Battle Video and Other Tidbits

17 years ago by Mato

Been a few days since the last update, and not too much has happened, though admittedly all the recent Smash Bros. Brawl news and videos and such has been really distracting πŸ˜‰ Man, I can’t wait.

Anyway, on a lark, I recorded a very quick video of a battle. We haven’t focused too much on battle stuff, as that’s its own huge problem child of its own, but at least with this video, we can see how things stand. It’s not too bad, given that we’ve done very little work on it. It can only go up from here πŸ˜€

It’s short and ugly and not very exciting, but check it out if you’re interested anyway.

In other news, things have been slow-going for me, but Jeffman’s been working on fixing some difficult bugs caused by the game’s original crazy programming. That seems to be progressing nicely though πŸ™‚ Also, Chewy showed up and has been re-translating some of the smaller files that I hadn’t had time to get to yet, so that’s awesome and a load off my shoulders too. Small steps, small steps.

On another note, for those who wanna try to play through MOTHER 3 before Smash Bros. Brawl is released outside of Japan, there’s always the MOTHER 3 Menu Patch (v1.5). I figure most people who want to avoid spoilers have already played through the patch, but I’m just tossing that reminder out there anyway πŸ™‚ Shockingly enough, downloads of the patch have actually been increasing week by week by week, which is the exact opposite of what normally happens with translation patches.

Anyway, more updates and stuff as they happen!

Posted on Thursday, January 31st, 2008 at 1:37 pm by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

72 Responses to “Battle Video and Other Tidbits”

  1. Fritz said 17 years ago:

    First Post!!!!

  2. Michie said 17 years ago:

    First post!!1

    Great job, guys. I’ve been lurking this progress for a while now, and I must say I’m impressed. Although I imported my own cartidge and beat it, I’m still going to be playing this wonderful translation you guys are working ever so hard to get to us fans. Keep up the awesome work! πŸ™‚

  3. Michie said 17 years ago:

    Aw I was beaten ;p

  4. TP said 17 years ago:

    So are you, Jeffman, and Chewey the only people working on the project anymore? It’s been a long time since an update mentioned anyone else besides you and Jeffman.

  5. Fritz said 17 years ago:

    Sorry about that. I’m a big supporter of M3FT and probably refresh this screen 80 times a day. I’ve even managed to get my roommates excited about it, which is something since none of them have even played Earthbound!

  6. kalbtrombone said 17 years ago:

    YEAH! More news and A BATTLE VIDEO!!! Looks amazing. Few things to fix, like with the names randomly cutting off at the top. I would have liked to see the footage after the team had died, but whatever. You guys are brilliant.

    Hey, what are your plans for after this project is released? Is there any intention of translating Mother 1+2? There is a group at that has got all of Mother 1 translated, and Mother 2 needs some work. They’re in a standstill, as their leader died of a stroke…

    Keep it up!!! Mother 3 FTW!!!

  7. Nico said 17 years ago:

    Other then the standard stuff (Text not going all the way to the end of the message box, items that don’t have a translated description) I noticed that Lucas name vanished, Dusters name 1/2 vanished, and Kumatora and Boneys names got messed up as well. I’m assuming this is related to the overflow bug… or am I entirely off base?

  8. fael said 17 years ago:

    hey, thanks for the vid!
    i REALLY loved the music, and since it plays an important game in the battle system, i think it’s awesome!

    thanks for the update, keep up the good job, guys!

  9. Coconut of Enlightenment said 17 years ago:

    I’m so excited for this game, especially since all the news about brawl is popping up like daisies. And I’m happy to confirm that Ness does appear in Brawl, as a secret character (just like I said he would, nyah, nyah).
    I wish there was something I could do to help. But from the looks of it, you’re going to need those super hackers to finally start contributing to the project again. I know some of them are busy making emulators and such, but shouldn’t M3 be a priority?

  10. Fishtable said 17 years ago:

    I’m so glad Boney got away.

  11. eltercero said 17 years ago:

    It looks really great!! I finished Mother3 a year ago but I will play again as soon as you finish the translation.

    keep up the good work guys, you’re great!

  12. Commander Drago said 17 years ago:

    Since when did Lucas had PK Thunder..?

    Lol at “that” hack.

    Keep up the progress!

  13. Mato said 17 years ago:

    TP: This has been answered before many times, but the short answer is yes, at the moment.

    Nico: Many of the bugs you see are discussed in a little more detail in a past update, from like a month or two ago. The player names get erased because of long item/PSI descriptions.

    Commander Drago: I think it was a result of using the game’s debug menu. When I saw it there, I was like huh??? You can even see the delay where I’m confused for a second πŸ˜‰

    kalbtrombone: See the FAQ page for info on MOTHER 1+2.

    Coconut of Enlightenment: it’s a volunteer project, dunno what to tell you.

  14. Jigga Brown said 17 years ago:

    Thank you.

  15. 7ucky said 17 years ago:

    Wow, I thought the entire world got over posting “FIRST!!1” like two years ago, but I guess not. Annoying then, annoying now.

    Ahh, so is that you haven’t been using the item descriptions and using “Item 208” instead?

  16. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Because long item and PSI descriptions still crash the main menu, I set it to use short placeholders for the time being. It’d kind of suck to try to hack the game while other stuff keeps crashing it, you know? πŸ˜‰

  17. bumblebuzzin said 17 years ago:

    good to hear that there is some progress made, every little bit helps!!

    i simply cant wait. this is going to blow my mind.

  18. psirocker said 17 years ago:

    I dunno if this has been answered before, but are you going to make the items have there whole name?

  19. Fireblend said 17 years ago:

    Looking great, keep it up!

  20. Stephen said 17 years ago:

    lol @ video: Lucky dog πŸ˜›

    w00t can’t wait! keep up the great work!

  21. Steve said 17 years ago:

    The battles functioned much better than I feared they would based on previous descriptions. Nice going!

  22. Shaun said 17 years ago:

    I would love to see this translation make it to the end. Keep it going, because you got a whole fan base behind you cheering you on.

    I still have the old SNES Earthbound game, but it’s showing it’s age. πŸ˜› I think I played it too much. πŸ˜‰

  23. Mato said 17 years ago:

    psirocker: Check the to-do list, one thing on there is to get the item names expanded.

    If for some reason we can’t get the main menu to use full names, I can at least hack it to let the battle item menu have full names. But I’d prefer to have the full names used EVERYWHERE in the game, so a lot of work will be put into that later on.

  24. Beck said 17 years ago:

    Boney and company ran away!

  25. madgolfertom said 17 years ago:

    Keep it up, guys!

  26. spam man deluxe said 17 years ago:

    Hey, you guys are doing great. Not much I can say but cheer you guys on. I saw saw your avatar on the forums the other day Tomato and just thought it was hilarious and felt bad. We appreciate it though!

  27. winfrenzy said 17 years ago:

    Its absolutely breath taking to see all of this coming together. You might think the progress is slow, but its totally awesome! Thanks for the update, as always, and good luck!

  28. Rod. said 17 years ago:

    lol, I wonder if boney can go to the hospital and revive the party? … hahaha.. we were all so glad that he got away..

    anyways… Waw.. more progress! πŸ˜€ — little as it may be, its still more steps in the right direction

    Keep up the amazing work, please πŸ™‚ And most importantly, dont stress over this too much… it WILL get done, and we are all patient here

  29. falcon2008 said 17 years ago:

    It’s been awhile since the last update, so this is great news, even if it doesn’t look very good.

    At least you guys are still making progress, yeah? Keep up the good work

  30. A Fan said 17 years ago:

    One thing I saw from RPGOne’s Mother 1 + 2 patch not mentioned in the FAQ is that they claim to have all the hacking out of the way and only need translation.

    I have no idea how true that is, however, or if they’ll have trouble with things down the line (e.g. due to length restrictions) …

  31. Dr. Meat said 17 years ago:

    Oh man, ChrisRPG died? I talked to him once in a while back when I was helping them test their FF6 patch. He seemed like a real nice guy.

    Aaaaaaaaanyway, everything continues to look great and I can’t wait to play the finished product.

  32. Zero7 said 17 years ago:

    Glad to see you guys are making progress, I can’t wait to see this done!

    Sorry to hear about ChrisRPG, I never met him but he sounds like a good guy.

  33. TheReaper said 17 years ago:

    First let me say thanks for showing another video of the game being tested with the current patch that you guys are using,also it good to hear that Jeffman has been working and fixing some difficult bugs caused by the game’s original crazy programming and Chewy thanks for showing up and helping Mato retranslate some of the smaller files.All in all progress continues in a amazing pace.

  34. Moulinoski said 17 years ago:

    I remember that place… πŸ˜› *Asks the Gaming Gods to give Tomato some more strength and at least one or two super hackers* (If you don’t get the bit about Gaming Gods, check out Ctrl-Alt-Del comics πŸ˜›

    Since you started talking about the menu patch, Mato, I’m gonna say that I’ve actually gotten pretty far using it. I estimate that I should in the middle of the penultimate chapter… And I just fought the weirdest boss in the game yet. O_o

  35. Brian said 17 years ago:

    If anyone knows, how big are the spoilers are Brawl? Would it really ruin playing Mother 3 if you saw them?

  36. Vinchenz Rock said 17 years ago:

    Awesome video.

    ‘course, I haven’t downloaded the patch because I’ve beat the game many times. I memorized the Japanese characters for everything now. XD

    But man, sure wish I could help you guys.

  37. Dr. Meat said 17 years ago:

    Brian: I wouldn’t say it’d ruin the game. It is a spoiler, but it doesn’t give away anything you couldn’t have figured out yourself.

  38. Derrek said 17 years ago:

    :'( looks great…. I appreciate all the work you guys are doing…

  39. Earthbound Mike said 17 years ago:

    Great work u r doing!
    I cant wait 2 play the game!

  40. Earthbound Mike said 17 years ago:

    PS:It is cool that both Lucas and Ness are in brawl

  41. networkassault said 17 years ago:

    What gives? I saw the translated intro on YouTube, but in the newest patch, the intro translation isn’t in. It’s cool though. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be able to play it at all. πŸ˜‰

  42. Steve said 17 years ago:

    networkassault: The menu patch translates menus, names, items, descriptions, etc. It does not contain the latest changes. They seem pretty adamant on not releasing another patch until it’s complete and I think that’s a good idea.

  43. Xalss said 17 years ago:

    I’m amazed.
    That game keepin’ stile of War Against Giygas.
    maybe when translation will be done, that game become a legend…

  44. Kaljinyu said 17 years ago:

    It’s too bad that the translation won’t be done by the time Brawl is released. I was expecting Nintendo to release Mother 3 for VC some time around when Brawl is released. Hopefully before. It doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen though.

    All of the text is translated though, right? I mean, it’s not in the game right now, but you have a dump of all of the text translated, right?

    Of the many Mother 3 translations, this one seems like the best interpretation, and if you guys have a script of all of the text, could you release that? Then we could make do with the Menu Patch.

  45. GIANTSTEP said 17 years ago:

    WOW u guys are great ^_^ i wish i cuud speak JPnese but nahhhh
    and they delayed SSBB agin to Mar. 9 πŸ™

  46. CVSSNK2 said 17 years ago:

    keep rockin’ baby

  47. LOL said 17 years ago:





  48. Kaljinyu said 17 years ago:

    Oh wait, the script needs to be revised…

    The hacking is probably taking priority over the script, but you can tell us at what percentage the script is at though, right?

  49. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Info on Script Draft #1

    There’s still draft 2, 3, and 4. I’ve just barely started Draft 2. Draft 3 will be demi’s editing, and 4 will be me doing final tweaks and formatting and such. None of this is inherently difficult, so the focus has been on the stuff that IS difficult — the hacking.

  50. Mato said 17 years ago:

    networkassault: The newest patch is from 12:00 AM 11/8/2007, as seen here. The YouTube video you saw was from mid December. Read the FAQ that comes with the patch, or read the menu patch page for details.

    Yesterday I *was* toying with the idea of doing an ugly, non-VWFy, menu-patch style translation of everything until the end of Chapter 1. But after arguing with my brain, I decided that the main project really needs my time and energy, as I already have so little of it anyway.

  51. Coconut of Enlightenment said 17 years ago:

    Well, now North America has confirmed the buzz that has been going around Japan: Ness is in Brawl. It also confirmed that he joins your party during the “Subspace Emisarry” storyline. If the storyline is Earthbound related, then NOA will have a little explaining to do to their buyers about who this red-capped boy is and where he comes from, and, with any luck, we’ll be there to fan the flames. Sweet Justice, how I’ve missed you.

  52. Steve said 17 years ago:

    Kaljinyu: I don’t know why you’d except Mother 3 on VC. There are no handheld games on the VC. I keep saying it and people keep not believing me, but I strongly believe Nintendo is going to do a VC for its next handheld system and that’s where they’ll put older handheld games. Oh, and guess what? Mother 3 won’t be on there either because it’s still SOOOO much work to localize a big, scary game like Mother 3 (poor Nintendo, with its hundreds of employees and millions of dollars, whatever will they do?).

    Wow, it seems like I gotta get bitter on Nintendo about once a week!

  53. ArashiSai said 17 years ago:

    YAY Kick ass!

    y’know, I bet you guys would be REALLY annoyed if NOA decided to release Mother 3 in USA because of Lucas’ popularity in Brawl. I would sue them for it after all the stuff you guys’ve done.

  54. Remmeth said 17 years ago:

    wow,it really sucked when all of your healing PSI was gone. in that case i would have Lucas and Boney attack,have Kumatora use pk freeze,and Duster use that item that turns foes around every turn as quick as i could.

  55. Remmeth said 17 years ago:

    whoops my bad,i thought all your healing psi was gone.sorry

  56. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Well what happened was that I realized the game freezes when you defeat that specific enemy (reason unknown right now), so rather than beat him, I was going to let him beat me on purpose, but then I realized I could probably just run away. It turned out pretty cool when I tried it, it shows off how cool the rolling HP meter can be.

  57. Remmeth said 17 years ago:

    oh,ok,thank you for hacking mother3.ive beaten three times already and still havent gotten enough of it.

  58. yo momma said 17 years ago:

    HEY! yah i was going to try and play mother 3 w/ the patch…but then i got really confused…and i dont want to use a walkthrough. So i will be waiting. Good luck guys. I kno u can do it!

  59. Failedlegend said 17 years ago:

    hey Mato or other readers everyone talking about ssbb having spoilers but HOW spoilery can it be other than maybe a battleground and being able to fight with lucas?

  60. Mato said 17 years ago:

    I’ve already seen plot spoilers in stuff Snake says about Lucas. There’s probably more than that (on top of what we already expected in the game) but I haven’t been keeping up with videos or anything.

  61. Steve said 17 years ago:

    I’ve decided to play through Mother 3 and I’m already about two hours into it. I got the (menu) patched ROM loaded into my flash cart and Mato’s guide printed out. After each play session, I go read the “Mother 3: Story Translation” by spookychee up to the point where I stopped. It works surprisingly well! As Mato has pointed out before, there are tons of visual clues, both for the gameplay and the narrative.

    I’ll probably not be coming to the blog much until I’m done since I think you’re more prone to spoilers when you know more about the game. Take it easy, everyone!

  62. Steve said 17 years ago:

    Oh, and while playing it this way is fine, it’s still no replacement for an in-game translation. πŸ™‚ I’m purposefully not reading the NPC translations (or just skimming them) so I get “extra” story when I play the fully patched game.

  63. bumblebuzzin said 17 years ago:

    hey mato, just out of curiosity,

    are you in contact with the other hackers?

  64. Mato said 17 years ago:


  65. Rawlandsabeast said 17 years ago:

    Working through the night Jeffman fixed the Broken Translation Issues.
    The Broken Translation Issues became Mother 3 in English!

  66. Tonto said 17 years ago:

    ^I lold.

  67. Moulinoski said 17 years ago:

    Heh heh… Jeffman certainly lives up to Jeff, doesn’t he? XD

  68. ArashiSai said 17 years ago:

    ZOMG you guys rock!

    Oh, yeah, Claus is an official color change for Lucas in Brawl!
    I saw it on A Wi-Fi match and he had orange hair and everything
    Keep up the good work!
    btw, how’re you doing with the sprite text?

  69. A Fan said 17 years ago:

    Rawlandsbeast: Yeah, good idea! That’s certainly the Itoi way of solving this little translation problem.

    Let’s just gather up some IQ Capsules, rock candy and sugar packets for Jeffman and Mato, then we can introduce some zombies and the Sharks to a baseball bat so there’s enough money in the ATM to stay at that nice hotel.

    Somebody pester that guy in the lobby 20 times or so, too. I bet he’ll give us $50 to leave him alone if we bother him enough times… I’m just glad he didn’t call the cops instead.

  70. Rawlandsabeast said 17 years ago:

    Yes, the rock candies, IQ capsels, and sugar packets are all good ideas, but they’ll be USELESS if Jeffman doesn’t sell off though frakin broken spray cans!!
    Oh, and here’s to run on sentences!

  71. Zeroblue said 17 years ago:

    I totally wish I thought of relating Jeffman to Jeff in that way.

  72. Rawland said 17 years ago:

    Sorry Zeroblue, but being awesome is what I do.