MOTHER 3 in Smash Bros. + other big news

17 years ago by Mato

Welp, MOTHER stuff has finally, officially been revealed in Super Smash Bros. Brawl! Yahoo! For more info, visit here! Right now it’s just the Franklin Badge, which is in all three MOTHER games, but the badge was important enough in MOTHER 3 that it was an extra goody you could get if you preordered and got the MOTHER 3 Deluxe Box way back when ๐Ÿ˜›

This was actually the news I was hinting to a few days ago. We got a crazy awesome secret info radar known as “r.e.i.d.m.a.n”, which probably stands for something but I dunno what. It picks up secret signals from Japan. Suffice to say, it’s a sure bet MOTHER 3 stuff is going to be in this game. Even without inside info, it’s already been confirmed that there’s MOTHER 3 music in the game, and even MOTHER 3’s main composer is a main composer for SSBB (and for Melee too, incidentally). Itoi has also stopped by Nintendo’s Japan headquarters recently for stuff. Also, the Franklin Badge shown is the MOTHER 3 one, with its white background, as opposed to MOTHER 1’s gold background.

There’s also a little bit more info we’ve caught wind of. Can’t reveal it here (and definitely wouldn’t want to…), but it basically equates to the fact that Smash Bros. Brawl is going to ABSOLUTELY, UNQUESTIONABLY spoil MOTHER 3 for EB fans who haven’t played the game yet ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

Having stuff like this spoiled would suck so absolutely much. So a couple weeks back I decided to kick the project into double secret probation super duper mega mode, in the hopes of having a finished patch before Smash Bros. Brawl hits shelves on December 3rd or something like that. This would put it sometime in November, and ideally, it’d be nice to have a couple weeks for people to play through the game before SSBB comes out.

So far, things are progressing well enough that a release by then is in the realm of possibility… but it will be an arduous journey indeed. But it’s possibly possible.

BUT PLEASE KNOW THIS: A November release is only a tentative goal! It is NOT a promise!! Please don’t go misquoting us or anything. A release sometime in November would just help ensure that players aren’t super-spoiled by Smash Bros. Brawl, and I’d hate for such an awesome game to be spoiled so much ๐Ÿ™ Still, stuff could happen, and even working really super hard, we might not make it in time. But we’re trying hard. We have so much to do in such a short time — here’s a current list of all hacking that needs to be done, for example. It’s a doozy.

Variable Width Fonts

  • main script font fixing
  • other main script (scrolling text, titles, etc.)
  • main menu (outside)
  • main item screen
  • main equip screen
  • main skill screen
  • main PSI screen
  • load screen
  • save screen
  • sound player stuff
  • battle script
  • battle PSI menu
  • battle record stuff
  • figure out why some battle menus get slightly cut off
  • Have the character names center in their boxes
  • move character names up one pixel
  • move enemy names/other stuff that goes in that little box down one pixel
  • Probably more?

Data Hacking

  • 8-bit-ify the main script text routines
  • 8-bit-ify whatever other stuff needs it
  • Add in some new control codes for stuff like “a/the”, “a/an”, “cohort/cohorts”, etc.

Graphics Hacking

  • You Win to You Won, gotta move the O over
  • fix broken chapter titles
  • some map tiles need to be changed
  • more MOTHER 2 stuff to EB stuff
  • fan translation intro screen / disclaimer

Misc Hacking

  • A sound clip about halfway into the game needs to be made into English
  • Disable other alphabet menus in naming screen
  • Fix current naming screen bugs
  • make it so when you’re typing in the name, what appears up top looks like a nice VWF name, like how it works in EarthBound
  • Other naming screens.
  • And probably many things I haven’t thought of yet

So as you can see, there is A LOT we still need to get through, aside from the translation side of things. This is gonna be crazy.

Of course, there are going to be many more updates to the Smash Bros. site in the next four months. And there will undoubtedly be more info about MOTHER 3 stuff in the game. And it’s possible that this info could wind up being huge spoilers for MOTHER 3. So if you value your sanity/playing experience, I recommend you exercise caution around Smash Bros. info from here on out.

Anyways, also keep in mind that with so much on the line to get a November release done, a whole lot could go wrong. One, something could happen to members of the team, like someone might get sick or someone’s computer might die (insert old joke/comment here) or who knows what. Two of reid’s laptop hard drives completely died the other night, and my own main CD/DVD drive died yesterday, for example. But anyway. Two, Nintendo could be like “grrr, nintendo smash!” and then crush our project. And three… Three, I’ll have to be vague about again for now, but in a few days or weeks I’ll post about it. It’ll make sense later, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Oh, the crazy stories I could tell about the history of this project. I hope to someday write a good-sized essay about it all. It’s really, really such an awesome and interesting story. But the project comes first!

So, to sum it up:

  • Franklin Badge is in the new Smash Bros. game. SWEET.
  • Future Smash Bros. site updates might have big MOTHER 3 spoilers, so beware!
  • We’re HOPING, TRYING to go for a November release for the patch. This isn’t a promise, though!!
  • TONS of hacking still left to do in a very short time
  • Some more interesting developments to our project’s saga in the coming days or weeks. Will talk about later.
  • Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.

First draft script still coming along. Had to spend a lot of time setting up Starmen.Net stuff + setting up stuff for this site the past day or two though. Hacking is coming along nicely too. Very impressed by everyone who’s helping out. I love that feeling of sharing extreme focus and dedication for a project. Anyway, as hacking progress is made, expect some more screenshots and stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

-Mato out

Posted on Friday, August 10th, 2007 at 3:27 am by Mato, filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Comments and pings are currently closed.

72 Responses to “MOTHER 3 in Smash Bros. + other big news”

  1. KingDarian said 17 years ago:


    I’m excited about this MOTHER content in Brawl. I hope we’ll get to see more of it soon. Hopefully none of the content we’ll see will conflict with your translation. I’m sure they’ll miss a lot of the MOTHERy details when localizing the MOTHER3(maybe even 2 and 1) content in Brawl. Tell them they need to hire you for just the MOTHER content so you can tell as what we’re going to get. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Nooooooooooooooo it’s NOT confirmed ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜›

    It’s just our ambitious goal to keep people unspoiled.

  3. Geekboy20X6 said 17 years ago:

    Haha, Well I won’t hold you to that, but I must say that is awesome. This whole project is awesome, but this post for some reason in my sleep-deprived state has made me a happy kid!

  4. Abadd said 17 years ago:

    “Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.”


    Happy hacking.

  5. bgudna said 17 years ago:

    tomato, youยดre doing great work. itยดs awesome that youยดre so dedicated to bringing the patch over in this short amount of time, just be carefull that you donยดt burn out on the damn thing ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. reidman said 17 years ago:

    really, even if dull, mother’s always newsworthy.

    i am nerd.

  7. pauyasfyla said 17 years ago:

    Hopefully they don’t try to just fend off us slavering beasties with a few Franklin Badge and Mr. Saturn power-ups and leave out playable Mother characters! I’d cry!

  8. reidypeidy said 17 years ago:

    Although I would hate to have the ending ruined for me, I know I will still play through the game countless times, just like Earthbound. Thanks for the update, and keep up the good work!

  9. Dragonzero said 17 years ago:

    The Franklin Badge certainly surprised me.
    And a possible translation release date surprised me even more.
    Oh well, It’ll be awesome to see more Mother related updates on the SSBB site.
    This was the best update until now.

  10. Dr. Meat said 17 years ago:

    Good luck, guys!

  11. Steve said 17 years ago:

    I own Mother 3, but I’ve only played 10 minutes or so since I wanted to wait for a translation. However, I fear that blog sites such as Joystiq and Kotaku and corporate media sites such as 1UP and IGN won’t consider gameplay features of Brawl as spoilers. So now I am considering playing it in its Japanese form now (and of course re-playing it with the translation later :P). Do you think the big spoilers you speak of would have the same impact playing it in Japanese and maybe looking up some story synopses along the way?

    What a huge undertaking in a short amount of time. I wish you the best of luck!

  12. Mato said 17 years ago:

    I think you can get tons of enjoyment out of the game even if you don’t know Japanese. Plenty of people at have. There are a couple different things you can do to make it easier for yourself:

    1. Here is the spoiler-free, bare-bones walkthrough I made, if you want to get through it but don’t want to be bothered with lengthy guides.

    2. Item List translation guide, with pics! You could print that out to make your life a little easier probably.

    3. There’s this small guide

    4. If you want a much more detailed guide with story/text info included, check this out. Some people recommend reducing the font size and then printing it out and putting it into a binder, then have that at hand as you play the game.

    5. There’a also this, which only goes about 1.5 to 2 chapters in, but it’s useful ๐Ÿ™‚

    Plenty of people have played through the Japanese game with a combination of the above and really, really enjoyed it. Aside from the dialogue text, the game itself is very easily playable thanks to the way things are set up, what with icons and numbers and sprite animations and all that. So give it a try if you’re worried about being spoiled.

    Plus playing the translated version will seem like a whole new experience to almost everyone I’m sure ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. TheReaper said 17 years ago:

    Thank you Translation team for translating mother 3

  14. Spam Man Deluxe said 17 years ago:

    Well, I have to say, I’m upset that they are putting in spoiler stuff, because as soon as Brawl comes out, I’m going to want to play. But on the other hand when I do finish Mother 3, Ill probably like the stuff they put in.

    Translation team, thanks for going the extra mile for us who dont’ want to be spoiled. May not happen, but thank you anyways for trying!


  15. pauyasfyla said 17 years ago:

    Anglicizing the sound clip? Really? Who’s gonna do the voice acting. I know it doesn’t have to be high-quality, but youse guys is really going all-out, aren’t you?

  16. Jake said 17 years ago:

    You should have a Contest where people can record their Voice Samples of the Translated Text and send them in. The Winner will get a small prize, like a Keychain or something and possibly mentinoned in the Special Thanks in the Translation Credits.

    But, that’s just my Two cents.

  17. Jake said 17 years ago:

    ^ By the way, By “Translated Text” I ment the voice sample.

  18. Dusty said 17 years ago:

    Thanks so much for working so hard on this translation

  19. DoseiSan said 17 years ago:

    Tomato, you are awesome.

  20. VDZ said 17 years ago:

    If the spoiler is what I think it is, then that is SO awesome.
    And if so, the big spoiler would speak for itself even if you can’t read the text. In fact, if I remember right, somebody said it’s actually more spoilerish if you can’t read the text that gives slight hints towards it.

  21. Mato said 17 years ago:

    pauya: I’m a stickler for not doing things half-assed, just ask the staff at Sometimes I think they think I’m crazy ๐Ÿ˜› But the other guys on the team are just as crazy about doing a good job too ๐Ÿ™‚

    Jake: Don’t have time for it, and since it involves two people talking simultaneously, that’s not really an option. I’ve already got tentative plans for it, anyway. It’s just like literally only 1 second of audio.

    VDZ: I do believe you’ve got it ๐Ÿ™‚ And now that I think about it, you’re probably right. must… work… on project… must finish before SSBB…

  22. blah1017 said 17 years ago:

    In this update you say that you’ve caught wind of info regarding Mother 3 in SSBB that would spoil the game for someone who hasn’t played the game?

    I was just wondering what that info was, and where you heard it from. You can send me an email at if you don’t want to say it here, don’t want to spoil anyone of course.

    And if you’re wondering, yes I’ve completed Mother 3, many times. So no worries about that.

    If you can’t tell me, I guess that’s cool too ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Pimpshi said 17 years ago:

    Awesome, you guys are amazing for even trying to get all of this done and out the door by Nov.! And thanks for the disclaimer about the Smash Bros. site–we would’ve been massively spoiled without the warning (and who knows, we still may be if we’re not careful)!

    Good luck Mato, Reid, and all working on this amazing project! If you can’t make it by November, we won’t get mad (well, ok, only if we haven’t gotten Brawl by then).

  24. Frinky said 17 years ago:

    I know you can’t be too specific, but can you tell really generally what exactly will be a spoiler? A cutscene, an item, a level, a character?

  25. Mato said 17 years ago:

    blah & Frinky: I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff we DON’T know about that could spoil the game more, but most likely most of the really big spoiler will be in the form of a stage/level and/or characters in said stage/level. Which could sadly make it into a Smash Bros. site update in the next four months ๐Ÿ˜

    I realize I’m being vague and stuff, and it’s completely up to you to believe me or not. But I wouldn’t have made this update or made a big deal about everything if I wasn’t 100% sure about it.

  26. RuNA said 17 years ago:


    It’s a character. I am pretty sure I know what they are talking about and it IS a SPOILER.

  27. Cherriegal said 17 years ago:

    “Smash Bros. Brawl is going to ABSOLUTELY, UNQUESTIONABLY spoil MOTHER 3 for EB fans who havenโ€™t played the game yet :(”


    srsly. I’ve avoided spoilers and waited over a year just so I could play this in English and then something like this happens. DX

    but you guys freaking rock for attempting to get it done before Brawl is released. I should send you cookies or something, except that they would probably be stale crumbs by the time they arrived.

  28. LeChimp said 17 years ago:

    Stage, eh? Oh man, if it’s what I think it is, I am immensly happy for me, and horribly sorry for those who haven’t played the game yet. And if I’m wrong… Well, this is awesome news anyway.

    Man, I want to know this.

  29. msprout said 17 years ago:

    What’s the fun in knowing for sure, Frinky? If the uncertainty isn’t eating away at your soul, then it kinda loses half the fun.

  30. LeChimp said 17 years ago:

    Uncertainty hurts. I like being an insider.

  31. Frinky said 17 years ago:

    “I realize Iโ€™m being vague and stuff, and itโ€™s completely up to you to believe me or not. But I wouldnโ€™t have made this update or made a big deal about everything if I wasnโ€™t 100% sure about it.”

    I was just wondering so I’d know if it was more of a “whoa I didn’t know he/she was gonna be in Mother 3!” or “whoa I didn’t know that this stage event happened in Mother 3” or what have you situation. Wasn’t meant as a “yeah well let’s hear some proof, bucko” statement. I’m confident you know what you’re talking about. ๐Ÿ˜€

  32. lewahi said 17 years ago:

    For those of you absolutely determined to avoid spoilers, I would recommend to stay away from the Smash sections of the site and not go on the Brawl site. If a MOTHER update comes up, and it’s not a spoiler, it will be posted on the front page of Starmen.Net. If it is a spoiler, it will still be posted, too, but it will not spoil anything for you. If no update comes on Starmen.Net it either means that Sakurai got delayed or that there is no MOTHER update.

    So if you are DETERMINED to avoid spoilers, PLEASE try to avoid Sakurai’s site. After this MOTHER update, we don’t know when the next might happen or what might be in the next one, and it certainly isn’t fun to be spoiled. ๐Ÿ™

  33. DoseiSan said 17 years ago:

    Tomato, how did you find out about this anyway? Do you know Sakurai or Itoi?

  34. tsimehC said 17 years ago:

    I’m not too worried about the spoiler stuff. To be honest I’ve been through chapter one with a full walkthrough and I still enjoyed it. What made me confused was the item menu, even with a guide I couldn’t memorise the items. That’s why this translation project is so important to others like myself.

    As for the November DEADLINE…xD I’m gonna get the PAL version so that’s coming out in 2008 so I don’t mind. ๐Ÿ˜›

  35. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Frinky: Don’t worry. I just know that out there in the intertubes are many who DON’T believe that can possibly have any inside info to anything at all. So my reply was more of just a general message I guess.

    doseisan: Sorry dude, can’t reveal that. No, we don’t know Sakurai or Itoi though. (yet :P)

    tsimehC: Really? The item menu got you? People tend to actually LIKE the item menu, since it includes icons of every item, and oftentimes will use numbers or other graphics to show what said item will do. If you press Select in battle, the item description pops up. Did you try using that?

  36. DeathBySpoon said 17 years ago:

    Perhaps if it isn’t finished in time, we could still get a WIP release? It appears that battles at least have semi-readable text, and that + a translation guide would make it a little easier to play through and get the gist of it.

  37. Mato said 17 years ago:

    It’s a possibility, but I personally wouldn’t want to release anything that’s less than 100% to my satisfaction. But now that there’s spoilage on the line, I’m not sure. But for now we’re just gonna try to get it ALL done in time.

  38. MNC said 17 years ago:

    So… What’s the songs name in the preview. It’s so addictive.

  39. MNC said 17 years ago:

    And for some Ontopic-ness: Will it be that big of a spoiler that will completely ruin the storyline? Or is it just something like: You could’ve figured that out yourself early in the game kind of thing?

  40. Mato said 17 years ago:

    It’s from MOTHER3i, the second soundtrack release that’s only available on iTunes. Coolly enough (is that even a word), it and MOTHER3+ are both available on American iTunes. That particular song is called Oh Buta-Mask and is Track 9 of MOTHER3i.

    Get M3i if you can, it’s really worth it. Though if you haven’t played MOTHER 3 yet you might wanna hold off. There aren’t any huge spoilers in the track titles though. Just lots of cool music.

  41. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Oh, for your other question, it will spoil stuff at the end of the game. If you pay really close attention to the game’s text and check *everything*, there are tiny subtle hints starting halfway through the game.

  42. Matthew(Someguy) said 17 years ago:

    Hmm, checking everything is what reveals whatever the spoiler is… I guess it can’t be the things I am thinking of that people have already spoiled for me(having played through Chapter 1, and got the basic ending spoiled for me on a forum)
    For those who wonder how he knows, I’d guess it’s just from some interviews or such, Itoi may of been like “Yeah, MOTHER 3 things will be in Smash Bros., something from the very end. You better start finishing up the game if you haven’t.” somewhere.

    Ohh…. and what’s this mystery third thing in a few days/weeks?!

  43. MNC said 17 years ago:

    Alright, thanks Mato! Always been a fan of Mother games, but I just can’t understand any Japanese.

  44. blah1017 said 17 years ago:

    Isn’t one of Flint’s abilities supposed to involve guns? I could have sworn I read that somewhere.

    Your translation says differently, so was I misinformed, or was that a goof or something you’re changing?

  45. EB Master said 17 years ago:

    …I’m beginning to think that these people really do hate our guts. No benevolent being would pull this stunt on such loyal fans.

    And now I remove the Dojo from my bookmarks.

  46. DoseiSan said 17 years ago:

    Mato, is it confirmed that it will be on the site yet, or do you just know it’s in the game?

  47. Mato said 17 years ago:

    blah: I don’t recall any gun-related attacks. Also, all the enemy/item/etc. non-script text was inherited from I still have to go through and check/fix/rephrase things later. But I’m fairly certain he didn’t have any gun attacks…

    ebmaster: I don’t think so. I just think it’s an unfortunate set of events and non-events ๐Ÿ™

    doseisan: I don’t know about any other site updates, this was the only time. So I only know the spoilery stuff is in the game. That’s why I say to be careful, since M3 stuff could pop up there anytime and *possibly* spoil stuff. I expect the next M3 update not to be a spoiler though.

  48. EB Master said 17 years ago:

    I also think it’s odd that they’re spoiling such a new game. I mean, Melee spoiled Zelda being Sheik, but OoT had already been out for several years at that point. M3 is what, barely a year old?

    Well at least it’s new Mother content. It’s not like we can yell at them to remove it. :p

  49. G.Wicks said 17 years ago:

    MOTHER 2 stuff to EB stuff? What’s this mean, like changing the squid statue to a pencil statue? I’m not sure if I like that… but it’s your call.

  50. Zaratus said 17 years ago:

    The spoiler is a certain bit of information regarding the very end of the game correct? A certain suprise?

    If that’s it, I, unfortunately, already had it spoiled. Sometimes, I hate the internet. I remember looking for information on Mother 3 after it came out, seeing what people’s opinions were on the game after it came out, and of course, getting blasted with *that* spoiler. No warning, nothing.

    Oh well, the game will still be awesome, and I’m looking forward to it intently. While it would be nice if Nintendo would have localized the game, I gave up hope on that a while ago. I’m a bit peeved on that issue, and Square Enix as well for not bringing over the remake of Dragon Quest V. Seriously, it would have been the perfect lead-in to Dragon Quest VIII, or even a good followup to DQVIII’s success.

    Just like Mother 1+2 would have been a great lead-in to Mother 3.

  51. Vinchenz Rock said 17 years ago:

    Man, I’d REALLY love to help you guys out. ๐Ÿ™

    If there’s anything I can POSSIBLY do, please tell me. ๐Ÿ™

    Mother3’s one of my most favourite games… I want to help so more people could get the chance to play this excellent game…

  52. DoseiSan said 17 years ago:

    If I can help, I will, too.

    Anything for the cause!

    Just PM me if there ever is anything I can help on.

  53. pauyasfyla said 17 years ago:

    “Isnโ€™t one of Flintโ€™s abilities supposed to involve guns? I could have sworn I read that somewhere.”

    The only instance that I’ve seen of Flint using a gun is in that little flash animation of him in which he beats up various Smash Bros. foes.

    Ya know, this one—>

  54. Press The Buttons said 17 years ago:

    Mother 3 Translators Activate Hurry-Up Machine…

    Last week the Smash Bros. Dojo blog revealed the first concrete proof that elements from the Mother series (Earthbound to those of us in North America) will be in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Nintendo Wii. The…

  55. blah1017 said 17 years ago:

    Eh, I’ve heard it said a couple of times that Flint’s ability where he attacks all the enemies on the screen is a gun move.

    It’s alright if I’m wrong though, just something I’ve heard.

  56. Mato said 17 years ago:

    ebmaster: When Brawl comes out in Japan, Mother 3 will already have been a year and a half. I think that’s good enough time. It’s not like there’s still a ton of people buying the game.

    gwicks: Yeah, I mentioned it in a previous post.

    zaratus: That sucks ๐Ÿ™ You probably understand why I’m making a big deal then.

    blah: No, that’s ใตใ‚Šใพใ‚ใ™, which is more like him swinging around wildly. Flint has no guns as far as I can remember.

  57. zaratus said 17 years ago:

    Yeah, I understand. It’s still cool if it’s true, and it’s what I think it is. And if it is what I think it is, at least I don’t have anything else spoiled about it, such as the things behind it. It still sucks though that it was spoiled. And unfortunately, unlike some of my friends, I can’t just ‘forget’ it. Sometimes, I’m jealous of those who can play a game or something, and six to twelve months later, play it again like they never did the first time.

    Still, it’s such a big spoiler, people deserve to be shocked by it. Hopefully, it’s big enough though that they WON’T reveal it on the Smash Bros site. I can’t imagine they’d spoil all the surprises on the site.

    Anyway, I wish you the best of luck.

  58. Hypotenuse Man said 17 years ago:

    What worries me the most isn’t the potential for spoilers. I’ve beaten the game; I think I can take a pretty good stab at what spoiler you mean. While it would suck to have it spoiled, it’s better than the alternative: not having whatever content it is in the game.

    If I recall correctly, Marth and Roy were actually considered to be removed from the domestic release of SSBM because they didn’t have any English games. It would suck hard if that happened to Brawl.

  59. SonnyBone said 17 years ago:

    Wow… I could go on and on about how great this is.

    I am constantly amazed by everyone’s dedication.

  60. LisVender said 17 years ago:

    Great work, Tomato and company! I’m looking forward to the results!

  61. DoseiSan said 17 years ago:

    Hey Mato, if you still need the Rock Paper Scissors voice clip, I could do it. I have a good microphone and I do voice over stuff so yeah.

  62. Dobbs said 17 years ago:

    Hey everyone, just wanted to say I stay up until 3 A.M. everyone morning to see what the SSBB update will be, and I’m looking forward to there being more Mother representations in the game.

    And thanks translation team, you guys are wonderful!

  63. Zach said 17 years ago:

    You’re pretty awesome. Thanksboing!

  64. NoName said 17 years ago:

    I just wanted to say that I think you’re (Mato) doing a fantastic job with not only this incredible project, but also with keeping everyone informed on its status. You seem to genuinely care for the franchise and its fans (obviously, I know since your taking on such a task), that is very appreciated.

    I’ve only played Earthbound, but it’s characters and world are deeply ingrained in my gaming soul. Earthbound is in my top five all time favorite games, and Ness is one of my all time favorite characters. Speaking of which… Do you think he’ll make the cut in Brawl? He was my favorite in Melee, and I simply can’t imagine playing as anyone else! I’d like to know now so as not to be disappointed when I actually get the game. That way I can work through my sadness in time for Brawl’s release! The Dojo website is checked as soon as I get home each day in hopes of seeing Ness as a character update. And everyday I’m disappointed.

    I actually just got Mother 3 in the mail today, and had planned to wait on your patch before I play it, but with your comment of a spoiler in Brawl, I may get started on it now. I also wanted to play it so I can grow accustomed to Lucas, as I would imagine he’d be the one in Brawl, should they include a Mother character. Though, I reeeeeaaally hope Ness makes it in, and Paula too (as well as some Earthbound stages and tunes).

    Whew. Sorry for the wordy post. Thanks again for all your hard work. I wish there was something I could do to help you along the way.

  65. Mato said 17 years ago:

    Hmm, I actually don’t have high hopes for Ness being a playable character. No info to back that up, just my gut feeling. If he’s playable, it might be as an alternate costume for Lucas or as a Lucas clone or something. I expect Ness to be in there in some form though. It’d be sweet if there were EarthBound stages. But I haven’t heard anything about EB stuff at all so who knows. I hope Mother 3 doesn’t get ALL the love ๐Ÿ˜›

  66. NoName said 17 years ago:

    Wow, thanks for responding so quickly! Well, while I am incredibly doubtful myself of Ness making it in Brawl, I still have hope. If only for the fact that Ness has been in both Smash Bros games released. Many have said Sakurai or Iwata made the comment that all of the characters from the past two entries will be in Brawl. I have a hard time believing this (nor can I find the quote), but who knows. In either case, I best be playing Mother 3 so I can get an attachment growing to its cast of characters and world. Whether I understand what’s going on or not! If you hear any word of Earthbound in Brawl, I’d greatly appreciate an update. I’m borderline obsessed with EB. Thanks again for your reply.

  67. Cheapshot said 17 years ago:

    I just started playing Earthbound yesterday and I’m an instant fan!! The game is so ahead of it’s time and is laugh out loud funny, I love it! Thank you so much for this Mato! I’m happy that the translation is possibly being released so soon but I think you should take your time and not rush things personally – the witty, idiosyncratic dialogue is what makes Earthbound so great! Again thank you, I should really complete Earthbound first before I start thinking of the next game though, I’ve only just got to Twoson, haha!

  68. Ranger said 17 years ago:

    Whoa whoa, wait, back up there mato.
    I was expecting like next year.

  69. sparkydx said 17 years ago:

    You… guys… are…


  70. ozwalled said 17 years ago:

    Tomato and company, I wish you the very best in getting this done for November. Maybe the Force be with you, or something.

  71. Somebody said 17 years ago:

    If you can get information about MOTHER in Brawl, surely you can get other information as well…like which characters (other than MOTHER ones) are going to be in this game…I would greatly appreciate if you can get this piece of info.

  72. Gamercafe » Update Semanal Smash Dojo! said 17 years ago:

    […] 3, asรญ que si no quieren spoilers, habrรก que jugarlo antes de que salga Brawl, y no es por menos, buenas fuentes dicen que habrรก un spoiler ENORME de Mother 3 en este juego. Eso es por esta semana. Quiรฉn sabe […]