Preview Of Our Prologue

17 years ago by Mato

Argh, up way too late working on this tonight. So I’m gonna make this quick. For now, here’s a short video I made of the game’s prologue (aka the first 10 minutes) in action. Nothing really spoilery, but it’s everything in the prologue up to right before Chapter 1 starts. Which really isn’t very much stuff. Oh well. Anyway, here is Mr. Video.

Sorry for the horrible audio desynch, especially near the end. I have no idea how to make VBA synch its audio any better. Anybody got any tips? That’s why all these past videos have had music clips playing instead of the real audio 😉

Today, one of my easy goals I set for myself was to reapply a few old hacks that I had forgotten about. Most of these involved things like the intro to the game and scrolling text, which appears near the very beginning of the game, too. So today I spent a ton of time at that part of the game.

But what I thought was an easy task wound up being absurdly evil and crazy, so many hours were spent staring at stuff. Jeffman and sblur showed up to help too, they rock. Eventually, after working late into the night, we fixed (I think) what we needed to get fixed. In doing so, things have gotten awesomer. Still so much work to do on the whole project though 😯

Anyway, it was getting late and I had gone through the prologue so much that I was like, hey, I should make a video of the prologue working and looking decent, people might like that. So I made one. It’s not a very good video, but hopefully people might enjoy it anyway. The big problems appear at the end with the scrolling text, as you can see in the video. Too tired to explain other stuff right now, though. Maybe another time 😛

Can’t forget to mention that Jeffman showed up out of nowhere and did some awesome work today too. Particularly some hacks of some compressed graphics, which is usually very messy and unfun stuff. He made it seem like child’s play, though.

As always, if you don’t care about spoilers or anything, check out this thread for new pics and stuff that I refrain from posting on this blog. Always neat and funny stuff, but a lot of it is stuff I can’t show to people who haven’t played the game yet 😛

Alright, that’s it for today! Good job Itoi, you can move on to the next stage now!

Posted on Friday, December 14th, 2007 at 4:03 am by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

43 Responses to “Preview Of Our Prologue”

  1. Saturn Coffee said 17 years ago:


    You’ve probably been told this a number of times, but the work that you do is very difficult, and it means a lot to us. So thank you again, because I don’t know how many times we can actually thank you for what you are all undertaking with this.

    It’s very cool to see that we’ve come far enough to see the first 10 minutes of the game in a presentable form! This is a huge step in the right direction! ONWARD!

  2. Mad Dean said 17 years ago:


    As one of the adoring audience that lines your pavement, I’m just glad that some progress is being made in this department. I’d say something cheesy like, “Earthbound forever!,” but I’ll leave it at “Earthbound sometime!”

    Keep on truckin’, mon ami.

  3. Beck said 17 years ago:

    I appreciate all of the work that you people are putting into this project. I hope you can finish this within the next few years.

  4. Pseudonym said 17 years ago:

    Besides and my Email, this is the only other website I check for updates.

    Beck: Next few years? Screw You. Be optimistic.

  5. Phil said 17 years ago:


    Seeing the progress in ACTION like THIS really shows just how much is getting done!

    I know there’s still a lot of work left to do but I’m more than confident that the end result will exceed anything Nintendo probably would have released officially 😛

  6. Vague Rant said 17 years ago:

    It took me years to realise that VBA’s sound emulation was actually pretty good. I had always thought it must have been super-tough to get right or something, and so gritted my teeth and bore it. Incidentally: putting cliches in the past tense? Harder than I expected. Anyway, I don’t remember for sure what I did to get sound working right all of a sudden, but I think it might have been disabling the throttle. It sounds like a bad idea, I know, but give it a shot.

    Also, this is my first comment, so obligatory thank you stuffs go here.

  7. bumblebuzzin said 17 years ago:


    things are looking great!

    its great to see you all working together!

  8. Vague Rant said 17 years ago:

    I suspect myself of being filled with lies. Playing with the throttle off doesn’t work at all. Give me a minute and I’ll try to figure out what I did.

    OK, an addendum: running with the throttle disabled gives me insane speeds in windowed mode, but the game runs perfectly in full screen mode. So, I don’t exactly know the math of that, or whether it’ll work for anyone else, but hey, no harm in trying.

  9. Newspapercrane said 17 years ago:

    I think… I love you.

  10. cant wait to play-_- said 17 years ago:

    This is the first i’v seen of the game it looks good(HOLIDAY FUN FEST)

  11. skipboris said 17 years ago:

    Looks great! I can’t wait for the finished product!!!!

  12. fael said 17 years ago:

    A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. it just felt like the first time with EB, more than 10 years ago.
    i haven’t heard a lot from M3’s story, but i think EB’s was better: the metorite, the chosen one, Pokey and his grudge, hell, even saving was funny… now, a frog?
    i hope this gets more earthbound-ish than the first 10 minutes, please tell me it is so, Mato!

    however great work!

  13. Mato said 17 years ago:

    fael: I’d say the story is much better in M3. The first 10 minutes aren’t really representative of the whole thing, not by a long shot. If you check all the other videos though, you’ll see plenty of weird EB goofiness. M3 is more serious than EB, but it’s also got a better story IMO.

  14. fael said 17 years ago:

    ok, that’s quite conforting coming from you. as i said, i have not heard a lot from M3, but i have high hopes in it.
    altough, these ten minutes are awesome, i can’t wait to see how much awesomer will be the rest
    thanks, keep up the good work and happy holidays

  15. Ixis said 17 years ago:

    I’m so glad you guys edited that engrish “Welcome to Mother 3 World”

  16. Psychic Boy Genius said 17 years ago:

    wow, Mato, this is so the best, and I applaud you for making it this far into the translation hack. 😀

  17. Z. Mortimer said 17 years ago:

    fael: From the outlook of playing with a translation guide, the game is still awesome, the story’s great. It’s like EarthBound, but much more “grown up,” in a way. I can’t imagine how much better it’ll be when I’m playing with this translation though, because Tomato’s working on it, and he has been known to eat, sleep, and drink the Mother series exclusively. So he’ll make sure little nuances in the text stay in their rightful form of hilarity and EarthBoundy-ness, because he just plain out knows his stuff.

    Thanks Tomato for the video! It was very impressive. Also, I didn’t know about that extra nut bread at the beginning ^_^

  18. mazoboom said 17 years ago:

    Haha, I know the scrolling text is still buggy, but I couldn’t help laughing at “Claus, Lucas, and I were always thin”

  19. Tonto said 17 years ago:

    Omigawd awesome I want to play.

    You guys rock very much.

  20. Demolisho said 17 years ago:

    I see that this project is really a struggle for you, and I appreciate all the work that has been put into it. I’ve really been waiting a long time for this project, and I hope it’s done soon.

  21. tibbs said 17 years ago:

    This teaser was so cruel…
    I want to play soooo badly! T_T

    I’ve been playing the Prologue 5 times already on my DS with the menu patch, but I always stop at chapter 1 so as not to spoil myself to play with the final release… and everytime I want to go a bit further in the game, but NO! I have to resist! HELP!
    So now, seeing it like that, OMG!
    But I know how hard it is thanks to these updates and all your work… Thanks! (again! ^^)

  22. Moulinoski said 17 years ago:

    Jesus Crust, the scrolling text at the end must be one heck of a mess if it comes out like that. D: Hopefully, with December already maturing, some of the other hackers will get enough free time to work on M3 with, Mato.

  23. TheReaper said 17 years ago:

    What a great video of the Prologue translated,thats pretty much all I have played in mother 3 cause I want to wait for the complete english patch to play the rest of the game and its good that Jeffman and sblur showed up to help.

  24. butt said 17 years ago:

    My sound seems to sink up much better than in you video useing VBA

    I would advise tampering with the things in the sound tab under options

  25. Mato said 17 years ago:

    butt: the sync problem occurs when recording video only. Playing the game normally, it works pretty decently. I already messed with options, I had to play the prologue like 5 times just to get the version you see now 😛

  26. Steve said 17 years ago:

    Correction: The video isn’t at all spoilery because it starts at the beginning of the game!!! 🙂

    Anyway, that was beautiful! I’m glad one of your teammates was able to help out. This is pretty much as far as I played on my own and it already makes 100% more sense to me so the localization is doing its job, even with the Hinawa letter cutoffs.

    Whoooo! Makes my day!!!

  27. A Fan said 17 years ago:

    Mato: browse through

    I _know_ that, somewhere, they keep a special build of VBA that has desynch fixes of all kinds. You may have to check their forums, etc. but I know that they produce VBA videos that are properly synched, just not all the details on how they do it 🙂

    These are guys who use frame-perfect timing to play the games as fast as possible, after all. Lack of synch breaks everything.

    I assume the info you need is on a FAQ page or in their forums. I’d find you the right information directly, but I’m at work right now 🙁

  28. Mother 3 bound said 17 years ago:

    hey guys it seems to be coming along great thank you very much for your dedication even though you all have real lives .

  29. butt said 17 years ago:

    In that case it seems like it would be easyer to manually sync the 2 useing video editing software

  30. butt said 17 years ago:

    this simple tool should be quite effective

  31. butt said 17 years ago:

    at least it would be if the delay was constant but it seems to be changeing as the video goes along

    possiple but too much trouble oww well I tryed

  32. Aubrey McFate said 17 years ago:

    Can’t wait, keep up the good work!

  33. A Fan said 17 years ago:

    Had a little more time after the office Christmas party. I recommend looking into these parts of the TASVideos site:

    [Special VBA versions they use may help?]

    [Thread about someone else having AVI desynch troubles]

    [Some other thread about the newest special VBA version they use]

    Given that they do little except make videos of random video games using emulators (well, that and beat the games in frame-perfect fashion), I’m SURE that they have the information you need somewhere whether I’ve found it or not 🙂

  34. Alaska Nebraska said 17 years ago:

    To be honest, I think “Yours and the boys’ forever, Hinawa” is a little more heartfelt complimentary close to her letter, but otherwise, it’s good. The scrolling text looks tough enough to manage, anyway…I wish I knew how to iron the little buggers that popped-up here and there…but excellent progress. It’s faithful and excellent. At least Chapter 6 will be easier than most. >>;

  35. P-Flute said 17 years ago:

    Do you know why we stopped the car again?

    That’s because you just got your Itoi.

    Seriously, I’m looking forward to this more and more. You guys will probably be the sole reason I invest in the stuff to actually play this finished patched on a real GBA/DS.

  36. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Heh, someone got that joke finally 🙂 Nobody got the poop one though. Guess I should stick to translating and not humor 😛

  37. Bob said 17 years ago:

    Must…play…M3…in english…blarghhhhhhh
    *head explodes*

    Anyway, the translation’s looking nice. Keep up the good work!

    Oh yeah, one last thing. This is probably the stupidest/worst suggestion ever, but you could try (if you haven’t already) using VisualBoyAdvance Collector’s Edition or Version 1.7.1 of VBA.
    Some people claim those work better than the latest build (which I’m guessing you’re using).
    And running them at the highest priority setting always helps, but I assume you already knew about that 😛

  38. Zaknrfama said 17 years ago:

    ‘Get some nut bread!’ The finished dialogue is gonna be more… proper English, right?

  39. Mato said 17 years ago:

    It said “got” 😯

    And man, one person’s saying it’s too proper, now another’s saying it’s not proper enough. I’m just gonna do what I’m gonna do, no way to please everyone obviously 😛

  40. Vital said 17 years ago:


    The music in this one is awesome!
    I, among many others, really appreciate what your doing here guys. Thanks!

  41. Zaratus said 17 years ago:

    More people waiting for this than I thought – over 3300 views on the video.

  42. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Heh, it’s more like at 5300+, I think Youtube’s counter is just lagging like always. The DIYD video has over 20,000 though.

  43. Nessfan192 said 17 years ago:

    Awsome!!!!!! Good work Hackers