lot.

    Here’s a question for you to put in the middle section (my own):
    I run Mac OS X. I know that emulators are available for Mac, but will I still be able to apply the patch and run the patched program? Or am I screwed?

  71. JeffMan said 17 years ago:

    Whatever works now should still work after the patch is applied. Of course, I can’t give a definite answer since A) the patch isn’t ready yet, and B) none of the hackers own a Mac (as far as I know), but for now you can try the Menu Patch. reidman has a Mac though so we’ll enslave him during testing to make sure it works on the Mac version of VBA or whatever is available.

  72. Sully said 17 years ago:

    You guys are AMAZING

  73. Duffman said 17 years ago:

    Hey mato, i was looking at the to-do list and the text based things seem like there could be hidden glitches and some individual circumstances in which it would act up. Are you going to create a place for people to report bugs when they find them after the patch is released?

  74. Mato said 17 years ago:

    We’re gonna do plenty of testing, but yeah, there’ll probably be a post or a thread or an email where you can report bugs.

  75. pauyasfyla said 17 years ago:


    The menu patch works fine on the Mac version of VBA, so if that’s any indication, the final patch should work, too.

  76. Rod. said 17 years ago:

    menu patch…..400 + downloads A WEEK? ….

    for some reason i thought that 400 would be the very max that would be downloaded in total… waw…

  77. Rawland said 17 years ago:

    It really is awesome that you and Jeffman make such an amazing team.
    Both of you are good at/like doing what the other one prefers to avoid.
    Leave it to Mother to bring all of her children together!

  78. Cloud said 17 years ago:

    I know that this has probably already been answered for, but since there are so many enemy descriptions and so much to do in the way of translating, wouldn’t it be slight more feasible to outsource those, at least, and distribute the work? I understand the need for consistency, but I’d think an editor could review the translations and try to make something of them.. I dunno. On one hand, it makes sense to have all the translations done by one person, but on another, there’s so much to translate that it makes sense that you’d want to try to open it up a bit.

    O_o And I’m not just saying this for kicks; I’ve translated short stories and manga before from Japanese to English and released some on the internet (the translated manga). So.. really, I know there have to be other people like me out there willing to help.

  79. Mato said 17 years ago:

    The enemy descriptions aren’t normal text, they have to be done by constantly testing them in-game, editing, testing again, etc. Once I really get going on them, they won’t take very long, so it’s not that big of a problem. All the other little files have indeed been translated by other people as you described.

  80. kalbtrombone said 17 years ago:

    OK, I just looked on the menu patch page, and I’d like to say thank you for supplying a patch applier. This eases my fears considerably. You guys rock for what you’re doing. Keep it up!

    This is one of those times I wish words didn’t run short. I’d buy the whole team dinner if I could.

  81. Jupiter-x said 17 years ago:

    I just signed up for the email announcement… for probably the third or fourth time! xD

    Keep up with the amazing progress, and don’t let anything get you down. You’re internet superheroes!

  82. Eddward said 17 years ago:

    I am glad to see the bug that had the note “It may be as easy as a call to an existing function, or it may be hell itself” turned out to be easy. Let’s hope the rest of the list is easy to deal with.

  83. Product said 17 years ago:

    “I don’t mind questions or constructive criticism”

    Removing my post is blatant lamerism & over controlling . It was hardly rude. The truth is, it was removed because it’s close to the truth and you don’t want people too catch on.

    That’s why you can’t give a GUESS of a released date or a percentage. Because if people truly knew how little is done, they would lose hope and stop coming to read your blog.

    Removed & written off as a “Troll”. Because that’s the easiest way out. If someone don’t kiss your a$$, say “YOU’RE WINNER !” “GREAT JOB!” blah blah, then they’re lamer troll. What a cop out. Furthering proving my point.

  84. Kaljinyu said 17 years ago:

    It’ll work for all good emulators? Number 3 under Misc. Hacking says that it doesn’t work for some emulators.

    What emulator would you recommend? Are you allowed to give any suggestions? I already have the .ISO of the game (I bought it a while back), all I need is the emulator.

  85. Unsavory Maggot said 17 years ago:

    Product: It’s called moderation. When someone (and I won’t say who, since there are several guilty parties) is clearly flaming, trying to start trouble, etc. moderation is the tool used to protect the public (people who have the patience to wait for a *quality* “product”, as opposed to a rushed “product”, no pun intended; see the official Legend of Heroes series’ translation. Tis’ horrible! Horrible I tell you! The same no doubt would happen with Mother 3 if they just did a quick translate and shoot-out.) from responding negatively to people who don’t have patience at all. Tomato has been completely honest about the progress made and what his capabilities are in contrast to his crew. Who’s to say he *has* to do it? It’s his choice, his freedom to translate the project. Would you rather he just did nothing at all? Here’s a quick link for you: It states in detail every answer to every question/statement you have made thus far, and it would possibly benefit you to read it. Possibly not, too; I understand you’re anxious, you can’t wait, you really want it done and over with, but have patience. With all that said and done, I really have nothing left to offer you. If you want to waste the rest of your time talking trash about people you don’t know, who are spending their free time to do something that you just can’t do yourself, well that’s your call but don’t blow up at me if it’s not well-recieved. Look around, you’re only the second one here in that position, out of hundreds of thousands of us who actually can and will wait. In the end, it’s your call. Honestly though, I’d hope someone like yourself would have something alot better to do with their time than whine and gripe on a public blog; and if you do, then it’s your responsibility to do it.

  86. Mato said 17 years ago:

    product: Sorry, but you’re wrong. Dunno what else to say. The project is very far along. If you think otherwise, then okay, that’s up to you. I’ve shown all the progress we’ve made. If you think that accounts for little anyway, that’s fine. But you’re still wrong. I think all the pics and videos and blog entries over time show very well how far the project has come in just a few months, and I clearly show how much work is left. It’s not like I’m hiding anything from the list of stuff left to do.

    And your attitude is what’s lame, and you stir up unneeded negativity.

    If you’re so certain that this project won’t be done for such a long time, then go ahead and sign up for the e-mail thing and then stop fretting over the project you’re so negative about.

  87. kalbtrombone said 17 years ago:

    Product: As far as we, the faithful fans of the Mother series, are concerned, let Mato and the gang take their time with the project. No one’s going anywhere, as far as I know. The team has made humongous strides in what needs to be done. Admittedly, there’s still a lot to do before it’s done. However, take a second look at the to-do list and what the team has been saying about how they need to do it. They know how to do it. It’s just going to take time. NONE of these people do this for a living. They have lives. As far as I’m concerned, let them take their time when classes, work, and personal lives are concerned. As for you, Product, live life in the real world. Learn to play an instrument. Get a girlfriend. Get a job. Let the real world consume you. I think it’s time you stopped living in your mother’s basement. I’m waiting patiently for it, and at the same time, working on my college degree. Find something productive to do until then. Sign up for the e-mail notification and come back when you’ve mastered Geddy Lee’s style of bass playing.

    Mato: You have our unending support, and we would do anything you ask. Like Unsavory Maggot said, two out of a couple hundred thousand. We’re with you to the end!

  88. SoreThumb said 17 years ago:

    I think you guys are Psychic. That is because you guys are PSI ROCKIN’!!!

    R D R R 8)

  89. pauyasfyla said 17 years ago:

    Most translations fail because of indifference. I fail to see a lack of interest around here.

  90. P-Flute said 17 years ago:

    Guys are doing an awesome job, always look forward to your progress. πŸ˜€

    Quick question, with Brawl coming out soon, the prospect of spoilers is getting pretty heavy for me. Though the patch won’t be out before Brawl, are you guys considering releasing an updated version of the Menu Patch before Brawl, now that you’ve got more work done? I’m probably just going to start on M3 soon just so I can play it before Brawl, and I just wanted to make sure I was using the latest thang. Thanks for all the hard work.

    PS: Product, isn’t there somewhere else you can go and whine about things done for fandoms for completely free out of the enthusiasm and generosity of hard working volunteers?

  91. bumblebuzzin said 17 years ago:

    dear mato,

    you know that you have a legion of people behind you who would do your bidding. if you were more evil, i would be afraid that you might form some sort of unholy army.

    dear product,

    if i met you, i would give you a tapper.

  92. Mato said 17 years ago:

    P-Flute, there won’t be any more menu patch updates. I toyed with the idea of doing a crappy menu-patchy-ish translation of the first chapter, but that won’t save you from spoilers anyway, plus I’d prefer to focus on the real project, you know?

  93. M said 17 years ago:

    You don’t understand, guys. The world is going to end in December of 2012. If we don’t get M3 before that, how are we ever gonna play it?

  94. P-Flute said 17 years ago:

    ‘Course, Mato. I have no qualms at all with using a guide and script, just curious if there was any simple updates to the menu patch that might be done. Not that I expected any exorbitant amount of time to spent on it. I know translating the game itself is more than a huge task, just didn’t know if dropping an aspect of something you’ve finished into the menu patch would be time consuming or not, and therefor if there were plans to…or not.

    Don’t get me wrong. Wasn’t asking about STORY TRANSLATE PLZ or you guys wasting any time on a temporary solution, just wondering if there were any plans to do any small, non-time-consuming additions to the menu patch, if such a thing were possible.

    Just as happy to know there won’t be any updates, so I’ll go ahead and start playing ASAP. πŸ™‚

  95. Some Guy said 17 years ago:

    Sounds like great progress. Keep up the good work.