Archive for December, 2007

Holiday Progress

16 years ago by Mato , 114 Comments »

Merry Thursday!

Hope everyone’s had a decent holiday-ish time lately. With New Years just around the corner, I guess it’s still holiday time, huh? Anyway, progress has of course been slower these past few days, so there’s not much new stuff.


So Much Stuff

17 years ago by Mato , 78 Comments »

Yup, it’s been a long while since the last update. But never fear, a lot’s gotten done!

Jeffman did tons of work this past week, but he’s headed on a trip overseas for the next week or two, so he didn’t get the time to do an update. So I’ll try to do one in his place now, but so much stuff happened this last week I can’t even recall it all 😯


The Third Strongest Hacker

17 years ago by JeffMan , 132 Comments »

Hey everyone! It’s me, JeffMan, the not-so-legendary hacker, posting for the first time. The chain of posts by Tomato is finally coming to an end, and for a very good reason too:

The menu VWF has finally been implemented. TONS of things have been affected by this, including the dreaded item descriptions. Check out more before and after comparison pics after the break.


Preview Of Our Prologue

17 years ago by Mato , 43 Comments »

Argh, up way too late working on this tonight. So I’m gonna make this quick. For now, here’s a short video I made of the game’s prologue (aka the first 10 minutes) in action. Nothing really spoilery, but it’s everything in the prologue up to right before Chapter 1 starts. Which really isn’t very much stuff. Oh well. Anyway, here is Mr. Video.

Sorry for the horrible audio desynch, especially near the end. I have no idea how to make VBA synch its audio any better. Anybody got any tips? That’s why all these past videos have had music clips playing instead of the real audio 😉


This May Sound Crazy

17 years ago by Mato , 57 Comments »

Just kind of poking around the ROM and decided to check out the sound data. It’s all stored together, one thing after the other, so I took it and loaded it up in a sound program and did stuff until it worked. The result was really neat and I thought it’d be cool to share it with everyone else here.

Crazy MOTHER 3 Sound Clips (5+ MB)


Puny Update

17 years ago by Mato , 27 Comments »

Just a very quick update for now. Between all my work last week + real life stuff, I’m pretty exhausted, and I only got time to do a little hacking last night. So I focused on some of the tinier, easier things.


Hacking To-Do + New Guy?!

17 years ago by Mato , 98 Comments »

Broke my streak of daily updates, but oh well. It had to end sometime 😛

Haven’t done too much in the last two days hacking-wise, busy with real life. Will be pretty busy the next few days too 😐

People keep asking each update if I’m the only guy working on the project now. I’m not really — the rest of the team is busy with real life stuff, school finals/final projects, work, holiday stuff, burned out-ness, etc. I know that last one all too well 😯 Only reason I can put this much work into the project is because I don’t work the standard 9-to-5 job. Plus the game’s not gonna hack itself, so things continue on, slowly but steadily.


The Number Eight

17 years ago by Mato , 46 Comments »

Not much done today, kinda made today an “off” day. Got a lot of real world stuff to do so there won’t be too much more progress for the rest of the week, though I’m sure I’ll sneak in a few hours of hacking here and there anyway 😛


Sidequests Abound

17 years ago by Mato , 40 Comments »

Another daily update 😯 A lot done again today, and many pics follow.

These pics and lots of other stuff behind Mr. Cut.


Menu Mania!

17 years ago by Mato , 57 Comments »

Whoa, an update one day later.

This time around, I wound up getting so much done that I wanted to get all the pics, etc. I took out of the way. I probably only spent about 4 hours on all this so far, so as you can see, sometimes hacking can be reaaaaally slow, and sometimes it can be reaaaaally fast. Gotta love that feeling of progress, though 😀
