Lots of Pics

17 years ago by Mato

I was looking through the preview page and so much of it was really old, ugly, out-of-date stuff, so I spiffed it up with new pics using the latest build. So go have a look-see if you’re bored.

Posted on Sunday, February 3rd, 2008 at 10:00 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

36 Responses to “Lots of Pics”

  1. Matt said 17 years ago:


  2. Apterous said 17 years ago:

    Pics! woot!

  3. Jeffrey said 17 years ago:

    Looks Great, I haven’t played the Japanese version because I wanted this one to come out. Now I’m even more exited!

  4. KapKyle said 17 years ago:


  5. Zaratus said 17 years ago:

    For some reason, I get a kick out of the cop saying “I’m a police officer, yeah!”

  6. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Yeah, when I was going around taking pics, that one seemed especially EarthBoundy for some reason. Reminds me of what one of the Onett cops maybe says, I think πŸ˜›

  7. John Handley said 17 years ago:

    This project keeps looking better and better! I cannot wait for this to be finished. πŸ™‚

  8. Old West said 17 years ago:

    Looking beautiful.

  9. Unsavory Maggot said 17 years ago:

    WOW, the progress you guys have made over the past few weeks is truly amazing! I understand though, that solutions are oftentimes answered by more questions, but hey… hang in there! This is looking to be a true work of art!

    Regarding the 60-64 tile memory limit… isn’t it possible to simply clear previous lines in-game to compensate for the ones that follow?

  10. Kurizu208 said 17 years ago:

    Sweet thanks.

  11. Excitable Boy said 17 years ago:

    This totally offsets the sadness from the Patriots losing today. Thanks!

  12. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Unsavory Maggot: Something like that might require altering the entire DESIGN of the program, and just tinkering with it right now is giving us enough trouble. It’s kind of like surgery, you can do some slight tinkering with a guy’s heart to make it work well again, or you can try to invent a new artificial heart and try to swap the original one with it and pray it works.

    OK, so that’s a lame and possibly gory explanation, but I think you know what I mean πŸ˜›

  13. Zaratus said 17 years ago:

    It’s like, you can either fix the wheel, or try to reinvent/build a new wheel. Or something.

  14. Unsavory Maggot said 17 years ago:

    That makes sense. Trouble-shooting a problem is better done in smaller doses, in other words. Otherwise there’s the risk of forsaking yourself into more trouble-shooting, and ultimately delaying progress as a result. It’s easy to see this project is in excellent hands. As with the rest of the beans here, I too look forward to more news from the good doctor and his team. Keep up the good work! πŸ˜€

  15. Moulinoski said 17 years ago:

    …Tomato’s a doctor now. XD

    Oh and, so THAT’s what that guy says when you’re in that burning place (I don’t want to give too much away).

    I read the previous post as well. Man, Mother 3 is just merciless, isn’t it? :

  16. Gusto said 17 years ago:

    Damn you, I am not bored, I have loads of things to do.
    But here I am looking at all the pictures…

  17. Rod. said 17 years ago:

    Man, it all looks so beautiful.

    The end is not near… but it’s probably in sight,albeit quite a distance away.

  18. Kaljinyu said 17 years ago:

    Mmmmmm… more pictures. Still, I can’t wait until the next video update, as every video update is another milestone crossed.

    I meant to ask earlier, about the actual ISO you guys are hacking, do you still have the source code for it, or did you get rid of it after it was compiled?

  19. Coconut of Enlightenment said 17 years ago:

    Are you sure you’re not going to release another interim patch? At least one that would translate the music player would be nice. It would make it easier to remember which songs I like (since you can only have so many favorites).

  20. kalbtrombone said 17 years ago:

    Oh my God….. 😯 …..


    If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you are already done. Right now, you’re just holding out on us just to make us cry. :p JK.

    At the rate this stuff is going, I’m going to bet a Sword of Kings and a Gutsy Bat that you can have this done by July-August, maybe. Remember: YOU HAVE OUR UNENDING SUPPORT!

    I hate sitting here drooling at nothing. You won’t take donations and you won’t let us test anything. Is there ANYTHING we can do at all?

  21. Unsavory Maggot said 17 years ago:

    Currently, I’m curious. In the event you decide to hack in some extras, would a “visible battle-metronome” for beginners attempting those crazy 16 hit combos be possible in the future?

    I think it’d help alot of people as not everyone is music-savvy, some are deaf, and some may surprisingly mute the game for whatever reason. It’d also help for those long road trips when you can’t quite hear the game over your surroundings. :3 I’m just full of ideas and possibly balogna.

    I know it’s hard to get the timing down, but regardless of the inaccuracy of PC emulation, PSP emulation seems to work almost flawlessly with timing; incase testing is in order and said hack becomes troublesome with flash carts. :3

  22. Some Guy said 17 years ago:

    It’s looking a lot better. I’ve been following every day. It’s good to have a couple updates. Keep up the great work.

  23. Jackalope said 17 years ago:

    I have an idea for the snake!

    Name: “This Snake Bites”

    Description: “But doesn’t when it doesn’t.”

  24. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Zaratus: I like my example better, it’s a lot more painful-sounding πŸ˜› And having to rewire everything is just like with hacking.

    Kaljinyu: I have no idea what you’re talking about. ISO? Source code? If you mean the source code for MOTHER 3, we definitely don’t have that. We’d have this game hacked in a week if we did.

    Coconut of Enlightenment: I don’t plan on it. I’d rather focus entirely on the real patch. If you need a list of translated song titles, I can dump you one (including their #s) in about 30 seconds if you’d like.

    kalbtrombone: I’m starting to feel good about the project too. One of the hardest things has been figured out. Most of the hacks don’t involve unknowns anymore. So that’s got me feeling good about things. Still way more work than I think most people realize, but things are looking good πŸ˜€

    Unsavory Maggot: I absolutely SUCK at the combo system, so that’d be great. But I don’t think it’ll be possible. I did manage to dump MP3s of each pendulum’d song, so those will come in very handy (especially in fights against enemies that you can’t put to sleep) and will make good SM.Net walkthrough material. I was also hoping that at some point, someone with good Flash skills could make a combo system practice trainer thing using these MP3s. That’d be neat walkthrough stuff too.

  25. Karuvitomsk said 17 years ago:

    Methinks the snake already has an appropriate (or funnily offbeat) description on it, given the others, Jackalope.

    I enjoyed the screen of the fellow in the run-down home (apartments?) asking if Lucas came to see him, while the cursor’s on the “No” option.

    I didn’t play with a translation ready next to me in the two times I’ve played through Mother 3, and seeing this translation makes me all the more eager to see the final product. But then, it looks so professional already! We’re all rooting (“Pray”ing) for you guys, Mato!

  26. Forte.exe said 17 years ago:

    Hey, the text looks totally cleaned up. I like it, no cut-offs. Cant wait to see it when its done πŸ˜€

  27. Jackalope said 17 years ago:

    @ Karuvitomsk: Well, Mato said he didn’t have a name for the snake. I thought I might be able to help.

  28. Husky_Washu said 17 years ago:

    *_* Eye candy much.

  29. Moulinoski said 17 years ago:

    Mato: “I was also hoping that at some point, someone with good Flash skills could make a combo system practice trainer thing using these MP3s. That’d be neat walkthrough stuff too.”

    Although not Flash, I could use Game Maker. If I knew how to program in C++, I’d offer to do it for that (but it might be easier on GM anyway) but if you’re not biased against GM, I wouldn’t mind trying my hand at it (and would be glad, too).

  30. Unsavory Maggot said 17 years ago:

    Moulinoski: From 8 (almost 9 now) years of experience, timing on Game Maker, as well as everything Klik N Play, The Games Factory, Click and Create, and Multimedia Fusion… having worked with said programs, I’ve noticed one extreme flaw; the timing. Especially when using “always” and “every” commands. Even the “timerx” object has its flaws. For you see… what may be perfect on your computer, more likely than not, won’t be perfect on other computers. It could have a runtime that’s too slow, or too fast, therefore becoming rather inaccurate. Again, I’m not trying to be a downer, just giving you a heads up from an experienced perspective. The only thing positive is that I don’t doubt the possibility of a work-around; therefore it may not be a fruitless effort. I do support this effort and wish you good luck.

  31. Pizuz said 17 years ago:

    /me looks at the image containing “Cure’s” and out of sudden starts vomiting.

    Anyway, cool new pictures. I’m really looking forward to this getting finished. Keep it up!

  32. Sorrow said 17 years ago:

    is it possible to upload chapters at a time translated? just wondering

  33. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Moulinoski: I’d prefer Flash, as it could be put online and would be cross-platform. But that’s a bazillion years from now, so it’s not a priority.

    Pizuz: Yeah, I noticed it when I put the pic up. Was too lazy to fix it. Surprised nobody else mentioned it sooner πŸ˜‰

    Sorrow: No.

  34. Unsavory Maggot said 17 years ago:

    Hmmm… yeah I’m pretty sure they’ll remove that apostrophe prior to release. That’s only a white sesame seed in comparison to their myriad of to-do’s. πŸ˜‰ Which has shrunk by leaps and bounds over the course of a couple weeks… and now, back to your regularly scheduled program!

    Nintendo: “Awww, man. This game has too much text. We don’t want to translate it. It’s gonna take YEARS to figure this script out! πŸ™ We won’t do it!”

    *cue in theme music as Captain Tomato and his Tomateers make an entrance*

    Captain Tomato: “WE’LL HANDLE IT! :D”

    *an extraordinarily short amount of time passes*

    Captain Tomato: “It’s translated! We had to tweak a few things, but never fear, Mother 3 goodness is still here! Now we just have to work out a few kinks, won’t take long now before we avert such a major disaster! πŸ˜€ Hwah!”

    *Captain Tomato flexes his muscles in front of a strobe light and lots of confetti and sparkles drop from above him*

    Mother 3 Fanbase: “What a hero! Hooray Captain Tomato! :D”

    Narrator: And yet again the day is saved by Captain Tomato! Doctor, hacker and programmer extraordinaire!

    …clearly I’ve gone too far. XD

  35. glemmstengal said 17 years ago:

    Looking great guys, also howdy do, I am new here.. just wanted to say I appreciate the work you all are doing and I’m sure everyone else does as well. Keep it up fellas!

  36. 7ucky said 17 years ago:

    Another couple of days away and another couple of posts! How do you guys keep it up?

    As I’m looking at the to-do list there is plenty of work still to be done, but I’m just astonished at how close you guys are compared to where you were in those first couple of posts. I’d really love to celebrate this with you guys when it’s over, but no one lives around me :/ (don’t you live in Florida or something like that, Mato?). I have something planned with Reid, but it’d still love to buy you guys a drink for all the hard work!

    Lost story short, amazing job and keep it up – We’re all behind you!