Updated To-Do List
Mostly a bunch of little cosmetic things done in the last day. Here’s an example. It’s like those things they have in newspapers — see if you can spot all four differences ๐
Before After
Simple stuff like that is what’s happened in the last day.
Oh yeah, can’t forget that I changed stuff to make the game say “To whom” and “On whom” where necessary, rather than always “To whom”. Japanese doesn’t make a distinction between “on” and “to” in cases like that, so that had to be added in. Now people can stop bugging me about that ๐
Other things going on too, Jeffman is looking at how to do the sprite text welding, which is a very important (and complicated) hack we need. This will fix many things, and most of all, will allow us to have very long item descriptions rather than what we’re limited to now. At the moment, if we go over that limit, the game will do that evil, evil scary-sounding crash, as seen in that old video showcasing game bugs.
When I can, I’ve been working on translating enemy descriptions, but it’s slow-going because of screen space limitations, storage space limitations, and trying to format stuff to look good. Not to mention trying to cram all of the original Japanese text’s meaning into so few English words. Each enemy takes maybe 5-20 minutes, and there are like 200 enemies in this list. Slow enemy translations are slow.

People’ve been asking for an updated hacking to-do list, so here’s one real quick. I’m very sure I’m forgetting stuff, and I’m sure other things will pop up, but here goes.
Main Script Hacking:
- Hack the game to make it not ignore control codes after 33 characters. This may be very evil to hack, but it should fix most of the the main script overflows.
- Hack the game to allow lines to be as long as we need them to be. One of the toughest things of all.
- Figure out why chunks of text don’t get displayed on the screen, or why they sometimes look weird. Then fix this. Very tough.
- Make sure all these hacks work with all text speeds.
- Make scrolly text display fully. Related to #2.
- Try to make scrolly text not make sprites blink. Not essential, but would be very nice to have.
- Add in new control codes for things like a, an, the, some, he, she, it, they, them, etc. EarthBound had some of this reprogramming done to it too, and it made things sound nicer and more professional.
Gray Name Box Hacking:
- Do some “cheating” hacks to make names right at the name length limit look better.
- Make the game load enemy names from the abbreviated name list that I created, as that list is in 16-bit. Right now it loads from the 8-bit list and this makes certain names look like garbled gunk. Should be straightforward.
- Fix the 8×8 font up a bit and tweak some width values.
- Fix some strange, rare bugs with the VWF that’s used for these name boxes.
- Make the gray box fit the name correctly. It currently assumes each letter is 8 pixels, so it extends too far out.
- Move the name text up 1 pixel.
- Hack it so the name box can print 8-letter player names correctly. It currently barfs and prints crazy stuff in such cases.
Menu Hacking:
- Get the sprite text VWF to do what we call “sprite welding”. A tough hack, but not insanely so.
- Allow for item names that are at LEAST 18 letters long. We’re stuck at 8 or 9 letters right now and that’s absolutely unacceptable. This also affects PSI names and skill names, so this is pretty important overall anyway.
- Make the music player’s text-centering code work correctly. Right now it assumes 10 pixels for each letter.
- Write an 8-bit hack for some control codes used in menu text. Or revert various things back to 16-bit, which would be easier.
- Fix the naming screen, for now you have to hit B a few times before you can name things. It’s weird.
- Hack the naming screen menu to work and look and act nicely.
- Allow for 8-letter names.
- Figure out how to re-order some of the things used in what we call “menus1”, so that “Nut XX DP Sell?” can be changed to something like, “Sell this Nut for XX DP?” The game hard-codes this arrangement and it’s lame in English.
Battle Stuff Hacking:
- Look more into the old ugly bug that cuts off hooks in item menus. It may be gone now. Not sure.
- Figure out why long description text erases player names, then fix this. It may be as easy as a call to an existing function, or it may be hell itself.
- Add control codes for he, she, it, a, an, the, they, cohort, cohorts, etc.
- Try to hack things so the intro text doesn’t sound so convoluted, as the Japanese version always assumes the enemy name comes first.
- Hack special text boxes and other important things that appear later in the game.
Misc. Hacking:
- Replace the 1-second Japanese sound clip from the middle of the game with an English clip. Already done some work related to this, and it will probably be pretty straightforward.
- Insert some sort of intro screen/disclaimer screen thing.
- Possibly add in whatever hacks are needed to make the game work properly on emulators and real systems. For some reason, some emus and flash cards have trouble with MOTHER 3, but I think sblur found a fix or something. I forget.
- Add in extra little stuff (like that silver star thing) if we feel up to it and if it doesn’t take much time. This has very low priority though and should be saved for last.
Of course, none of this includes all the remaining translation and editing and testing work that’s still needed.
So, if you’re an avid follower of the project, you can print out that list and cross stuff off as it gets done.
That’s all for now, good night.
Woohoo, first comment:) Man, I’ve really got to find something better to do…:(
Excellent work! I enjoy reading your updates.
Dang I wanted to be is the winner.
anyway seems to be quite a bit left to do but I am sure the team is up for it ๐
Woah, it looks good. It looks like the to-do list has shrunk a bit since last time, but I hope you guys take your time on tackling the remaining issues. Good job.
There’s a lot more left to do than I thought. ๐ Well, I got what I wanted. This will mean more big hacking adventures are still to come!
(Whoops. I almost sound more interested in the progress than the goal of the translation. ๐ )
Keep at it, team! History is being made! :w00t:
hey mato, can we have a video with the next update?
I’ve never read a “To don’t” list. However, I prefer “To do” lists. They mean progress. Thanks guys!
i’ll make a decewnt donation when i get the chance
fuck i can’t wait for this game
I love the Mole Cricket description. LOVE it!
The 4 things changed between the 2 pictures are
moved give & drop to the right a few pixels
moved the cursor on the ‘to whom’ left and up a few pixels
changed OFE to OFF
changed DFE to DEF
Thanks for the list Mato. However I am wondering, how many of the professional translators are actively working on this? You guys are doing a great job, but I’m just curious as how much of this has to be handled by you/Jeff, than the professionals (no insults intended! :D). Thanks ๐
^ Actually I meant professional hackers, as I know you are already a professional translator Mato. Sorry for double post.
She gets close..so very close.
A lot of stuff to do,but you guyz are awesome and will do them!
Good luck!!!
word up. and remember. This is important, but everyone needs to go out with the guys and hit the bar every once and a while. So do it up, keep up the mother 3 goodness, but keep it real.
Just thought I’d post the pictures I took of the article that ran in Nintendo Power that mentioned M3.
Great work, Good luck, yada yada. xD
Yay. It looks smaller now.
I wonder how many months it will take to complete everything on those lists.
keep up the good work… when the patch comes out im gonna get a gba flash cart just so i dont need to use my pc to play Mother3.
Fingers crossed they make a 3 in 1 pack of all the mother games on ds, that will be released in English.
What is the estimated release date JK JK. Thanks for the hard work I’m sure we’ll all enjoy it.
nice update!
compared to the last to-do list, it really shows how much this project is becoming real ^_^
Can I ask you something? in the misc hacking you mentioned you have to make Mother 3 rom work better in flashcards, roms, etc… In my flashcard, even though I patched it in order to play on it (and to let me save) It won’t let me save anyways…
Did anyone notice the Nintendo Power page that said, “unfortunally, the dialogue would take ages to translate into english” How long did it take Mato to translate it? I don’t think it was ages. Hmm, who wants to speculate on the real reason?
Great work of this group of translation.
I’m European, of spain, and I admired your work
( sorry for the bad english )
Ooh, it’s lookin’ smexy!
That’s a long list of stuff. O_o By the way things were going, it seemed as if you might have been able to release it before Brawl yet… Well, whatever it takes! I hope the game decides to be nice to you from now on!
Thanks for updating so often. It really makes the wait easier to bear, and reveals just how hard you all are working.
And most of all, thanks for working so hard!! You guys are the best!
Man, you guys make me feel like I suck at computers and text formating, etc.
whatever, don’t stop!
i check this entirely too much.
Gee guys, thanks for the picture of the half-naked guy that says I’m a winner. Wow, listening to myself say that sounds kind of wrong… ๐ Where’d you get that pic from, anyway?
I’ve just been messing around with an idea…
If you want the down part where you type in your reply to look like this: http://www.geocities.com/thenewreplynotice/newcommentbox.jpg
there’s just 2 easy steps to it!
Here’s how: http://www.geocities.com/thenewreplynotice/howto.txt
Please…. don’t hesitate to reject this idea.. i wont be offended or anything silly like that… and it wouldn’t have been a waste of my time because it didn’t take too long to do and i did it for fun anyways..
Question… The translation guide I played with listed one chapter’s title as “Anything and Everything, Everything and Anything.” In the menu patch, this was changed to a simpler (and less striking to me) “All Things”. Why the change, or is the shorter version more accurate?
fael: video of what? Menus aren’t that exciting, and there’s still plenty of work left to do on the menus, so it seems kind of pointless. If you got good suggestions, then maybe.
brandon: We’re not accepting donations, and no money is involved with this project.
A. Waters: Actually, the cursor thing isn’t a change, it sort of “bounces” and I didn’t take a pic of it in the exact same spot. The give and drop things I counted as individual changes.
Kaizer Sigma: There are no professional hackers. I don’t think any such thing exists (except when “hacking” refers to other types of hacking). Right now, it’s mostly just Jeffman and me.
Kousuke: That’s the thing that I think sblur fixed long ago, but I don’t know how he did it right now, so it’s not part of the menu patch. The final patch should hopefully have that fix included. With emulators, you might have to change your SRAM size settings to make it save correctly.
Eddward: Yeah, that’s a bunch of nonsense, it’s no bigger than a normal RPG these days. The real problem lies with the business people.
The King and Queen of Cheese: That’s what happens to people who think they’re cool for posting first ๐ I believe the game is from an old 8-bit wrestling game, I can’t recall the game, but I did like it as a kid, and it had this weird fishman guy you could play, I think his name was Amazon.
Rod: reid is the HTML guy so anything like that I’d prefer him to handle. What looks and acts good in one browser might look ugly and wrong in others, so for now I’m going to keep it as it is, even if it isn’t that pretty. I appreciate the thought, though.
otherhand: First, any phrase in Japanese can be translated dozens of ways into English, so it’s not exactly a “change”. Also, there’s only so much room in the ROM and on the screen for the title. Ideally, I’d have done something like, “All Good Things…”, except “good” is obviously not something that describes what’s going on. I could explain further, but I’d prefer to do it after the game is done. This is definitely not the place for stuff that will lead to spoilers.
You guys… Keep fighting! We’re all thinking about ya, back here. King’s got one hell of a beef, though (come on king! show him your beef! Aaahhhh, he can’t see anything anyway!).
You wouldn’t believe it. Your father actually came home. Isn’t that just amazing!? I never thought my sweet hubby would break out like that.
Woops! I’ve gotta make sure this bread doesn’t rise too quickly, so I hope you don’t mind me running off.
As ever, let me know if you need any help with the translation, sweeties! I’m an expert.
Looking great as always, keep up the great work. I really love these frequent updates. Oh and I’d rather wait for a new video once changes are even more noticeable. Maybe even a comparison video so we can realize how much you guys have advanced through the project, I’d say changes in the menu/font etc would be much more noticeable if we were watching it side to side with an older version.
Actually, once this is finished, you should make a documentary on the project’s development with interviews/history and everything; that’d be great (and definitely somehow amusing) xD
Keep it up!
What. The. Heck. Hay!?! O_o I hope to God you were trying to act like Ness’ mother in that post… o_.
Mato: Oooh! I know that game! I used to play it with Wes before I even had a NES, when I was a little kid. It was always Starman vs. the Amazon with us, I think I played as the Amazon.
Here’s a link to info on it:
Hi Mato,
Just for us curious people, can you also tell us about the script translation, and how is the second draft coming?
K:”I really feel this endeavour is shining with talent!”
I have the PPF tranlation but i dont now what iso file to put for the patch so i cant play the translation game can somme one help me.
The hacking to do list is getting smaller day by day.
Pls help me i have the ppf system but i dont now what iso file to put for the mother 3 patch PLS HELP i want to play the game today ๐
Joker69: The ROM is your “ISO file”.
See here: Applying the Menu Patch
THx allot man
sory to bother you again but i did exactly what you said and now my visual advance emulator 1.6a cant play the mother 3 rom that i have which is (DGMU.com2376 mother3(J)(wrg) i dont now if its my rom that is the problem
sory for my english
My rom whas working tho just before i used the ppf
Can somme one tell me where can i download the mother 3 rom in japaneese becoase my other one dont work anymore ๐
Would anyone be able to link me to a site which would tell me how to apply the final patch to a ROM in Linux? I know the final patch is nowhere near done, I just want to know how to do it. I use Ubuntu Linux, so a site that dealt with GNOME programs would be great. Thanks so much.
Sorry man but do you now wich website i can download the mother 3 rom (J)
Common guys for sure one of you guys now where i can download the mother 3 rom (J) pls tell me
keep up the great work!
sorry for repeating myself but i would really like to now where i can download the mother 3 rom (J)
Use Google.
Please don’t fill this place up with your ROM requests. If we distributed the ROM or linked people to the ROM, we’d be in even bigger legal trouble.
Just use a search engine like everyone else.
kevindubrow: We don’t know what format the final patch will be in, so it’s too early to say. It’ll either be in PPF or possibly some format byuu is working on/connected to.
When the time comes, we’ll have instructions for most operating systems.
Joker69 – they’re not going to tell you where to download the ROM at. Good luck on your own.
Here’s the exact quote from the FAQ page:
Where can I get a MOTHER 3 ROM?
We donโt distribute the MOTHER 3 ROM, youโll need to acquire that yourself. Search engines are useful for this sort of thing.
how long did it take you to find it just curious lol
Huzzah, 56th comment!
Saverio: Work on the 2nd draft has barely started. The script stuff doesn’t have any difficult technical hurdles like the hacking does, so I started lending my hand with the hacking a few months ago to keep the project from stagnating. I’ve also been translating other things, like enemy descriptions and other little files here and there. When I get back to the script stuff, I’ll let people know our regular progress there too.
Joker69: Two minutes. I tried just now.
Yes, if you download ROMs regularly, you should know a good stable of places to try and find them. If not, then you could always try and Email someone for a link as a last resort. But the point stands that nobody will give you a ROM of Mother 3 here.
@ Mato: It does seem like a good idea to leave the script as sort of the last big thing to do. Not much use for it if you can’t put it into the game correctly, eh?
I FOUND IT 3:00 hours lol
Hi there!
I’ve been following this proyect from some time ago, and I MUST say it: you guys are really, really amazing. The translation is looking very pro, and I love that I will be able to play this game one day. Take as much time as you need, just do it the way you’re doing it.
Sorry if my English isn’t perfect, I’m from Chile.
Oh, and by the way, I’m not sure if there are plans to translate the game to other languages, but I’d enjoy playing a part in a English-Spanish translation. I don’t know a thing about hacking, but I may be a good translator. It’s just an offer.
That’s it. Long post.
Keep the GREAT work!!
is it just be or has stupid people posts seem to increased quite a bit right after Tomato requested that fourm regulars help deal with these people
almost as if its someone trying to discorage him
GUYS!!! It appears Ness may have been accidentally confirmed for Brawl!
Check this thread on Smashboards:
Oh please let Ness in be Smash Brawl!
Great Work people! I hope to see this in the spring.
Holy macaroni!
NESS and two other characters seem to be included in BRAWL, according to these posts (this ain’t no joke).
Someone registered at starmen.net should inform them!
Some peeps are saying that it’s not Ness, but rather, the pokรฉmon trainer.
See post #311
It’s Ness. There’s a picture of Pokemon Trainer in the picture that confirms Lucario and Jigglypuff, then there’s another picture with Ness next to Lucas on the Claus sticker.
You guys are awesome. Keep up the great work!
Mato: Thanks for the response, I will research this topic myself and see what programs may be useful when the time comes. Also, (I know you hear it a lot) thank you so much for your work.
Heh, I like how the screenshot is of our friend, the mole cricket (“okera” in Japanese, right?)
I had no idea that little guy was so optimistic. I wonder if he still is now that he’s in a frame on my wall? Well, okay, there are several types and the mole cricket I have isn’t the Japanese mole cricket, but still… ๐
Ha! I love the new disclaimers above the comment box. Things are looking great and that To-Do List is making me tingle inside!
You can bet I’ll be checking it off as you guys post more updates ๐
Hey, mato, would it be possible to release some of the early game script so we could use it to play the Japanese version and understand what is going on somewhat at least in the early levels?
there are already such translations avable not nessaserally by this team though
A Fan: It’s more like he always has a positive outlook on things than optimistic, but there are technical limits to how long descriptions can be, so I had to use “optimistic” instead. I think the general feel is still there, though.
Negi – the version is full of bugs, so you wouldn’t get anywhere. You’ll just have to be patient until el patcho comes out.
Mato: I wonder if you can beat him by putting him in a tennis ball can and then tossing that in the freezer, like I killed the one I have mounted? ๐
I’d say that’s ridiculous, but I can’t necessarily put that past the Mother 3 folks… I mean, they could have tennis rackets in addition to baseball bats as weapons for all I know (I’ve avoided most spoilers), and you could always use some kind of ice-based PSI on it…
Well, I guess I might have used a killing jar filled with a plaster bottom on which you drip a few drops of ethyl acetate to kill it. Doubt M3 has *that* … the pharmacist I bought that from thought I was crazy for wanting something like that, and he was a family friend, or I’d have probably been arrested for trying to make drugs or something. I doubt many others would’ve understood anything about why some kid was studying entomology or what I was doing with chemicals like that and telling them it was for a “killing jar” sure wouldn’t help any…
Heh ๐
how can a script on a computer be full of bugs?
Sorry butt, I thought the guy was asking for a beta of the patch. Spookychee’s script translation is available on Gamefaqs for those who want to look at it.
Hey what’s the E-mail address gonna be for the notification E-mails? I would like have mine sent to my Wii, but I have to register the sender before I can revice their E-mails.
We don’t know yet. We still haven’t decided how we’re gonna send these e-mails out when the time comes. Right now we’re sitting between 10,000 and 11,000.
By hand, of course ๐
Tomato, if i give you my home address, will you mail the patch to me?
Keep up the great work guys, America is behind you 100%
you beter just stick to downloading it mitch
I’m pretty excited about this. It looks very professional already.
I think i’m going to have to force myself to stop reading this blog. I waste way too much time here, and it just makes me impatient for the translation to finish.
man im addicted. i check whenever i get the chance. oh wells. GO (unified) team GO!
Loving the progress you guys are making, seems like you all are getting the smaller task out of the way.
To bad not everyone in your team can work on it. If so this project could be further than you all currently are.
I haven’t posted a comment in a while but i’ve been checking in once in a while, great work mato as always getting the job done. keep it up guys i am holding off from buying brawl before this comes out BOO SPOILERS lol! and as for idiots constantly asking for roms cut it out how many places do the staff have to post “we will not provide, a link or direct download for any rom” jeez.
TJ, the thing is, the people that can be bothered to certain things themselves will not be bothered to search out the information. :/
I am actually already on Chapter 7 using the menu patch and lately, Tomato’s own bare-bones (or rather, bare bare-bones) walkthrough. ๐ The game’s hard as heck but what I do is I leave my money away from my party and I keep fighting monsters, even if they kill me. Eventually, I become strong enough to beat the enemies. ๐ What Mato’s been saying about the game being so well done that even if you don’t understand the language you can still get some things is true, too. Some parts are funny even without 100% knowing what is going on, and some parts are truly somber, again conveyed only through the graphics.
I hope no spoilers slipped through… O.O
Just wanted to say that your updates are nice to read. You write very well.
Hey guys,
About the character length problem: I’m not sure if it’s possible to do this on a translation hack, but I have, and am willing to contribute a set of pixel font that’s relatively compact and only 10 pixel high. Might be a little hard to read, but will save a lot of space (for enemy names, descriptions, character dialogue boxes, etc.)
Here’s a very early version of it from a year ago. Today, the Latin alphabet characters are finished, and I expanded the family to include a straight (non-italic) variety. I am also willing to design special characters/dingbats, should need ever arises.
PLease email me if you’re interested and I can help at all. Thanks!
Bram Pitoyo: To gauge the font’s usefulness you could take a previously posted screen shot and recreate the text using this font to see how much space may be saved. I’m just talking about graphical manipulation, not hacking it.
I think non-italics would be a good idea.
However, even if the font does save space, I bet the general consensus would be that the Earthbound font HAS to be used. NOA is crap for not localizing Mother 3, but apparently anything they do localize is godly.
We’re going to be using the classic Earthbound font in the end. The things we need to do can definitely be done, it’s just going to take some time because most of the hackers are currently very busy. Tomato and I have been pumping out the last couple weeks of update material exclusively. ๐
I went to the menu patch and i do understand some Japanese but i figured id wait for mato’s full patch to be released before i play it all the way through to make sure i dun miss anything.
Bram Pitoyo: Yeah, the problem is with technical stuff, not font stuff. Plus the font I think you’re wanting to change is only allowed to be 8 pixels tall ๐ Appreciate the offer though, but we’re gonna go with the EB font when possible.
I can tell the differences! Offense, Defense, a margin next to the cursors on the left.. but I missed a fourth. :/
In any case, I’m impressed by you and Jeffman’s work, Tomato. Thanks for your great and continued work. If only the other hackers had the time and could post articles about new developments too– that’d be beyotchin 8)
Nice work guys, keep at it we’re counting on you!!!
soo …. whats goin on? ๐
๐ฏ Wow. I can see why this won’t be finished before Brawl comes out. That’s a month and a half away. You’d have to sell your souls to the devil to get it done. You’re my heroes if you get it done by the end of the year. Sheesh. I’m going to shut up and let you work now. Keep it up!
This is awesome, but I have one concern.
Would this affect Mother 3’s localization/release to the US?
^ WHAT localization/release to the US…?
No, if it were to be released here. You know, an official one. ๐
Nintendo currently has no plans to release Mother 3 in the US. This translation was held off for some time in case it was.
They’d stop this translation dead in its tracks. Its in the FAQs or somewhere. ๐
Oviousey not going to happen
Maybe down the line if they make anouther compilation like mother 1&2 for GBA. Maybe mother 1,2 & 3 for the Wii, DS or next generation handheld
I wish I could help!
looks great guys
butt: I’d say the main thing the do-it-yourself devotion campaign did is alert NOA about the enthusiasm for this game so when a remake or compilation comes along, they’ll take notice and hopefully release it here. It was way too late for NOA to bring over a GBA game that didn’t have “Final Fantasy” in the title!
Don’t forget to replace the Japanese health and safety screen with the English one if you haven’t done so already.
How important is THAT screen?! XD Either way, I think they already changed it, Mike.
psirocker: We waited until we were absolutely sure there wasn’t going to be an official version of MOTHER 3. If, by some weird chance, they decide to release an official version, then we’ll stop immediately. If they make this decision after the patch is released, then they’re bums, because they’re fully aware of this project already.
Mike: We’ve already had the English one in for many months.
Everyone else: very little has happened in the last few days, so that’s where there isn’t an update.
Sence the health and safty screen is pointless why not just moify it to be your anti Ebay screen
So according to the latest Nintendo Power which contains a feature on Japan only games, the real reason that Mother 3 never came out in English was that “Unfortunately, the dialogue would take ages to translate into English, making the game’s chances of one day releasing here even more slim.”
So even without access to the source code as Nintendo would have, how are those “ages” coming along? ๐
Also, someone mentioned the health and safety screen. Since this is an unofficial patch and all, can’t you just remove it? ๐ฎ
^Why would they do that? Do you want people to be unheathy and unsafe?!
Really, though, I think it’s a matter of the group having more important things to do.
I’d like to keep it in. It shouldn’t be too tough to add our own new screen elsewhere.
Anyway, not very important news or anything, but the # of Menu Patch 1.5 downloads finally JUST surpassed the # of MP 1.0 downloads. What’s interesting is that the rate of downloads of patch 1.5 didn’t slow down *that* much compared to 1.0. I thought it’d take twice as long to catch up. But I guess word about the game’s been spreading more and more as Brawl gets closer and as people remember/discover the EB series.
Hey, Mato, seeing how exophase is working on this project, will it work with GPSP? That would be freakin awesome.
I suspect it’s actually possible that the incredibly huge hacking hurdles may even be contributing to NOA’s reluctance to take on this game themselves.
Remember, they’d have to [i]pay[/i] people to do this stuff for them. Ahahahahaha.
I’d be fairly amused if NOA is watching this site like vultures and waiting for a certain degree of completion before dropping a “Cease and Desist.. and by the way, give us all your work so far”.
Tagrineth: NOA wouldn’t have to hack, they’d just have to make adjustments to the source code and recompile. The difficulty arises when you don’t have the source code and have to infer what is going on by looking at values in memory and interpreting the machine code used directly by the GBA processors.
I have no inside info on how it is all done, but I imagine a small team of programmers and writers working on this game full-time WITH source code would be done in 2-3 months, followed by more time testing it.
Check out the JPN Brawl update. Brawl will include demos of character’s respective games. One of the games featured was Earthbound. I wonder if they will have an Mother 3 demo for Lucas as well?
@ butt
your link made me LOL.
@Tagrineth mother3 is not much differint than many outher RPG games. There is one and only one reason Nintendo did not bring it to the North America and Eurpo that is because they did not think it would sell here. Anyone saying anything differint is ether lieing or being lied to. This includes Nintendo Power magazine.
Man, everytime I think translation might be making some significant progress, I always end up astounded by how massive the project really is.
Well, keep at it, we’re all rooting for you all.