MOTHER 3 Mega Sale! Also, first playthrough complete
A couple things of note.
First, Play Asia has MOTHER 3 on sale for $14.90 for this week only. Seriously, getting an import game for THAT cheap is almost insane. Especially when you consider the game was released just last year, and that it’s a brand new copy you’ll be getting. So if you got some spare change in the couch, go and buy it. You’ll be supporting the MOTHER series legally, you’ll have a genuine copy of your own (which might even quell any moral issues one might have with playing a fan translated version), and you’ll be helping out the EarthBound community a tiny, tiny bit if you use the link below:
Okay, now for the other thing of note.
Sunday and Monday I spent playing the current version of the translation alllll the way from beginning to end. It was the first time it’s been done, and the purpose was to find any game-stopping bugs, crashes, and the like, to get lots of screenshots and notes to help with the next script draft (this was the primary reason), and also to see what little things we might still need to hack that we hadn’t realized yet.
Most of the time was spent trying to talk to everyone and see as much text in action as possible. It was pretty interesting, I got to see stuff that I hadn’t seen in my previous playthroughs. Did manage to find two game-killing bugs, but one of them we fixed, and another one (which was RIGHT at the end of the game) we got fixed by just removing some [CENTER] control codes in some lines. It was causing an infinite loop thing and so the game would just stop there forever. I also took probably close to a thousand screenshots for context issues, or if I saw typos or if something sounded off, I made note of it and/or screenshotted it.
Also along the way, I made savestates at all major points in the game, to help with future debugging.
I had to play the game without the line-length extender though, which meant that every 21 letters or so, the game would print on a new line. It wouldn’t be very enjoyable to most people. Here’s an example. I’m starting to think we’re going to have to totally redo most of the font printing routines, which won’t be fun or easy at all 🙁
Chewy’s started to finish up side translations, Jeffman’s been working hard on various issues I run into, and it sounds like the hackers are off busy disassembling and documenting the game’s crazy coding. We’ve also been in contact with harmony to try to combine some of his old work with ours.
Oh yeah, we did manage to get PSI menus working, though using the outside PSI menu will reset the game right now, due to something related to the PSI descriptions, which can hopefully be fixed without too much work. Here’s a quick look.

Well, that’s all for now. I know it’s not too much of an update, but it’s what’s gone on in the past few days at least.
(By the way, even in its ugly early state, the translated version was still really full of its awesome charm and emotion. I can’t wait until people get to experience it in English 🙂 )
Haha, great, it looks like most of the work is done, just some bugs and typos left 🙂
Definitely not. Soooooo much more work to do 🙁
Eh, at least you got two game-killing codes out of the way… You guys are still way ahead of where I would have expected you to be, so, that’s awesome. 😀 Thanks and everything, too.
Very, very cool! I can’t wait for the finished version. Good luck, guys!
Great work guys! So at what percent would you say the game translation is completed?
Bought be a copy.. should be on it’s way 😉
Games lookin good! can’t wait to play it in English!
Great job guys!!!!
Thanks for keeping up dated.
… Man, and I just bought Mother 3 for $20 dollars a week ago.
Long time lurker of the Mother 3 translation scene, and I’m getting even more excited to see the game is playable the whole way through. I ordered a copy of the game from Play Asia just so I can do this legally.
Great work, and I can’t wait to see the finished product.
The update is great new!
The monumental first play through of mother 3 in English!
Ill be buying the Japanese version now. lol
I like the way you said “The Update is great new!” David.
Whoah, my alternate non-Moonside self bought a copy? Good for you! However, as the antithesis of everything you stand for, I am required to avoid purchasing one. It’s not related to money and credit card isues in any way. Nosir.
‘s good to hear that it’s at least playable at this point. I suppose that the game-killing glitches are only the tip of the huge glitchy iceberg, though. Still, it’s great to know that there IS a mostly-functioning English translation out there, and that it’s only improving with time. Now if only I could get my crappy Mac to stop lagging ad nauseam with any GBA ROM I throw its way.
By the way, you guys and your comments have gotten me a-hankerin’ to break my five-year lurking streak and join the forums once my workload from school becomes a little more negotiable. I love youse! ^^
Also, the first paragraph is meant in a sincerely congratulatory fashion. Reading it over it osunded like I was mocking alternate-me. Sorries. D:
Ausome, you guys rock, just ordered a copy of the game from play-asia. Thanks for you hard work!
Ordered a copy! Thank you so much for your hard work! I really appreciate it very much!
Awesome news. You guys are really something! I’m a programmer myself but I never messed with rom hacking… but I did some low level programming back then and I can only imagine the complexity of working without the original code in hand. Good work, keep it up!
It really looks as though the translation is coming along.
Keep up the good work!
It truly is amazing just how much work you fellas do over a two-and-a-half-day period.
Or perhaps ‘Mato just writes very well. It certainly SOUNDS like a lot.
But seriously, I haven’t been this hyped about Mother 3 since the initial release.
I still do fear Nintendo’s stance on the translation, though. I suppose those reps Reidman talked to some time back must have alleviated things a bit…Or at least, that’s the way I read it.
Bah, but I claim ignorance on the entire legality of the whole thing. Just keep doing what you folks do, and hope y’all are not on any government watchlists.
Its good that you posted that Play Asia has MOTHER 3 on sale for $14.90 for this week only,I hope many people buy this great game .Its good to know that you were able to play the current version of the translation all the way from beginning to end and you only found two game killing bugs,which really is great news, also its good to hear that you guys manage to get PSI menus working,though using the outside PSI menu will reset the game right now,great update and guys keep up the amazing work.
Hi.. thanks for the updates. Keep up the great work.
Just bought one copy of the Mother 3 game via your link too.
Way to go!! I’m cheering for you guys!
And the link for the ultra-cheap Mother 3 is sooo tempting.
I guess I have to dig deeper for extra sum of cash 😀
What with the sale, I just couldn’t refuse ordering it- but now, I must know, will there be a written translation of the one you guys are using so I can read it as I play the official version? I plan on getting the translation on my computer, too, but it feels good to play the actual game.
Mato, you played the entire game within the span of two days?! Whoa! Hardcore, man.
BTW, this hasn’t been touched on for awhile so I thought I’d ask: Are the script and hacks fitting into the ROM okay?
Money, that’s what I want. Money, that’s what is hot. Money, that’s what I want.
Money, it’s what I ain’t got ‘cept Mother, Mother, Mother is what I’ve really sought!
Man, I really want to spend money on at least one EarthBound/Mother game, but my parents would never let me endeavor in something like this.
Keiffer: I wouldn’t say it’s really any changed since the last time I gave a #. It’s almost impossible to tell, since it’s so dependent on personal view. As a good example, when M3 was cancelled for the N64, Miyamoto, Iwata, and Itoi all gave really different percentages for the game’s completion. I’d say this project still has at leastmore than 50% to go, probably more though.
TheFreak: I usually don’t realize just how much work has been done until I write up the update and look back at it. Tons of time/work has gone into the project so far 🙂
Steve: Yeah it was pretty exhausting, more than I expected. I did play the game many times before, plus I upped everyone’s stats to help make battles quicker. I hope when people play the game in English, they won’t rush through it like that though. I hope they’ll take their time and enjoy stuff. I’m kind of reminded of how when people taste something good, they start eating more and more of it like crazy until they’re suddenly all out, rather than taking their time to enjoy it. So my hope is that people won’t scarf down Mother 3 😛
You won’t have to worry about me scarfing M3. I had no reason to when it was in Japanese, but once that translations done, I’ll totally talk to e’rebody and literally their dog. Hurzah!
Oh, and undying support, Pollyanna, yada yada.
Thanks for updates, Mr. ‘Mato. There would be a decent chance that I’d go ahead and buy M3 this week–except that I’m waiting for a certain contract of mine to end before doing such things.
Soon, though, I’d love to buy up some EB/M goodies, such as perhaps an M3 import for GBA, or EB for VC *cough*choke*. Either way, there’s no way I’d seek a translation patch without an officially purchased game. Hopefully it’ll be affordable when the appropriate time comes for me!
Got my copy! The progress is marching forward. I thank you all again, and wish you all the best of luck!
Don’t worry Moonside-me, it was taken in all hilarity. But please, break the boundaries and buy a copy 😛
Oh.. Do people in Moonside run Mac? I run XP.
Looking good!
Thank you for the link. Hopefully, they’ll still be offering it at that price come Friday. 🙂
Weird, my comment didn’t get posted…
Anyway, I just wanted to say that the screen you posted looks great. Maybe it’s the y’s and g’s showing up, but everything just looks crisp and it looks like a Mother game should feel.
Nice update!
Kingman: I dunno. There are actually already guides for that, and they’re good as-is.
I’m gonna at least work hard on the Starmen.Net M3 walkthrough once this is done. I got so much to do, I really really need to stop taking on projects 😐
Steve: Forgot to answer your one question. Hacks rarely take up any space at all. The script though is juuuuuust barely fitting right now. We’ll likely have to throw some basic compression into the text routine when all is said and done.
Hey guys, looks like you’ve come along way since I’ve last seen this thing. Great job, can’t wait to see what you guys do.
Hey, I have a question. When the patch is done and applied to a ROM, do yo know if it’ll fit on a 256mb flashcart? That’s what I have, so I’d like to able to play it on that, obviously.
Oh and M3 for $15 is crazy. I got it when it was $20 a few months ago and still feel like I robbed someone, it’s such a good deal.
I just bought a copy too… I wonder how many copies PlayAsia sold just because of this movement?
keep up the awesome work! I bought my copy of M3.
also, you guys need to do Mother 1+2!!!!
i hope i get my copy! i think this website might clean up Play-Asia’s stock of M3.
Dr. Meat: yes, since 32 MB is the max size possible. Most of our problems would’ve been non-existent had we had the ability to expand the ROM, but luck just wasn’t on our side.
They want a ROM image that can be stored on a Flashcart and played on a Game Boy Advance. I do agree that this is not worth the time and energy that hacking said game would require.
Wow, incredible opportunity. I’m sold!
Out of curiosity, will your script be released at some point, to facilitate all the people who are playing through the Japanese version? I know such scripts exist, but this script, as you’ve been telling us, is a lot more refined and sensitive to more subtle themes and ideas.
I sorta answered that question earlier in the comments, but the amount of work needed to do that would be a lot more than I can handle. I’m trying to reduce my workload, not take on more projects 🙁
Like I mentioned a month or so ago, the game’s script isn’t in a very logical order. Someday it might be possible, but before that I can see people making such a guide themselves by playing through the game and writing stuff down.
OK,so we have seen a monkey,guy in cowboy hat(Flint) the Ness (Lucas) a dog and odd man (Duster right?) and a girl. thats more than four……i heard you guys are going to make a hack(maybe)that will change characters and stuff.(i think i heard that somewhere)is it true?
No, you must’ve heard some bogus info. There are no plans to make a hack to change the game’s content. We’re just localizing the game into English.
Sorry ): but thanks for telling me (: .
I’ve been watching your progress for about a month now and even though I’ve never left you guys replies i gotta say you guys are a respectable lot. I also gotta say that you guys made a heck of a lot of progress in the last month and that impressed me A LOT. I’m looking foward to see the grand reult of this great game. Keep up the great work you guys.
Long Live The Earthbound Series
Alright, that’s fine. I didn’t know how bad the script was organized in the code, because I’ve seen game scripts that have been somewhat organized, and others that are a mess.
I am excited that I’ll finally be able to play M3 on real hardware. I’ve played through the first 1-2 chapters “questionably,” and even with a language barrier, it feels like a really fun game.
Hooray for birthdays!
I dunno, I’m on the fence about buying this. I mean, Nintendo has disrespected us American Mother fans for so long, why should I still support them? :/
I’ll gladly buy two copies of Mother 3 if/when Nintendo releases a North American version.
[Funny accent] LOOKIN’ GUUD!
This is such a fun thing to watch and wait for. The constant updates really give me something to look forward to, and it’s really helpful to know what’s going on all the time.
Also, consider a copy of Mother 3 bought. I’ve been hoping for that to come around again, ’cause last time it did I got held up all of the last day when I was gonna buy it and totally missed out on it. =(
However, now I have another chance! Yay!
Sorry if this has been answered before – how would I get the hack onto a hard copy of Mother 3? Do I need any extra stuff?
Thank you for the news! I bought both Mother 3 and Mother1+2.
The beta patch works, the mother 1 side of 1+2 is translated. They Need help to finish it…
Good work
FLINT: There’s no way to put the translation on a real cartridge of M3. There are really only 2 options to play the translation:
1. Get a Mother 3 ROM, apply the translation patch to it, then play it on an emulator. Emulators pose some gameplay problems, but this is the easiest way.
2. Get a Mother 3 ROM, apply the translation patch to it, then put that on a “flash cart”. Then you can play that in a GBA or DS or a GB Player. Flash carts cost a bit and are pretty finicky and can die on you if you’re not careful. But this does give the most authentic feel to the game. Plus there won’t be any emulator-related gameplay issues.
PSI: The Mother 1 translation is not 100% complete. I messed around with it one time and I found people near the first town who still had Japanese dialogue. The enemy names, battle text, items, and main story text seems to be translated though (from looking at the ROM itself), so it’s very playable. There are some text-related bugs such as the text going outside the text box, but nothing major.
Of course, there’s a reason Mother 1 is translated and not 2: It’s easy. Uppercase and lowercase letters are already included (2 has no lowercase). Once you expand the text boxes a little bit, you’re all set. VWF is not strictly necessary from what I have seen. I bet that translating 2 would result in similar problems you guys are having with 3.
To those who say translating Mother 1+2 is pointless, let me tell you why I would want it. Mother 1’s script could get cleaned up and uncensored (Plasma Beam should be Death Beam, for example) and Mother 2 has a couple bugs removed (see for details). The music isn’t as good in the port of Mother 2, which is the only major downside to the port that I can see. The biggest reason, though, is to be able to play both of these on a flash cart portably! Then, you’d have Mother 1, 2, and 3 translated and portable (and all called “Mother” for the first time ever).
Wow, that got long…
I, personally, would love a completed M1+2 translation so I can play it on the go without the glitches that SNES emulators bring forth. I’ve taken a look at the text format, and it’s pretty straightforward. Adding lowercase letters wouldn’t ne too hard of an issue. The main two issues with “translating” M2 are the VWF (among other misc. ASM hacks), and matching up the control codes and dialogue order from EB so that a machine conversion can be possible (whereas the alternative is manually matching up several thousand English EB lines to the Japanese M2 lines, something not feasible without a Japanese speaker). Not to mention possibly running out of space since the English dialogue probably uses a lot more data; some heavy compression routines would be needed.
Give yourselves more credit, all we’re gonna do is play the game. keep it up! I personally will be thrilled with the mother 3 transaltion…what are these guys talking about? just download earthbound zero rom…If you have Earthbound (mother 2) for snes then your set. I dont see why someone would ask for more when they’re not the ones doing it.
Thanks for the heads-up Tomato, bought a copy.
great work dudes
lots of progress
ive been following you dudes since m3s release and am thrilled that its really getting going
i was at mother 3 fan
glad everyones teamed up now
just makes sense
gl with the rest of the patch
i hope for the best!
i moded my xbox just to be able to play the mother 3 game i already play mother 2 on my sega dreamcast constantly! i was gonna purchase a copy of mother 3 but when i found out it wasn’t in English i was crushed my spoken Japanese is allot better than my reading.
You guys are really doing a great job. I hope it all doesn’t stress you out too much though. Be sure to take long and frequent breaks whenever you need to. All us fans really appreciate what you people are doing. Keep up the great work. Love.
You guys keep up the good work, even if it doesn’t get done before the Brawl release, I will wait with bated breath until it is, because the finished product will be worth it.
Ah, I am back but this is not a triumphant return, but I have been keeping tabs on this long awaited translation patch nonetheless and even though I am no longer a dedicated part of the community, nor do I assist it in any way as I used to, I’m glad to see things are looking up, and look forward to its release. Furthermore I look forward to the day I can afford my own internet and can donate to good causes for the community and assist the community once more. Mother 3 FTW, haha! Let’s give it up for Mato and team! 😀
Tomato: Thank you for your selection of un-highly-spoilery screenshots you give us!
Seiru: To answer your question, 1. if you want to play M3 in English and N never puts one out, then you’ll pretty much need to buy M3 in Japanese to play the fan translation so that you’ll have Fair Use of such (otherwise, there’s thievery involved); and 2. isn’t the whole point of EB Siege to show N our support of them and their EB franchise? $:^ ]
On another note, just yesterday I learned that that certain contract of mine has ended. Wow. I’d really stopped expecting it to happen anytime soon. So uh yeah I guess I’ll just have to keep to my word and buy a copy this Saturday, eh? $:^ }
Mother don’t leave…Daddy come home…
YES! What a sale, I absolutely had to buy a copy, and was almost tempted to get 2!
I just have to show some love for the translators/hackers/everybody. This is a terrific project and I can’t imagine anyone regretting working towards the finished product.
Also, as I’m sure you guys know – there must be TONS of fans you don’t know about just because they’re too lazy to comment, but we’re out here, cheering you on everyday, all the way! I for one am not in a huge rush for it to get finished, I’ve been tracking this for over a year now, as long as it comes out I will be more than happy. That’s all there is to it.
Wow, only 2 game crippling bugs? From a debugging point of view, sounds like you guys are doing awesomely! Can’t wait for the finished product!
i love you people. i still have vivid, happy memories of bringing home that oversized brightly colored box with a starman on it. i have been waiting for 12 friggin years to play the true sequel to my favorite game of all time, and you guys are making it happen.
so to reiterate: i. love. you. people. end communication.
Hey, I appreciate that you guys keep posting these updates so often. I’m super obsessed with MOTHER 3, and news about this digital gold is keeping me at the edge of my seat. The japanese version itself was awesome, and I can’t imagine how amazing it’s gonna be in my own language.
Thanks. Hopefully this’ll be done soon, but, even if it isn’t,
I know it’ll be the best you guys can possibly do.
You guys are doing good.
Thank you, Tomato. Much respect.
I was wondering, when you say you guys are 50% done, do you mean that it will take as much work to finish from this point as it did to get to this point in the first place, or that 50% of what you need to do is finished and the rest could go much faster/much slower depending on how things go?
Well, that’s just my own personal estimation, and I really prefer to take the cautious approach. But when I say that, I say it in terms of workload, not time. It’s too difficult to put a schedule on actual ROM hacking itself. A single routine could take a day to figure out and hack, or it could take years and years, as was the case with that Tales of Phantasia PSX project. It’s too unpredictable.
But usually with stuff like this, once one breakthrough is made, a whole bunch of progress happens in a really short time.
I did it. I’m now a proud owner of one bright shiny unopened (unsent) copy of MOTHER 3. $¦^ ]
Thanks for updating, and now I own a copy of Mother3!
I bought one, too. This was way too good of a sale to pass up but, due to moral reasons, almost did. Man, i really hate nintendo of america…a-holes…
Thanks for the info on the sale at
I just bought one cart, to ease my mind when I play the actual translation ! Thanks for your hardwork, it is really appreciated !
I still have my deluxe edition, which I had pre-ordered months before release, and which I have only played through once.
I really, really want to share this game with all my English speaking friends.
Now watch NoA take the translation after all your hard work and then publish it as their own using legal mumbo-jumbo.
I hate this, I have to miss out on a great deal because my parents won’t buy Mother 3 for me 🙁
Oh, and great progress so far. 🙂