Slow hacking progress
Just a real quick update before sleepytime. Nothing really substantial to show, so no screenshots this time 😐 I’ve already talked about how complicated MOTHER 3’s programming is so I won’t elaborate on it anymore. Already talked about how we’re all very busy with real life too.
As always, the hacking is proving formidable and so things are still somewhat slow-going. harmony’s really amazing though. Back last year he figured out in just a few hours total what’s taken us weeks. The key is the ability to look at disassembled assembly code and “see” how it might have originally looked in C. That’s tough stuff there.
So anyway, back in 2006 harmony not only started to hack MOTHER 3 on his own, he documented his findings and his re-programming. I should actually say he REALLY documented his work. I mean, it’s even in really fancy PDF format and it’s pure awesome. At the moment we’re trying to combine his old findings with our current work. Doing this, Jeffman’s managed to get the missing hooks on all the “y”s and “g”s and all that back. So that’s cool (and finally people can stop talking about that :P). Still some issues with it, though, hence no cool screens of it in action yet.
These changes will require us to modify all our current hacks though, so that’s gonna be a pain. So things are slow-going right now. And as usual, we’re still trying to figure out how to get past the game’s line-length limit without corrupting memory. Corrupting memory is not good and leads to unreadable text, game freezes, the game dying when you get into battle, and interesting graphical glitches, like this (taken a month or so ago):

BTW, talking to a bird caused that crazy glitch. I wonder if it’s the same stupid bird that wound up being that last line of Draft 1.
Anyway, besides the above, we’ve also been working more on organizing all the hacks, since combining hacks definitely requires even more organization.
Not much of an update, but I just wanted to make sure people didn’t think we’ve died or vanished or anything 😛
I need this Game! No more releases like this for Gameboy Advance 🙁
Chirp chirp!
Thank you so much for your frequent updates, even if it’s just to say that there’s not much to report. The fact that the team cares enough to let us all know you haven’t died or vanished or anything, communicates clearly that you also care enough to deliver fully, on time or otherwise.
If nothing else, it definitely makes sitting around waiting all the more bearable 🙂
you guys are amazing.
I wish I had learned how to hack/programming as a kid. This sucks. GJ guys! keep it up! I hope you guys get laid… a LOT!
I wanna give you guys a GJ too…. under the table.
gl guys and you guys are fookin awesome! if i had the money i would pay all your rents for a month XD
How one even gets into the hacking biz at this is beyond me. You guys never cease to amaze and like you we’re not going anywhere. You have our full support!
Think you’ll make the deadline?
I’ve been checking up with this website 3 times a week and I always enjoy it when you update. Thanks for keeping us up to date. I can’t wait to play this game.
Updates are my lifeblood. It’s like saying, “Sure, you put that name on the list– it doesn’t mean we can’t entertain you until then.”
You’re a very interesting writer, in any case!
Well, i finally got my copy of Mother 3 yesterday and i was instantly impressed. It’s a slick package all around,even if i cant understand the language (tho the translation walkthrough available online helps A LOT. Very moving story, to say the least).
I honestly had a lot of fun playing it last night but, when i woke up this morning, i decided i was going to enjoy my new game with headphones on as to better keep in beat with the rhythym-combo system better.
WOW is all i can say.
This game’s music is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. Not only is it good but, in a way, it’s almost soothing. I’m usually really anxious in the mornings but, playing Mother 3 on my sofa for about an hour and a half made me calm as a hindu cow.
What im trying to say is, it’s a damn shame this game never got an official stateside release. I know I’M going to be able to play it in english(because of the fantabulous people who love this game, it’s makers, and it’s fans enough to do this translation) but it’s depressing to think of how many people who would’ve impulse bought this for themselves or others had it been on a Walmart store shelf in Backwater-Woods Nowhere, AL and found one of the most moving video games ever, bar none (come to think of it, ive probably heard at least a dozen Earthbound stories online very similar to that). Those same people will probably never even HEAR about this game, in reality. This games story, only a few hours in, ALREADY topples the emotions i felt playing earthbound completely through. I mean, it’s music alone is slightly therapeutic.
I guess im not saying anything new BUT, i will say, everything you’ve heard about this game, hype-wise, is all true (with the exception of those born into this world without a soul. This game will not appeal to people who dont like the expression of emotion.). Great game.
Thank god that back in 2006 harmony documented his findings and his re-programming because that could really help with this project.Its also good to see that Jeffman fixed the “y”s and “g”s problem because now people will stop bothering you guys about that problem which was very annoying.Now trying to figure out how to get past the game’s line length limit without corrupting memory its going to be a mission but in time you guys will get this major problem solved,guys keep up the hard work and nothing will stop you guys from releasing a good patch.
Oh, and as for the frequency of updates, i wouldn’t worry about fans thinking you’ve died or vanished. Most fan translations go months on end without updates (tho the message boards are usually updated a wee bit quicker). An update every 4-5 days is like a godsend to fans of fan translations, seriously. Not only a godsend but cool to watch in progress, too.
Hey, where can I get a flash cart that’s compatible with a normal DS? >.> Cuz I need this game. ;p
^^^ A flash card? Try the G6 lite. Comes with a normal GBA-sized cart to put the actual flash card into, as well as a few lite-sized carts. In case you end up buying one, it’s pretty handy. It should work on a normal GBA, too. The price is a little steep at about $100, but it’s your choice.
As for a place to get it, let me suggest . S’where I got mine, heh.
You were right, Tomater, my forum issues had to do with my screenname. Thanks for that, as well as all you’re doing right now. Like I said, everyone’s rooting for you guys.
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone involved in this wonderful project. This is one outstanding community.
Greetings from Spain.
I for one want to say that I also appreciate the updates even if there’s not much to report on. I visit this site at least once a day and it doesn’t take long before I start getting antsy wondering what’s going on.
I’m in the boat of people who doesn’t really care how long it takes, it’ll all be worth it in the end.
*sends continued support*
STArwing: you can’t. The DS actually locks out all flash carts. Sorry. You’ll have to download the cart through Play Asia.
You gotta know that ALL your updates are appreciated, even if it’s an update that says “we’re still kinda stuck, things are slow, but it’s cool, we got this”. It was rough last year when would go months without even a peep, so please, PLEASE don’t be apologetic.
Also, I love how you show translates screens and all, but I think I love it too much… so please don’t show too many screenshots because it could ruin it a little and I just can’t help myself. Sure, I’ve played through the games a few time but actually being able to read it makes it feel like a completely different experience.
You guys rock worlds. Big money, big prizes, I love it.
I have to say, I feel very grateful for these steady updates. There’s never any drama or theatrics, its just the straight scoop on what’s going on. Thanks for that.
This task is very important and deserves the legendary team assembled to complete it. Not only is Mother 3 the sequel that everyone thought for years we’d never get, but it’s also one of the last (and possibly best) games for the Gameboy Advance. If there was ever a game that needed desperately to have a patch translation, it is this one.
It’s okay, any post keeps us happy. We will wait how ever long it takes, because we love and greatly appreciate what the team is doing. What you guys are accomplishing is literally a dream come true, we would never ask more from you!
Just keep truckin’, we believe in you, always have, always will.
You guys just glow with the awesomeness you give off, all we can do is sit here in awe and cheer you on. Just remember, you all have what it takes! Good luck!
Nice for you guys to update, every few days you guys are able to give us SOME sort of news. could barely even give us notable news every few months. Most of the time it was junk.
Yeah, I know, sucked major hushpuppies.
Wow, sucks now that there’s a better translation team on the block? That site was our last best hope for a mother 3 translation before this one. Even if they only had an update every THREE months, its better than no mother 3 translation at all. Besides, this is a team of uber-experienced rom-hackers/translators. No kidding they’re gonna have more progress to post than most normal fan translations. Crap, with this team, if this was a less confusing game to hack, thered probably only be one update.
Update #1
Remember, its always foolhardy to piss on the hand that feeds you. was trying to translate Mother 3 for the same reasons that mother3devotionteam is. For the benefit of the fans. Sorry, but remember, there are still members of the team working on this project that need our support. I know I (among countless others, im sure), at least, greatly appreciated the effort.
p.s., i love this game.
This is off the HIZZLE. Keep pushing that envelope, guys.
Off-topic: PLEASE PLEASE tell Simonbob to unban me. I miss Radiation, reidman, Stonecycle, Mr. Accident., everyone. I’ll make you a smiley picture the size of the New York Statue! I want my account back… PRETTY PLEASE?
On-topic: Wow, that screen looks messed up as heck.
You guys rock! I can’t wait till’ you realease the trans. patch… I swear, The Mother series doesn’t get the credit it REALLY deserves…It’s very different material and the graphics are kiddie-ish (Which is one aspect that I actually appreciate)Most people out there are too into some green-armored universal marine who does nothing but blow $hi+ up… woo-hoo… gimme a break…
Mother is more than just a game to me. It’s kinda like a work of art.
Sorry for ranting, lol but I would like to give the whole Mother 3 Fan Trans. team a big THANK YOU for stepping up to the plate and making the effort to translate the game for those of us who are Japanese illiterate.
i’m waiting on this translation because i’ve never tried any of the mother series. i only have a gameboy micro so i want to try either this or the mother 1+2 pack (which i can’t find a translation for). i think these translaters are great because they’re working so hard on it even with their busy lives. they’re struggling with it and yet they still aren’t giving up (most projects close down because people lose hope/energy). they even keep us updated with everything with their busy schedules and that shows determination & that they really care about the project. i’m new to this site but i’d really like to say, “thanks”.
“you can’t. The DS actually locks out all flash carts. Sorry. You’ll have to download the cart through Play Asia.”
Unless you’re talking about the first iteration of DS systems (IE DS “Phat”), then you seem to be mistaken.
just wanna tell you….
dude.. you are an awesome writer…. seriously,
just by the way you write the updates, everyone can tell that you are someone with a great personality,
— sorry if i’m making you feel too big-headed.. but its true… dude, you’re great
“Unless you’re talking about the first iteration of DS systems (IE DS “Phat”), then you seem to be mistaken.”
Even if you ARE, you’re still mistaken – I have an original DS (Japanese because I got it before it came out in the US; can’t get much older than that), and my GBA flash cart works a-ok.
^^^ Thanks. Never tried it on a Phat, so I wasn’t entirely sure.
Just wanted to show my support too… Just discovered you guys and I’m eagerly anticipating playing this.
As far as flash carts go, I’m using an EZ-Flash IV, which I got for about $30 (not counting the price of the memory card, which was less than $10), so you definitely don’t have to get a top-of-the-line flash cart for $100 or whatever. It works great with MOTHER3 and should also work fine with the translation (I’m guessing). It works fine with the Fire Emblem 6 fan translation I put on it anyway.
Can’t remember where I got it, though. Oh well.
Also I’m using the old, big DS. Am I the only one that prefers it?
I somehow managed to get eb 99% playable on gba. the only two problems are the hp and pp are unreadable while in battle, and the whole screen is funky when fighting a your sanctuary boss. if anyone is interested, drop me a line, and if anyone got it working better than me, equally drop me a line. and i know its not mother related, and i hope i dont rub anyone the wrong way, but anyone figure out a working version of chrono trigger for gba?
-Ness’ Dad
(i can prove it too, ive got the birth certificate)
“Even if you ARE, you’re still mistaken – I have an original DS (Japanese because I got it before it came out in the US; can’t get much older than that), and my GBA flash cart works a-ok.”
The original DS came out in the Americas before Japan. :p
Your making great progress, congrats.
With the line limit problem if its just a memory problem couldn’t you change the location the current text is stored to somewhere with more space in ram so it doesnt corrupt any other data around it if you exceed that limit?